Star Trek

I saw “Star Trek Into Darkness” this week.

Pretty good. What do you think?


I certainly enjoyed the last offering, and thought that Spock, Bones, Scotty and Kirk were excellently well cast, giving new life to an otherwise dying franchise ruined by the “Enterprise” TV series which was dreadful.
Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor so I am looking forward to taking my son to see this.

Moved to the correct forum for reviews.

Hi HC,

You are certainly right about the last Star Trek movie. I hope you like this new one.


I hope the new ST film is a riveting watch, as the last one certainly was - I preferred Enterprise to Next Generation HC, but my favourite was DS9.

Hi MagsJ

I had to drag my wife, my daughter came willingly, to see the show. But when we left my wife said “You know, that was a pretty good movie”.

On my preferences concerning the television shows:

In the “Big Bang Theory” television show, Sheldon had three barriers to pass before he would allow Leonard to become his room mate.

One of the barriers required Leonard to correctly answer the question:

Star Trek the original series or Star Trek the next generation?

Leonard answered Star Trek the original series but Patrick Stewart over William Shatner.

Sheldon allowed Lenard to pass that barrier. Sheldon is a very smart man, so who am I to argue?


Benedict Cumberbatch dominated the movie, great actor, great villain.

I loved the action scenes, especially the spaceship battle.

I liked TOS ST seeing st when it first appeared - there was nothing like it. Dr WHo was the nearest thing, but they do not bear comparison.
When the NG came out it was a genuinely progressive move and is better than TOS, Pat Steward beats WS but its all about context. Shatner was the right man for Kirk as PS was for Pickard.
Voyage and DS9 were pale copies, unworthy . And Enterprise was just awful.

Hi HC,

When I was in grade school, I was part of a chess team (the worst player). Any way the team members and I remained friends throughout high school. They always brought the best music, art or books to my attention. The only thing that I was first at was Star Trek. It is amazing to think that the show has lasted this long.

I’m going to go way off topic here, but since it is my post I think that it is OK.

You had made the point, concerning Logicism as a foundation of Mathematics, that Principia Mathematica had failed. I am interested at what level you were speaking. For example, did you mean that PM failed to meet their goal of founding a Complete foundational system or were you referring to the additional axioms required to produce a number system, or was it something else?

Any way I like your choice of online names.

Thanks Ed

More Star Trek stuff.

  1. The villain in this movie is definitely better than the villain in the Star Trek’s reboot.
  2. The story line is more interesting.
  3. People that have never seen a Star Trek movie or TV show will be surprised by how much they like this movie.
  4. If you are a trekie, the echoes of the best of the best will come through.

The movie cost about $190,000,000 US to make. If you want more, you should see this movie. You will like it.


Thanks, for the compliment.
Whoahh - the question about PM… As I remember it was B Russell that himself declared his project to be a failure. But the details elude me for a moment. I was coming at it from an Intellectual History perspective and was re-iterating something BR said of himself against his aim to bring Logic and Maths together.
But your question is a good one…
I’ll get back to you.

Sorry to be so banal as to quote Wiki but:
“PM was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven. As such, this ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics and philosophy,[1] being one of the foremost products of the belief that such an undertaking may have been achievable. However, in 1931, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem proved for good that PM, and in fact any other attempt, could never achieve this lofty goal; that is, for any set of axioms and inference rules proposed to encapsulate mathematics, there would in fact be some truths of mathematics which could not be deduced from them.”

I hope that answers your question.

Hi HC,

Thanks for giving me some insight into you line of thought on the matter. I think that this is a very interesting subject matter and probably deserves its’ own post.

Thanks Ed

Maybe you should start that thread?

The worst Star Trek is far better than most of the stuff out there. I want a Tribble. I can think of a few groups and people that I would give the babies to. :slight_smile:

I’m not su sure.

The worst ST is the entire series Enterprise, which is thoroughly dredful from start to finish; The first ever ST movie; and most of DP9.
Whilst I think of it - ST the animated cartoon series was very bad indeed.
Does anyone remember it?
The best story was “More Trouble with More Tribbles” … 4476C791B3

These are not “better” than much else.