How to go about killing off ninety five percent of the globe

If I was in charge of a global hidden cabal of international elites where my sole dream and goal was to kill off ninety five percent of the world which I view to be overpopulated but without destroying myself or the natural resources I think that I would release an engineered super virus which only my inner circle had a created immunity against.

Can’t go thermonuclear. The risk of global nuclear radiation fallout would be too great.

A giant global super electric magnetic pulse would be ineffective and there would be too many pesky survivors to deal with.

No, the best way definitely would be an engineered super virus or plague.

While the world was choking on its own blood in physical agony dying off me and my cronies would be laughing from underground within our fortified bunkers scheming the rebuilding of civilization in our own image. We would wait underground ten to fifteen years just to make sure our devised plague did its job.

Now, how does one go about releasing this engineered super virus? Will it be airborne, food ingested, or inoculated? A great mystery to be solved.

Whether it’s religion that says we are the chosen race and people with eugenicist underpinnings or just purely for the sake of consolidating our own dominance this would be the steps my organization would take.

Well that is just silly. Why hide if you have immunity and just how comfortable do you think you could be with only 3 to 4 % of humanity. If you start off with only 5% you will end up with far less.
Odds would not be in your favor. With a small homogeneous group you will also eliminate needed skills and abilities. Also without physical diversity inbreeding and weakening of body and mind will occur with infants.
You have also forgotten that what humanity creates, humanity can cure. With such a virus most resources will be used to eliminate it. There will be success. You and yours will have to remain in hiding or die.

Only if it happens to choose to. Blindness of the mind prevents pursuit of sanity.

The other option, besides the super-virus thing, is to move up to the space hotel and let the Earth be saturated with nuclear waste. Both plans are already under way, so I guess they will find out which one worked best. Androids will save them… until they choose not to.

It would not have to do with choice. Instincts of mass species survival would kick in. We are merely animals and not that far removed from primal instincts.
If either plan is implemented then humanity has a greater potential of becoming extinct. Niether one is well thought out. Nuclear waste will not kill off all.

You seem to live in a small tidy world where all is innocently tumbling along with nare an evil thought (clueless to Tyler’s situation).

Makes no sense especially the satellite hotel. Destroy the Earths livability and close yourself up in a metal orb flying around in cold outer space without any comfortable waterfalls or beaches or Greek Islands to steal, no absolute way
Thus is not what the plan is
The plan is to urbanize the population so theyre all stuffed together in mysery and bondage and buy up all splendorous parts of the Earth with oil and bankmoney. That is already in execution and your doomfantasies destract ftom reality
And prevent forces from countering the transgressing realities

Are you a homeland sec agent?

Way to expensive and problematic to implement. You would have to worry about things like populist armed uprisings, assassination, and the collective consciousness gaining enlightenment over the reigns of power. Can’t have that.

For these people it would just be more cost effective to kill everybody instead.

Although I do agree with you that they have no intentions of orbiting the planet in outer space.

If it isn’t under ground bunkers that they’ll insulate themselves into another thought of mine would be undersea cities.

Submarines isn’t out of reach of these people.

I didn’t say that they are planning on it.
I said “already under way”.

You are more in the dark than you think.

Tyler this what I say us presend day reality. Its complicated but a done deal. They did it.

James…hmmm I question ur motives.

Are u a scarecrowor disinfo agent
… or just someone who tries to seem knowledgable…
If you have proof of your allegations and ideas maybe I could take it more like actual info… but you have none.

So just backoff ombre you lie.

Now, what would happen if the majority of the population realise there is a giant super virus hitting the planet in advance before receiving it?

What would this organization do?

Well, that’s easy. The international organization being that it controls the global media outlets would merely say that it is some sort of chaotic and dangerous sporadic fluke of nature. Don’t you see how easy that is?

Therefore the shift of blame goes on a external component where one cannot claim or be accused of devising the deaths of billions.

Of course there will be conspiracists but everybody knows they are tinfoil nutbags that are insane where every ‘good’ citizen obediently and unquestionably believes what authority tells them even when they are being marched to their deaths.

Helpful components of this plan would be something like controlling the World Health Organization.

Kill everybody and pretend to be saviors.

If the virus kills faster than that of people able to create a cure this is not a problem. Imagine scientists dying off too quickly in their laboratories before they can even come up with a cure. I’d call that successful mass murder.

Machines and technology is already cutting out the middle man concerning skills or abilities.

The brave new world of the elitists that marvel themselves as gods has no need for population excess.

Please remember that in the brave new world efficiency and utility is everything.

A society revolving around complete automation through computers and robotics is the goal. It’s all a part of the plan.

Don’t confuse me here. I’m not on anybody’s side here but my own.

I would like to survive this possible event so that I might have the privilege of terrorizing the global elites. The one that got away and slipped by…

Used to sit around in a government class planning world takeovers. One group would devise a plan, the other groups would find flaws.
Nuclear and disease were the favorites.
His thoughts on scientists in laboratories getting killed off before a cure is not possible. One to five laboratories, 10 tops may lose but, the thousands of top laboratories across the world would not all succumb. Many are unknown and are not listed. Military labs are included, all top countries have several.
Nuclear explosions are limited. Fall out follows wind patterns. Most major populations… oh nope no way you all figure out the whys and why nots, do your homework. :slight_smile:

Paranoid? Afraid of your prior “Homeland Security agent” label?

I so very often find presumptuous accusers to be guilty of their own accusations. Perhaps you are the exception that makes the rule… perhaps not. But I love the modern mentality of “I am not aware of it so it must be a lie”… :icon-rolleyes:

So you sat in a government class on how silly it is for a government to take over the world?
Haha… :laughing:
… one born every minute. :icon-rolleyes:

Hmmmm Jameson called my bluff. So… what now? We allst sit back and let the dying begin?

Well, see now, there is an interesting question and thread in itself; “What does one do, when there seems nothing that can be done?

Of course, the responses will be along the lines of “No. Your are wrong. There is always something that can be done. So it is a silly question.” The heart resists any comprehension of its lack of choice. It demands a black/white mentality in order to resolve all doubts.

Well I dont see it.

Sometimes I feel like im being heavily radiated in my house. I enter it and a huge load is filled in my soulbody, a weight and blindness.
Can it be that military spy and fuck me up with precision radiation?
If so where can I find the info ans
Can I

Take the “Red Pill” (ie “wake up to the simple (and somewhat mundane) reality”). But you won’t do that because of the horde of confusions in your mind that you think are real. In effect, you lovingly hold onto the very thing that enslaves you into a degree of endless stress and misery from which you gain nothing.

If you were to take that “Red Pill” (ref: The Matrix), there is a simple truth that actually answers all of your questions and doubts. But from your current mental situation, you would think it impossible that such a simple thing could satisfy you. Thus you actually won’t.

So in effect, what you are asking is the typical woman’s question, “How can I get what I want without changing anything that I like?” And as far as I know, the answer to that is “Nothing”.

James, the exercises were to get us to read other than text books, to question authority, to question everything we were told and mostly to think. He was an awesome educator. He did not teach, he educated. My grade level was the last class to be educated , not taught just to pass tests. School is not what it was. Which is why my kid was also home schooled on top of public school.
P.S. We also figured out how to do it.