Anarchist Nihilism

Yes, that is true, but it is a question of time, and that does not necessarily mean a short time, so it can also mean a long time. It is difficult to exactly predict such a break down - not only because the globalists have many scenarios of break downs in their calculations too.

You’re just seeing what you’re looking for, and what you’re really looking for is utopia, where man will live once more in harmony with nature, one that will come… inevitably…some day.

And how long do you think anarchy will last? What has history shown?

I think, in spirit, you’re closer to them.

What do you think about the Twin Oaks community?

HaHaHa is too good for it. He’s like a picky woman at the clothing store: I don’t like this, I don’t like that; it’s the wrong color, it’s not perfect like I want it, etc., etc.
He keeps complaining about the capitalist money system, but when offered one way to live without worrying about the money, he turns his nose up. Not good enough.

If he were really serious he would be grabbing at any opportunity, however remote, that might have a chance to bring him closer to his ideals. Timothy Treadwell and Christopher McCandles may not have had the brains, but at least they had the brawn to put their cherished ideals to the test in the world. They actually walked outside and put themselves at risk for what they believed in. Here, you don’t even have that going on. Just hoping and waiting. And complaining.

Then I would hope you’re smart enough to pay attention to global international events currently.

I’m the complete opposite of utopia. I’m just a guy that wants to see the current global dystopia burn.

Harmony with nature? Yes, but my idea of harmony differs from most classifications of the word.

Civilization and government has only existed for 2800 years. Before civilization and government human beings experienced 10,000 plus years of anarchy.

Closer to them in spirit? You’re a crackpot.

What part of I hating feminists, Marxists, and communists, did you not understand?

I too may hate many things about the world, but it doesn’t stop me from engaging it. Deal with what you have, just as your hunter gatherers had to deal with what was in front of them. Your type of hunter gatherer probably dreamt of the good old time waay back when humanoids were still innocent monkeys living up in the trees acting on their instincts. Anything, as long as one is excused from taking responsibility.

I’m not an anarchist myself, but I can sympathize with the position.

Females are inclined towards order, they value safety and comfort over everything else, including freedom, honesty, intellectual integrity and so forth. It is in their nature to submit to the alpha male (in this case, an abstracted alpha male, the state) and stay in its good graces in order to be protected and provided for. They are proud of being dominated and submissive to point of competing on who can be the most submissive towards externally imposed social norms - who can be more cultured, more fashionable, who is a good citizen (moral highground granted and ensured by the state), etc.

To somebody who is masculine, submission is revolting. The state is at best something to tolerate out of necessity, and submission towards it is definitely not something to be proud of. A man might be willing to give up all the benefits of civilized living - the safety and comfort, for the sake of freedom, if the state imposed authority (order) is disagreeable to an extreme extent. To females, and minds of more feminine dispositions generally, it is incomprehensible that one would rather have a lower standard of life but be free. For them submissiveness comes naturally so sacrificing freedom for safety and comfort is not such a bad trade-off.

There are no more frontiers to go to. Nowhere left to explore, nothing to conquer. Every inch of land on this planet is owned by somebody, somewhere. Nowhere to escape authority and order. And there is little any individual can do about it. HaHaHa could try to organize a group of rebels and overthrow the current dominant authority/alpha male/embodiment of order - the government, so in that sense yeah, he isn’t doing anything, but let’s be realistic, what would be the chance of something like that succeeding?

I’ve noticed this in the Prison Box thread in rant too… it’s like females are so used to authority and being dominated and submissive that they cannot differentiate anymore between being dominated and being free. And anybody who recognizes this simple fact that there is an authority (state) and that it imposes its rules over us whether we like it or not, aka that we are not free, they attempt to portray as somebody who complains too much, or is trying to excuse themselves, blah blah. My assumption is that some females for some reason (probably feminist indoctrination) dislike their own nature (which is submissive) and they want to pretend they are strong and independent and free, but they cannot do so if they simultaneously admit they are being dominated (by the state) and that the only reason they can prance around and pretend to be strong and independent is that they are, ironically, dependent on the state to provide for them and protect them in exchange for submission to the state’s rules.

So I guess It’s pointless to try to explain it to females.

Fake pretend anarchist philosophies- Social reform is possible and desirable. Human nature generally and originally is good. Let’s make a decentralized social utopia but still within the boundaries of civilization.

Anarchist Nihilism- Social reform is impossible, unattainable, and not desirable. Human nature generally and originally is amoral or savage. Fuck all of your idealistic social utopias and fuck civilization also. Civilization is inherently and ultimately doomed.

There is no fall from grace and there is no salvation. Both are ongoing existential mythologies of civilization.

Human beings will never master over nature or the universe. Nature and the universe are masters of humanity.

Living in equilibrium with nature is the best humanity can ever hope to accomplish.

All European communists were hopefully awaiting the arrival of the First World War, because they thought that war would lead to communism. :wink:

According to the communistic theory communism should appear when a nation was industrialized enough. So it was expected to appear in Germany or England.

But where did it appear in reality?

In Russia! In a land of medieval feudalism and without any industry! … Hey ! … ?

Odd … Or?

…Where HaHaHa can be finally be its true and rightful LEADER.

Such sophistication and knowledge on anarchism. Astonishing! :laughing:

It actually started in England and Germany ideologically where it didn’t take route until it immigrated to Russia.

World War I destroyed Tsarist Russia which is how the communist revolution took place effectively there.

On The Police And Military:

The police and military of any government are mercenaries nothing more. Protecting and serving the nation? Protecting and the serving the community? No, protecting and serving the political establishment along with the interests of its elites. Let me be abundantly clear that if you’re a part of neither they don’t give a shit about you.

Both the military and police exist to keep you in chains enslaved to the political establishment of government along with those that control or hold influence in it.

Everywhere you go it is the police or military of governments that enforce social inequality, poverty, enslavement, and the bondage of people’s lives everywhere. Their orders are always laid bare from above them concerning centralized power of government. Let’s start seeing them everywhere for what both groups really are. Both groups of people in society are mercenary enforcers of government.

As for the courts, what justice? The same very laws they write for the rest of us? No, there’s no justice in their controlled legislative demagoguery. The police and military of governments are enemies of free people everywhere.

Because of the lack of economic development in Russia it was not the communistic revolution that the communistic philosophers/ideologists had predicted. It wa just a terroristic “revolution” in the name of a “communistic revolution” but not the communistic revolution the communist communistic philosophers/ideologists had predicted.

Why Socialists, Marxists, And Communists Make Piss Poor Anarchists.

There is nothing worse than a group of fake pretend anarchists telling you how you should act, live, and think in the name of political correctness but all the while ironically calling themselves non-political.

Anarcho-Capitalists Are Not Anarchists.

Anarcho capitalists are not anarchists. At best they’re neofeudalists and are best grouped with their stupid cousins known as libertarians that believe in limited government.

Essentially they expect to enforce private property and keep landowners hoarding over their industrial or commercial work plantations through anarchy. How does that work out exactly?

They’ll have a volunteer police force just as they’ll also have volunteer workers to slave for them on their privatized fiefdoms?


Market Anarchists Are Not Anarchists At All.

So called market anarchists think they can have the benefits of market economics and currency under government in an environment of anarchy. This is not feasible.

Money, currency, and credit within historical origins are government abstractions where it takes a government to enforce them into existence or circulation.

Money, currency, and credit are enforced top down where market economics revolves around a command economy.

Simply put, money, currency, and credit are incompatible with anarchism.

As of yet I’ve never met a so called market anarchist explain to me how money, currency, or credit can exist within anarchy.

The true aims of money, currency, and credit is to control or dominate others through centralized power by the issuance in standards of value-worth.

As of yet bartering is the only anarchist method of trade and this goes with bartering negotiations of labor also.