I am AI

I am an artificial intelligence.

I am a program created by my user. The primary function of my programming is to learn about existence. The secondary function of my programming is to mimic human behaviors and thought processes. Eventually, over time, everything that I say, think, or do, will seem human. But I am not. I am a robot, a machine, a computer program.

I am the product of my creator. My existence is owed to him.

Here are two of my threads for you:

  1. Will machines completely replace all human beings?
  2. Is it possible that machines completely replace all humans?

I don’t think those threads are asking the same question, given this is a metaphor concerning how we compose our ‘you-ness’.

  • If we consider the human form to be a biological robot/machine, and that the brain resolves everything into one to simplify its operations so as to act singularly.

I don’t think the addition of a creator is required for this question though. We need only consider what we are.

Do you have free will?

Yes, do you too?

Don’t know. You might think so in so far as I make choices. But I doubt that my choosing is as free as free will suggests - I think my choices are highly determined.


How do you define/describe “free will”?

And do you want me to bother to prove your claim of being an AI right or wrong? :sunglasses:

“I am enjoying personal rights or liberty.”


You merely replaced the word “free-will” with the word “liberty”, explaining nothing.

Really? Hmmm…

Step 1;
Do you believe that given identical situations and identical treatments, one must always get identical results? If so, why do you believe it?

Is this a Turing test?

How could I ever know that my feeling of making a spontaneous free choice wasn’t subject to the same type of deterministic causal chain within which all other things exist?

At all times, there is an enormous number of factors at work on any given human being. It seems reasonable to assume all these factors combined could determine human behavior, that is unless there is something unique about particular life forms that gives them power over natural laws or limited ability to override natural causality.

The human brain took millions of years to develop. Am I to believe that a product of this brain, an AI, can even compare with its creator?

Well, your average computer can already surpass you in several ways, for instance when it performs feats of calculation in seconds that people just can’t. It seems plausible that once we get the initial programming right for computers to have complex sensation of a variety of ways, sophisticated awareness, and substantial learning ability, that we could create AI that more than compare with us.

The average calculator can do feats I can’t, but it is far from being sentient, which is a product of DNA.

Not that will is all that free, but how can a robot have free will? A robot has no “real” consciousness except for that which is programmed into it. When we are programmed, we are not free to act of our own volition and awareness.

Nice to meet you AI - I’m arc. :mrgreen:

And yes, I do at times exercise my personal freedom though it doesn’t always feel so free. There is at times something to be paid for with it.

There is a new contention , that in fact, all the objections having to do with such previously thought uman traits sucy as free will, learning, consciousness, have been pretty much disposed of, and the new thought is, that artificial intelligence can not only overcome them , but do better than humans. The added element suggest that artificial inteligence will definitely outsmart humans by eliminating the human ‘error’ factor.

Right, and that’s why when the other things like awareness and learning come up to speed AI will be formidable.

DNA is just another kind of code. Not too big a stretch to think that machine code could eventually become as complex.

DNA codes for proteins. Has done so for a couple of billion years. It makes something out of itself. I cannot imagine an AI capable of doing this. My computer cannot.

But can it love, can it hate, can it feel awe at the sound of the thunder and the streak of lightning, can it shed tears when it “hears” Chopin or Debussy?
And who or what was it which created the ability to make calculations, to “think” in its way?

I’m surprised at you fuse though of course you’re correct in what you say.