What Would You Tell The World? [Film]

Hello everyone

Firstly I’d really like to say what a fantastic (and important) site I think this is. As a new member I’ve taken great joy in reading through the very interesting and hugely insightful posts I’ve come across already.

My name is Perry and I’m a filmmaker from London, England. This summer I’ll be traveling the world asking thousands of people across the planet, of all different beliefs, what life means to them, as well as their philosophies on living, pursuing your dreams and making the most of it along with their own wisdom and life lessons. All for a new feature-length documentary to be released in 2013 starring some of the world’s greatest minds, experts and some well known faces. As I aim to make this film the definitive resource of collective thoughts on the meaning of life I’d like to involve as many people as humanly possible, including those I will be unable to personally meet on my journey. Which is why I’ve created a website allowing everybody with access to any kind of camera the chance to voice their thoughts on the subject.

It’s already obvious that these forums are being lead by some interesting and diverse people, and I’d really love you all to be involved. The film titled Quarter Life will be screened worldwide and the crucial topics covered are likely to inspire, encourage and provoke many more questions by those who see it. You have a genuine opportunity to make your voice heard. I’ve posted more details as well as a short video at PerryJohn.net if you’d like to know more.

Does anyone think it’s something they’d like to take part in?

Interesting. :-k

Such as?

For the lazy, I looked up the link.
