11 Police Officers Shot - Obama to Blame!

For fuck’s sake, there needs to be gun laws in the country, how long is America going to cling to the wild west mentality.

nationalism and imperialism will always bring about illusions

there is no such a thing as a “group, race, culture, clique,clan,etc”, all the schisms it has created, 4000 years of much of the same… yet man still dreams of the impossible.


The Pentagon wants at least $12 billion to fund AI weapon technology in 2017 (internet headline)

ps: I do not owe any gun

It is ok to have gun laws meanwhile the gov can have WMDs??

But since the globalism has become the winner, the nationalism is out and thus not as dangerous anymore as it once was. Globalism is far more dangerous than nationalism.

“Make America strong” means “make the globalists richer and thus more powerful” (the globalists are not “Americans” but merely globalists).

No, it’s about far more than simply declaring “more crime = more policing”, that is the kind of naive simplistic view that wants to deliberately ignore 1) why are more crimes being committed, and 2) what is the perception of black people by white people, and by police? We have laws against stereotyping for a reason, because it’s stupid to use group-membership as a guiding factor to determine who is going to commit a crime or not. Stereotype people of a certain appearance and you’re letting plenty of criminals through the cracks that don’t look exactly like your preconceived notion says. And I’m guessing you never took a statistics class, because you don’t understand that simply because a large sample identifies a trend doesn’t mean you can know anything before the fact about individual instances within that larger group; if you take 1000 people and say they have a statistically significant higher rate of liking swimming than the average person, to use an example, that doesn’t translate into an ability to point to an individual within that group and say that they like swimming. It’s a subtle point that I know goes over your head.

Policing involves identifying high crime areas, not identifying skin color. The fact that poor urban areas have more black people is simply another obvious fact of institutional racism in America, as I’ve pointed out through many links to statistics ranging from far-lower overall wealth owned by black people compared to whites to the fact that a black person is far more likely to be sent to prison for the same crime than is a white person. Do you ever ask why race is a statistical predictor of outcomes? No, because that would force you to start asking tough questions.

I’ll break it down for you: being a member of a group “black person” or “poor” or “uneducated” or “lives in X urban area” are all predictors of more negative outcomes. The group itself represents a cluster of additional factors and reasons why membership in said group can be a statistical predictor like that; so we have two points that must be addressed: 1) why is being black one of those groups in America 2016? And 2) regardless of an individual person being a member of any such group, including racial groups, it is wrong to judge them first by that group status and only second or not at all by who they are as an individual.

These two points are never going to be acknowledged by a single “conservative”, because of the increased sophistication of the thinking and valuing required to comprehend them. Stereotyping people as a primary method of policing isn’t only morally wrong but also inefficient, leading to skewed perspectives and incorrectly biased judgments of “he/she must be doing x, y z because they are of such and such a group”, when in reality one needs to identify specific situational and individual markers that actually relate to that x, y, z.

Not only is it an irrational violation of a person’s human right to dignity, freedom and presumption of innocence but it’s also not even accurate.

lamberthconsulting.com/racia … esnt-work/

ohrc.on.ca/en/paying-price-h … oesnt-work

civilliberty.about.com/od/lawenf … filing.htm

Go ahead and try to educate yourself. There are proven strategies police can use to identify criminal behavior and racial profiling isn’t one of them. This has been proven beyond doubt due since it had been held up in court lawsuits against use of profiling, which doesn’t result in more effective policing.

But it’s a common fallacy of thinking that “people in group A commit more crimes” equals “police should naturally arrest/search people from group A more frequently as general policy”. When they try that it doesn’t work. The crime stats correlate to location and socioeconomic status and, as I pointed out, disproportionate numbers of minorities are living in high crime, low SES areas (urban or rural). Now would you even want to touch that issue? Nope, your kind won’t go anywhere near it without revealing the absurd banalities and stupidity of thinking that characterizes your view. Because the reason for racial inequalities is that the entire system is implicitly working against certain races and not against others, from policing to hiring to courts to doctors offices to insurance policies to memes in the media. This has been demonstrated many times and isn’t even a question anymore.

kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/wp-conte … t-bias.pdf

nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NE … rentIssue&

thinkprogress.org/health/2015/08 … icit-bias/

americanbar.org/content/dam/ … eckdam.pdf

Not to mention that in America, not that long ago, black people were mass enslaved in chains to white masters. As late as 1865 there was chattel slavery, which means that there are black people alive today whose grandfathers were alive while black people were kept as property to whites. Just stop and think about that: there are black people alive right now whose grandparents has been alive when slavery was still around. It really hasn’t been that long since then.

And you expect equal outcomes from people in such s situation so little a time ago? The fact that black people have done as well as they have is truly remarkable considering the factors against them. The system deserves credit where it has worked and fought for equality and reparation of past ills, but also deserves blame where it has in the past and still does prescribe unequal outcomes for people based solely on group membership. It is irrational for a supposedly free, sane, moral and advanced society to function wherein being born black vs white statistically can predict outcomes over large numbers of people, and yet in America it does. This is the problem that needs to be fixed; but again you and your kind have no interest in seeing reality, you merely want to scapegoat people for the sake of your own ignorance and ego.

Wyld, how do you propose we move forward on the issue and start being strengths focused rather than deficit focused.

Fucking Christ you can be thick when you choose. i blamed McCain for the shooting using an absurd, winding chain of causation like the one HE used to blame Obama for the same. i then concluded the same fucking post with a statement about how easy it is to fabricate blame and place it on people who are not responsible. What did you miss? Or did you just read the thread title and get your bloomers all in a bunch? Or maybe you just want to discredit me because you recognize how asinine and low Republicans get when they talk about Obama and youre rightfully embarrassed by it? Or maybe you actually DO think Obama is responsible for the Dallas and Orlando shootings and so you need to contradict what i’m saying?

Regardless, youre being dishonest and insincere, just like you are so fond of accusing me of doing.

And the follwoing text shows it clearly:

Quod erat demonstrandum. You do not know what you are talking about. You are the one who never took a statistic class. And you are the one who is stereotyping. You are also the one who has no interest in seeing reality, because you are not capable of seeing reality. And of course: You are the one who wants to scapegoat people for the sake of your own ignorance and ego. Being an anti-white racist does not make you a “better human” but merely a politically correct racist, thus an obeying coward racist.

In peoples terms i think this is all true… the US is the only country I ever visited save the UK (London specifically) where blacks and whites were walking the streets like equals, talking like equals in public places.

Literally all other countries ive been to are segragated. Black people have maybe 2 white aquaintances ans vice versa.

Institutional violence is a wholly different issue. Something no one who hasnt suffered it can judge.

The US penal system has been bought, its private, and this will cause hell until it is deprivatized.

Eggs arrived.

Also, being from the World, I know that voting for hillary is tantamount to pissing on a million corpses.

That bitch is merciless genocidal evil not seen the likes of very often. What she did and Lybia and how she talked about it. Hitler would blush.

Her husbands war in the middle of Europe, bombing Belgrade, that was fucking insane.

What Im saying is Democratic candidates are playing the race card while smilingly plunge whole nations into hell. How many people are being raped with knives right now because of Hillary Clinton? Who commented on such matters with a triumphant grin and a bad oneliner.

The Democrats are far more lethal in foreign affairs. Look at Albrights policy that killed a million Iraqi and her ease in shrugging that off.

That party is as sick as mankind is able to get. Trump is like a horsemedicine, bad under any but the most dire conditions.

The US will always disregard its role in the world when it feels pain inside. For all its huge might it is a little girl like this.

It will elect a psychopath who has already made it clear that sh she has an absolute disdain for human life and loves to see human suffering erupt under her hands, especially when that suffering appears to be guaranteed into perpetuity… just because that megamassmurderer says some soothing words.

Humankind has to put up with that weakness, its just how the nation is… but I wont sit here and pretend Trump is the worst of it.

In no way is someone “anti-white” simply because they understand institutional racism, implicit blas, the (very recent) history of slavery and want to find ways to make society better. It’s really pathetic that you would equate the two.

And I’ll also point out that you’re unable to address even a single point I made, or a single statistic I provided you. Thanks for revealing so clearly that you’re just trolling here. I’ll be sure not to make the mistake of addressing you in the future.

@ Wyld.

The reason for your dasein is the misery of other people. You live from the misery of other people. The misery of other people is the only thing that can and has to make you powerful. Shame on you. Have you ever worked in the sense of a real achievement?

Factually you have no single argument but a lot of prejudgments. Most of what you are telling is nonsense. As I said: You do not know what you are talking about.

“Shame on you” is an interesting comment.

Liberalism is just the idea that people should be treated equally and be generally left alone to do what they want. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it. However, socialism gave us critical theory, which has infested liberalism with the idea that reality doesn’t matter, and in fact reality ought to be suppressed as bigotted if it goes against a liberal agenda.

So, important and powerful leftists have decided that there is an end to be gained by convincing people that blacks are under assault by the police. Disagreeing with this is racist by definition, because ‘racist’ means ‘disagreeing with what a liberal says about race issues’. It doesn’t matter if the facts are on your side- those facts are just racist facts.

So for example, when PK asked me to cite my info, he didn’t actually want the citations, he was hoping I wouldn’t provide them so he can discredit me. Now that I’ve provided them, the conversation will simply procede as if I never spoke- his angle didn’t work, so it’s time to move on. The facts I provided won’t impact anybody’s position, because the left’s position on race issues was never about the facts in the first place, though of course if they happen to GET a study or a statistic that makes it sound like they are correct, they will use it.

We’re not ignoring it, we’re simply acknowledging that this is an utter shifting of the goalposts- the thing a liberal does when he just lost an argument.

There could be all sorts of reasons why blacks are committing disproportionately more crimes. Some of those reasons might even be racist reasons, and liberals may have good points to make and good solutions to offer- let’s say for the sake of argument.

But if blacks are committing more of the crimes, for whatever reason, then that means the “Cops are singling out blacks” narrative is a fucking lie, and Black Lives Matter is built on utter bullshit, and Obama is talking shit when he supports them and chastizes the police for ‘targetting blacks unfairly’.

Changing the subject to racial economics won’t change that.

I already posted reasoning and data disproving this. You apparently didn’t read my entire previous post.

Again, this is the great lie today in American, the lie that racism doesn’t exist, the lie that black people or “leftists” are simply making it up when they talk about black people being treated differently than whites by police and courts.

What is the true reason for this lie, do you think?

And then there was more… 84 dead in France.