Workerless Society - How Many Exchanges ?

Excuse me while I Vomit on the Internet. Excuse me while I waste your time. I hope you waste a lot of time reading this BS. Please, waste a lot of time.

Workerless Society - How Many Exchanges ?

That is the question. How many possible exchanges of “goods” or “services” can there be between people ? Once you exchanged a car (bought or sold or manufactured), a house, food and some other things well, now what ? how many jobs can those exchanges imply ? Some or a lot, but essentially limited also because technology automates a lot of repetitive tasks, and “mergers and acquisitions” further optimizes, consolidates, creates “economies of scale”, lets one office or plant do the job that was once done by 3 or 4, hence 100 people do the work that was once done by 200 because now there are only 2 or 3 big dogs (that make more money and profit) than 5 or 6 previous ones that have been “merged” or “closed”, etc., cuts corners, streamlines processes, you name it, hence implying fewer and fewer jobs for those goods and services that are exchanged (hence the idea of progress ?). So imagine that there are 10 other things to be exchanged, 10 other possible transactions, you buy a coat, you download a movie, etc. how many more possible interactions and transactions between people that imply jobs can there be ? 100, 500 ? say 1,000 and say a 1,000 people “work” within those exchanges - transactions, that only makes 1 million jobs. Not many, considering that worldwide we need hundreds of millions of “jobs” (also, the economy is global now, one world one economy, there are no more separate countries although this other make believe BS is so convenient). SO what gives ? How are you going to create all of those jobs ? Will they be created by the magic of the “Invisible Hand” of the market ?

That is why “Services” has become so important, because with services you can exchange a lot of unnecessary things, make believe things, assign value to things (as in value added) that essentially have only imaginary or perceived, invented value, like bottled water, just put water in bottles, put a tag on it and sell it, you can have millions of new water brands (so maybe the greens are on to something here, how many plastic bottles are you going to fill the world up with ? but that is good and cool because with the accumulation of plastic on earth that will become the new material upon which natural evolution will perform its tricks, new plastic life forms, completely new organisms working with completely new principles all using plastic). Same with tablets and Software and Education, you name it, actually, you invent it, make it up, put a brand name on it, you created a new exchange, a new sector and “new jobs”. It essentially means selling Nothing for Something, selling some make believe stuff to someone who thinks that he is actually buying something, it means selling nothing for something (and the cycle can repeat many times, and the indirections and denotations can repeat many times, the chain of nothings for “something imaginary that becomes something that makes believe it is real” can be very long), the loop can cycle quite a number of times, but in the end you have to finally sell nothing for something of real value, something real like a house, a car, food, a coat. And at this point the jobs become real, but for every real job and real exchange you have a huge load of fake jobs and fake exchanges. But especially, all of this economy is based on fooling people into buying fluff, and as long as people are willing to make believe and buy into it, all is ok, but as soon as they decide, well maybe I don’t really need that other new fairy tale, well then you are in trouble.

And that is the problem: how much make believe can we keep on inventing ? how many new college degrees in flufforama services economy that will result in all of these “new jobs” paying “a lot of money” can we keep on tricking people to buy ? I say not many, but especially, as soon as someone starts doubting the value of things, a whole lot of other things start losing value also, just like all the banks and financial entities today.

As a corollary, the reason why real estate, houses, rents and health care keeps on costing more is because they are somehow tied into real exchanges and real needs, people really need them that is why those costs can keep on going sky high while tablets and software and movies and many other information products tend to cost less and less, as there is and will be a saturation of these items, that are not real necessities, and in order to sell must cost less and less until you can’t even sell them anymore, hence the myth of the services economy generating jobs is just that, a myth, it won’t happen anymore. I know of some places where buildings that were once offices have been turned into apartments, this kind of goes to show exactly what happens: no one knows what to do with the offices anymore since they don’t know what to make people do in the offices and why they should be paid and what on earth activity should be perfomed (that could make a profit ?) while simply converting them into houses makes more sense, since housing is a much more real necessity.

But the entire idea of “creating jobs”, the entire crisis (if it really even is one ? or is it the same old random confusion and cycles that have always been societies and economies ?) is really based on “What do you want People to do all Day Long” ? what large scale goals or projects does a society desire, or want ? If you really want to create jobs, exchanges - transactions, if you really want to force excess exchanges in order to create activity and jobs, etc. the only way is for a central government to force them by creating huge large scale projects that need so many manufacturing entities, so many real services and real exchanges and this is done by creating skyscrapers, high speed trains, rockets to mars, and many many others.

But even so, no matter what, they will never cover the need of so many jobs, so for the rest just give out free salaries and free houses, huge luxury McMansions to all 7 billion people worldwide.

But alas, it is all in vain, we can keep on inventing ever more clever explanations, causes and effects, it’s true and all logical, but it is irrelevant, the world will operate independently from anything and any theory, it is an automatic ideological machine that keeps on executing its program, the financial entities governing, the banks, the FED, the stock marktets, etc. All believing in magic, like the entire idea of profit is magic, put 1,000 dollars in the closet and open the closet after a year and you expect 1,100 dollars, the entire mentality is a magic based mentality, the same with all of this myth of Research and Innovation, put the guys in a laboratory or a new Startup and they will create a new killer application of flufforama and some new unnecessary item that will make people sell the new nothing for something real, etc. In Peking, the apple store had to close, there was a riot over trying to buy the IPHONE, go figure.

Actually, the logic of any cause and effect, any language construction is always true no matter what, we can create an infinite number of blocks of texts like this above since it is all logical and true from the outset, but mostly totally useless. It is not that any government will read this block of texts and say, ok, tomorrow we will start a new space program and give out free salaries, etc. everything is 100 % independent from anything said, any logic. The saturation of information, concepts, etc. just start to erase letters in your mind, erase words, make it so thoughts can’t be constructed anymore, eliminate information, causes and effects.

Free your mind. You better free your mind instead.

That is why all the social skills, social BS is so important, since you have to sell Nothing for Something, you have to be a good seller, you have to be good at convincing people that they are buying something “valuable” when the value is only in the eyes of the beholder. And also, this system has given individual Will Power, and individual people much more power because their quirk decision can mean success or failure of some item, and I hate the idea that other people have to decide, I want a dictator that tells all what to do, that is why I want a computer to govern societies, man must just be another circuit within an automatic machine…

The event, the thing, the interaction (between things or people or both) is put inside a narrative, it is put inside an imaginary language made up of other events and interactions, how they are memorized and how they are connected, what is important, the language constructs of the narrative, how they are associated with “important” or “irrelevant” how they are connected to feelings or pain/pleasure (or past remembered feelings/pain/pleasure) or simply invented, arbitrarily assigned sensations perceived according to the narrative of the sequence of events - interactions as it becomes a pseudo language, a pseudo living thing, but always make believe, always a fake construction that could be completely changed, all the permutations of said “words”, a completely new narrative, a completely new “interpretation” of what happened, what was important becomes invisible, what was invisible becomes the most important element…

Reason and logic imprison instinct, sensation and parallel. The sequence is the prison of the parallel. Parallel (as in parallel sense organ inputs) are sequentialized, are put within a format of functions, of logic, language and cause and effect, they become “mathematical” and they are inserted into “memory” and as such condition and kill the parallel, the sensations, the instincts, the whole, the body, etc.

Body killed by logic. The parallel input from the body’s sense organs and many other parallel inputs and sensations and sense organ inputs (creativity, the spontaneous, the automatic reactions with no intermediate thought processes ?) are “rationalized”, are put within a narrative of rules (and morality ? and social rules ? and the awareness of other minds ?), are explained within a language that is superimposed upon the body, imprisoning the natural into the artificial, mind over matter means kill the natural and body, the unconscious, the whole and disintegrate it into a million separate, disjoint pieces that can be combined in a never ending array of symbols, combined into a sequence of symbols, solidified into a solid state of memory chunks and imposing the mental computer program that will confirm and activate denotations and indirections and other symbols that will activate feelings/pain/pleasure independent of what the original event was.

So erase the letters in your mind, erase words, slowly disintegrate language and logic, get rid of memory, we must forget all to save ourselves, forget consciousness, go back, become unconscious and free. Free you mind.


There are no Powers that Be and No one is in Control, everything is random, a fluke a quirk. And the rich not only didn’t ever ask for so much money, don’t even know how they end up having so much money, don’t even exactly understand how much cash they really have (for example 100,000 dollars is a truly huge amount of money in most of the world), probably don’t even give two ccks and a dck about the cash they have, don’t even know how to count zeros (and I phantom a whole bunch of people and economists and banks and financial entities and economists for that matter also don’t know how to count zeros)(is that 100 million or one billion ? oh, who cares, it is irrelevant, and I believe it, so much money becomes truly meaningless) and truly have no idea what to do with it, since it is so much that no one can spend it rationally unless you want to just throw it away, like buying many homes (you just need one) many cars, but especially just giving it all to the financial entities so they can play computer games with the cash…


Anthropology teaches, Man is an Infinitely Programmable Machine. There are tribes that can’t count to more than two, nay, that don’t even understand the concept of numbers and quantities. I am wondering how some tribes can perceive time and its flow, they may not even understand the concept of time, after all, it is a secondary concept, a logical concept that you acquire much later in your childhood, an arbitrary concept and subdivision of your experience and the way the world is subdivided.

But even more intriguing is how the concept of memory is applied and used. Some tribes, some mental programs, some cultural programming may make it so that a tribe doesn’t remember things at all or doesn’t even need to remember things or invents and fakes memories to their delights. It is another arbitrary concept and mechanism, you must remember this and that and organize the memories in your mind in a certain way (sequentially, accordingly to cause and effect mechanisms, what comes first and what comes second and so on ?). Of course some memory is necessary in order to survive, but aside from those basic knowledges, I am wondering how the entire experience of life may be programmed differently, maybe a life without the need of memory, or maybe a culture that imposes you to forget or mess up any memory of anything you have ? and so on.

And this is what could be possible only slightly modifying our Man Brain with what we have, simply culturally and by simply programming it differently as is. Imagine how many other things could be possible by changing the very design of Man Brains, and ever wildy and new different designs…

But all of the above is false, what I said is not what I meant, all of the above is exactly the opposite of what I wanted to say, I don’t know what I said, I don’t remember saying anything, I am 100 % wrong therefore right, and I don’t even understand what I am saying and so on, and so on…



The Kramp says:

"I have an announcement to make. I have just killed Myrtle May. Tracked the tired old bitch down and shot her in the head with a 45. She never knew what hit her. So that makes 3 CFN’ers I’ve knocked off: Q, Myrtle, and LLB …well, I haven’t got to Lew yet…just kinda stakin him out up here in Washington. "

I answer:

I am worried about Cash and Marlin, haven’t seen them in a while either; I am wondering if the killer, the Kramp, killed them too, hmmm…strange things happen here, this site is getting dangerous. We want pretty so as to reflect ourselves in pretty (we don’t want ugly girls right ?) but why do we need to confirm ourselves through others to ourselves ?

This site attracts kind of crazy kinds…


All the permutations of concepts, the square root of the word “concepts”, how many numbers is the word “concepts” made up of, assign the number as a million and decode what each number means and so on, a never ending stream of new concepts, performing mathematical operations upon words, any random mix and match of words could be a new concept, theory, anything at all, and you can assign it to any goal achieved, to any win, to any success you make believe you have had, and the connection of that success based on that random agglomeration of words, numbers and signals can be connected to any feelings, emotions, pain/pleasures, you make it up, you create it, you can’t contain the infinite number of ideas and blocks of texts and sequence of symbols no matter how large this digital memory is.

So here’s the deal: logic, language and memory create “REAL”, create reality, not the input from sense organs or the sensations or the pain/pleasures because without these signals becoming symbols and getting inserted into a memory, a rationality, a logical mathematical affair, they would simply not even exist, they would be invisible, impossible and not real. What we have is the exact opposite of what we think is operating, reality is just abstraction, real is just what is inserted in our memory and we become aware of a chunk of information and how it is associated to some other signals (pain/pleasure/feelings/sense organ inputs, etc.) only through its relationships of cause and effects, its delimitation in time and space, its edges and how we remember them, etc. We are simply action reaction, like animals too are simply action and reaction and may have some primitive logicalification of reality going on, but we actually create reality 100 % by our oh, so precise logic and concepts and delimitations. And notice how we refine our holds on things, from the random movements of the hand a baby has, to the great precision of grasp we obtain in time. Perfectly matched to reality, but really perfectly matched to a picture of reality in our mind.

Reality would be a vague series of sensations, actions and reactions and instincts that are never recorded, never memorized in any way therefore never obtaining the condition of “existence”, since existence becomes only through logic and words.

And logic creates awareness, especially of “other minds” hence reinforces reality even more by imagining the same reality being perceived by another chunk of matter (but there are chunks of matter that don’t perceive, hence we must think of the limits of the numbers of “other minds” as tending to infinity, every elementary particle must become another mind that is aware, or else, no other minds exist, as just one particle that isn’t another mind being aware contradicts the existence of any other mind).

All we do is create memories, we don’t want something or some narrative, we want to do something or create a narrative only to create a memory so as to record it, so we have recorded it, and recording it makes it exist and become real.

Will power is always a local target, but you can instantly change the local target and execute a new will power to obtain a new target, new that always 100 % contradicts the previous target no matter how similar they may seem, since any difference is simply the identity principle and identity needs difference so our will power is constantly being challenged and contradicted by the very existence of itself, so will power is an infinite recursion of “unresolved internal conflicts” from the outset, metaphysically, because the structure of the Universe decided that that was the way to go.

Boredom is the only political game in town, conflicting positions just because. So if we had an earth completely covered with cement, steel and skyscrapers everyone would be bored and say, no lets all go back to nature, and would demolish it all and plant trees. If the earth became completely green and “Natural”, everyone would become bored and would want to cover it up completely with cement, steel and skyscrapers and so on. Every position is only a reaction to another, every action is a reaction to something else, just to be different, just because, because man is conflictual and by creating opposing targets we can create a goal, a struggle, a fight, and hence a meaning, we are fighting a “war” and trying to win.

But for Matter and Mass Energy nothing is different, it doesn’t matter what configuration of atoms the earth is made up of, so then please, apply my will power, everyone do what I want (only to then do the opposite after, because after I will get bored and demand to tear it all down and go back to Nature) build thousands of trillions of 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, Lincoln Continentals and 1967 Chrysler Imperials, just because, for fun, just to be Iconoclastic…


I feel money has evolved over time as a simple way of distinguishing what members of society produce something that other members want. For example, a company which is a unit of people working towards the same goals, say Nintendo. Nintendo creates the Wii, the news of how the Wii can make life more fun travels through advertisement or word of mouth or some other mean to millions of people. Some people decide they want it, others dont. IN the case of the Wii millions of people wanted it. Therefore Nintendo makes millions of dollars. The top executives at Nintendo take their large cut for being the leaders, and the money trickles down to the worker at Best Buy who sells the Wii to a customer.

Money is a just a tool that humans have in order to determine the worth of work that someone has accomplished. Services are not make believe fluff, they are important for making production quicker, easier and more cost and time effective. For example I want to produce music because its my passion and my drive in life and I want the fame that comes along with a successful album. I could go around and promote myself to people on the street and play music live for people to hear, but this wouldnt be time or cost effective. I would only be able to reach a few thousand people in my town and i would have to reproduce copies of the same song everday since it was never recorded. Or Instead i could hire some service oriented companies to help me get my goals accomplished. I could hire a marketing company to geta good word out about me. A manager to take care of scheduling my appointments and talking to people that i dont have time to talk to. I could contract a record label to produce the media that will be used to distribute my music world wide so i dont have to keep playing the same song everyday. In the end all memebers of this production make money cause they put in work towards my album and if millions of people like my music and want to listen to it then they buy the cd and watch the shows im on and listen to me on the radio, all ending in me getting alot of money. With all this money i have to pay the service people who helped me get there.

Therefore Service jobs are not make believe, they are just more removed from the physical word.

As in every encounter, transfer of information between two (or more) chunks of Matter (named people (for the chunks of matter ? to make the sounds of the words pretty ? ) ) is actually a game of imagined and subtle will powers playing chess, or seeing which is dominant or not, which is guessing right or wrong, which feels or seems right or wrong (
are they synchronized, or imagined synchronized, do they resonate or imagine to resonate on imagined or real intersection points ( but how can you tell if all is only information, hence, logic, hence reality only because delimited ? and the word synchronized and resonate can be used in many different sentences, but isn’t it the other way around ? the word develops the sentence and defines the sentence ( and concept ? disjoint concepts are all equal even though they are different pictures as long as they have even one common word, or even one common letter ? ) ), the sentence and set of other words are a subset of a word, put it all upside down, make all kinds of logical mistakes, be colorful, invent anything, it doesn’t make any difference), but it is all imagined, all a misunderstanding, a game, an instantaneous game of action reactions, imagined, fake and real, and change is the name of the game, etc.

But all of the above is false (and all I have ever written (all of nameta9’s post on ilovephilosophy ?) ), what I said is not what I meant, all of the above is exactly the opposite of what I wanted to say, I don’t know what I said, I don’t remember saying anything, I am 100 % wrong therefore right, and I don’t even understand what I am saying and so on, and so on…



Always searching for the next cheap thrill, every sequence of action, event, every narrative, (planned event, planned sequence, intentionality of results hoped ?) action reaction, interaction, Information Relationship (between people ? choices, between more correctly monolithic slabs of chunks of matter arbitrarily delimited and assigned moving parts only to give them importance as in defining a given chunk a “person” ?).

Repetitive patterns that imply the same emotional rollercoaster or simply the same comforting sequence of emotions/feelings (maybe none at all, but just a comforting logical sequence that hinges you to a stable reference system ?) only to see them disintegrate in a jiffy (but they were never there in the first place or stable, aside from the fact that you remembered them, but memory is the great liar, memory falsifies reality by making it seem and making believe that things really happened and really are and are “stable” ?). Kill memory, forget all and make up all new “fake things” as fake is more real than real. Memory is the great liar and the great prisoner of reality, Reality and Matter and Mass Energy want a memoryless Universe, no memory possible here, memory is against the laws of physics here…

Misunderstand all of the above, misunderstanding and getting things wrong opens many more doors (to fail ?), all has been said ? never, it never ends…The more you read all that “drivel” and “trype” the farther you are getting away from what I think I wanted to say but forgot…Did I forget something ? I don’t remember if I forgot to forget to remember what I forgot, but I can’t pinpoint…all circuits shut off then.



So given that reality is achieved only through logic, language and memorization of events, configurations of bits as associated to narratives, sequence of events, past interactions and past Information Relationships and how various moving parts relate to each other (or are imagined they relate to each other, but could and almost always are 100 % wrong), Metaphysics is more than justified as it creates superstructures on top of logic and creates things that are more real than “real” (such as the limit of the word “concept” as the word “speed” tends towards the word “view”, etc, mathematical analysis applied to words and concepts but without the necessity to respect any rules and truth and logic, as in just make it all up, without the need to respect that pain in the a*s that is being coherent and “making any sense”, without needing the communication to be shared amongst other people to create a consensus as to what we are talking about, in fact it must be completely and totally incomprehensible as in no conensus is possible, not even the consensus I can have with myself on this, not even the consensus the ideas have within themselves), it is a Reality Amplifier, it creates entities and relating items that are ever more real, concrete, and ever more abstract, non logical and impossible structures built on top of the previous becomes realer and realer, more authentic by many orders of magnitude, it is way past sense organ inputs and pain/pleasure/feeling circuits and in the realm of the pure construction of hyper-reality (the exact opposite of what physics thinks, as they think metaphysics is fluff, but it is upside down, they got the thing wrong, Matter and Hard Matter and even extreme pain/pleasure and all with all of our laws of physics are barely a ghosts of reality, barely real, metaphysics creates a harder and harder and deeper and deeper reality)…

Am I convinced now ? do I still have guilt complexes ? Of course I am not convinced, of course that all just made the guilt complexes even deeper and the “unresolved internal conflicts” even more harsh, ever more harsh, ever more regrets, eating oneselves up, how much fun constantly failing at achieving, but I win, I won, I can lie to myself knowing that it is a lie and feeling even worse about it, and so on in an infinite cycle of worse to worse to worse…

Everything is mostly virtual, a virtual life, for a long time, as long as language and thought and communications became dominant, then what you couldn’t do “for real” in “real life”, you did “for fake” within the fake life of language, thought and communications. So society is mostly based on the Information Economy meaning the fake economy, the virtual, the easy way out as in pretending to do something (or fantasize to do something when you know it can never really be done practically) when in reality you can’t do anything but think about it, talk about it and communicate it to others that are pretending to do something but only faking it and imagining it. Hence all the importance of cell phones, Internet communications, TV (as in the Automatic Life) and such and move bits and think about stuff all making it seem as if you are actually doing something in reality. The easy way out for people that are extremely restricted in what they can really do concretely and in reality, let them talk about it and think about it, that will be good enough (and the greens should be happy, no more moving real matter or building real things, no more assembly lines to manufacture, now just chat on the tweets and cell phones and talk and talk and think and think, etc. save nature by not touching it anymore (except some electronic gadgets)).

So then JHK can mostly fantasize a World Made by Hand (it will never happen) and all can talk about it, imagine and do wonders with words and concepts and thoughts through the Internet but never doing anything real, it is ok, the easy way out, all can talk about all these new revolutions and changes that will happen, but all are extremely restricted in what they can really do, the real possible interactions they can have with real matter and society and economy. And the APE can talk about trillions of skyscrapers and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights and such, talk is cheap, talk is easy, imagine and think about all of those things that can never be done materially.

But then what difference does it make ? If it were done materially would it change anything ? It is all simply information, and Information Relationships, simply interactions (some implying a huge amount of “work” like building skyscrapers and cars, others not, but then is that the goal ? something that has an associated property based on how much past work was needed to produce it, a denotation ? a metaphysical entity ?).

As in those mixed signals that you don’t know how to decode (maybe because they have no decoding or can be decoded anyway you want, it is all wrong or all right and no one and nothing knows ?), those incoherent set of bits that can mean both A and B and the opposite and something else and that you like but don’t like and don’t know what to or whether to like and you jump back and forth and in between (exactly “in between”, or even some place else, not 0, not 1 and not even 1/2 but something else, some vague else), the judgment of something is in between, but not even in between, but you don’t know even where to put the judgment, very mixed, no digital mode here, and thus you enter crisis mode that can never be solved because the “or else” is not digital, not clear, not easy to judge in any way, and you can’t even judge it in between. Hence just assign it arbitrarily, just do anything, who cares, it will always have been “bad judgment”. The decoding circuits break down, the interpretation is anything, but there is no interpretation, just any random reaction to an action, always thinking that maybe the judgment could have been better or different, but it is not even like this, you don’t know, but you don’t know that you don’t know, etc.

A person or item is a mix of its appearance, its properties, its functionalities (a nurse ? or pilot ?), the area and context (buildings, rooms, environment, whatever) the person is in, ever changing contexts, meanings, groups (of people), situations (and each situation creating a completely different perceived person, or is that the experience of the perception of the person on behalf of another person ?) (and so many other quirk delimitations) its narrative (of itself and of it related to you or related to any other item, hmmm, an infinite number of stories, or imagined stories of an item, person, feeling, sensation, thought, concept or any chunk of Delimited Information) its narrative and history and story (be verbose, please) related to yourself, or to imagined yourselves, to imagined and real others or sets of others or sets of things, you get the idea. And this person or item can be constantly viewed and judged differently every picosecond (and can judge itself or you or any other item, in a sea of judgments mixing, contrasting, always being wrong, but being all correct since they are always all wrong (or was that the memory of the “person”(which is mainly a monolithic slab of Undistinguished Matter pretending to have Delimitations) or the memory of the story of the person as related to you, or the imagined story of the imagined relation to you (and the imagined story the person could have ? or maybe there is no story) and symbols and judgments and experiences and whatever, an infinite vague recursion)) as in there is no stability as in reality is an instantaneous change of configurations constantly even when you don’t want them to change.

Every new block of text is a new atom of Matter as Reality is Information as Metaphysics before demonstrated, the construction of a new material by a never ending set of blocks of texts.



Slut says:

“Yoh… old69, 8man, iesaeff1686c, blgmlesfgl, tegmark et al - and the multitude of warped weird handles just keeps-a-coming - whither goest thou… with your multiple posting personality disorder ??”

I answer:

Hey slut, do you phk alot ? why do you phk alot ? why do you do that to me ? why do you pl*y alot with yourself ? you enjoy and I suffer, your pleasure is my pain, why are you killing me and beating me up like this ? help me mommy, get me out of my misery, please help me, don’t beat the living daylights out of me, an old sad, sad, impotent man, please, help me…all those hot horny sluts doing all those things, and I rage with anger and envy, I hope no one ever becomes like me…

Jesus Christ, I can’t believe what weirdos are on this website, you all have all this deep philosophical theory I furnished y’all to read and study, please study it all very carefully, it will take all your time, please waste your time, I hope you all waste a lot of time so that you finally all have a task to do, and not get bored, Occupy your time by studying all of nameta9’s posts on ilovephilosohpy, please, pretty please…

On parallel universes: not only do they exist, but the very reason they exist (they exist trillion times more deeply and really! deeper and realer! etc.) more than yourself and your pain/pleasure or whatever is exactly because they are metaphysical entities, that are composed of Super Reality, a Hyper Reality (be verbose, please), as they are only mathematical - logical and information relationship entities, a sequence of symbols. And those denote another set of entities ever more abstract, indirect and denoted that means ever more real (a set of symbols then mapped on a set of items like a beach, a mountain, a car spark plug, and then these new items become another set of symbols associated with another more wildly random set of items, in an infinite loop, and infinite recursion), without constraints (without the constraints of our puny ghost like existence based on the identity principle and non contradiction), not even the constraints of existence, not even the constraints of true and false, as these are valid within a very narrow and shallow decoding of our universe by a very primitive, simple and coarse mind, a very rudimentary mind, a simple one transistor mind, while more evolved minds, made up of trillion bit Microprocessors, and wild jet engines shoved in chunks of meat brains, and many other interesting combinations, like wild neutron star chunks with stellar plasma chunks inserted into Processing Matter, as the Matter delimited as an observer becomes the new Brain, as in Brainium, you get the idea…

Boredom leads to the need of excitement, boredom is a cultural artifact we are programmed with.

We are ourselves excess capacity from the outset: we want more than can be achieved, we want always different, we want cheap thrills, a never ending flow of new bits (or at least we can dream about it, or think about, fantasize about it, or talk and write about it, everything but really applying and having and doing in practice because the bandwidth of reality is so much more narrower than our never ending thirst-hunger for it all but that is why communications, the virtual, and TV and all, Information in general is so fashionable today: it discharges the excess capacity our Man brains have been programmed to contain (in terms of desire, inventions, always new information bits, new comparisons, “News” in general, “economic crisis adventures” (invented or real ? who knows ) through cultural artifacts such as time awareness (the need to fill it up somehow), production, always something “new” (therefore “exciting” ? or we just make believe and brainwash ourselves that it is new and exciting ? self autoprogramming mental computer programs…) ) new bits to contain in our mind, manipulate and produce other new bits.

We are too much for ourselves and reality, we are oversized information hogs, oversized novelty desiring machines. Excitement searching machines (even if just slightly or barely ? some football game ?), hence the hire and fire, restructure, always change mentality. A prisoner of inherent excess capacity in terms of information content and processing capacity. Maybe we need to kill our memory, erase it all so we just loop around a few bits over and over again forever and free our minds forever…


Excuse me while I Vomit on the Internet. PLease scroll over the following block of text (actually all of my blocks) unless you have time to waste, but since you all have time to waste and are all useless slobs, please waste all your time reading my BS, drivel and trype. Pretty please, waste all of you time.

So experiences and people and events are like a language, the same person in a situation for you may be perfect, but in a slightly different situation completely invisible or in another slightly different totally in love or whatever. The point is the events and environments and situations and people are all tags of a language, all words so to say, and can change and mix and match, and in your head can be connected in such a way to mean something and a moment after connected in another way to mean something different, and the other person or group can create a different sequence of imaginary symbols with the same input to mean something different still and the two sequences may be not synchronized, and be disjoint, hence misunderstandings, etc.

The law of conservation of experience, it doesn’t matter if you do something with a lot of different items (like building things by hand) or just shuffle 2 or 3 bits all day long, the experiences are always equivalent, there is no richer or poorer life according to how many different items and manipulations there are, it is all the same, the experience is simply the organism living without further meannings we try to apply.

Hey Kramp, why did you kill tzatza and cash and marlin ? why don’t you kill the APE, I am sick and tired of him telling me to shove a jet engine in my brain to enter another universe.

Generalized will power and opposition to will powers, it doesn’t matter what face is behind a will power, it only matters that it is an opposition to yours…the euro downgrading is simple, it is just one will power against another, one stronger power deciding against a weaker, simple, a one transistor circuit, nothing further to analyze…

Narrow Bandwidth Life

There is really not much you can do practically. You can go to the movies, go eat out, buy some crap, watch TV, take some trips to BRAZIL or JAPAN (but the enitre world is the same Standard International building styles (see street view google map), boxes, or some pseudo suburbs, some midrises, some highrises, end of story) and a few other things (play sports) but that is it. So then what ? Well that is where Information comes in: it expands the bandwidth of life which deals us a very low bandwidth life naturally, there is not much you are supposed to do in life, probably mostly sleep like other animals. But this Information, and further the language, thoughts, fights, and all of the “Drama” between people make it more lively, more interesting, etc.

But we are at a crossroad today: even Information, video games, movies and internet crap is no longer enough (we get bored fast, eveything becomes old fast): we know that we must go forward but we are afraid. And what are we afraid of ? Of directly manipulating our mind, our brain structure, changing the very circuits that force us “to do something”, that “get us bored”, or that “get us unsatisfied” change all of our logic and memory structures (messing them up as much as possible, make it go wild, break it, make it so that you can’t go back to where you started, irreversible transitions or phase transitions or transformations). And this is where the Instant Singularity comes in: design new brains, design all kinds of wild combinations as wicked as possible, let little childen design schematics and block diagrams of new brains that will then have new experiences (and enter new universe with new laws of physics and where Matter undegoes new Experiences). Dump this stone age contraption natural evolution dealt us, and tell Nature to go take a hike.

But alas, we will never know what we want (or I will never know), first I want A, then not A, but then again maybe B, etc. And every new path, every new transition point, decision point brings forth new things to want and not want, always changing ideas, judgment, evaluations, always going back and forth and up and down and everywhere and anywhere, always new actions and reactions. We will never know what we want, indecision, confusion, change, but I wanted that ? no, maybe that, but I will change my mind ? no, I am now this and so on forever. So what gives ? I will always be confused and never know what I want and always know what I want and always change my mind and never change my mind…