Movie: Falling Down 1993

This is the movie I’ll be watching tonight. I just bought a rare special edition of it today. It’s a cult classic and I simply adore it.

It has always held a special place in my heart ever since I was a small boy.

Michael Douglas was a phenomenal actor in this movie.

Here are some clips.






Criminal Minds did their own version of it… it was decent.

Great movie. He walks onto some gang turf in LA and ends up beating up the gangsters, then he shoots up a burger place because the burger they give him doesn’t look like the one in the picture. He also trashes a korean store with a bat because the guys wants so much for a can of soda that the change wont be enough to make a phone call. Then he trips on some dudes on a golf course and makes an old guy have a heart attack. The guy just wants to go home. To get to his daughter’s birthday party.