Sophisticated Economy

I apologize, I thought you were discussing; not blogging.

No Solutions to Any Problems Ever…

The law of conservation of problems: no matter how many thoughts you throw at problems, they will always remain, or at best change into some other new problems, but the law of conservation of problems corresponds to the law of conservation of thoughts: no matter how many problems you solve you will always be forced to execute the same number of thoughts (or ever more thoughts, a never ending stream of thoughts and problems and worries and so forth and feelings and ups and downs and so forth) to solve new problems that will either never be solved or will be transformed into new problems and hence trigger new thoughts and so forth: no matter how many thoughts you throw at problems, nay, no matter how many things you do, events you execute, no matter how many sequence of events, and fights and whatever, all remains the same and you never get anywhere, the problems will continue forever since they will never solve any problem and so forth: and even if they did solve all problems, you would just invent, create, force new problems and new thoughts to throw at them all over again, even if you don’t but something independent from you will, some random casual force will always create new problems and trigger a never ending array of new thoughts, and conflicts and debates and especially a never ending array of information to throw at problems and the loop continues forever and so forth and such. The problems remain forever because they are structurally invariant, just like the thoughts will continue forever: no matter how many thoughts and information you throw at problems, no matter how many debates and conflicts you throw at problems and fights you throw at problems, the debates and conflicts will never be resolved, the problems will never be resolved, you can’t think yourself out of the basic Man Brain circuit that always makes people fight automatically, that comprehends the entire experience set of existence in terms of simply fights, conflicts, A against B, A wins and B loses and so forth.

All differences between any items, any difference between any items, a small rock and a big rock imply a metaphysical war, a contrast, a judgement of which is better, a thought process, a forced inequality and so force a war between all entities and items of the universe against each other since they are different, since the identity principle declared war on peace and all items will compare each other to each other and fight and judge and so forth.

So go on, keep on throwing information at problems, keep on throwing thoughts at problems, keep on having problems, a never ending array of problems that will never be solved, keep on fighting between each other, keep on comparing each other to each other, but I will always win since I am the Ultimate, I am GOD, I am the Ultra GOD, I am all, I am the winner, I win all and you all lose all, like a cry baby I win, I win, I win !!!

Like why must people speak and let their thoughts known at all ? they are just a trunk of mystery until they open their mouths and expose some thought processes, but as soon as they are quite again, they become once again a total mystery, but mostly a threat, you never know what could be on their mind, friend or enemy ? and so forth, how weird, an animal that can’t talk to other animals but can’t be quite, a constant infinite instability, the Man Brain a constant problem never solved, a never ending unstable and intractable machine and so forth…


Origins of the Growth Myth

The Growth myth comes from the Investment myth, the idea that you have to put money somewhere and it has to grow automatically without you having to do anything, automatic creation of wealth, and this indeed works in “Expanding Markets”, by making profits by selling more stuff, rapidly selling loads of things, mass production, like the Apple model, saturate the world with smartphones, growing markets, more things sold, more profits, the growth occurs (although you need an entire planet now to achieve the scales of growth money needs to satisfy the greed of investors, their comic book view of the world where things keep on going up forever).

But obviously there are real structural limits to this model no matter what: how many more cars and houses (where the real growth occurs and where the real economy kicks in creating at least some “jobs”) can be built (ask Spain…) ? how many more things ? how many things can we even use in the end ? so obviously markets saturate much faster today than they did some decades ago when the great Growth Myth appeared as a law of physics, an invariant, etc. because work today is optimized, “competitive”, “way too productive to know what to do with itself” (even including loads of idle time, office politics, and people spinning wheels thanks to technology etc.), way too “competitive” and flexible and so forth (thanks to the myths of all of these concepts imposed on the workers worldwide and the corporations, etc. they have huge excess capacity, huge economies of scale, can rapidly saturate any market with anything, can rapidly put to work millions and achieve a huge output, but by doing so kill off loads of future work for years on end).

So there are real structural limits to Economic Growth no matter how much investors want it, the Standard Economic Model Chants about it (all based on their simple numbers, profits, money must make a profit automatically, they don’t look at anything real on the ground, the growth myth is tied into the Investment Myth and they are all oblivious to what really happens on the ground, they all live in a comic book world, etc.). And there are other limits: it is much easier for a society to stagnate, to not grow anymore once it has achieved a given standard of living than to grow no matter what, the society becomes rigid automatically, interests have to protect themselves, close all the doors to change (just look at real estate prices going sky high in all developed countries and look at that as a wall which any new kid starting to work can no longer ever hope to climb and such). And most technological novelties that could be associated with real growth and job creation have been played out, have been done, now there are very few really new job creating technologies left, all has been done, the great growth engine and job creating engines of the 20th century have finished delivering, nothing today really creates many jobs no matter how many times the economists want to blame workers, the laws, the moral faults of anyone and everyone according to a comic book view of the world, etc. Of course, companies will still hire thousands of people and invent all kinds of essentially fake work, making people spin their wheels, like Microsoft programming windows over and over again for 20 years and such, but essentially real work is finishing, is no longer necessary, etc.

Especially when they all talk about jobs: they just talk about the surrounding conditions about the “Jobs”, this imaginary myth, this comic book representation of an activity that isn’t there anymore, isn’t needed, etc. They talk about it abstractly and never really ask what jobs are really needed (what on earth are people going to do for 8 hours a day, what input → manipulation → output tasks will they do for 8 hours of day that is worthwhile, that creates a “profit”, impossible to imagine, especially as so many things don’t produce profits but loses and especially since the value of things today are arbitrarily established by fashion, by random, by random judgements and will powers that have no value at all, random behaviors like everyone buying smartphones, something totally useless, just fun and games with no reality, no real need behind them and such), what can really absorb millions of workers etc. No one ever asks what jobs will there be, what jobs are we talking about, etc: The jobs, creating “jobs”, no one even knows what they are talking about, no one ever talks about the contents of words, just imaginary worlds where jobs appear because someone pays less taxes and so forth, never looking at what happens on the ground and such: well jobs are no longer needed, and jobs can be done anywhere in the world, etc. Apple hobby programmers created them 100,000 Apps for Apple for free, without Apple needing to hire them or pay them, this is the reality of “jobs” today (and in fact they also rapidly saturated the Apps space, now all the Apps you could have ever imagined have been produced by themselves, rapidly, things get rapidly saturated in a few years and such), and this too will limit growth, (so you really think the Chinese can keep on buying 10 million cars a year ? in their tight cities without parking space, traffic jams etc, ? no one has a country designed for cars like the USA, the only country that really did grow and from which the growth myth originated from, but the USA was a continent, wide spaces, wide roads, large homes, two car garages and so forth), the mythical economic growth everyone expects to keep on going on, when in all truth, even if you do have growth it will rapidly saturate and end fast, ever longer spans of time with zero growth or recession and a few years of growth rapidly saturating all and ever so.

The growth myth is over, now you have to force growth and production and consumption by giving out free salaries to all, cheap rents, huge public private projects and so forth.


So I Suck. Now what ? Can you actually reply with something more than a one liner ? actually very few even know how to reply with anything more than a one liner to my posts.

Check Out: … tions.html



So maybe you can actually learn something more.

And no one ever replies my posts because they are 100 % correct, no one can ever contradict the only voice of the truth, the voice of GOD, the Ultra Mind, you are all envious of how much more advanced and smarter I am than anyone else,. I WIN, I WIN, I WIN!!!


This wasn’t one line.

However, don’t trouble yourself with responding to that post, as you have a stance that has already concluded that everyone except for you is an inept and ignorant fool, and have already classed me into that same demographic without any example by me as to who or what I am.

I have made a mistake in attempting to respond to your posts, as you are not interested in dialogue, but instead seem to be perplexingly interested in broadcasting your ideas which you hold others incapable of comprehending due to their inferiority to your superior intellect.


Actually, the contents of words must be considered carefully: the entire idea of “Growth”, the word “Growth” really means completely different things for an Economist - Politician - Bank - Corporation compared to what most people imagine it means: what “Economic Growth” really means and what is really desired is the Growth of Real Estate Prices and Home Prices so as to get a profit from Home prices and Home Rents always going up (while salaries go down, so much the better): the profit from property, not growth in terms of more wealth distributed to more people, this is never taken into account for the Economists, what counts is ever increasing Home Prices and Rents, ever increasing Real Estate Prices, ever increasing fixed costs, as this can be turned into profits, means growth of profits, they always really like to confuse people with all of these words and people buy into it easily, oh yeah, growth (and most growth in the end is mostly in real estate prices, values and rents, etc.) is good, that means there will be more jobs and such, when what they all really want is growth in Home Values, this is the great Independent Variable of the Economists that chant that Home Values going down is “Bad” while Home Values going up is “Good”: nothing more contorted and false ever has been dealt to the masses and they suck it up like little babies since they too can think they are “Rich” by having a property, a home whose values keeps on going up, this should make them feel rich and such, and they should then like to consume more and such BS, etc.

But actually Home Prices and Values going down is what is really good for the Economy, is what frees resources for other things since so much money is no longer tied into the Iron Fist Grip of Property Posession and the High Walls the prices impose on the real flexibility of an Economy (not the fake flexibility of labor and labor laws they all like to chant about in Southern Europe, trying to hose their workers as much as possible, and in Southern Europe the Home Values never go down but always up but they lament the rigidity of their economies, why they don’t grow: how about collapsing those Home Values down really fast ?): low property values means people can easily rent homes anywhere at a low price compared to their puny salaries, offices can rent space at a low price, stores can rent space at a low price and these are all things that should be good for the Economy: but alas, it is all useless, the brainwashing has been achieved, the words twisted in their meanings, the people forever confused and nothing will ever change for the better.

On a side note, societies will always tend to stagnate and remain fixed in the end economically, they just can’t grow past a certain limit since even selling 10 million cars a year in the USA, replacing a car evey ten years on a population of 100 million cars, means that just by keeping the values of sales constant (hence according to economists, a zero growth economy, a stagnation) always means that a very high level of production remains fixed structurally: it is the expectation of growth that defines economies as good and bad, but they never look at the absolute values of production and never realize how much they have grown, how large production already is, how high the standards of living have reached: but they impose this ideology that either you keep on growing or everything will fall apart, either up or down, either you are getting richer and richer or you will become poorer and poorer, the ideology imposes a false instability on a machine that naturally reaches a steady state equilibrium, that doesn’t really need to grow much anymore since it has achieved all the growth that it will ever need: look at the McMansions in the USA, they had all the houses they needed, they even had relatively low prices compared with the rest of the world (look at house prices in London, insane or Rome or Paris or Tokyo, those prices are so high it is insanity, but that is supposed to be good according to the economists, what a farce) but they needed to keep on growing so they built huge homes like McMansions all over the US (mostly the Southern States and Midwest, a lot less in the East Coast but anyways) and hiked up the prices and then gave out free moeny as subprime loans and you know the story.

Anyways real Economic Growth, as understood and experienced in the 20th century in the USA, EU and JAPAN is over now, it won’t happen anymore (for example they all chant how bad off JAPAN is, since they stagnated (thanks to their own real estate bubble collapsing 20 years ago, all due to the myth of hiking up home values and prices, free wealth for all, what an idiotic thing to do!), but JAPAN has kept on having a hugely high standard of living compared to 90 % of the world, very few countries wil ever come close to their standards of living, but the Growth myth imposes that they are bad off since they didn’t keep on growing forever: what a comic book view of the world if ever, they never look at the absolute values of things, at how things appear not compared to before, but compared in general, absolutely, not always imposing this growth myth and trend for eveything), but it won’t happen especially since when real growth can no longer kick in, the only thing left to make growth occur is to hike up real estate values and prices and such: exactly the thing that ended the growth of JAPAN and hosed the USA and Spain recently.

So Growth is mostly doomed for the following reasons in order of importance:

  1. High Home Values, Prices, Rents killing off all possible future growth, killing off the possibility of young kids being able to rent or buy, high home values and real estate values create a very high wall and freezes a situation where the economy becomes static especially for this, since interests must be protected, those that got rich during the good years of growth, must protect their wealth by keeping the values of real estate high, blocking any future growth of the economy, killing off all flexibility in the economy, and forcing it to become static and stagnate: the satus quo protects itself.

  2. A Technological Economy needs less and less work anyways, the work is too productive, can easily saturate markets with all kinds of goods.

  3. You can only produce so many new cars and homes, etc. only so much can be produced in the end no matter what, the economies will tend to a static steady state no matter what, it is very hard to keep on making a fully developed economy grow every year and in fact both JAPAN and the USA have been having a hard time growing, now all the spotlights are on the emerging markets, China, India, Brazil, since these are simply going from poor to rich, that is a case where it is very easy to grow, more people buying their first cars, TVs etc. and they are creating an expanding market and growth the economists and investors love, but this will end in a few years anyways, they shouldn’t fool themselves too much and already the high real estate value negative feedback loop on growth is already starting to kick in for those countries so watch out.

  4. Environment can only take so much, all circuits get saturated, traffic jams, crowds, energy limits, a population getting older and older, political conflicts freezing governments and so forth, huge past debts that must be paid, etc.

  5. That one time lucky combination of new inventions, technology at a certain level and so forth that the USA had (and after EU and JAPAN) during the 20th century creating the growth will never come back again: the Airline Industry was born, the car industry, the TV, the Computers, so many new inventions hiring millions of workers and then at that time there weren’t a billion new cheap workers avaiable in China India and Indonesia that can do your job and so forth.

And especially all of the EU problems with the debts and all of the attention on wanting growth is because the debts were made with the expectation that the future economies would keep on growing and be able to cover the debts: nothing further from the truth, especially in the EU and especially in Spain, Italy, the negative feedaback loop of high real estate values and prices, high homes prices killed all future growth once and for all with no hope in sight of these values ever going back down again, the owners (80 % of the population) will prefer to starve than make their homes go down 90 %, what their real values should be.

So the Economic Growth myth comes from the Investment Myth (money must make profit) and is imposed by the past Debts having to be paid back by an imaginary - comic book world of constant and never ending Economic Growth. If they really wanted that, then why don’t they all chant for huge deflation of all costs, and huge deflation of real estate values (values that are really independent variables imposed by what a country decides it wants its prices to be, it is all an internal fight in a society of owners against renters), one of the very few things that could get some growth kicking in again.

But growth is doomed anyways, you may have 5 or 6 good years of 3 percent growth in the USA, EU and JAPAN but make no mistake, you will then get maybe another 8 years of zero growth and recession, and the cycle wil repeat for a few decades, ever longer amounts of time of zero to negative growth with only a few years of growth in between: the markets will become completely saturated, overproduction of homes and cars and all else will be achieved, the entire idea of Economic Growth is flawed from so many points of views it is not even funny.

But the economists will always chant their same old BS, it is the workers fault, they are not flexible, there are too many public workers, governments should fire their workers, we need more innovation, more education, more training (and then training for what ? for what jobs ? who on earth knows ? no one ever says what all those unemployed must be trained for because no one knows or even cares to know since the contents of words are never really examined, only the ideological BS of the economists is stated, always talking about things abstractly, so you never really know what they are talking about) and so forth, they will find all kinds of excuses, all of the morality wrongs people do to blame why the economy doesn’t grow (and I dont’ care whether it is seen from left or right, the economists say that even the capitalists and banks are at fault, but it is always a game of finding who is morally at fault), the capitalists are hogging up too much cash, they don’t invest (and why should they ? with so little return from most endeavors, who cares), and so on, always trying to find someone to blame, someone who is doing something wrong, someone morally at fault.

But it is not so, the economies can’t grow anymore structurally, no matter what you do, no matter how many government workers you fire, no matter what, the growth myth is just a myth, just because it happened in the 20th century doesn’t mean it is a law of physics, an invariant.

And then the politicians promising growth, they will create jobs, they will create growth, all illusions to get voted, always making believe they can actually control something so vague, intractable and impossible to achieve as economic growth…

8 tobors

But alas the mistake is to think that there is any model; that a society or civilization or country or any group can behave “rationally”, can behave according to a model, like JHK’s model, or my own model or any model: the Man Brain is a totally unstable, intractable and unpredicatble machine, hence the civilization he creates, the customs and behaviors of a society or tribe is always a fluke, full of contradictions, quirks and problems and mythical solutions and religions (even if masked in another form, like the science of Economy and so forth): in short, there is no normal, there has never been any normal, or any correct way of functioning for a society, there is no correct and wrong. Any normal today can always be criticized and compared to an alternative normal and demonstrated as wrong or incorrect and so forth, and all past societies were the same and so all future societies, there is no normal and never will be, there are no solutions to a society and never will be and never has been, etc.

All the debates and blocks of texts imply that something is wrong and there is a way to fix it, that we must return to “correct” and “normal” and so forth: but nothing further from the truth, there is no “correct” or “normal” or better or anything, only temporary fluke chocies, fluke decisions, fluke customs and behaviors a society self imposes upon itself, brainwashes itself to have as long as it can last, and then it will change again, a never ending stream of new normals, new corrects and so forth.

What is right or wrong, what system is better or worse ? no one knows or will ever know, we just transit from system to system, from civilization types to other types with all possible contradictions operating and such.

Anything can become a goal, no matter how far out, a society can impose itself as a goal to count all the rocks in a desert, or pick them up and move them just for no reason at all: the same kind of goal is imposed by declaring that Economies must grow, someone made up this task and all of a sudden that is the task that must be achieved and done and so forth: any other task can be invented and other normal and abnormal (normal is the high growth society, abnormal the low growth one and so forth) can be invented, defined and assigned and so forth. So the fact that the car tire isn’t blue is a problem, that must be fixed and so on, invent any imagined normal, declare the present state as sick or bad and then assign the task to fix it and assign yourself as being correct and knowing the truth since you have imposed that the car tire must be blue and so forth, the same with any other kinds of inventions of normal and not normal, goals and tasks, the sick society and healthy society and so forth (JHK’s example, small and local is better than big and global and so forth, all arbitrary aesthetical, artistic choices in the end).

And notice that the more something can’t be had the more it is invoked, the less Growth is possible and will be possible the more it is invoked and called for (especially in the EU to pay of their debts, go figure), the more they all chant that Economic growth is needed, the less it is really possible, the more they chant that they need Innovation and Research and Startups (so that a new superstar corporation like Apple can invent something new and make huge profits by huge sales “growth” and such) the less innovations are even possible: everything game changing has been invented, there are fewer and fewer possible real innovations and new miracle discoveries making new companies possible, and it all goes back to wishful thinking, hoping for the miracles, the miracles of never ending growth and profits and such.

And each new innovation is less new, the iphone was just a cluster of old inventions put together in a new package and so forth, the cloud is just the internet named differently and so forth, ever fewer possible real innovations and possible economic growth and ever more they are invoked and the more they all chant about this mythology, these hoped for miracles.


As Man is defined by his problems, his problems define him, Man needs problems always to simply exist and “think” (or does he create problems in order to think or does thought create problems so as to create a contents for itself ? and so forth): the Man Brain is a problem searching machine, or a problem creating machine, problems define the Man Brain, problems will never be solved because the essence of Man Brains is to exist within a sea of problems and so forth. So no problems can be solved. But then again any set of bits in the mind can be defined as problems or solutions or anything else, even the definition and delimitation of problems compared to solutions, what is considered a problem or solution or an environment or anything else is arbitrary, your problem is my solution, or the problem - solution set can be anything at all and imply any number of intermediate steps to transit from problem to solution, from starting point to target achieved and so forth, and they can be all mixed up, all out upside down, all confused and anything goes and so forth.

But the economic growth myth is often always based on small percentages, 3 percent growth etc. the percents are so small that it is really hard to find connections between causes and effects (and very small things can make it grow or contract by small percentages, small events can have big effects, we’re always around the zero line, plus or minus 3 percent economic growth and such, anything can move the numbers in any direction), between problems and solutions and what effects what, what can produce growth as opposed to what could block growth and so forth: and since the cause and effects of economic growth are intractable, arbitrary, hard to define, not scientific (mostly political ?), non linear, as the machine of economy is so contorted, with so many random will powers acting at the same time, so many contrasting forces, going everywhere and nowhere, anyone can invent any cause and effect and brainwash people that if they activate a certain cause than the economy will grow, jobs will come back and so forth, the eternal promises of better times if you do as I say: like in the EU, fire government workers, increase the retirement age and the economy will do good again, and everyone buys into this cause and effect, (since it can never be challenged or even figured out as all is essentially intractable) and the statistics can show that it is so (as statistics can be fabricated to demonstrate anything you want if your are shrewd enough, just like lawyers can demonstrate anything and so forth), but especially since the causes are implying the effects, than a society can brainwash itself that that cause will generate that effect and actually make it come true, as the distinction between what is an objective - scientific cause from what is a psychological, culture wide forced causes is intractable and so forth: the command language forcing a cause and effect model to become true by everyone believing in it and buying into it and making it really become true as the economy is a self observing system, a self referential system acutally programming itself on the go, looking at itself, talking to itself and programming itself to be in a certain way or another way. A feedback loop where the description of how it works becomes how it works and the causes and effects become so since they were assigned as such without anyone noticing that the economic machine is being programmed if all the economists decide that the causes and effects should be such and such and a sociery brainwashes itself to believe this and programs all of its people to believe this and put it in action by everyone believing this and acting accordingly.

And all of those causes that are making the economy be bad (the retirement age for example and the lazy government workers) are all tied into some kind of morality, something wrong someone is doing, some fault of someone and people love to find this linear cause and effect, especially they didn’t “work hard enough”, “government workers are lazy”, “we need more hard work for the economy to pick up” and such, when the modern day Technological Economy has zero connection to any of these imagined moral faults, to this morality police trying to force this comic book linearity, this stone age idea that hard work will create more wealth, when the modern economy is all based on random decisions of where to allocate billions of dollars the rich have and so forth and nothing at all to do with work or morality, or moral faults and so forth at all: the economy doesn’t need work, it needs fun and games and consumerism more than anything else, retirement ages, government workers, imagined waste of money doesn’t exist, it is all a political game, a tug of war between who wants to sacrifice who according to the mythical economic growth fairy tale and so forth.

But people want to be promised, want to hope that they can actually improve their lot, they need to believe in the politicians and economists chanting all of this BS, and people deeply love finding who is to blame, who must be sacrificed, who is at fault, who is lazy, who is not doing their jobs, who is the layabout and so forth, all inside the idea of finding moral faults, all inside the concept of everyone wanting to punish everyone else when in all truth all of this BS has nothing at all to do with economic growth at all, actually economies grow when people are in the exact opposite moods, spending and optimistic and carefree and not all all into the mood of blaming someone else and everyone wanting to punish everyone else and so forth, all in the punishment mode.

But behind all of the imaginary causes and effects that are invented to pretend that they can actually generate real economic growth is all of the hidden agendas of someone grabbing more cash as opposed to someone else: so the retirement age is increased so the government has to pay out less pensions (but at the same time what company wants old people working for them when they would like to hose all the older people and get young fresh new kids who cost a lot less and are easily programmable and flexible compared to older people ?) but the morality has been achieved, you must work harder, and the government saves money by forcing companies to keep on paying old people they don’t want anymore and so forth.

The truth is that past a certain point economies become steady state, naturally decay, and the technological economy, by not needing many workers and needing fewer and fewer, automatically tends ever more towards recession than expanding since we still live in a stone age mentality of “you have to work to get a salary” when this is no longer applicable and such.



Yo Yo News…

The news is that the stock market went up: wow a real new “news”, the day before it went down, tomorrow it will go down, then up, then down and so forth: the economy went up, then down, then up, back and forth, up and down, the only news that is possible is the last news compared to the previous and so forth. The new news will always be the opposite of the last news which will then cycle through and become once again the old news and so forth and such.

Many things are locked in a box, can either go up or down, can only be one or zero, a one bit circuit, and that is what they do: they cycle back and forth, now it is good, tomorrow bad, the next day good, now A has happened, tomorrow B will happen then since things can only go back and forth in the end, the only thing that can happen again is A all over again and the cycle repeats. And so it is with recessions and expansions and all else, in reality, there is no real news, things just chug along as usual, up and down (and notice the precentages are always so small, which means they essentially are hoovering around zero and so forth).

So there will always be news, as it is always and only ever news compared to the last news which is always the opposite of the new news and so forth. Things can only go back and forth, last month employment picked up, this month it went down, and the only thing that changes is the length of the cycles, the repetitive patterns repeating with different time lengths and nothing else. Kind of like a fake news, like following the stock markets or the exchange rates, you can be sure that when either get too high, they will get back down again, only to cycle up and down all over again, locked in a box, tied into a binary segment, ony one or zero, no choice to possibly go anywhere else, all news is really no news, and the same with all statistics, measurements and numbers only to become news compared to the last news: yesterday it was black, today it is white tomorrow it will be black again a few days longer white again, back and forth, the yo yo world, the yo yo news, no real new news, only the same old things repeated forever and so forth.

That company went down, that other company failed, that other one made a profit, that guy robbed money, and so forth, all similar events repeated over and over again, all over the place, the same old, same old…


Fake Crisis

Everything is an emergency, everything is falling apart, only then to never fall apart, to never happen and so forth, all a bluff, a game, a make believe crisis that then just disappears the next day: oh the fiscal cliff and such BS, what happened ? nothing ! the fake crisis was once again “resolved”, or the can kicked down the street a little further and so forth. The EU debt crisis, Greece falling apart, and so forth ! crisis, emergency, a big disaster and so forth. Oh and then what happened ? Nothing it all got solved somehow or another, all of the crisis and emergencies just get solved, always miracurously, the last minute everything gets saved, the fake crisis and emergency and such just gets solved, over and over again, always new emergencies, crisis, problems, only to have them all disappear the next day, but maybe pop up again a month later and the cycle repeats and such with eveything and such. Anyone remember the “California is Bankrupt” emergency ? what happened ? nothing ! it got solved or dissappeared or the can got kicked down the street a little further and so forth. A never ending stream of emergencies, crisis and problems that somehow always get solved, or disappear or whatever, so many crisis and emergencies you can’t even remember a tenth of them and so forth.

But in the EU it is even more funny: the big debt crisis, the emergencies and all, all of the problems, the crisis, everything was supposed to fall apart in 2012 and what happened ? nothing it is all ok now, but at the same time the governments of Southern Europe, Spain, Italy and Greece had an excuse to pass tougher laws punishing the weaker social classes, with the excuses of all of the crises, they hosed the lower classes, they passed laws increasing the retirement age, changed the labor laws, increased taxes and so forth, fired government workers (always assumed to be lazy and a “waste of money” (but for who ? in what sense ?!?, not for those government workers assholes!)) all with this imaginary, fake crisis and emergency mode that is used over and over again, in all of the world to pass laws to punish the weaker classes and such.

Watch out for the next emergency that will be used as an excuse to pass some laws against you, always some kind of justification, the weaker social classes are always guilty and morally wrong, kick out government and state workers, they are lazy and bad and guilty for all of the emergencies.

What a farce, and everyone believes in all the crap they tell you.

And then all of the news just lasts a short attention span, it all becomes so important as long as it is present on the radar, as soon as the next day comes, it is all solved, disappears, vanishes: I remember a few years back how important Irak and the Irak War was, now, it’s off the radar, as if it never happened you could say, it has vanished, it is no longer there, who even remembers ? who cares ? was that crappy country even so important ? and so forth. And then the last obsessive news and issues just get replaced with the latest obsessive news and issues: since 2008 it has been the great boogy man of the recession and the economic crisis and such: in ten years no one will remember crap about all of this stuff, some other new news and obsessions and new issues will dominate all the media, maybe some new terrorist attack or such.

tobor man

Productivity ?

I was reading how much “Productivity” increased in the USA (wordwide also) in the last decade(s) and such. Really ? Compare 1930 to 1970, what has been achieved in those 40 years: the car industry kicked in hiring millions, the airline industry, the TV industry, highways, suburbs, you name it (did the War help ? maybe), all kinds of new industries, all kinds of jobs, so many people hired, malls, consumerism and especially technology went miles ahead, landed on the moon and so forth. Compare that to 1970 to 2010. Increased productivity ? really ? with a lot higher population, and more technical know how what has been achieved ? well mostly Moore’s law (the doubling of transistors on slabs of silicon every two years, but mostly a huge lucky break nature dealt us, a once in a blue moon narrow path that came from heaven and helped us create all these new “inventions”), the Integrated Circuit, and then the Microprocessor, Personal Computer, Internet and then Blogs, forums, youtube and facebook, each step built on top of the previous step, all a consequence of Moore’s law. But really, I think that is nothing compared to the previous 40 years. With a lot less money spent on Research and “Innovation” and “Startups” they went from the past to modern in 4 decades, we can’t get past modern with all the extra research and money and attempts at innovation being performed.

Really, so much research isn’t going anywhere, isn’t delivering much (and that is why it is invoked so much, more research and innovation exactly because it isn’t delivering much anymore, and more startups hoping that some new IBM or General Motors can pop up out of it hiring millions ever more invoked and hoped for, but ever farther away and impossible to achieve: like the great GOD of Economic Growth, ever more invoked ever farther away and no longer achievable no matter what), in most of the west, it would be fine just to have normal back again, normal home prices, normal jobs, normal public transportation, normal anything, normal health care prices and so forth (and in the EU, especially southern EU (Italy Spain Greece) it is even much worst!, normality is out of the window now, everything is a crisis, an emergency (fakely induced ? for some hidden agenda of a group of people wanting to grab a gain ? unions ? workers ? private actors ? who knows who), from throwing out the garbage to the hospitals and such). Like we don’t need innovation or startups or more research we need just the basic things of everyday life to work normally, we don’t need exciting and new, we need public health care, public buses that are clean and functioning and takes us all over the place, jobs, or at least a salary since jobs are obsolete and no longer needed and cheap rents and such.

But more research and training and innovation isn’t going to deliver all of the normal things most people need and want: more innovation and research is going to deliver more toys (and not even that, just new names for old things like calling programs Apps and the internet the cloud and such, a new name for an old thing creates an imaginary new thing, talk about make believe and pretend, and actually most novelties are all all based on alot of pretending and make believes and fun and games anyways), more unnecessary play things like the iphones, like in the third world, they all have cell phone but no running water, no toilets and iffy electricity, and no homes and no nothing, nothing that counts, but they all have color TVs and such: that is the model, give them toys and useless crap, don’t give them the basics and what is really needed, the normal things, since if you gave them the normal things you couldn’t create great needs forcing people to be slaves and suffer and having to work, you have to take away the basics to have a population become a slave to the basics (and such, a power game).

But they will all keep on chanting more education, more innovation, more research hoping or pretending that that will solve problems which are almost all political, and economic and all a tug of war and fight amongst groups of people trying to grab more of something.

All of the money thrown at research, trillions of dollars compred to 1930 to 1970 and we can’t achieve anything at all, what productivity, we haven’t produced nearly anything at all, we have the same problems as ever, always the same problems forever, then what is all that money in research good for anyways ? Oh I see, to let some corporations make huge profits, like Apple and others, all huge profits and concentration of wealth in a few hands, but always chanting that we neee more innovation and research hoping that that will create more wealth.

We have the wealth, we don’t need more innovation or research or novelties: we need to redistribute all the cash that a few are hogging up and make the normal things work and give all the noraml basics to all worldwide, there is nothing more that “Needs to be discovered”.

And I affrim that most economic growth is over and done with in the USA, EU and JAPAN, no matter what, no matter what laws are passed (all of the famous “reforms” (more flexible labor, better legal systems and so on) that Spain, Greece and Italy must do, what a joke, and all of those reforms have been operating for decades in the USA and they don’t seem to be creating much economic growth in the USA anyways, imagine if those countries can even begin to grow anymore at all, even after they make those reforms (which will be very hard to do anyways, because so much of it is tied into culture and behaviors, like as soon as they freed up the labor markets in Italy, the workers got hosed big time with salary cuts, and easy firing (but very little hiring) and the myth of property keeping home prices and rents way higher than in the USA which is way more flexible and culturally advanced than Southern Europe at least economically speaking (like Germany is way more advanced as people keep the streets clean they are more culturally advanced, Southern Europe is way more tribal, everyone thinks for themselves and so forth, no one wants to pay taxes and so forth)), things on the ground will go their own way, no one can really do anything about it, no one has any power to force those economies to go anywhere at all, there is no real cause and effect that can provoke any economic growth, those economies will have to naturally play out their evolution, despite any wishes and attempts anyone makes to influence them and so on. Everything will just go its own way, no matter how much it is talked about, measured, and debated, it will go its own way completely independently of anything and anyone.

Whoever wins any political elections, whoever goes to power, whatever laws are passed (and this myth that laws can really influence economies more than just a very little) the economies will slow to static, to stagnation and a stand still automatically, developed economies saturate and reach a point where growth is simply no longer possible no matter what, all circuits saturate, all growth has been achieved, labor is too productive, too much production of anything, it is too easy to satisfy needs with fewer and fewer workers and since all of those economies are still based on the stone age idea that you must work to get paid, they will probably decay and contract ever more, not even stagnate and remain static: for them to grow they would have to give out loads of free salaries to all and cheap rents, go figure.


Why Does the USA Still Grow ?

Comparing the USA to JAPAN or Europe, especially Spain, Italy etc. you can see why the USA still can grow economically: the USA has a psychological culture of being naive (customs and behaviors radically different from the very conservative, boring, “wise” (and therefore dead and boring and not willing to change jobs and move around and risk and such, not willing to believe in the possibility to make it and being successful psychological language of Europe and JAPAN) customs, culture and behavior of Europe and JAPAN (and most of the rest of the world outside of the USA)), of believing in fairy tales, of risking, of the possibility to change jobs and become a boss and such.

The USA are more simple minded (more simple action and reaction without “deep thought” or contemplating forever the risks and such, more impulsive, etc. willing to fight and risk and confront each other) they are willing to play the game, they are willing to move to another state (being that the USA is a monolithic standardized country where the entire country speaks the same psychological language (make or break it, work yourself up, try to improve, “you can always change jobs”, and this explains the corollary effect of “hard work” of wanting to work hard so you can make it, of the impossibility of being in the middle, it is either up or out, up or down, and being that many in the USA are simple minded, naive, believe in the fairy tale, they are willing to change jobs and work hard (or at least create the appearance of working hard by talking alot, connections, making connections, having loads of meetings and staying many more hours than 8 at the job and such))). This belief in the fairy tale of being successful may be mostly false statistically, but it works to still create some economic growth in the USA, the most developed country of the “developed countries” in the world, bar none.

Compare this to Europe or JAPAN: these places are old, conservative, “wise”, they don’t believe in the fairy tales of “making it”, in Europe you can’t even go to the next town without them noticing that you are from “outside”, they are old and conservative, in a sense, not risk taking, they accept the Status Quo, if you lose your job, you are finished, in JAPAN either you abide forever to your lifelong prisoner of a job or you kill yourself, in Italy if people lose their jobs they kill themselves (let alone going to another European country, where not only completely different psychological languages are spoken and completely different customs and behaviors are present, but they speak completely different languages and such like the difference between Spain, Italy on one hand and Germany on the other).

So the USA played the game of hiking up the prices of real estate, so who cares, it is over now, the prices went down, the market is moving again, things change: in Spain the played the same game, but the prices can’t move down, nothing happens, same in the UK the prices are ever higher, no help on this side, prices in the rest of the world go up and stay up forever, no market forces working here like they work in the USA (they should introduce serious property taxes on homes like they do in the USA, but don’t worry they all suck too much to want to do this, old hags), Spain only played that one game, lost, and now is frozen in that situation until they starve to death, in Italy it is even worse, they didn’t even notice that they played the same game, the prices of homes went higher there than any place else in the world compared to their puny salaries, but no one notices it, incredible, they all worship stiff home prices ever higher to protect the Status Quo, to protect those who have against the minority of those who will never have (the new generation in these countries are all hosed for good). Same story in JAPAN, home prices and rents are and will always be high, nothing can ever change, the jobs are prisons, the young don’t want to work in such crap holes where you have to stay until your boss goes home (until 10 o’clock) to respect the “powers that be”, to respect an old fashioned, stone age mentality of status, inequality, nothing worth anything and such.

And they wonder why they don’t “Grow Economically” and such: like the freer labor laws they introduced in Italy (or Spain and Greece), this just created an even more static and rigid labor market, this created an even higher structural rigidity, since as soon as anything changes, the idea is always on how to hose someone, how to rip off someone, and the looser labor laws allowed the bosses to punish and pay ever less workers in Italy, reflects an insecure society and culture, an insecure and static system, labor laws have nothing to do with growth, these laws created and even worse situation because the culture of the country (and same goes for France or Spain, etc.) is old static, insecure, afraid, wanting to protect what they have, not wanting to play the game, not wanting to risk nor wanting to hire and fire (but in the sense that it is done in the USA, as you can always change jobs for the better, but it works both ways in the USA, both workers and employers have more freedom, in JAPAN and Southern Europe, workers are prisoners of the only chance job they are lucky to land, hence very vulnerable and insecure, hence creating a psychological culture of fear, no risk taking, a dead and static culture and environment that only protects the Status Quo and the Stiff and High Home prices culture and customs and behaviors and as soon as someone has any power, they express it violently by trying to grab as much away as possible from anyone else, hence the reason why all labor laws in Italy or Spain or mostly anywhere else will always fail miserably, it is all based on cultures, ways of beings a society has and such): they do not have the same culture of the USA, and this was supposed to open the market and make it grow and such: but they don’t understand that the labor laws have nothing to do with growth, it is all a question of the culture and way of beings of societies.

I explained why most of the rest of the world is way poorer than the USA, the USA is the only country that has really truly developed according to the Standard Economic Model of Growth (actually this model was invented in and for the USA (as the very concept of GDP) and then exported to the whole world as the only possible model and such) and such, wide roads, highways, huge malls, large homes, consumerism, hire and fire, simple minded as to easily buy new things (and to buy into new things, new behaviors, new activities like going on and inventing Facebook), try new things, always change, always believing in fairy tales, way more impulsive and less “intellectual” or “wise” or “cultured” (as culture is a drain and a brake on economic activity and growth and consumerism and always change and hire and fire) easily excited (even at 70 years old, not like in France and JAPAN and Italy where you are already defeated and dead and ready to give up at 20 years old and such) and change and hence some economic growth is always chugging along and such (and actually it also explains why foreigners have so much success in the USA, they are really more clever and wiser and used to much more rigid systems, when they go to the USA, it is all way simpler and easier for them, they don’t have all the chains keeping them in place as they do in the “old countries” the “cultured countries” and such (but they can hose that culture of theirs, it will keep them poorer and poorer)).

The USA grew 2 % in 2012, that would be a miracle in JAPAN or Italy or Spain: but really, these places will never change, you can’t change a culture and customs and behaviors of a society, it is very hard if not impossible for them to change, especially since these places are getting old, they are older and older, weaker and weaker, they don’t have a chance anymore, Europe, the UK, France JAPAN, Italy, all old, conservative Status Quo protecting cultures that would like to grow but are over and done with: cultures take centuries to change, especially since all the high economic growth potential of the 20th century is starting to run dry, very few new inventions and technologies that can hire all the unemployed (and those few novelties are being done only in the USA, the only country that still has that real innovative and rules breaking take on things, people can take chances, can be free, can try, you can’t do that in JAPAN or Italy or France and such).

So the same story goes for the new emerging economies and developing economies: you can be sure that they will stop growing in a few years, their real old, conservative, status quo protecting selves will come out, as it is already starting to emerge in China, Russia and especially India: just look at home prices, just look at how much it costs to rent or buy a home in those countries compared to their puny salaries: that says it all, that will kill all growth in those old countries in a few years no matter what, they will end up stagnating just like the UK, JAPAN and Italy, etc.


Investments - Part Two

Economists always reason within the categories of Profit, Gain, Investment and such and that is how the world must be, is forced to be, will be no matter what: the entire fix and obsession on “Economic Growth” is all about Profits, future profits, future profits from Investments and such, the entire fix on this, the entire obsession on growth at any cost is always tied into the idea that money has to increase (and in fact it is forced to increase in the end through inflation and especially pumping up the prices of homes, a basic need, and health care a basic need so as to squeeze people to pay more for basic needs since our society can no longer really go forward now, now it is all about fighting between each other for basic needs), that a gain has to be made, that a profit must be maid and naturally this occurs when markets are “Expanding”, “Growing”; when you can sell more stuff, when there is more “Activity” and such. And so it is with all the numbers and statistics, all of them are really only measures on how much possible profit can be and will be made in the future, and the corollary “Debts”, as if debts must be made so that profits are forced to be made no matter what, since now the debts must be paid back and the only wat to pay them back is by gaining a profit, hence the necessity for economies to grow, for the GDP to grow, so that all the future debts are a smaller ratio to what is being “produced” and such.

But it is an illusion, very few activities will generate much profit anymore, most of the real “innovative” and ground breaking novelties and new markets and activities and such of the 20th century have been done and are over and done with: Apple is the model with their inventing and producing iphones that sell like crazy and such, but how mnany new things like that can be invented ? how many times can that happen ?? not much really, only once in a while, and as time goes by, ever longer while. And then all of the profits are always measured relative to from where they came from, never absolutely: case in point, Apple is “over the hill now”, Apple no longer is “growing” and such, so then Apple is no longer a good investment: it doesn’t matter that their level of profits is science fiction for 99 % of companies worldwide (20 billion dollars, a truly insane amount of money), that it is insane that a company makes so much profits on such a puny item like a telephone, but the economists and investors measure it according to the last quarter and such, and if it isn’t increasing it is “bad” and such (no matter where it came from, like economies, JAPAN is truly the 4th richest country in the world, is hugely rich compared to almost anyplace else, is totally developed, organized, has solved all of their problems (it is virtually impossible for such a country to grow any further, it just can’t be done, like it is impossible for Apple to make 10 billion dollars more profits every year forever), and such, but since they are not growing, they are in a stagflation, they are in bad shape when 99 % of the world will never even hope to achieve such level of wealth and such), totally insane way of seeing things, yet the logic is like a drone, like an a idiot, it must always go up no matter what.

And what is worse the economists, investors and such assign a morality factor to the missing growth or profit, someone is to blame, someone didn’t do what they should, that is why the economies don’t grow and such (increase pension ages in Europe, change the labor laws, beat up people as much as possible, fire public workers, the morality factor - punish them since they didn’t make me make a profit, since the economies aren’t growing anymore, they are guilty of not respecting the automatic god of money always having to increase no matter what, they must be punished, especially the weaker classes (but they never say that home prices should crash, maybe then economic activity could get a small boost, but they never say this because their real goal is the profits, is the gain no matter what and in order to get this home prices must always go up no matter what, in the USA home prices increasing again is a good sign, they are never looking at the normal worker who has to pay more for a basic need, they just look at the generalized imaginary good, the moral good of their profits and investments creating a return and such, economies are doing “good” when “home prices increase” and such)), if things aren’t constantly going up, someone is being bad, is not behaving, is not “competitive” enough, or “productive” enough and such.

On the one hand the economists and investors chant that unemployment is bad (since it doens’t imply new consumers, more economic growth) but on the other hand they also chant that China is losing 3 million workers a year for their demography (with 100s of millions of workers they can’t compensate ? totally insane), Europe is losing millions of workers for age reasons too and such, but if Europe has so much unemployment wouldn’t that be good news ? maybe some of the unemployed can finally get employed ? (as usual intractable contradictory forces that lead nowhere but try to hide the real agenda: profits must be made no matter what, like the currency values, if the EURO is too high Europe can’t export, but if it is too low, Europe pays more for oil and such, contradictory forces, if you gain on one side, you lose on the other and so forth). But obviously, the reasons why none of this really makes any sense is because the model of growth forever and the idea of profits forever makes everything look wrong and such.

It is incredible that there are still 100 million poeple working in the USA, incredible, how can you possibly expect more “Employment” or more “Growth” than this ? totally absurd expectations especially if you consider what is being produced (and that is within a Technological Economy having economies of scale, networks, highways, computers and automation and scientific know how and such that should amplify production by the boatloads!) and that is : NOTHING AT ALL, office politics, status games, winners and losers, nothing that is becoming serialized or accumulating; but the categories of the economists are always in terms of aggregations and accumulations of result, big numbers where everything is added up: well if you add up 100 million people a day then that means a billion man hours of “work” of “effort” a day: wow, and what has been produced ? what has been created ? why don’t they serialize that ? why don’t they accumulate that number ? because if they were to serialize and accumulate that number and then look at the result it would become apparent that no one is doing jack shit by a long run ! the real measure of “Productivity” should be minus a billion man hours a day of economic wealth and production NOT ACHIEVED, with all of that time and “effort” you could go to mars a million times, produce a trillion skyscrapers, do anything on earth if all of that effort was serialized, accumulated for a common goals and such instead of petty fighting between each other, each trying to get an upper hand, a gain, since profit in the end is only a gain a person gets by robbing it from someone else, the entire idea of profit is to disrupt things, create instabilities, imbalances between people, power imbalances, companies, markets and grab an advantage and such, there is nothing morally deep about proifts and growth or anything, there really is very little common wealth accumulated by all of this.

But, as usual, the idea goes back to socialism and such, if there is no profit or gain, if I can’t get more than you there is no incentive to do anything, we all become equal and equally inactive and poor and such: so we all need inequalities and disruptions and instabilities, fights, economic fights, corporate competitions, people and companies and systems and countries competing bewteen each other (to grab “market share”) and so forth, and all kinds of changes for changes sake to create the possiblity to grab some more against someone else, to make a gain against something else and so forth.

But in the end, none of this will ever change, the game is this no matter what, JHK keeps on hoping that things can change, that energy will be a limit and so forth: nothing further from the truth, the system will keep on chugging along no matter what, the system has brainwashed everyone that this is the only possible way to go, there is really no alternative, either this growth and profits and debts model or nothing else, all else is doomed and such.

And in all truth, the entire “economic crisis” is just a make believe crisis, the “fiscal cliff” and such, all fake imaginary emergencies, all fake problems, in all truth, the system is completely stable, rock solid, won’t change an inch, hasn’t changed an inch, those little disruptions of the “crisis” are invisible in the larger scheme of things, the system cannot change unless governments and economists and politicians start to completely change their Economic Ideology and the Standard Economic Model: such as to hose the entire idea of profits and investments and debts and give out free salaries, cheap rents and huge public - private projects and so forth, skyscrapers rockets and such: will this ever happen ? no, the investors and economists and politicians will always blame something or someone or the workers as being guilty for not making them make more profits, for not making the economy grow, they all need “new training” and “more education” (no one ever asks to do what ! totally stupid ideas everyone repeats), we need more “Productivity” (another totally stupid idea that means more output with fewer workers, so fewer workers will make the economy grow ?) and so forth, more competition, more innovation and research and so forth: there is no amount of research and innovation that will make money grow automatically for no reason at all, but they will force it to grow anyways through abstract, vague and intractable financial magic all the “mathematicians and researchers” dream up in the “research” and “innovation” and such).


From: … union.html

Rhino - Cash ?

Yeah, we know rhino, you were the one who had to work saturday to show the boss you “worked hard” so he wouldn’t fire you and such, the “hard work” myth and all, you as a slave;

You were the one who was envious and jealous of all of the liberal, alternative, progressive left wingers in college who laid all the pretty girls who were fascinated by their sophistication and their elite while you were ignored, being a right wing crappy working class origins boy, you could never get laid with all those pretty girls, you weren’t liberal enough and such, and you are still fighting that;

You were the one whose parents came from an “old country” and were always shoving down your throat how much better the old country was and such crap (but you knew that the old countries all suck, they can keep their puny culture conservative culture that keeps them poor and such);

You were the one who has to be proud of living a life like a loser, a corporate slave, you never became the boss, the king, always under the thumb of someone and you can’t admit what a loser you were and such;

Aren’t you a bit like you and me and everyone else ?

But if you did have the power you would like to kill them all, beat them up, like in Django the movie, I envy them, I envy the simplicity of that life, no morality, no reasoning, no nothing, pure instinct, someone you don’t like, then just shoot him right off the bat, on the spot, nothing deeper to think about, life is worthless anyways, and so forth (like a piece of paper gives someone the right to kill another on the spot, the law, the indirection, the retribution is made, the equation is solved, vindication for past wrongs, or shooting someone from far away makes them almost invisible, like an insect and such, all irrational, nothing justifies anything else, zero time, no morality here, everything is on the surface, no matter how deep you try to make it, no matter how hard you try, you are just a one bit machine, action reaction, A against B, A shoots B, end of story and so forth) ;

But you are the one who is writing on this blog, you are writing to an abstract imaginary common construction called the imaginary box, like a generalized eye looking down at everything, like god, judging, the universal abstract - objective - absolute judgment of all people, all deeds, all things and such, and you are trying to convince the imaginary box of reasoning how right you are, the magical box of common construction, the box where validity is universal and general, and so forth, but it is all vain and such;

What do you achieve (or me or anything ?) ? you provoke a reply from half way around the world ? you know that another magical box will reply, is listening, the abstraction to its upmost extent? The idea that another piece of matter can experience something you provoked ? and why ? does it even make sense…

Now go on, stick it in the Rant House, go on shove a V8 engine in brains, change brains, change worlds, ever…



shpaaac a lacc a ala c shpaxc lalA CCù


now go on, stick it in the Rant House, go on stick it in mundane babble, go on show your power, go on, do that, go on express your free will, go on

shpac a lacc sshapaa s la cc shpac a lak

ape ape man

8 8888

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Investments - Part 3

So the Greeks had another strike today and the French Prime Minister promised that France “Will Invest in Greece”,they will make “Investments”: but that is the problem, those strikers should tell France that they can go fly a kite with the concept of “Investments” and tell them that they Demand Scott Free Handouts! this word, “Investments” that tries to make everything look so “objective”, so “Natural” so logical and such, when all it is is another of those vague concepts that try to hide the simple Power Relationship between who has the cash and who doesn’t: those who want to make an Investment must get a return on the money but obviously there is no possible return anymore in most endeavors, most manufacturing (even the Chinese are offshoring: their workers 200 dollars a month paycheck is way too much, now they are trying Nigeria where the paycheck is still 50 dollars a month and such), most services don’t return crap, most jobs are a pure loss, don’t produce anything, so the entire idea of Investments must be hosed, must go out of the window, kill the concept of investments, kill this word that confuses people and makes them believe all the BS that the economy is something logical and objective when it is only a war, a war between who has the cash and millions of turds that need that cash but are too afraid to ask for Scott Free Handouts, they must oblige to ask for “jobs”, something that is obsolete, no longer needed, no longer worth crap, there has never been an era where the entire concept of work and jobs has become meaningless, redundant, but the word investments brainwashes the turds that they have to deserve it, that the cash has to have a return on investments and such.

Obviously no one is really going to “Invest” in Greece or Spain or Italy or many other countries for the simple reason that there is nothing worth investing in (they can try the Real Estate Price Inflation mechanism that has been so successful in the past, but most of those countries are now mostly broke and bankrupt go figure); their salaries are way too high compared to the third world, they don’t have any super special skills (the mythological “Skill Set” and Training BS and “More Education”, “Innovation”, “Startup”, “Research” and especially the “More Flexibility to Hire and Fire” (never has a simple desire to exert power been hidden behind such abstruse and objective seeming concepts: what they really want is the joy to hire and fire and exert power on the weaker social class, just because, because people love to execute their Will Power against another, they want to punch someone in the face but don’t know how to say it so as to make it seem so “objective” and “logical”, the “science of economics” and such) and so forth everyone is brainwashed about) (as if everyone is supposed to work in high tech Integrated Circuit Factories experts in Solid State Physics and such, and even these experts are redundant and crapped upon just like any old nigger), real investments are hard to come by and even if they do make investments it has no relationship to the possible “number of jobs” that they can imply and especially the possible “redistribution” of profit and cash to the community, which is obviously ever more impossible and so forth.

And the truth is there is very little possible new research and innovation and startups possible today, most economic sectors have been beaten to death by now, most opportunity has been expired and achieved by the past winners, now we are left with breadcrumbs, the game is over, but that is why they all insist on ever more research, innovation, economic growth and such, since these things are really dead and over with, gone forever, the more they are impossible to get back the more they all chant that they need more and more, more research, more startups more this and that, more education, more training and so forth: and no one asks: Exactly To Do What With ? is that so hard to ask ? is that so hard to figure out ? no one understands crap about anything, they are all drones, brainwashed and repeating the same crap they hear over and over again, like the United Tape Recorders of the World, etc.

The concept of Investment is Obsolete, you must give Scott Free Handouts to all worldwide and no longer create conditions in order to give out the money, you must hose all of these ideas, this word, Investment, a return on money and such is no longer possible in a Technological Economy, it can only apply to a small portion of work and such. And the truth is that if the powers that be, those that have cash and such simply stated what they really want and namely: they want to keep their cash and hose everyone else, it is a static power situation a status achieved, where no one who is weak will ever have a chance and such, since they can’t admit this openly, they need all of these vague and abstruse concepts to hide a simple A wins B loses, and most people are or will end up being B, end of story.

And most of all the concept and word of Investment always wants to hide a simple Will Power opposing yours, another person who wants to be the boss, who wants to decide, who wants to exert his power and such: but since power is always arbitrary and not justified, the entire concept of investment must be hosed, we need Scott free handouts to all and cheap rents and such, kill power, kill every structure of power…


Long Term Trends

The reasons why the Mall is full and such is because the Technological Economy produces wealth without the need to produce an equivalent amount of corresponding work: this relationship is no longer linear (and hasn’t been linear for decades in fact), is no longer so primitive as it was in the 18th century, as the fairy tale Work Ethic wants you to believe it is: this relationship is actually probably upside down, the more people are at work and work (taking time away from Consumerism, which is the only thing that really counts, as work today has no value and no use for anyone) the less wealth and Economic Growth and efficiency is generated, whereas the less people work and waste time at work (working fairy tale service jobs) the more Economic Growth and wealth is generated: the more intelligent and optimized and productive work performed by a few superstars hogging up all the work and all the needs and necessities of production the more wealth is generated for everyone, everyone else can stay at home and watch TV and get out of the way as they are an impediment to higher productivity, they are useless, either it is all or nothing today, either you are the top designer engineer scientist etc. or you better just get lost and stay at home since you will decrease the productivity of those very few superstar workers this Technological Economy needs (and then it really doesn’t need even them, as even superstar workers are a dime a dozen, and most functions, problems and tasks have been performed and solved once and for all, now there is truly very little left to do no matter what the Standard Economic Model tries to brainwash everyone in believing).

And the very Standard Economic Model recognizes this: they too recognize that in the beginning of the 20th century there was a lot more real work being done as in :

“American agriculture and rural life underwent a tremendous transformation
in the 20th century. Early 20th century agriculture was labor intensive, and
it took place on a large number of small, diversified farms in rural areas
where more than half of the U.S. population lived. These farms employed
close to half of the U.S. workforce, along with 22 million work animals, and
produced an average of five different commodities. The agricultural sector
of the 21st century, on the other hand, is concentrated on a small number of
large, specialized farms in rural areas where less than a fourth of the U.S.
population lives. These highly productive and mechanized farms employ a
tiny share of U.S. workers and use 5 million tractors in place of the horses
and mules of earlier days.”

(notice JHK as an old timer conservative is also still fighting these ancient forces where farm work is no longer necessary, he and his followers can’t get over these ancient battles of the 1920s and 1930s and such)

and the same can be said of manufacturing, during the 20th century manufacturing employed a much larger part of the workers, but as time went by even manufacturing became less and less labor intensive and such. And this is the general trend going forward in the future, a Technological Economy needs less and less labor in all endeavors, not only in the basics, in every task there is the need for less workers and less work is being produced and will be produced no matter what (and what a paradox, as if “work must be produced”, whereas it is the exact contrary, work diminishing and disappearing is actually a sign of success of an Economy, a sign of an ever highly productive and efficient economic system and such, not the other way around). So the trend is understood and accepted, but since there is no other possible way to distribute the wealth, but only through work that is no longer necessary, the powers that be must invent all kinds of excuses as to why they can’t distribute the wealth for free, scott free handouts (they condition the handouts (which are really handouts that are masked and hidden behind fake work and such since nothing is really being produced at the end of the day, only fake “services” and such BS) by forcing you to make believe that you are working in fake tasks just to put the appearance and show on and such), why they can’t “hire” so many workers (the truth is they can’t hire them because they don’t have the faintest idea what to let them do 8 hours a day everyday and such) so they start with all of the BS of more training, more education, more flexibility (they don’t chant the idiotic idea that you have to change kinds of jobs every two years, it seems that that BS went out of style) more innovation (this must be the least innovative, most conservative and most dead, bored and status achieved era of society ever!) and so forth and all of the poor turds believe in all of this BS, they get more education (with more debts) they try to be more flexible, they try it all but they don’t realize that they are being taken for a ride, they are being fooled by a huge pile if BS: work is obsolete, no longer necessary, optional, meaningless, and that little real work left to do can be done by way fewer people than the present 100 million worker population of the USA, it can probably be done with maybe 20 million people tops and such).

As a side note, it makes me laugh to read that the Chinese are worried that their work force is decreasing and such: they have hundreds of millions of possible workers, how on earth can they even keep 100 million people at work in their factories anyways ?!?! I mean that would be equivalent to 100,000 factories with 1,000 workers “producing” all kinds of things and such! I can’t even imagine 100,000 diffferent things and such, let alone 1,000 workers needed to produce them and such! And imagine how much fewer of those workers would be needed and how much more output would be generated if they applied automation, computers and optimizations to those factories as they tend to do in the USA and JAPAN!

So this brings us to the question: how are the debts going to be paid back ? like home prices that have been crystallized at such high values, how can there be any correspondent future work to pay those homes (and this especially in crisis ridden Spain and Italy and such) ? the debts and high home prices and such were created during great bubbles, great (mostly imaginary) expansions of economies, great expectations of never ending future growth and such, and now it is all frozen in this high cliff of high home prices and debts where all of those (or hoped for “new activities” and or new startups and innovation “hiring” millions and such) activities must continue in order to pay back the prices and debts and such, but there is no longer any possible activity that can ever correspond to such high home prices and debts and such. After all, an economy needs just a few really basic activities, home builders, some plumbers, some stores, some car makers, some factories and a few other things (the crappy education and health care sectors that try to sponge off a never ending amount of cash in return of nothing but hot air and crap and power expression as in the doctor hogging up huge pays otherwise you can drop dead and such). So what possible new jobs can be provided and such ? None, but they will always blame you for being the cause, you don’t have right “Skill Sets” whatever on earth that can ever possibly mean and such.

So, especially in Spain and Italy for example (and also JAPAN and parts of the USA) the high home prices can’t correspond to any amount of work since the work is vague iffy, an optional, subject to random judgments that can assign it is as irrelevant from one moment to the next since nothing basic is really being produced (like when banks layoff hundreds of workers from one moment to the next), since no real tasks are necessary anymore, since most work is an invention today, an arbitrary fairy tale invention of “services” (all of the iphone APPS and other fun and games) and such that can be hosed from one moment to the next since it is not needed, not fundamental and necessary from the outset, and it can be judged randomly in any way at all since nothing is being produced but imaginary products, Information, as in the Information Economy generating loads of information but has nothing to do with any real production of the basics and such (let everyone play on iphones and video games, that will keep their puny minds occupied and such). So the mismatch is between those few real productive workers like the home builders and manufacturers and farmers (those very few needed) and a huge population of vague and iffy activities and such: and the high home prices corresponding to the real work and effort put into something really needed can’t be converted back into any other kind of needed work, since there is no longer any needed work and such. The crystallization of high home prices produced by past labor can’t be converted back into labor again, you can’t extract the money frozen into the high home prices again and convert it into labor since there is no longer any possible labor that corresponds to those values (especially true in Italy and Spain).

So the long term trends will be fewer and fewer real jobs, more concentration of power and cash in fewer and fewer hands, the Technological Economy getting rid of the need of all workers eventually and a Power Structure where a few kings are the bosses of the whole world and such. But the only way to disrupt this trend is to ask boldly and proudly and bluntly for scott free handouts, free salaries and cheap rents to all worldwide, 3,000 dollars a month to all worldwide and rents of only 100 dollars a month (for a 3 bedroom nice house in the suburbs) along with all of the other things I have been saying over and over again like broken record, like a drone, trillions of skyscrapers, trillions of rockets, super consumerism, huge public private projects and so forth.


There WIll Be Other Things to Do

These things have been going on for decades, but whenever the discussion started about the “Future of Work”, the economists would always reply “There WIll Be Other Things to Do”, “Work Won’t Disappear” and such, a pure ideological barrier that simply couldn’t admit that the trends were towards the elimination of work: sure “work won’t disappear” in the sense that “Power Structures Won’t Disappear,” “Inequality Won’t Disappear” and in order for the powers that be to express their power and will power they will force the population to oblige to ask for “work” since there won’t be any other circuit to distribute the huge amount of wealth generated automatically and such. As if the people must be kept blind from something so obvious, the greatest secret of the rich, humanity no longer needs to work, it is all available, but we can’t let them know, they have to keep on being brainwashed that they have to “work for a living”, they have to deserver it, like a fear that people would be (and maybe they are right?) like little babies that as soon as they knew the truth, that wealth is available for free, they would misbehave, go crazy or who knows who, like the huge fight against the 35 hour work week they had in France a few years ago: do you really think that the fight was over the need to work those extra hours ? no the fight was completely cultural and ideological, they couldn’t accept and admit that you can work less and produce the same output (and even way more with less work and hours) and so forth since this would dismantle the entire Standard Economic Model that implies that work is a structural necessity when it is no longer such in a Technological Economy, it is an arbitrary quirk and such.

But so it is, now you all know the truth believe it or not, we are trapped in a period of transition, a period where we are transitioning from old stone age ape like societies where power had to be expressed and and work was a necessity to an era of a workless society with people having loads of free time on their hands and such.

After all, in less than 60 years we went from being mostly farm workers to being mostly service workers go figure and we have JHK who is still fighting against the fact that farms have been optimized, that agriculture can be done with machines, he and his old timers are still fighting against the car, the car culture and such, and TV and such, they have this fairy tale view of an old world where everything was nice and pretty and people were good and such: nothing further from the truth, people were way more violent and crappy than today (if you can imagine that) and poverty and necessity of work made people violent and frustrated and all, he has this fairy tale view of how nice things were in the past, but he is 100 % wrong on everything, especially all the forecasts he produces, everything has been going in the exact opposite direction of all of his forecasts.