Historical Religious Books

Good morn, ILP faithful! Firstly, I’d like to greet y’all once again after a year or so’s absence. I don’t have time for this forum much any more, unfortunately! Hope you are all well.

Onto the juice.

Can anybody recommend a good book on an extensive history of religion, particularly the Abrahamic religions? I want the author to be somebody who is non religious if possible, as I want the book to be based on historical evidence, not myth. There MUST be many, but no obvious ones spring to mind.

I thought I would come back to the forum as I knew some of the scholars/intellectuals/students/mentals/drug addicts (delete as appropriate) of ILP would have a range of literature in their armoury to suggest.

Love to all!


Asimov’s Guide to the Bible might be a good starting point.

For an overview of early Christianity and early Christian literature of the first 2 centuries, one good source might be “Early Christian Fathers” edited by Cyril C. Richardson; it was one of my college textbooks.

Excellent stuff guys, thanks. I might buy Asimov’s book if

How about FREE?

Amazing, great stuff statiktech.