Interspecies bonding and evolution.

I would put this in philosophy but, I have a feeling it will attract rude and crude. And will get moved any way. I have been studying this subject/s for a few years now. I have an old thread about inter species bonding here that was almost the beginning of my study and observations. I am truly hoping for open minds that do not follow only what others have taught them , what books have taught them. And so with that::

When young of one species is raised by adults of another species , traits are adopted. Natural instincts and needs for the most part do not change. Felines raised with and by lovebirds tend to not hunt birds. They do hunt other creatures. The felines will eat normal food but, will accept and eat bird foods. A chicken being raised by these felines and the Lovebirds is adopting feline and lovebird behaviors , that hen then teaches her chicks these behaviors. When we intervene with species we change evolution, we know this, it is not a new idea. We also know breeding affects evolution. We have bred lion and tigers to create Ligers for example. Most result in sterile progeny.
Domesticated animals teach their progeny new behavior and then the progeny teaches theirs and so on until it becomes natural instinct. Vultures now go to roads for roadkill meals rather than hunt in the wilderness, just a wild animal example of evolving.
Evolution from inter species bonds . Good or bad? Real or false? I have watched generations of animals and the young behave different from their ancestors due to interaction of other species. Kittens and pups do not think of chickens as prey, chickens sleep beside these predators… Not just these animals. We have changed whole diets and behaviors of species. We have caused the unadaptable to become extinct while others seem to thrive or do thrive. Right now I am looking at Canadian geese that no longer migrate. Climate change and food sources stopped it.
Can we take our closest cousins and bring them to sentient status? Should we? This includes the ocean mammals. Could it be a duty or just ego?
Can or should we continue mixing and matching ? We have even done this with plant life. Some will bring up God , others will say it can be a natural progression of intelligent life, still others will have other thoughts.
When we change animal’s nature we learn more about ourselves and life.

Good theme.

Nor good nor bad. But real and partly false.


If we should not, who woud be the one that could prevent all humans from doing that.

Yes, but it is probably a bit more necessary to learn about the future of all living beings.

Manipulation of the masses is evil.
End of story.

Sorry for delay the past few days were hectic and tiring. Oddly enough it was due to critturs that are part of the subject. Coyotes which are not native here and these are mixbreed Coyotes. Idiots brought coyotes to this part to raise and hunt. Now these fellows are humanized and come up to yards to hunt and kill domestic animals. They are preying on my boss’s place and others . Thick woods surround the area so trappers are being brought in. So:

Yes it is partly false but, we are just at the beginning , our sciences are discovering more every year about breeding, genetic manipulation etc. We eventually could wipe out genetic disease and fetal deformities.
It could not ever be stopped unless certain subjects were removed from all schools and books burned. Hopefully instead of fear and hiding, it is embraced and regulated. Take for instance the American Kennel Club. They are just now changing breeding regulations. They are not doing it happily. This group has become notorious for inbreeding and euthanizing undesirable pups. Healthy pups that just do not have the desired physical traits.
Groups that manipulate genes are manipulating evolution. Line breeding has so little overall benefits . At work there are the purebred chickens. Linebred and quite likely inbred. Then you have the mixbreeds from the purebreeds, then the mixbreeds from the first generation mixbreeds. And now we are getting the next generation of mixbreeds hatching out. We have carefully linebred (not inbreeding).
The differences in intelligence and health is notable. The mixbreeds are healthier and more intelligent. I spend hours every day with these birds as well as other species. Cats, dogs, cattle, horses, ducks, geese, pigs and bison. (My bosses rescue and help and have me help others) What is true for one species seems to be true for these others. Fora big part of my job I have read enough texts and studies to make me question and get a degree. But, I would not get the degree because I question too much and argue :slight_smile:. I digress, sorry.
Mixing affects health and intelligence. It is evolution. It is forced evolution and yet nature does this as well. We humans are examples of that. A rare mixbreeding. We now manipulate, we and nature change directions.
We can see that some mixing can possibly be dangerous or not change much in the progeny. With the progress of science we can expect more. Yet, we have politics Aka: territorial boundaries. These control evolution. We also have religion which is political in nature and comes from being territorial.
These two things can stem the tide but, not completely.

No, we are not close to the end of evil or good in this.

Well that is so interesting … ted-brazil

We must enter humans that are like these tribes. Their situation is about evolution or lack. Their survival depends on isolation. They have little to no immunities to the most common of human diseases.
Morethan that though, they want nothing to do with other humans. Their genetic pool is extremely small.
What future for them? Integration, extinction, or a distinct diverengce of humanity?