Jews are the most racist race

When determing the degree of racism, always look at the scope of the terms, never at behavior.
This is axiomatic.

The holocaust was not fake.

Nobody envies the Jews, but a lot of humans envy the Whites (also called Caucasians or Indogermanics / Indoeuropeans / Aryans), especially the White men.

Where is the price for the Jews? If there were anybody envious of Jews, then there would be a high price for Jews too.

The analogy of the Ashkenazi Jews and the Germans in particular or of all the Jews and all the Aryans in general inspired Hitler.

The intelligence of the Ashkenazi Jews and the Germans is similar, the intelligence of all the Jews and all the Aryans is also similar - since 1945 the difference is merely that Jews are allowed to be proud of themselves and Aryans have to feel ashamed of themselves.

The words “Jew”, “jewish” and other words with the same stem do not refer to biological aspects, thus also not to “race” but to an ethnic or religious group. The race Jews belong to is called the “semitic race”.

So Jews are not a race but an ethnic or merely religious group. The current propagandists just want them to be a „race“, because otherwise there propganda would not have the effect that is has: racism as a killer argument against any opposition and in order to control 99% of the humans.

The original form of “Hershlag” is the German “Herzschlag”. So the original name of this lady is “Herzschlag”, and the English translation of the word “Herzschlag” is “Heartbeat”.

Egoism does not mean “being concerned only about your own group and unconcerned about all other groups”. “Being concerned only about your own group and unconcerned about all other groups” means Chauvinism.

A race is a biolgical term, thus does not (necessarily ) refer to an ethnic group.

And instead of the word “homoracist” I use the more correct word “autoracist”.

I am not sure Hitler and the germans Nazi regime was evil, misunderstood and manipulated to look bad maybe… But I’ve seen a letter Hitler wrote to the leaders of the world to disband and dispose of weaponry and Germany would do the same.

I am not sure how real the letter is but if it is it would be a huge cover up and a lot of people misunderstand ww2.

Whites aren’t Aryans.

And Jews are a race.

And egoism is what I said it is.

It was fake.

how were all of those bodies fake, the pictures look real, are you saying hitler lied when he said he wanted to kill jews? are u saying that all of the jewish refugees paid boat tickets for no reason, all of the american GIs lied, all of the germans and nazi officials lied, all of the jews lied too…

this is an even bigger conspiracy than nasa on the moon.

Photographs, films, mass graves, physical structures, documents, testimony from eye witnesses …

and still there are deniers. ](*,)

Aside from the holocaust, the Nazis started a war in which more than 6 million Germans died. (We need not count the 27 million dead Soviets, because after all, they were “subhuman”. 600,000 French, 500,000+ Greeks, 500,000+ Hungarians, … and on and on it goes … )

Please no bullshit about Germany needing to defend itself - Germany as a nation was completely secure in 1939.

Germany was treated unfairly so they acted out. And all of those things you deem as evidence could be fabricated.

“acted out”? Millions of people died.

How do you fabricate a movie about 10,000 emaciated prisoners and rotting corpses? - that takes a lot of time and effort and lots of people who participate in the deception. Then you have to hide the fact that it was fabricated by making sure all those people don’t reveal the ‘truth’.

But if it actually happened then it’s easy to film it.

There is not just one movie, or one photograph, or one witness. There are many.

It was/is exaggerated. In 1968 there were 2 million. In 1970 there were 4 million. In 1972 there were 6 million. I was there.
… and everything appropriately blame shifted, as always. Scapegoating works SO well on the masses, worshiped by many.

Were you a jew or a nazi?

Systematic murder of Polish civilians: … rld_War_II

“I was there”, in circa 1968 when they were deciding how much money each human is worth and thus how much money Germany was to pay to the Israeli elite, the Khazars. First it was how many were directly killed. Then they added that each married couple would have had two children, on average. Then they added that each of those children would probably have another child. Thus 2 became 4 which became 6 (the number required by religious prophecy to be sacrificed before “God’s chosen” could return home).

Are you trying to suggest that because the Nazi’s were bad guys, that the Judists were good guys?

I didn’t say anything about whether the Jews or ‘Judists’ were good.

I’m merely trying to set the record straight for those who think that the Nazis were not bad or evil or that they were justified in some way. The Nazis followed a policy of intentionally killing Jews and Slavs, either directly by shooting, hanging and gassing or indirectly through starvation and forced labor. To say that it did not happen is to deny a vast amount of evidence. There is a paper trail left by the Germans. The events were photographed and filmed by the Germans. There are eye-witness accounts by the perpetrators and the victims.

Are you trying to suggest that those people (yes people … not vermin or subhumans) ought to have been killed?