Three Body Problem

Three Body Problem

I think the 3 body problem of physics explains very well the limits of science, logic, reasoning: this problem cannot be solved because given 3 bodies of the same size and same distance between each other, the evolution of the paths of the bodies in space cannot in no way be predicted because A influences - interacts with B which influences C which then goes back to influence A, but the order of influences can also start from B influencing C and then A, etc. So it is essentially intractable, any slight modification of distance or size, any slight inequality of the bodies can be amplified, any slight change in initial conditions will bring out a completely different outcome.

In practice, simplifying assumptions are made, 1 body larger than another, etc. So some kinds of solutions can be found and used, but the general problem, which is present in nature from the quarks up, to electrons, to planets, to galaxies etc. is without solution.

So this is the end of line of reasoning, of trying to find a pattern or logic or model to reality: past a certain point, no logic or reasoning or model can be used any more, this is the end of science. Now, this general situation can be also found in many other situations, think of the tens of chemical reactions occurring simultaneously in just 1 cell of the body, think of the molecules, each made up of tens of atoms, all interacting, etc. Think of large scale theories like Economy or Sociology or Psychology, even more complex and difficult, sometimes it is just an act of faith to believe that any models or logic can really apply. They do sometimes, more or less, but we are always approximating.

In Economics, you have millions of people interacting, so any model, no matter how thought out or perfect it is, has to deal with just that one person - actor deciding to do something you wouldn’t expect, something you would have never imagined to break down the entire construction. And you will always find just that one point event that demolishes any possible model. And then each person is a kind of creator of cause and effect on the fly, each person can associate anything with anything else and connect them and create this temporary cause and effect: example, person A sees a random car, instantaneously he likes it, decides to buy it right out of the blue, very possible, or decides, to ask for a color that takes a long time to get, the arbitrary cause and effect created in his mind, creates a long sequence of other interactions that all depend on a pure whim and quirk. Now, good luck trying to model any theory of “Economy”. Even worse so with Sociology or Psychology.

Anyways, many try to understand the “Stock Market”: this is very easy to understand, it will always go up no matter what, it will play a dog and pony show pretending that it goes down every now and then, just to give the impression that it is a real entity, and not a completely fake, man made entity that is piloted by a subtle and invisible intentionality to always make it go up because SO MANY RETURN ON INVESTMENTS ARE TIED TO THE STOCK MARKET GOING UP THAT THEY WILL MAKE IT GO UP NO MATTER WHAT AND NO MATTER WHAT EXCUSE THEY CAN FIND (like first-time unemployment benefits going down last week, etc.).

This dog and pony show also reminds me of how corporations have to play this show of hiring and firing to make believe that they are fighting a real “economic war” of competition, that all the hires and fires are all so important and necessary: nothing further from the truth, it is all a make believe show that wants to convince people that the invisible hand of the market is doing it, while in all truth, it is the very precise and visible intentionality of the capitalists to pretend that all the hiring and firing is somehow “natural”. They hire a few thousands of people, wait some time, a few months, maybe 2 or 3 years, and then fire again because “there is a slowdown” - recession, then go figure and really control if it is all true, when 80 % of the jobs are services which means abstract, unknown, has nothing to do with cause and effect and production and sales, etc.

Same with Portugal and Greece “failing”: this too is just one giant show, they will never fail, it is all a make believe and pretend we live in such a logical “market economy”, this is false:


It is all fake, make believe, false, a pure invention everyone thinks is real. Stock market, unemployment, market economy, etc. The end point, really basis of all is simply a fight, fights between people, power struggles, that try to hide themselves behind all the smoke and mirrors of economic theories, that, THE FIGHT is the only thing that is real.

From: … smoke.html

My answer to Right Wing Thugs obsessing about races on that blog:

Why are you guys so in love with race debates ? What does it give you ? What do you think can come out of it ? Find a race, population, and assign them as inferior, or any negative attribute you want, then you can hate on them, or blame them for “what is wrong”. Mexicans, Niggers, Whites, Asians, blacks, tanned, Polish, Italian, German, etc. etc. It is incredible that people dedicate so much time, effort and so many mental clock cycles on all of this huge BS. People are fundamentally all slobs, all wrong because the Mind is always Wrong, all bad, and most of all, they love to HATE more than anything else on earth. But this can be changed if they are programmed appropriately: if they are programmed to ask for Free Salaries, Cheap Rents and huge public - private projects hiring millions that concentrate their minds on something constructive, lest they go in fight - war mode, which is their natural tendency as Man is just an Ape with too much Hate inside, because the repression Civilization performs on Instincts in his brain - mind ends up answering only with violence and hate (obviously trying to find some logical - ideological justification).

This is mostly USA centered, people worldwide hate on others too, but in the USA this race, country of origin, ghetto, poor - rich - Asian, middle class, any possible distinguishing factor between any 2 people is amplified and paid attention to beyond belief. They think that if they can pinpoint who is bad and wrong (always some race, population, nation of origin that is not ones own) then you can finally let it all out: hate on, justify eliminating (but what they would really like to do is kill in the best case, torture in the worst, for pure fun, to let it all out, to finally let it all free and go, finally free to hate with all of their guts, finally satisfied) the enemy subgroup subject.

This blog is read by the more educated and intelligent and is so totally full of racist BS it isn’t even funny. You can only imagine how much pent up hate and desire for violence is in the common slobs walking the malls and suburbs.
You are all a tool in the hands of people making a lot of money and robbing you: this is exactly what they want, hate on others, a fight between the poor. They don’t want you to embrace any kind of political choices that imply sharing the wealth, that imply the left. And in fact the left is greatly hated on this blog too.

I was just thinking, since property prices have a special “status” and tend to go always up even when they are supposed to go down, or better yet, tend to go always up, even when they go down, as long as the ratio between mortgage or rent to minimum wage exceeds the minimum wage and sometimes multiple times (ex. rent a house in brooklyn, price is 1,300 dollars a month, minimum wage there 800 dollars a month), and since population is growing (even thanks to greater growth in Latin America / Africa, obviously man and woman in those places still can get something going) and since those poor slobs will end up one way or another in the richer cities both in the US and the EU (European Union not Estados Unitos) since there are no jobs or houses in those poorer places: result the prices of real estate will keep on going up and up.

As the minimum wage will become the standard wage eventually for more and more people because what they do can’t really be measured so well (therefore why pay more for something you can’t even measure, assuming they are even doing anything ?), especially in the services economy, so there is no reason to pay them more anyways, the real estate part of the economy will suck up more and more wealth from the general economy. So, there will be less and less money for any other endeavors that are not real estate. Any other endeavors where you can really squeeze some cash out of people will end up being other basic necessities: like health care (the US is at a good point here, they just need to keep on hiking up the prices of all things related to health, give more money to doctors and nurses, hike them up man, you can do it, this is basic necessity not some fluffy service economy crap), you can hike up the cost of WATER and a lot too, hike up anything that is real basic necessity.

Trouble is, most of the new jobs were supposed to come from the service - innovation - optional -fluff sector of the economy, not from the basics that are saturated, optimized and are all but “innovative” having been around for decades. So what gives ?

Economic crisis, fewer jobs, higher home prices, higher medical, higher water costs. More poverty. But this is OK, this is a sign that the USA economy has never been healthier, the health of the economy is measured by how many trillions of dollars can be concentrated in as few hands as possible, and how many millions go on food stamp. After all, the real value that all American share so deeply to is in INEQUALITY between people, the more inequal the better. The rest of the world is probably in an even much worse klusphk.

But to comfort all the losers, tell them the real problem is overpopulation, peak oil, Mexicans brats, Niggers in gangs, skill sets not appropriate, not innovative enough, low productivity, not enough “competition”, you name it, any excuse is better than the real reason. And they will all buy it up.

Why are people so in love with resource scarcity myths ? because they can blame the fake - induced limitations of wealth to most people on some externality, on some objective condition of limitations of the earth, on the past behaviors of those who drove their cars to WalMart, etc. and never face up to the fact that they could have it all if they simply demand it. And, I may be wrong, but any resource limitations can be worked around either technologically or socially.

Patrizia has nice - sentimental word that are totally useless like those of the pope: you have to directly say what you need and demand it: millions of people worldwide need cheap rents, especially in the large megacities where they will all live in the future, so they should demand it, and if enough people do, they will get it, that rents be not more than 20 % of the minimum wage. Same for jobs: if they aren’t generated automatically by the market, demand the government to create millions for large scale projects: these projects are better anyways than the crappy iphones and ipads or financial products that emerge automatically “by the market” but are totally useless crap anyways.

Now, people are brainwashed against their own interests, they are convinced that they can’t demand what they really need, that it can’t work: but it could and can, if it is desired enough. And anyways, even if you can’t get it, there is a better chance of getting it if you directly ask for what you need, this is something you learn in private corporations by the way. But they are so set against their own very economic interests, they don’t even want to take a shot at it, even if it fails, at least you tried. But they all believe the resource scarcity myths, the bad mexicans and niggers myth, peak oil, skill sets, competition, be your own boss, they keep on buying in all this huge pile of crap instead of asking what is really needed: Free Salaries or Jobs and Cheap Rents.

The handwriting is on the wall, for most middle and lower classes in the USA, EU and JAPAN, the capitalists will continue to take as much away from everyone as they can, bar none, if they are not stopped.