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A film, starting yours truly. … ure=vmdshb

Dude… That was excellent! Really well done and funny as shit. You guys killed it. Which character are you?

“My legs are like bicycles”

I’m the big fat cop in the black leather jacket.

If you really like it, let some other people know about it. My friend Ryan did like, all the work, and I think it would warm his heart to see a decent number of hits.

Gotta love a good wah petal!

Badly acted comic action > badly acted comic dialogue.

“Awesome” - Daily Weekly

“So good, it’s very good” - Weekly Daily

“Ryan was even better than Ryan” - WPOW

“Hot girl” - Ryan

“The year’s best retro-70’s crime drama shot in Bangor” - Bangor Maineliner"

“Special effects like we haven’t seen sine the Batman TV show” - Hot girl

Agreed. We really shouldn’t speak in our films if it can at all be helped.