Meme Thread

We need a meme thread.

Deal with it. :sunglasses:

What a grand idea.

Memes of the past, memes of the future. Surprised no one replied:

Some of my favourites oldies but goodies. Meh none of them except this one actually appeared. The usual. Most forums are incesseantly meme unfriendly. Itā€™s annoying but what can you do, so just one then.

My personal favourite are your mum jokes, which have their origin in the classical world, appear in litertature all the way from Ancient Rome to Bede and Chaucer to the Shaekespeare and the modern world. Now thatā€™s a meme, I am not sure lol cats will last that longā€¦

Did that one work, I canā€™t see it? Probably why no one replied to this thread, the forum just bans images of interest. Annoying but it is not unusual. Humorous images will kill any forum, they will you will all be robbed by them, left in a bath full of ice with no kidneys. Meme there by the way, that doesnā€™t actually happen but it is a meme/idea so common that now it has appeared in movies, comedy sketches and so on, someone with their kidneys removed. In the real wrold of course they donā€™t leave you alive, they just remove all valuable organs, put you in the ground. But itā€™s nice to think some people are compassionate about organ piracy. :slight_smile:

Damn kitten.

Yeah kittens, they look cute but do not doubt their hunger for your murder.

Old meme, I donā€™t think there are much in the way of humorous new memes these days. Chocolate rain, that disturbing rodent that looks over its shoulder, the panda thing, that irritating but ghostly image of a snake, orly owls, kinda the whole thing has ground to a halt.

I once tried to bring back your mum jokes on forums, in a light hearted and modern way, I was shot down in flames by their mums. Itā€™s all becoming quite ordinary, much like your mum.

Iā€™m not sure where the term came from. I recall reading pieces of a book that used the term as a inept gimmick to explain the cultural parallel to genes, I think it may have been called Dawkins Dastardly Idea or Dennettā€™s Dimwitted Dalliance.

I am pretty sure it was Dawkins who first used it in The Selfish Gene or might of been The Blind Watchmaker, although I think his friend Dennett as you say made it coherent and popularised it as a term.

Internet memeā€™s were for the most part an invention of forums/user groups/ places like youtube in general but thrive on troll forums: who are responsible for many like I haz cheezburger, pedo bear, lolcats, orly owls and so on. Probably the only thing they have ever contributed to anything, nobody is wholly evil obviously. :slight_smile:

Right, the Selfish Gene, I recall reading that book. When I got to the part where Dawkins, supposedly with a straight face being he had been serious so far, introduced the ā€œmemeā€ I spewed coffee all over the page. But, when I read Dawkinsā€™ Innocuous Ideology (or was it Dennettā€™s Disjointed Diatribe?) I was bored to tears.

Meh the meme is an interesting idea, whether it will stand the test of time though is up to someone somewhere to keep producing original ideas, I for one think we are not creative enough to do so. You should give up reading books you donā€™t like though, no offence but coffee is a valuable commodity.