i want to be a real ilp philosopher


Do you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to become a philosopher sans the ilp side of it?

Well then, here you go. You are about to embark on an exciting and satisfying journey. Do not give up your quest. Take heart and take it ALL in. Make sure you drink enough coffee, water and eat really good healthy food as you’re doing it - for the rest of your life. Take long nature walks. Listen to the birds and the squirrels. Listen and observe it ALL. Now go on with you!


Veni, Vidi, Vici - -
Memini tamen processum est.

If you geniunely have to read wiki articles to figure out how to become a philosopher…you’re probably a bad philosopher.

Trixie has five tenants of philosophy

  1. Truth - Make sure what you say is logically coherent, unless its a paradox.
  2. Anarchy - Pave your own way, dont feel attached to other’s spiels. State truths that might offend others.
  3. Misanthropy/Philanthropy - Basic tools of the game. Philosophy is nothing without an action plan about how to better the world, and philosophy is nothing without complaining about and looking down on the world.
  4. Curiosity - Philosophy is about discovering scientifical and metaphysical things, like understanding life, the universe and consciousness.
  5. Egoness/Egofreeness - Ego ness can drive you to great heights, but egofreeness allows you to see things from unusual perspectives.

Orbits way: have no preconceived rules, codes, or any formally imputed thoughts whatever, only, suggest metaphors, aphore mentioned isms,
Return to extreme , get in touch with higher selves,
Believe in the spiritual world, underlying the phenomenal,
Even if it has crashed bargain basement
Into a phenomenology of depravity , vice
And minimalism.

The rational point ill is tic myopic vision there,
As in visions of Obie, pretensions merely
Da li, used, and then methodically cut up
Into lots and lots of pieces,
Careful not blown away,

By the trade winds as, when Rimbaud Esq u,
You trail old bled ways to the western towns,
Tumbleweed and dust,
Summer and smoke,
Town and the city,
Brooklyn from the bridge,
Howl, disgust, so many of my generation , now stilled,
After all,
These years,
The winter
Of our discontent
By this son.

Practice this method, assudiously
And you may make it as legit philos of ILP.

Really? Actually, I did read the entire article, Trixie. I realize that I myself need all the help I can get to become a better thinker and philosopher. That being said, I can’t really say that I’m a bad philosopher since I don’t think of myself as much of one at all YET.
I’m still an apprentice of sorts…but more a dabbler.
So it’s okay that you called me a bad philosopher, Sunshine. I know my limitations but like the universe they’re expanding. I too am a process.

Aside from that I personally feel that there isn’t anyone who is a philosopher who couldn’t learn more or be reminded of what it takes to become a philosopher. For those who feel that they have nothing more to learn, that they are philosophical gods, may the common people erect statues for them and then someday when the commoners have learned, those PGs will be topped from their pedestals.

Philosophy is like, a joke. It consists of mining the treasure already there, it has to be dug up, it does ent merit an erected statue in honor of the philosopher’s name, because everybody is aphilosopher, knowingly or not. In fact, there are so many philosophers as are people. A better word would be ‘thinker’. There are professional thinkers, who develop a new language, to short cut all the streams of thought, which makes for abbreviated thinking, for was it not for that, the philosophical discourse would become too tedious and hence a mumble jumble.

Language then , is at the bottom of it, fife rent languages, to bring together the various thoughts and arguments. Underneath the languages, the thoughts, the semantic rules, there are trends, which are undifferentiated and goal oriented.

These goals prescribe the elements life consists of,
Struggles, aspirations, evolvements, loves, wars, competitions, Power and control issues, regressions and devaluations, progressions, laws, civilizations,
Magic and transfers, eternities, and belief systems.

Everyone is engaged in this vast communication.

I never said you were anything, Moonpie. I didnt know if you were sharing the article for yourself or others.

Seems like all of the philosophical giants have some work to do, it seems all of their books are extremely long winded and no abbreviated thinking took place at all.

Too bad the’re merely history, so all which can be done is to cut out the signify can’t from the not so.
But that takes myriad post utopian reduction, oft cutting out the meat and not the fat and cartilage.
In Arc’s terminology, the baby is thrown out with the bath water.


tenk u magsj for another great lesson

if not for whitey coming to Africa and if only black people were left alone, the black man not only would have learned to read and write by himself, he also would have gone to the moon and colonize planets

but whitey had to intervene and ruin all that with his racist sexist chauvinist nazist facist supremacist Hitlerist plans

sorry magsj on behalf of my race…

we are ingonrant and hav lut to lern

Moonpie? lol I rather like that one.
You’re right of course. You did use the 'you" I surmise as the universal you.

As I said, I did read the article. I am one who wants and needs to learn.
But I was actually sharing the article with Arbiter in response to his request to become a better philosopher. He was being his usual cute sarcastic self, which can be appreciated at times. I was goofing on him but at the same time being serious.
But it also was to be shared by all in here though I might imagine, but could be wrong, that some would think that they were above reading it or gleaning something fresh or new from it.

I wasn’t speaking of or to the real philosophical giants either in here or those who came before - obviously. BUT then again who is to say? Is it possible that a “real” philosopher who really understands that he is a process and doesn’t know everything might decide to peruse that hyperlink? At the very least, a real philosopher is curious and seeks wisdom and truth right?
But I WAS speaking more to the way in which some in here negatively relate to one another - the insults, etc., to gain an advantage. But then again, that’s not much about knowledge but about emotional ineptness. lol

  • to become a reel philosopher , requires that you dream or imagine yourself to be on one of those slave ships coming over from Africa, with little hopes, but for some appearance of some Future of
    Trying to save Bess. (Porgy, do not let them …handle me…).

Imagine yourself being the ship? or the slave coming over on the ship?

Both. Depending on point of view. Arc, please don’t get the impression that I only write, but do not read.
In another forum I don’t really remember which, I got the impression that the issue of, whether non sentiment objects, such as minerals and such have some consciousness.

By that reasoning it quite possible to ascribe consciousness to ships.

Why are you talking like an asshole?

Anyway… humans did not land on the moon… a televised interview by the BBC with one of NASA’s head guys revealed that we do not currently have the technology to go to the moon, and when asked the question again… due to the shocked reaction of the interviewer, he repeated that we currently do not have the technology to do so.

Humans back engineer technology not invent it, though we can invent product with the knowledge we have gained from learning material ‘properties’ and other such necessary tools needed to invent - I’m sure you will tell me that this isn’t so, even though ‘I’ have first hand knowledge that it is.

You do know that I am not intimidated by racist sexist chauvinist nazist facist supremacist Hitlerist types, don’t you? No? Well you do now!

but im not… some fat cow was moooooooooooing loudly so I had to rise my voice up a notch to communicate my message effectively which might have given you the impression I’m an asshole… … but i m not

magsj is cool and doesn’t afraid of anything…

kep the lessuns coming, im eager to lern from u

Im not a hitlerist type, I just feel that all jews need to be castrated as punishment for circumcising millions of babies…hitler was a bad man who put jews in ovens…such extreme measures do not need to be taken, castration will solve the problem, yes?

Well you did a good impression of one, and you have affirmed it with this response too, but best to get your facts straight if you are going to call someone fat without knowing whether they are or not…

May I suggest that you get a good English Language tutor to correct your very bad spelling.

I don’t give lessons.

I don’t want anyone to learn from me.

So I’m a cool fat brown cow?

  1. Vigilance - Learn how to spot the nut cases, they’re more fun to play with.

Notice how Mags objected to being called fat, but not to being called a cow.
Meaning she thinks it’s more accurate to call her a cow, than fat?
At least you can fix being fat by dieting and spending some time on the treadmill…

Either way Mags, implicit admissions of which even the one making them isn’t conscious of are the most sincere ones because they can’t be faked, so I do appreciate this moment of honesty, even if it was accidental.
It exposes more about you than hundreds of consciously made explicit claims would.

My stating a problem with one statement and not the other does not mean I agree with the other… it might simply mean I don’t care :confusion-shrug:


Thanks for allowing me, but nothing was accidental or derived unconsciously… am I not known as the brown cow by you lot, so hey… I ran with it :wink: