Work Paradox ?


Work Paradox ?

In what sense does a healthy economy “Generate Jobs” ? What does that mean ? If the workforce presently employed in any nation is working effectively, is actually producing something, is achieving a “Result”, a “Product”, is “Solving a Problem”, is “Improving a Process”, is “Increasing the Amount of Goods (and Services ? But isn’t “More Services” a Negative Production ? who needs More Services ? the less Services we Have to Deal With The Better, Right ?)”, is “Continually Educating and Improving the Know How and Innovation and Whatever of a Society”, well how does that translate into More New jobs ? As in More New Jobs are needed, or changed, or whatever.

But if more Jobs are needed or if they are substituted with other jobs but the result is “More Jobs”, then doesn’t that mean that all of the previous work effectively Produced A Big Fat ZERO ? Obviously there is great confusion amongst economists to what they actually mean by the words “More Productivity” and “Increasing Production and Economic Growth” and such.

A really healthy economy would tend to generate fewer and fewer Jobs as it would need fewer and fewer jobs to satisfy all of its needs. It would actually be Innovating and Producing more as in “Higher Productivity” with less input (but the economist got this thing all upside down: they say More Jobs are Created if Productivity is Increased, a real Paradox, totally absurd and total Nonsense, but economists and their buddies can chant all the nonsense they want, nobody will ever challenge their “Wisdom”: but maybe what they really want to say is if more output is generated by fewer workers producing more and more efficiently than they can freely hire a lot of other workers to just goof around and put on the show that they are creating more jobs and such…).

The only possible solution to this Paradox is that, of the 100 million Americans working, a very large part of them are not producing anything at all and are mostly breaking things up, producing Negative Production, Creating More Problems to Solve than Solving Any Problems and such. In a sense they are not Producing but Destroying only to rebuild it all over again and destroy it all over again and such.

A Technological Economy naturally tends towards decreasing the amount of labor needed structurally, from the outset because it is applying Economies of Scales, Computers, Optimizations, it is applying Know How and Research and Innovation to get more bang for the buck so to say, to get more output with fewer inputs therefore generating more profits for the ruling class: and in fact the US corporations are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, not even knowing what they can do with all of that cash anymore since the Technological Economy is mostly crashing the Mental Computer Programs of a Civilization that was used to scarcity and the necessity to work in very low productivity endeavors (like agriculture and such) for centuries and simply cannot come to grips with the fact that work will increasingly No Longer Be Needed, and will be needed less and less.

But alas, this Civilization will do everything it can to keep on making believe it needs so much work: it will invent a never ending array of Fake Tasks that must be Done, Fake Work and Jobs, it will create jobs that are dependent only on the will powers of people deciding they need any capricious quirk just because, for no reason at all, it will create so many useless local tasks that exist only in virtue of given Status Relationships and Power Relationships between actors, not dependent on any real necessities, but just on fun and games where some workers will feel forced to work useless tasks for hours on end (it reminds me of a corporation that recently laid off hundreds of workers and they all said they were working many overtime hours and had so much work to do and so much pressure only to find out the next day that the entire corporation was a failed entity (or just changed their plans or whatever) and laid them all off in a jiffy, as if all of that “hard work” was a show, a make believe, a make believe where the workers really thought that they had all of this “Hard Work” to do (and they did, locally, they did within the boundaries of their very small local world, but only because they couldn’t see the bigger picture, or better, the bigger picture didn’t even exist, the entire organization was hanging on a very thin thread of some powerful person’s quirk Will Power, Power at its Purest so to say).

This Stone Age Civilization will do everything it can to keep on making believe it needs so much work: it will create all kinds of reciprocal struggles between actors and corporations (aka Competition), it will constantly change the rules of the games, the laws, the new gadgets needed to simply make a phone call (if you don’t make the phone call with the latest iphone you simply won’t be able to make a phone call and such), it will increase conflictuality in all possible endeavors, a never ending array of “Choices” and “Contrasting Positions” on anything anyone wants to produce or create, an army of lawyers and an Internet full of Political and Ideological debates of all against all on all issues in a never ending waste of resources to produce nothing at all.

We need to get rid of this Stone Age system and hand out Free Salaries to All, Cheap Rents, Build Millions of Rockets to Mars and Millions of Skyscrapers, we need to build Millions of High Speed Trains across the planet, we need to achieve and exploit all of the Resources of the Solar System, etc. Also get rid of the Environmentalists, Tree Huggers and Greens, Use Nature as Tool, it is ours to use, get rid of all of the Resource Scarcity Myths and Such…



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Human Nature ?

So if “Work” is the “Effort to Solve Problems”, is the sequence of Informational and/or Physical manipulations necessary to reach a Result, to transform a situation, to achieve a Target, to navigate from a Starting Point Configuration (of Mass Energy ? of People ? Of Status and Power Relationships between People ? Of Energy Expenditures and Configurations and such ? of Matter Organized in Products ? Of the production of Products from some chunks of matter ? or the production of Steady State Repetitive Processes as in “Services”, or the repetition of Processes over and over again with slight differences, with new “clients” as in Health Care and Education and such ?) to an End Point Target Result Configuration, how many work events are necessary for a society as a whole ? How much work is really necessary to reach the Targets ?

But are the Targets always Moving Targets and new invented necessities (after all, Education is a never ending endeavor, there is never enough that everyone must know, you can force them to learn an entire Encyclopedia (as in training (the “training myth”) the new unemployed for the new “Future Jobs” ?) and it still would never end, and the same with Health Care, there is never enough Physical Perfection achieved by the body, you can always keep on solving ever new sicknesses, nay, provoking ever new sicknesses with new drugs and solving those sicknesses by other new drugs creating ever new sicknesses, ever new tests, ever new “Psychological Sicknesses” (and here the sky is the limit as anything can be considered a deep Mental Sickness (actually our entire Civilization is one Huge Mental Sickness)) and such) ? Is that what is really behind all of the Information Economy and Services Economy ? A way to keep on creating new goals and targets and manipulations in order to keep people employed ? to Invent Work that is not really necessary, but must be created in order to distribute the free wealth the Technological Economy generates automatically but can’t give away freely as that would imply that “You Don’t Have to Deserve it Anymore”, now it is all a “Free Lunch”, the entire concept of work and the status and social relationships that have been built upon it would get demolished, would imply a much deeper Crisis in our Stone Age Civilization, people would all go through an Identity Crisis as work is our Identity, it would also mean that all the work you achieved up to now was not really necessary, a trick, a make believe, a show, just a quirk as imposed by power relationships and such, etc.

The targets as real necessities to be achieved such as the most simple and basic needs such as Housing, Energy creation, some services, some products, some other items, etc. are not very many all said and done and can be performed today with very few people needed “to work” and very efficiently; if the real goal is only the basic targets you need very few people working. In fact our Technological Economy is all about Excess Capacity, we can do too much compared to what must be done, we are oversized as in an oversized workforce, an oversized technology and capability compared to those few basic puny needs we have, that is the basis of having built “Too Many Houses”, having too many products, etc.

How can we really need 100 million workers in the USA working everyday 8 hours a day busy producing informational and physical manipulations to achieve so many goals ? how much time wasted is there really ? how much redundancy ? how much make believe ? how much is a show ? I fanthom quite a lot.

The entire point is that if work is the solution to problems, then work would naturally keep on decreasing as we optimize and perfect the solution to problems we achieve, it would be less needed: and the real kicker in all of this is especially all of the emphasis put on Innovation, Research and Technology, which is exactly there to reduce all kinds of work, to reduce the necessity of new work and labor, not to create “New Jobs”. The success of the present and past work being performed is measured exactly in how much future work will not be needed anymore. The more people are working effectively and productively (as in Higher Productivity) the less future work will be needed as that is the goal of work: to eliminate itself, to need less of it, to solve problems ever better and once and for all so to say, etc. If work is the solution to problems then the more work performed the more problems are solved and the fewer problems are left to solve, the less work there is needed in the future, and the more work performed day to day and each day the less work will be needed in the future as more and more problems are solved once and for all and such, etc. Of course what is operating is so many people are creating new (or old and repeated over and over again just because, for fun, because they are bored, in fact boredom is what our Civilization is all about) temporary problems that must be solved therefore creating temporary work events by opposing their will powers and changing rules and choices and plans and such so as to never solve the problems “once and for all”, to never achieve a state of “Accumulation of Effort” as in something that adds up, the effort of so many workers that add up and accumulate in a result (a global collective result from a collective effort such as Rockets and Skyscrapers and such).

That is why there are too many empty homes in the US (15 million ?) they did work “too much”, they did a good job after all and they got the same problem in a very different society and culture and such as is Spain and Europe in general: they too have too many homes built, too many empty homes, they “worked too much” and now it is all working against them.

But this is because our Man Brain is based on all of its stone age mentalities of “Hard Work”, “You Have to Deserve It”, you must achieve, and especially the worshiping of Inequality, each Man Brain wants to feel Superior or Better or Deserving more compared to another, and Man Brain loves to fight, loves to express themselves, loves to Compete to see who is better ad worse, who is the Winner and who is the Loser and such.

But we must radically change “Human Nature” by changing the design of the Man Brain. The excuse that it is “Human Nature” and that justifies it all is over now: it won’t work anymore, now we are advanced enough to hose this Stone Age Mentality of Human Nature, in fact we will design new Man Brains that overcome all of this, by direct manipulation of the neural circuits, crack open skulls, put new microprocessors in them that eliminate the Free Will gadgets and that obey my commands of building millions of Rockets and Skyscrapers and such, I want that, like a cry baby I want that and all humanity becomes my tool, only my Free Will, only One Free Will is allowed to command 7 billion machines and such. By the way, the hippies wanted to achieve this state of overcoming our Stone Age Man Brain by trying to change the culture and values of small groups of people (and also some religious sects and communists and such) but have always failed because the Stone Age Man Brain is hardwired to fight and compete and express their puny Free Wills against other Free Wills and such and it is this circuit that must be disconnected.

Change Human Nature by changing the Man Brain. Our goal is to change Human Nature: it is not a given, it is not an invariant, it can be changed and we can throw away this Stone Age contraption, (just like the Christians always say Man is a Sinner, well he won’t be a sinner anymore because we will change the way the Man Brain operates). And in fact it is called Human “Nature”, exactly Nature must be hated and killed, kill Nature, there is nothing valuable about Nature, hate Nature with all of your guts, get Nature on the run real fast.




Hey Busty, did you KILL HUMAN NATURE ? Did you finally shove it down the toilet Once and For All ? You Nature Lover and Tree Hugger, how can you be such a jacka*ss ? Kill Nature, Crack Open Skulls and insert a Microprocessor that gets rid of the Free Will Gadget. Hey Juletta, did you connect the Microprocessor in your Brain correctly ? Are the wires connected to the correct subsystems of pain/pleasure circuits, emotion systems and memory systems or did you make a mistake and now find yourself in the Twilight Zone, in a new Universe with New Laws of Physics, and Experiencing a completely new State of Being and Existence ? Then keep on experimenting, change the circuits, change the program running in the Microprocessor, connect the Wild Symbols all over the Ball of Meat that is the MAN BRAIN, shove in Wild Chemicals and Wild Symbols, make it Go Crazy, make it Visit all the New Universes, which are many since the combinations of Signals, Circuits, Wild Chemicals and Wild Symbols are trillions upon trillions…(actually they are many times more: exponents of exponents like 10^10^10^10^10000, etc.)



Interpretations ?

So JHK shows us an old manufacturing city of NY etc. Well he only sees a part, only the part he wants to see in , for every force going in a given direction, there is an equal force going in the opposite, sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker (or anyone can assign which is stronger or weaker, etc.), for every dying manufacturing city in the US there is another one being born in the US, or more importantly, there are 10 being born worldwide and such.

For every interpretation of reality, there is an equally justified and correct and opposing interpretation (and it is anyone’s guess which is the correct one, but the truth is there are no true interpretations, just subjective interpretations fighting to make believe they are general and true: or trying to achieve the largest consensus possible amongst people so as to become the “Correct because Dominant” interpretation of reality and such (when the interpretations are simply not just a command language, a subtle programming language used to program what people think and do and act and behave: case in point, the “Hard Work” myth forces people to work hard and invent hard work even when it is not necessary and force others to do the same by creating ever new tasks and goals and interactions and creates a consensus culture to create a never ending list of tasks and interactions amongst people (and expectations and goals, projects) and interactions amongst groups to enforce and create and justify the “Hard Work” myth, and since all behave and are programmed in such a way, it becomes the norm, the invariant, the interpretation of reality, when it is an arbitrary assignment and programming of people to act and interact in a given way or when the interpretations are not hiding a personal interest and personal gain of an interpretation against another (as in political debates wanting to impose certain political programs against others but really hiding a personal interest: more welfare because I want to freeload and such or less taxes for my company so I can gain but make believe that I will generate jobs) or justify a personal guilt complex such as society doesn’t generate enough jobs so I can keep on not working, but subtly trying to justify it through imaginary structural reasons when I am just lazy and such)).

So what is the correct interpretation ? there is none, my take on it is the following:

  1. The USA, EU and JAPAN are destined to remain low economic growth economies for many years because all of the past reciprocal conditions, quirk conditions of technology level, cultural atmosphere, psychological atmosphere, lesser globalization from (once) 3rd world countries, etc. are no longer operating, the configuration of forces and combinations that created that growth are no longer operating and present, just like the weather changes day to day, so does it change on larger scales and longer time spans and in endeavors as complex as economy.

  2. It will be increasingly harder to justify paying more for manufacturing in the first world when you can get the same labor for 200 or 300 dollars a month in Indonesia and India, etc. as opposed to 1,000 to 3,000 dollars a month in the USA, EU and JAPAN.

  3. Even the Services and Intellectual, Information Economy jobs being paid more in the first world are not justified much anymore, nay, in these sectors the justification is even less because Information Economy workers are everywhere at any price worldwide thanks to the Internet and technology and such. And especially, in theory, Information Economy workers have a huge amplification of power and effects, a huge economy of scale as information chunks properly configured can even further optimize and eliminate the needs for further jobs (especially in the information economy as we are saturated with information, free information from the Internet and such) but even this interpretation may be completely false or better irrelevant, it doesn’t matter or it could be a justification for being lazy and not working (as in being subject to another will power commanding you ? but that is what everyone seeks, only to fight it back, but need the fight anyways ? contradictions abound).

So, what is the truth ? There is no truth, it is a vain endeavor to search any truth or create any theory: things were, are and will be anything at all according to the collective forces of many millions of will powers assigning things to be in any way at all as Man is the Infinitely Programmable Machine.

In other words, anything goes, any interpretation, any political position anything at all, no matter how wrong, how absurd how far out, how impossible etc. So we can say that today the USA has never been so rich, that it is a complete Utopia on earth as all 300 million live in a paradise on earth and it is exactly 100 % true. Or you can say the exact opposite and that too, is 100 % true. AMEN.

We are only the value the reciprocal people we interact with give us in the end (and in a sense), we are only the program the reciprocal environment we find ourselves in forces us to play out, no matter what.

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Beware of the word ALL:

“the spectacle proclaims the predominance of appearances and asserts that all human life”

That has created many philosophical errors, never use all, but “a lot”, or “much” or “many” since you cannot see ALL of anything and be sure…


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