Feminism is obsolete

Next you gonna tell me we can’t even say who is ugly and who is not because ‘beauty lies in the eye of the beholder’.
You know what’s funny, Fran-kly, anybody who challenges social norms, like saying feminism is bitter women who want to level down excellence is gonna hear that s/he has probably his/her own insecurities to blame for that.

So you are saying popular actresses like Scarlet J. hold popular, socially approved opinions.
And the younger Del Rey who is tipping her toes into the cold water by saying ‘I don’t focus on feminism, I focus on the future.’ you call anti-feminist when what she does is reflect the Zeitgeist of a younger generation which is growing partly critical about feminism and at large just tired of the feminist harpy debate circle. Of course she later praised feminism to appease said snarky social thugs.

Ugly people are socially less successful and so it’s no surprise that it’s them who want to change society. And how can you change society but by constructing a social cause for ‘equality’ and anti-‘oppression’ and so forth… That’s how the slave moralists roll, in the suburbs where they fled to from the very ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ they love to create for society at large.

Visit Asia’s gogo bars and you’ll find out for yourself. No need to be shy - they have no shame whatsoever.

Someone who is honest with himself, especially in relation to the world and his own abilities. Someone who engages the world [read:acts!] as he is and explores/tries to find and challenge his limits. He holds himself responsible and answers only to himself. He does not have a need to prove anything to anybody and put on any hyper masculine displays. He is proof, as he is, as a process. A boy does not know his limits because he has not explored the world, but only in his mind, and so he naturally thinks he’s invincible and his powers are unlimited. He plays mock games with himself. He challenges scarecrows and windmills and thinks he’s a man, always in practice mode; and not challenged, not curbed, not defined, not solidified. Perpetually playing video games, mind games, and reliving Hollywood/comic book superhero dramas. He fills his self with garbage, and then huffs and puffs and points to all the windmills he had conquered, as proof of his manhood. There is no solid substance inside, only hollow emptiness, waiting to be filled and solidified, to be actualized. That’s why he is easily swayed, so easily offended. There was no real price paid, no real risk taken, no real self sacrificed, nothing of substance gained. So, there is no solid foundation there. Just chimera. As to the second part: alas, I’ve seen too many handsome men who are also as dumb and boring as rocks. Boy toys, at best.

Successful protection/provision, resulting in being granted access to the womb (reproduction), is the core of masculinity as it is what females need men for.
Giving childbirth and providing sex is the core of femininity, as that is what males need women for.
Those are the essence of femininity and masculinity. The preference for femininity over masculinity in the general population is the natural consequence of the state monopolizing masculinity and desiring that its subordinates be feminine, because a masculine order (state) doesn’t tolerate a foreign masculine order. However, the feminine traits that the state demands are obedience, tolerance, submissiveness, etc. Those feminine traits may be on the increase in both men and women, but since they do not contribute to fulfilling the actual essence of femininity, they do not create its abundance.
As an example, even if every single man in the world become a feminine faggot in the sense that he adopted some of the less relevant characteristics of femininity, that would not replace the female sexual role of giving birth to a child and providing sex, and so in that sense the essence of femininity would still be scarce regardless of the fact that all the men in the world mimic feminine behaviors.

And there is not a lack of masculinity overall, there is however a lack of masculinity in men themselves, but that is precisely BECAUSE of abundance of masculinity possessed by the state and its technology. If the role of the male is to protect and even a child with a gun can protect more effectively than a man, it greatly reduces the value of men as protectors in comparison. If the role of the male is to provide and yet the state provides for females through things like welfare, then that reduces the value of men as providers. Notice however that guns were invented by men and that the state usually either uses men to extract resources or extracts resources directly from men, in order to give them to the woman. So men are still responsible for protection/provision, they just get none of the rewards for it. Men made themselves obsolete with the technologies and the following political system they constructed.

Since male/female sexual marketplace value is dependent on each other, the lower the male value is, the higher the female is. This is why men are becoming effeminate, they noticed that they cannot compete with the entire state on who will be more masculine, so some of them opt for becoming feminine instead as a reproductive strategy. That mostly includes acting as the nice guy, where “nice” means being a white knight and a doormat for women, hoping that they might get a chance at reproduction. This is also why you can see so many man-to-woman transsexuals, but not as many the other way around - they perceive that femininity is valued more, so they want to become more feminine.

MGTOW aren’t claiming to be strong and independent, they are not comparable to meninists- one of the basic points MGTOW make is that the current environment is shitty for males. Strong and independent, again, is in relation to the essenece/core of masculinity/femininity. Since a female in modern times can easily get impregnated by a male and then have the state do the male role of protecting and providing, one can indeed call the modern female independent, at least in the sense that she is not dependent on a particular male, although she is still very much dependent on the state carrying out the masculine role. Men are still dependent on women to get sex and have a child. If a man says something along the lines of “I don’t need women”, it just means they rejected having a child and sex, NOT that they don’t need women for sex and having a child.
MGTOW are a male response to an environment that prefers females, just as feminism is a female response to an environment that prefers females. FGTOW (females going…) would be the female response to an environment that prefers males, and meninism would be the male response to an environment that prefers males.

In reality, the more masculine a male is the more feminine he will demand his woman to be, and the more feminine a woman is the more masculine she will demand her man to be.

Understandable that some would want to claim that men looking for feminine women are feminine themselves, it’s a convenient way to try and shame males who don’t want anything to do with a certain kind of women by accusing them of not being up to the task of being with such a woman, as if they are beneath her and not the other way around. A way for women to save their own ego from being hurt.

Men perceive that the environment in the West is favorable to females and that females who are otherwise beneath them are now elevated above them due to state and technology replacing the masculine role, so they seek environments that are more favorable to them, or at the very least, less unfavorable.

I read this and I thought: “That’s me.”

Then I read this:

…and I thought: “That’s me.”

I think I like it that way. I want to be a mix of both. This is my general attitude towards any dichotomy defining human nature–I like thinking of myself as having a bit of everything that defines human nature, worts and all.

I’m sure you have. But you must know that I didn’t mean just physically attractive. For example, can you conjure up an image of a “real man” yet without any characteristics that might entice you to want to date him?

That’s not what I’m seeing.

Because these men, being deeply insecure, are afraid to be challenged and pushed, and look for easy women who will kowtow to them instead. They are looking for shortcuts, a ready-made sense of manhood. Is today’s man so afraid of the State that he runs and hides himself in the jungles? So much for protector/provider/inventor role. Perhaps a man needs to re-learn what it means to be a man again…and the rest will follow.

More perhaps a woman needs to re-learn what it means to be a woman again …, and the rest will follow.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with Pan on that one.
Fix the males, the females will follow suit. The reverse only leads to a bunch of pissed off males and females subservient to a master. The purpose of feminism is merely global domination by a select small group of males.

A passenger might be a distraction and a pest, but if the driver is insane, what difference does it make?

If women want to fix the world, they need to start ensuring the neurological health of their men.

My statement does not actually contradict Pandora’s statement, but shows the other “side” of the “coin”, and the word “more” in my sentence is rhetorically meant, thus it refers more to Pandora herself than to her statement. So there is also no actual contradiction between your and my statement, James. although the word “more” in my statement may be a bit perplexing. :wink:

I’ll let it slide. :sunglasses:

The issue is as was promoted decades ago; “You cannot protect your women” (from disease/corruption of mind and body) - not in a “liberal world”. And through the women, the men are infected. But Islam can protect their women, And they do. So guess what happens next.

And this males selected themselves.

Yes and no. Their situation made an offer that they couldn’t refuse. :sunglasses:
… not that they shouldn’t have… [-(

Or they need no pushy career girl because they push themselves and are looking for other qualities to complement them.
And maybe those ‘kowtow’ women are looking for a dominant man who can offer them healthy perspectives and goals instead of lapping them up from the miserable harpies at the office.

This thoughtless ‘insecurity’ shaming reminds me of feminists telling women that they are just insecure about making careers in the 70s onwards.
Where are they lacking in confidence?
Confidence - confidere - to have full trust
It’s about shaming people, con-ning them, into accepting ideals and values which are often destructive for them.

Just because somebody is not the pushy aggressive type doesn’t mean that some kind of confidence is missing or that they don’t know what is good for them and what is not.

Sure I mostly agree with that ‘common sense’ that is not so common anymore, except perhaps that I’m not sure I’d call the ideal way a husband treats his wife as ‘respect’. It is usually connected with ‘respect to authority’, and a husband holding such respects towards a wife would dry her vagina swiftly and make her feel as he is beneath her, since that is how he behaves, meaning she would look for a better male. I’d say a man should be fair yet strict, gentle but unyielding in upholding his rules/principles and enforcing his order.

I’ve heard the idea that feminism was created by a few men for financial profit already, but I haven’t investigated whether it is true or not, yet. But I think that women began feminism, and men enabled it, some of them for their own goals other than the equality nonsense.

Challenged and pushed… for what? What do I receive for being challenged and pushed? Cost-benefit analysis.
Saying that Western women are a challenge to men is like saying a child holding a gun is a challenge to an MMA fighter. Sure, but not because of the child (woman’s) own power, but because of the power granted to them by another (gun/the collection of artifices created and maintained by men that protect and provide for women). Not sure I would call that a fair comparison, if there is such a thing at all.

That’s not to say I advocate going to poor Asian countries to pick up women, or going MGTOW and not having children at all, but I do understand where such people are coming from.

Listening to women talk about this topic is like waiting for dry paint to turn wet!


The argument for reproduction is part of the female blackmail structure…

Most people have sex 10,000 times per life…

And an average of 3 reproductive encounters!

That’s right ladies and gents, most sex has absolutely NOTHING to do with reproduction !

How are those panties fitting ieraellius??

The most important topic to this regard, is that even if you stop all homicide and rape and abuse… Men would commit mass suicide because of the multiple stratifications women have ALWAYS abused them with, and women would commit ZERO!!! I repeat, ZERO!!

That’s the end game, and you can’t punish women for it IN ANY WAY without being a hypocrite!!

That’s the forever and ever end game!!!

My plan is to get us out!!

Specify, do you mean sex or masturbation?

in my case, it’s masturbation

Sex, plain old sex.

If most people have sex over 9000 times, why the suicide?

Because of number of partner stratification in only males!!!

Females get 80% of their sexual VARIETY from only 1% of the male population… The stratification just on this alone is so abusive to men it makes them more depressed and suicidal…

Most men don’t have much VARIETY!!

But it goes MUCH deeper than that!

Tell me how deep does it go, traveler.

I’ve said most all of it elsewhere on this board …

I left some out, but not much, but for the purpose of this thread, what I said was enough