What's best for Trump is what's best for me.

My greatest fear, is that some angry feminist or Michael Moore is gonna shoot Trump with one of the guns they banned. Then Pence will become President and will nuke the entire world. At least Hillary would only nuke Russia, China, Africa, the Middle East, America, and Europe. Pence will nuke the entire world, even India, Antartica, and Australia.

Therefore we should not vote for Trump for his own good. It is in his best interest not to vote for him. What’s stopping Hillary from killing him? She’s already killed four people, what’s stopping her from killing more? Hillary is a mass-murderer. She could even kill me, you, she could kill everyone on these philosophy boards. She could kill everyone on every philosophy boards everywhere. She could even use the money from her crooked corporation’s donations and make a time machine and kill you before you were ever born, that’s how bad she wants this election. I say give it to her, if you value your own safety. But there will be consequences, Hillary Shillary Clinton, Crooked Hillary will ban every philosophy boards everywhere, every philosophy boards ever made, she will ban philosophy itself, and force us all to listen to Nikki Minaj music until the day we die, which isn’t gonna be very long because she will nuke Russia, China, America, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, and we will all die anyway.

If Hillary gets elected President, she will be impeached by Day 1, or fall ill to her mental illness and ailing health, and we get Kaine as president, gives Trump 4 years to regroup, recoup, complain about days that could have been had he been elected, and get ready his next speeches.

So the NSA may ask me some questions, ask me what I mean by the angry feminist mob, and how will I protect trump from the angry feminist mob that will inevitably rise after his inauguration. And I will say this, I can protect trump better than you ever could. Fact is, I would lock him in the White House all day every day and he’d be okay with it, why because I can give him 5 hot bikini babes a day. You ask him “5 bikini babes a day” and I say, “Yeah, hey, it’s the Trump way. We’re making America great again. We can ‘do it’ with Trump. Do it with 5 hot bikini babes a day. And that’s what I mean by make America great again.”

Is there anybody in the U.S. who does not want to nuke?

I’m trying to vote for Jill Stein, because she won’t nuke. But everyone is so ego-obssesed they are locked in “potato” thought, they are afraid noone else will vote for Stein so they don’t. It’s called crowd-manipulation and the sign of the coward.

She is a member of a small party, and that makes her interesting. But that does not mean that she does not want to nuke.

She is of the Green Party. Green Party is for habitat conservation, nukes are habitat destruction. Therefore she cannot want to nuke by definition.

Our leaders of the party “Die Grünen” (“The Greens”) told the same lies during the 1970’s and 1980’s. And then in the 1990’s they have been telling other lies, because they had been becoming the loudest warmongers.

You are full of beans and a shill. Put up or shut up.

You know, when I tell someone to vote for The Greens, they tell me “No, because they are too pacifist, won’t do enough warmongering.” Now you say “Greens do too much warmongering, aren’t pacifist enough.” Why don’t you shills make up your minds.

I am merely telling you some facts. An example is the war in the former Yugoslavia during almost the whole 1990’s.

You can shut all your holes of your body: the truth is that there are too many warmongers.

What does that have to do with the American Green Party and Jill Stein?

She is a member of a green party, and the members of all green parties around the world are interconncted with each other. Did you not notice that? Try to leave the 19th century and to arrive in the 21st century. Welcome to the globalistic world!

Yes, and that was also the case in Germany during the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Yes. I say that, because it is true. Unfortunately.

At the moment the green party in the U.S. is not strong enough to become a serious competitor. So that party tries to appear more likeable - it has to get more votes from the people. But if it will have votes enough, then you will see that it is a party like the other parties or even worse.

Total bullshit. On the wikipedia page about the Green Party there is not a single case of any war.
Only this.

I did not say either that there was such a “single case of any war”. Are you not capable of reading? I said something about historical examples, and that, because of the fact that green parties are interconnected, you can expect this for your country too, but not at the moment. At the moment your green party appears likeable. Why are you so slow on the uptake, man?

You literally claimed that Green Party are liars and warmongers. Which is total bullshit. Slow on the draw, girl.

The two party system in your country prevents that another party can win an election. As long as that happens, the green party has no chance to win an election, so it must - and will - remain pacifistic.

We do not have to talk about lies here, because all politicians lie.

Concernig warmongers I was talking about the Greens in Europe (in Europe!) - not in the U.S.!

Concerning the U.S. Greens, I said something about “likeable” and “pacifistic” Greens! Do you remember? But we have the historical example of the Greens in Germany that shows what you will have to expect in the near future, if (and only if) the Green Party in the U.S. will get a chance (and that is currenly not the case).

May I give You an example of some disarray within the Green Party, caused by unforeseen problems.

The case of the electric car is one such a failed attempt. A study in Norway has concluded that the electric car produces more emission, then a traditional , well designed car.

The study measured emission produced by the manufacture of batteries, and the emissions produced turned out to be measurably higher. If, a general conclusion can be made, it is, that technology has not the reach of the aims of Green Party, in this instance as perhaps in others.

Besides this, traditional ways of life, pull back from counter productive , and initially sudden, bold leaps into uncharted places.

Ohio is a good example, where, Trump may win, due to the loss of jobs, do to changes in production of certain kinds of manufactured goods.

The Green Party via GreenPeace and France did have a naval engagement in New Zealand, and Bob Barker has his own stealth ship for attacking the Japanese off of Antarctica, and in Second World Countries like Grant, there is what is called a “Red-Green Alliance” between the Marxist and the Greens, they’ve played a part in closing all nuclear power plants in Germany and increasing alliance on Russian Natural Gas, which is what primarily allows Russia to invade Ukraine, as German Green Energy is bought in Ukrainian Lives.

They have blood on their hands. I haven’t even mentioned Eco-Terrorism.

Every time the green party does something fucked up, I dump motor oil down storm drains.

Yes, this also reminds me of the 1970’s and 1980’s in Germany when the established parties said the Greens wanted “to go back to the Stone Age” (cp.: “back to nature” [Rousseau, quoted by Kant]), and the result was always that the Greens had no chance to get power. The experiences the Green Party in the U.S. is currenly making are very similar to those of the Green Party in Germany during the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Thanks for that example, Jerkey.

Bullshit bullshit bullshit. Green Party’s presidential views are progressive views, more technology, more society, and more evolved kind of progressiveness.

0 causalities. Guarantee it. 100%.

I call bullshit.

So the worst thing we get is a couple crappy electric cars. Whoopde whoopin do. So be it. Better electric cars than World War 3 and global economic collapse.