Knowd Wrong

Never seen that before… did you make that up? Seems like something that would belong in a modern art gallery. Its a horrible piece of shit in my opinion, no offense if it’s yours.

Agreed, it’s akin to something referred to by Hobbes and co. as a product of the imagination where one combines various objects they observe into one thing. There’s no real mastery or perfection of any substance involved.

Very Picasso - try it in ‘blue’ :smiley:

No, it’s a person who’s knowd wrong. May I suggest that you take a very large dose of acid- then you might understand what it’s about.

you are left handed?

No, I can only draw with my right, and used my left hand as a model.

i pondered that in hindsight…


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would it be possible for me to get permission toreproduce this image? i just want to hang it in my living room. do you have a high res version?

Go for it. I’m glad you like my art.

These are the best resolution I’ve got, and I’ve lost the original artwork. My favourite is actually the second one with the hand excluded (which I will now add to the OP):

It’s an ashtray. My girlfriend made it for me because she knew how enthusiastic I was about this picture. On the side it says “KNOWD WRONG”. I’ll get some better pictures once it’s finished and fired and glazed and all that.

LOL. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Grave digging for the sake of art.


Smears, you must indulge my curiousity! What is it that enthuses you so much about the picture?


The fact that what it invokes in me is outside the boundaries of language.

haha, fair nuff. I recommend an artist called David Shrigley, a little similar to what we have here.

^ thanks for that link, it is a pretty neat site

Yes good stuff there bluff.

You have to be careful to whom you expose such art. Some people will be knowd wrong about it and it could lead to confusion.