How to Create Jobs

From: … se-20.html

Warren says:

"3. Playing on the downward mobility of the middle class - The Germans of Hitler’s day were plagued by a stagnant economy and mass unemployment due to the Great Depression and excessive war reperations to Britain and France. Today, reperations to the bankers, deindustrialization, illegal immigration, the rise of China and India, automation, outsourcing, soaring education, gas and healthcare costs and the highest concentration of wealth in the developed world are gutting the formerly prosperous middle class and filling them with resentment. "

I answer:

I fail to understand how an intelligent commenter like you cannot see what the real macro trend is worldwide and what the real problem is: and that is how a Technological Economy is eliminating jobs faster than any possible replacement, and at the same time creating ever greater real wealth, in terms of optimizations in real production processes, science applied to technology, “cutting costs” (which means less need for both people and natural resources) and concentrating a huge amount of all of these gains in the hands of those 6,000 or so worldwide super rich families. This issue is the major reason of the economic crisis, especially in the USA, EU and JAPAN, this is the backbone of huge amounts of money the rich and capitalists have been accumulating worldwide for decades, this huge free money provided by technology.

Now there is absolutely no possible solution to this unless you simply force a solution in the form of handouts, cheap rents and free salaries: there is no magic hand of the market economy, no “less taxes”, no “innovation”, no “more education”, that will change any of this, that will “create jobs” and indeed most of these “solutions” will just amplify even more this huge elimination of the need for real labor, as in more innovation simply means even more ways to “cut costs” which translate somewhere and somehow in a job that is either paid less or no longer needed, “more education” just burdens people with even more debt, hoping that the future will play out like the (imaginary ?) past, but more education, if even used for “innovation”, will either result in even more “costs cut” and hence “fewer jobs” or just more intellectuals unemployed or underemployed that can discharge their “EXCESS CAPACITY” through websites like this with their never ending blocks of texts (hint, hint, may that include me?).

The reason why this issue is never mentioned is because it implies a very simple logical, predetermined and only possible solution: and that is, if the system is eliminating jobs automatically and structurally, then either we give handouts to people or a government, or public - private entities will have to INVENT and create them by the millions with large scale public - private endeavors like Rockets to Mars, Skyscrapers and High Speed Trains, along with millions of fake jobs where, even if people do nothing at all, it doesn’t matter, the system no longer needs so much labor, so we simply distribute the free wealth that is generated.

But this implies a huge cultural and ideological change, something that people can’t wrap their heads around, they are so used to “fighting others”, calling others “lazy”, you have “to deserve it”; and so on, the “competition myth”; the “resource scarcities myth”, etc. that they are doomed to fight amongst each other and actually sustain ideological positions against themselves just for the pleasure of not giving out “free lunches”, just for the pleasure of hurting others. But this is a recipe for more and more economic contraction in the first world, while all the gains will be made in the third world, since their growth is mostly due of them going to poor to rich, buying their first car, their first TV, just like JAPAN went from 1960 to 1980.

And all of the trillions of dollars of profits gained by firing people will keep on flowing in the hands of the super rich forever. AMEN.

But even considering it all from the point of view of the right wing and capitalists, they get a much larger bang for the buck using workers in Indonesia or Brazil: for those workers an increase of monthly salary from 300 to 400 dollars a month is a great incentive, they are young, they are going forward, they are optimistic. In the USA, EU and JAPAN, the only thing that workers see is less jobs, less pay, more expenses, etc. they are old, they are “has beens”, they are over.

So obviously, if there are jobs that are created and needed, you can be sure that most will continuously be created in the developing countries as opposed to the former rich countries where it is now everyone against everyone else, everyone out to stick it to everyone else.

From: … se-20.html

"Globalism has taken away many of the entry level jobs and ancillary “fluff” jobs that in the past gave english, history and psych majors (and other similars) something to do. Those jobs are gone; all that’s left or all that corporate industry wants to pay for are serious jobs that require real skills (the #1 major in terms of starting salaries and number of job offers in 2010 was chemistry, followed by physics then various engineering fields and technical health care e.g. nursing). "

Don’t believe this. Companies don’t need tech types, they just make believe, it is all a dog and pony show. Do you know how many tech types there are in the world available, how many older engineers who were hosed ? And most of all they don’t use most of the tech skills, only very few corporations really need all the math or whatever, most is fluff anyways sales, public relations.

I already posted often on these topics, and asked often show me exactly all of the calculations, all the tech skills, all the equations that “need to be solved” for 8 hours a day, everyday, (for a year or two or three ?) in what areas of production, in what endeavors, etc. for supposedly thousands of “new graduates”, etc. No dice, they hire some, they make believe there is a shortage, it is all a sophisticated game to show that the kids “deserve to be paid less”, they didn’t “learn the hard math” supposedly needed. Nothing further from the truth, the hard math needed, also can be done anywhere in the world, and you got kids in South Korea, JAPAN and China that study really hard “for the hard math”, corporations just go anywhere they want for the few real endeavors they need to do with hard tech skills.

And then worldwide, all of these “high class skills” may employ IN REAL PRODUCTIVE AND NEEDED LABOR only a few million at most really (and that is an approximation by excess by a large order), as the very tech jobs are those the most easily outsourced and can be done through communications and the internet. And most of all the easiest to optimize, automate and get rid of altogether.

Also, the tech arena is the arena of Inequality if there ever was one: the top notch techs, the ones that corporations really need occasionally are really much much better than the average joe tech, but those top notch ones are used either in very specialized areas and in companies doing research or cutting edge stuff. So not those many are needed anyways, only very - very good. But corporations know where and how to find them when they need them, they don’t have any dependency on “shortage of tech skills”, it is the other way around, the workers always have an absolute dependency on the corporations.

This is part of all of those lies that have brainwashed everyone for decades, the lies the ruling class can easily feed everyone since very few can challenge them when they say they have “a tech shortage”, who is going to stand up to the challenge ? Most are intimidated (math is always intimidating for most people), the ones working in these areas and know the truth usually never question it, remember tech types are not used to connecting the specific with the general, they concentrate on the specifics, so they couldn’t say, “why are you saying there is a tech shortage when you have laid off thousands upon thousands of tech types in the last few years ?”

They want to always convince you that there are “objective” structural reasons why you don’t have a job, or are paid less, or whatever, when in all truth there are only precise intentionalities behind most decisions, precise will powers to pay less, or just move an activity somewhere else, etc. There is no objective truth, only strong man crushing weak man, and putting the blame on the weak man. Don’t believe nothing of what the economists and most people say on these issues, it is all ideology.

But especially the kids then feel guilty, they are a “failure”, the families, all a self guilt trip, all a victim that is to blame himself. He wasn’t good enough to do “the hard math” (that is blown way out of proportion to what companies really need, and do you know what they really need ? PROFITS and as few workers as possible, and they need more tech types LIKE A HOLE IN THE HEAD).

But this is so convenient for the ruling class (actually for everyone, since hating on everyone else is that which people love to do most), math is hard, you couldn’t do it, you are to blame for how worthless you are, the anger is not directed towards the capitalists and super rich drowning in trillions, but it is directed towards the self, self punishment, go on, you are to blame for your situation, go on, suffer ever more, you could have been Bill Gates too.

Beat yourself up, the system is “objectively” good, true and correct, you are a sinner (see how religion is tied up with it all).

Also, another thing, corporations hire people mostly for what their ideology is, what they believe in, the most important trait is if those people that get hired are exactly the kinds they want: they believe in profits, pro capitalism, pro free market, workaholics, hate on the weak, career oriented, etc. They need future bosses more than anything else. The tech skills are worth close to zero for corporations, the political (be right wing conservative 12 hour a day workaholic hating on everyone else who is lazy) ideology of the worker is the most important thing. And they sense this immediately, if you are “one of us” or a lazy piece of crap.

The fact is that your ideology and political orientation, personality, how you behave (exactly like them) is the most important thing for them (but they hide this very carefully). They could care less about technical skills, these are a dime a dozen.

The most important thing they always love to talk about is “the need for long working hours”, you must not be “lazy”, always hitting on someone considered “lazy” (they love this concept), when this economic system has so little real labor left to do, go figure.

From: … se-20.html

“Any large urban school district with its presumably intractable problems could be overhauled and made serviceable virtually overnight, but this is not going to happen because the various fixes would be politically unpalatable. And besides, if people actually became realistic about what is doable then the education entrepreneurs wouldn’t be able to move in and make money off this mess. And that’s what I call a Catch-22.”

“Intractable Problem” may mean:

  1. Problem due to conflicting will powers that will and can conflict forever, this is Metaphysical in nature, even if you don’t believe it, we are just a reflection of the fact that existence is always contradicting itself, it is always fighting itself, can’t stay still, if A then not A, and so on forever, it is existence trying to exist, but also denying itself, and this goes on forever. There is no solution, it is part of the structure of the universe. We are a reflection of conflict, contradiction and fight, no matter what. A against B, if you say yes, I say no, end of story.

  2. May mean we have no way to model something with our logic and language, so it will remain forever impossible to manipulate and achieve any result from any sequence of manipulations.

  3. Also, most things will never have any solution, no matter what because the conflicting will powers cannot repress themselves, they will always pop out no matter what and most things have no logical solution no matter what. Man is “fight” and “contradiction” end of story.

  4. Add to this, a huge amount of false imaginary causes and effects that have been brainwashing everyone as being true for decades and you can be sure that problems will remain forever intractable.

Check out all the posts of nameta9 on, that will clear things up a bit.

They want to solve Spain and Greece’s economic problems (and others) by liberalizing it, more free market, selling to private actors the goods and services (water, public housing, energy, etc.), and others things that were public, or not in the circuit of “competition”. Now how on earth is that supposed to help them ? That simply means that if you had public operators robbing and creating inefficiencies, you now have private ones robbing and creating even more inefficiencies (10 times more) without even that minimum control you had when they were public. Insane, that just increases the price of everything and hoses the poor once again. Services and many system level items cannot be subject to competition because that just makes them much more expensive and gives free cash to private thieves, like health care in the USA.

Competition only works mostly in manufacturing which is real worldwide factories competing and lowering the prices of goods. Who on earth believes that system level items privatized and liberalized can do any good to any economy ? What thieves and liers! Look at the last decades and everyone will tell you that system level items cannot be privatized, else you pay more and hose the weak as usual.

With regards to Spain, Italy, Greece etc. they keep on chanting that they need less taxes, more competition and productivity, to grow their economy more, etc. No one on earth knows what competition and productivity means in economies that are 70 % service, which means they produce nothing, but it really means cut jobs and costs, fewer workers for the same services, less pay for those that still work, etc. so what they are saying is fire even more people to make the economy grow. What cocks, I can’t believe it!

Then those countries are compared to France and Germany where Germany manufactures 5 million luxury cars a year and France produces 60 % of their Energy with Atomic power plants. How can they possibly compare ? But this also shows that a Technological Economy creates a similar standard of living even between countries with very different production levels since Spain, Italy and Greece are not really that poorer than France or Germany, so this demonstrates the fact that a Technological Economy creates enough free wealth for eveyone anyways and needs less and less work anyways.

No one says that in those countries, the government must hire millions of young people in research, give them 800 dollars a month salary and give them a house for rent at 200 dollars a month. That would really make their economies grow, the kids can live on their own, start their life, live in their own house and start consuming, etc.

And then, from a salary of 800 dollars a month, less taxes just means maybe 30 dollars a month, wow, what a big deal! But the chant of less taxes serves only the purpose to give the rich and capitalists less taxes so they hog up even more billions. And less taxes always means somewhere along the line someone must be fired, someone must lose his job or be paid less, etc.

Why doesn’t anyone ever tell this idiot economists off ? Why does everybody believe the huge BS that they have been chanting for decades ? What total idiots and cocks all of these economists and politicians are!

But most of all, we must get rid of this idea that economies must “grow”, growth is over for developed economies, what must be done is distribute the wealth that is present in these economies, but this huge brainwashing of “growth” serves to distract and concentrate everyone’s mind on false problems, what they really mean by growth, is that profits must grow, as if they aren’t already drowning in trillions upon trillions of dollars.

From: … se-20.html

“That’s another reason I’m retiring … in academia
one works with too many “eggheads” who could not
possibly hold a job in industry. I wrote nearly
500,000 lines of code in industry before I ever
started teaching. If I’m proud of anything, it’s
that my students from the past tell me that I
actually focus on real CODING that resembles stuff
they actually use on a job.”

When my mind is not processing my normal insanity: like for example I was thinking about how the Free Will to Chained Will converter operates, also how the symbol to frozen Free Wills creates Matter, or circuits where Free Wills contrast each other and create Matter and solids, but how the limit of these Free Will entities tending towards zero (I could never understand why on earth they didn’t think of using mathematical analysis applied to concepts and words, and symbols and denotations as these are just indirect numbers, and as all bring an indirection, all is a denotation and all is essentially a religion which means a reflection of Metaphysics, and so on), can create a fluid, and how a picture can reflect a Judgment or Impulse to activate a Target based on Success of a Free Will Winning the contradictory element that is the only one that exists, etc., I like to think about how wrong all of the economists really are.

Anyways, this stuff has been running in my mind for a few years now.

There is no way that a computer program can need 500,000 lines of code, that program is a huge pile of crap, is totally inefficient, is insanely unproductive. In fact software is the most unproductive endeavor ever, really efficient and really necessary programs only need a few hundred lines, all else is a huge inefficient contraption that reflects all the contrasting will powers, all the people stuff, and as people suck so much, are such huge total turds, they create horrible software. Software should have followed the model of hardware, well written, excellently documented, etc. But there is a political and ideological reason for this: if all of those man hours spent on software were serialized, accumulative, added up, aggregated up into real productive results, collective results adding up like Rockets to Mars and Skyscrapers, you would have to fire millions of software people worldwide as simply not needed, simply noise, simply not necessary.

In fact we have a huge increase in negative productivity as the system becomes optimized, a real contradiction, but only to keep people at work. They know that by really applying all of the technical results available as they should be you would have to fire literally tens of millions of people worldwide, but in order to not do this (the system is already killing so many jobs anyways), they have a desperate need to create huge inefficiencies to keep fake and unnecessary jobs. So all of this talk of increasing Productivity really means, be as inefficient and as contrasting as possible, create as many problems and confusion as possible, create as much negative productivity as possible to keep jobs that could dissappear by the millions in a minute if they really wanted to. Hence all the office meetings, contrasts, changing standards, horrible software, lawyers, you name it.

So this Technological Economy has a race condition going on within itself: how fast optimizations killing jobs are produced against how heavy negative productivity can protect fake and not needed jobs. But, in the end, the optimizations will win, corporations just have too much profit they can make by hosing people, that is why effectively just giving out free salaries would make the economy even way more richer, we have a relationship where less work creates way more wealth than all of the negative productivity work now operating.

So the lazy and free loaders and those getting handouts are actually the most productive “workers”, actually means that those people are contributing enormously more to the wealth of the economy by not messing up everything, so actually we have today a negative relationship: less work is equal to more wealth generated, not the other way around, but the economists still reason with 18th century factory models, go figure.