
Will the Netherlands vote to leave the EU?

I just found out that funny looking little guy is leading in the polls in the Netherlands, and wants to hold a Brexit style vote to jump ship too.

It will be really funny if the EU is voted out west to east in a Hugh wave, but takes a few years, but as it happens a ad hoc trade union unintentionally pops up in its place, and every country except like, Greece, leaves the EU.

The Greeks can inherit it all!

The Greeks and Turkey.

Dutch newspapers opened with “Does Turkey still want to be in the EU now?” And quoting Erdogan or one of his cronies calling the Brexit “racist” and “meant to exclude muslims”. Maybe now the remaining nations will be stupid enough to consider them.

I hope for a Nexit. I think it may be inevitable now. Not much use for us to be in the EU without our partner in crime… unless we begin to merge with Germany.

Talking of Germany… the only country that has been benefiting from being in the EU is Germany, due to their technology and motor industries export… and they wanted us to RemaIn so that they could continue profiting… at our expense.

Will the Netherlands be better off outside the EU FC?

Are they more for Nationalism/traditional values of their country?

Were things just fine before we joined the EU?

These are the main questions UK voters kept asking themselves every day for the last couple of years (me included) on our UK Referendum… looks like a high percentage of voters said yes to all 3 (me included).

The Netherlands are the largest port in Europe, yanking themselves out of Europe has severe risk… their only known product is wheels of cheese… they really do rely heavily on being a port.

Now, can the EU long last with it’s main port, main military powers, outside of it? The military might of NATO always laid outside of Europe (cause Europe is a bunch of lazy socialist paracites), but it will be really hurting with this parallel joke of a EU defence pact.

As far as Turkey joining anything, Erdogan manufactured the civil war with the Kurds as a ploy to rid himself of the Kurdish minority that voted against him in the election… he forced new elections after crucifying them, against this completely unheard of Kurdish faction I doubt even exists, and has launched attacks against the Kurds in Syria… it is why US special forces dress now as Kurdish fighters in Syria, so Turkey can’t scapegoat them launching attacks… second one US soldier dies by Erdogans hands, a coup will be set into motion, US doesn’t even got to be involved, doesn’t have to ask or vet… just will happen cause the opposition in the military will finally see a green light that the US will be open to them as a new government. Erdogan’s government is tipsy as fuck, and always at risk of implosion. I wouldn’t read too much in any of his comments about anything happening in the world, unless of course he is threatening on invading it.

Turkey is vital long term to NATO… if we are to have NATO. Turkey’s long term interest in NATO, and for it’s national security, is to have a sweet, autonomous Kurdish buffer state insulating it’s borders, using it’s 1/5th Kurdish population as a cultural magnet in controlling these lands external to NATO as always being friendlier to US than to the Arabs and Persians. That buffer will save us severalwars over the next few centuries. Erdogan can’t stay in power without stroking massive discontent in Turkish hardliners, and that is the residual hate from the past civil ear with the Kurds. They already submitted, they already agreed to a Turkish future.

You usually couldn’t get somebody like me to ever agree with Noam Chomsky, but Erdogan is a complete piece of shit and has to go. He is hurting Turkey in way too many ways,and as a result NATO, and to a far lesser extent that I can give a Fuck about, the EU. I don’t have a horse in the EU game, but get excited when I see states wanting their independence, even if it is a silly independence from… themselves. I doubt the idea of a EU, even if it implodes, will long remain absent, something will return to fill that void.

Honestly, what is up with Geert Wilders hair? Are Christians the only ones who know about conditioner? Is that normal for the Netherlands? Little midget with crazy hair.

Add in also Frexit, Prexit, Spexit, Grexit, and Italexit.

First country in a position would be Netherlands, you can’t collapse the EU overnight.

Don’t discount Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, and Greece.

I’m not, but like… your thinking all at once. They have a schedule for elections in these countries, and very few are going to vote on a referendum unless their opposition leaders come into power. Netherlands is closest to poll time and strength of opposition leader in terms of actually winning. I try not to follow Dutch news, just a bunch of windmills and cheese and malaise at how society was in the 60s. I say open the dykes and flood the useless lot. But I’m guessing they don’t want to drown, so will eat their cheese and will vote for this little pgymy from Indonesia with the clown hair to lead them to independence.

I would like to see a pic of him like Golem, knees bent, wearing just a buttflap digging into a small wheel of cheese, like it is his precious… with the crazy hair.

Once they leave, it will be how well can states embrace them over the next year, copy their treatises, prove it is possible, before more states follow. Don’t be surprised if many states emprace the EU Counter-Reformation efforts for decades, a lot of it will be buttered up to those on the frence, they may not leave for those very benefits, may turn out to be the final EU member states if anything.

Oh goody, we and the other non EU european countries can trade freely, form our own zone or something.

On the whole and assuming no war breaks out, much better off outside of it, considering that we have natural long alliances with Britain and the US (to begin with, we founded New York, Brooklyn is a Dutch town. Breukelen - as in Van Breukelen, de 1988’s EC goalie - Wallstreet is a Dutch built street and area) in place as well as a deals with Germany before we secede. Germany is no problem, as Turd says we have the port, also the largest airport by the way. The Germans have no alternatives but to work with us.

The way it will be better foremost is that we don’t answer to Germany anymore. It’s unnatural. Germany never attained the sort of power we held in the ‘Gouden Eeuw’; they are foremost a nation of poets and scientists.

Very disparate. In fact no one knows. The papers have been filled with opinion pieces ever since the Euro was introduced about how it would be impossible in the long run to maintain the EU. But an equal amount of panic is employed against such speculations. Our only guarantee to prevent WWIII and all that, and people just tend to not want to risk that even if the chances are slim at most.

I think there was a short term profit for many.
Britain infused the EU with much of its potency. After you joined, it became difficult to conceive of a different path. So it’s great that you also made the choice of leaving. … ult_en.htm
Until 2004, it was still viable.
Then, all the Baltic and Balkan states got included and a conflict with Russia was inevitable, as well as a fundamental dilution of European values. All this went to German influence; Germany is the only hub for eastern mainland Europe, Germany basically became one large Balkan state with a solid car industry and a merciless banking system tied to the Swiss, where all the German excess is funneled. The Swiss are really in control, you cant pass through it without paying 50 euros, and you have to pass through it from Germany to Italy, which is the main line of distribution. They are a country that has been independent since before Roman times.

The only question now is, how strong is England still? I don’t get the feeling it ever lost power like we did. The population of London is infinitely more sophisticated than that of Amsterdam. It always has been, but Amsterdam has been depleted. This happened while and because we are in the EU. We were just confronted with externally decided facts about our organization. The fate of a “liberated” nation (by the Canadians) is that it becomes subservient, morally and militarily.

I thought Greece was basically funded by the EU at this point. No?

Also, why does the nationalism/tradition thing even have to be connected? Why does this “Hey, if you want the economic benefits of being part of a massive global superpower, you gotta let your unelected overlords in Brussels pack your country full of rapists and radicals that hate everything about your culture” dilemma even exist? Couldn’t a global economic super power just leave it’s member nations the fuck alone to govern themselves?

Isn’t that what Obama is doing? Letting all the rapists and murderers from Mexico come in?

Hillary helped too, can’t give Obama all the credit.

Ummm… we aren’t allies with the Netherlands because the Dutch had a early colony in the new world, technically my town on the Ohio was a Dutch colony too, and they caused a war all on their own… nobody really remembers the Netherlands contributions any more than Sweden’s colonies, yes… it was here for a time, then went away, and it colonia capital is now under a McDonald’s parking lot. The Dutch colonies have had very little impact other than lending a few place names.

We are allies because we considered the Netherlands as victims in WW2, and it is a good port for reentry and resupply if we gotta push against the Soviets. We can give a Fuck about the windmills and wooden shoes otherwise. We can bake our own magic brownies, and grow our own tulips. Belgium gives us chocolates, Netherlands gives us… Ummm… we already got a shitload of cheese, so not that… oh damb,the Netherlands are fucking useless to us, beyond stating it is useful for the whole “NATO” project. You gotta pass through it to drive north to Norway… or else be forced to detour around it. That is how vital it is to our alliance.

Do you guts produce some essential mineral or some shit, or is it just a bunch or overpaid cheese eating shitheads, with no real economic base, and nobody took note of this to stop issuing everyone in your country loans.

More I think about it, less sense the Netherlands make. They don’t really make anything.

Oh… Germany has the Baltic,and access to the European river transportation network, as well as the ability to switch to Greek ports if they had to. Just… lots of countries make the very things they make, even North Korea… every energy economy copies Germany… how long can they keep the name brand vs generic game going?

It’s a generally known fact that the Netherlands pioneered modernity, but right now the country is basically a power convertor and has no identity. Newspapers now, even the ‘quality papers’ have articles riddled with grammatical errors. People think the first name of Hitler is Heil. Trying to talk to someone about anything there makes it impossible to avoid the conclusion that the Last Man has arrived.

And yet, no one has been seen wearing wooden shoes yet. Things could be worse.
Dutch cheese is still the most delicious. Get cheese from a monastery in Gelderland.
French cheese is powerful, but you wouldn’t typically eat it without bread and wine to absorb the taste in other fermenting. Dutch cheese you would usually eat with very dark bread, if bread at all. Cheese cubes.

And drop.

All dutch people eat it, but virtually no one across the border can tolerate the taste for more than a few seconds. It must be that we drank too much seawater as we ran out of beer.

No, I think the Italians have a solid corner on that Claim, and the Greeks through the Byzantine transmission a right to challenge it. I gotta agree however with Umberto Eco that the modern era started in the middle ages. We still to a large extent live in a feudal society… all our laws and contracts suggest this, the emphasis of separating the secular from the religious and princely, explorations of science Contra religion and Religion Contra science, the emphasis on scholastic studies as well as independent study, expansion and perfection of knowledge and the arts, both mechanical and liberal, widening taxation and increased attention to medicine and health, to history and exploration, banking and capital, sovereignty and duty, charity and free enterprise, labor unions and guilds. We essentially are a medieval society. They were fairly complex, like we are, and we can be everybit as demented and backwards as they were. Just we sit further along in that process.

so many are so misinformed about geopolitics that it is kinda appalling.

Paolo Barnard: THE TRUTH ABOUT BREXIT (english subtitles - MUST WATCH/LISTEN)
(embedding this vid does not seem possible)

imperialism = economic terrorism… and they are still at it: TPP, TTIP, TISA and CETA: U.N. Legal Expert Calls Proposed Trade Deals ‘Illegal’

trade deals illegal/criminal and most are not even aware of it

^^ Now there’s one [the video linked] for the conspiracy theorist. Did we bail from europe because of that, or because there’s enough numpties saying things like ‘they can all go home’?

Really, the builderberg stuff is so opaque, its barely a conspiracy of secrecy. they are obviously trying to keep europe together, knowing it would otherwise pull itself apart.

I do think that in the future the markets are going to need to be more flexible than all these zones, and if anyone knows how to balance that it is britain. So on a positive note we could be going more global rather than less [where the EU is less], and those racists wont be getting what they thought they were going to get. Most immigrants originally came from the colonies anyhow lols.