Internet driven culturepocalpyse

People were cooler before the internet. More innocent, naive, less dangerous, less powerful. They were nicer. Now, they know too much. They know what other people think, and the internet has brought about a clash of culture, making the world smaller, making the world known, exposing the differences in our cultures. Now we know just how much we don’t like everyone else. Now extremism is on the rise, on all fronts. Is it just the earth getting warmer, or is it because everyone’s preferred way of life feels threatened by other cultures, that make themselves known.

The internet can’t be all good, can it…

They were more pleasant.




No. They know too little. They just want to know whether they have “friends” or not (cp. especially Facebook); they do not use the internet rightly and effectively as they could, if they were intelligent enough. But the intelligence of the average people of the world, their average IQ, has been sinkking anyway; so the people of the world have been becoming more stupid, more dense.

They merely know irrelevant things about other people. They do not use the internet effectively … (see above).

Except the “front” of the European males. The European males have become too weak; so they are currently not able to be extreme - unless their extreme weakness is meant. :wink:

Later the Earth will perhaps get colder. Think, for example, of the possible collapse of the Gulf stream.

Many people think that, yes.

Yes - but not all.

It makes a certain majority of the humans more stupid than this majority is anyway (see above).

Make sure you Instagram that post WWIII. :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise your post is spot on. The more we’re brought together the more we want to tear ourselves a part like vicious piranhas. The world, a rotating fish bowl in outer space…

The internet is the symptom not the cause. The cause is human nature which existed long
before the internet ever did. So then it is that rather than the internet which needs fixing

The internet is not the main cause, but the internet also effects a lot (nobody can seriously deny that), so it is a cause too, although not the main cause.

Arminius, what is the main cause, and is there one?

If there is only one causer (this can be doubted), then it is the “first mover”, the “unmoved mover”, the causer of the universe. But you do not ask for the absolute main cause, do you?

Without the human beings and especially without the occidental culture with its enormous technologies there would be no Internet (yet). But who or/and what caused the human beings to be resp. to develop; and who or/and what caused the occidental culture to be resp. to develop? The latter can be explained by genetics, geographical aspects, especially environment (landscape etc.) and climate; but the former is one of the most interesting questions, especially for philosophers.

I did not focus on the only cause, only themain cause. There cam be aain cause among a myriad ofnmany other ones, without necessarily being an only -one cause.

But what do you exactly mean when you say “main cause” in this context?

I suppose the closest equivalent meaning would/could be the root cause.

I did not mean what the words mean but what you (see above) exactly mean by “main cause” in this context? What is the “root cause” according to you?

Who is responsible in this context, for example, Jerkey?

At this point, i would/could say,that the who is inseparable from the what.

What is the “what”, and who is the “who” according to you?

The internet is a cancer, but it is a necessary cancer. We need technology, lest we devolve into cycles of recurrence.

“Cancer” is a “hard” word, but the internet is indeed something like an illness of an old culture that seems to be written in its “cultural-genetic code”.