SHOULD there be any difference?

Why are you selecting partners if there is no gender? What kind of partners?

Gender is the psychological aspect, sex is the physical difference. Pick whoever you want as long as you have a card for that tier.

One question:

Is the difference between sex and gender already completely hidden behind the English language, namely behind the word "gender"?

I’m not following you. It seems that you are saying that there should be no gender and yet everyone is supposed to select partners based upon some scheme.

More often it is hidden behind the word “sex” when there are more significant distinctions.

Lot’s of people confuse them, but they are technical terms. I always found it annoying that sex also refers to the act of sex, not the physical features of the sex, because of this confusion, I think most people assume that gender is the right word. People can have a psychological baseline and have many different talents and personalities… (gender)

Thus the difference is hidden. … :-k

Have you ever filled out a form that asked you your gender? Instead of your sex? Like i said, it annoys me that it’s the same word used for intercourse.

It’s being hidden quite intentionally (so as to manipulate it). I am asking if getting rid of gender is a good idea and WHY?

I can’t tell if Ecmandu is saying yes or no.

But assuming that the maximum joy for the greatest length of time, IJOT, is the goal, would it work better to have gender or to not have gender (as is currently intended).

Back in the days when people were more educated honestly, the word gender was not the same as the word “sex” (specifically intercourse). But to accomplish the dictated changes in the world, SEX had to be instigated and kept on all people’s minds as much as possible … SEX … SEX … SEX …!!

People are wanted to confuse them.

How would you exactly define these two different words and concepts: “sex” and “gender”?

Perhaps you’re on to something in the first part James, perhaps even the second part. My point about gender however, is that you can have the same psychological base and have tremendous difference in talent, ability and personality, so there is still quite a bit enough diversity, enough to keep the innovation engine running, while keeping the species peaceful. Gender interferes with this. So no, I don’t think there should be gender to that regard. I’m not saying “yeah gender”. Gender is rotting this world, and probably would any world.

Sex has two definitions: Intercourse and the differences between male and female in terms of physiological biological function and appearance.

Gender is about the psychological / cultural differences between the sexes.

Yes, of course. That was my point.

I’ve always thought gender was a better word than sex, but then we need a new word either way to talk about the psychological and social aspects of gender. It could just take the "ial of the end of social and make it “genderial” aspects of the population. I think that’s a good word… as king of nothing, I decree this =)

We do not need any other word for sex than “sex”. “Gender” is a word of rhetoric, of political strategy, of control.

Gender is more basic and pre determinative then sex. it has more connection to identity. gender is more infra and interplay chic, as it involves the psyche as a whole. One could have genitalia of either sexes, yet have differing, or the same psychic state.(gender)

Male, guy, man, boy, woman, female, lady, girl etc.etc.
Dog, pooch, mutt, canine,
Feline, cat, kitty,
And on and on.
Asked on an application : sex . Answer: Hell yea but, only if you are my type.
Type??? What is your preference? What do you like? Someone identical to you?

Get over it, forget about it.
Want sex? What sex are you?
Are you cold? Do you have a cold?
I like nuts, I am nuts, those bolts need nuts.
Nit picking, nitwit.
Cool, hot
Get it? Got it? Fine.
When sex or gender is used it is about age of user, regional, casual / formal, and maybe education / upbringing. Don’t over read.

The people do not have any problem with it - the problem is merely that “gender” is a word of rhetoric, of political strategy, of control, and nothing else.

Ok so if you use gender instead of sex in front of your grandma, you are trying to control her politically.

The whole point of the earlier discussion here was that the use of the word sex obfuscates these issues and serves propaganda. You didn’t address that discussion directly when moving in this direction… we kinda dropped the thread from there because we all agreed with each other.

Let me put this a different way, and which we all saw earlier in the thread… you take perhaps the most charged word in the human species: intercourse (sex) and also use it as a definition for the physical differences between males and females (or hermaphrodites). This completely obscures meaningful sociological discussion on the subliminal level and obfuscates it for the general population. It’s about trying to control us from getting closer together on issues of human sexuality and gender. So I say we just use the word gender for the physical differences, and we use genderial for the psychological difference (of or about gender)… it’s not perfect, but people can get used to it. We could just say psycho-gender to make it more articulate, but it’s not as nice a term.