Living In The U.S.S.A. Crony Capitalist Style With Socialism

There is virtually no public welfare in the U.S. before and after financial budget cuts. Conservatives will bemoan about food stamps, government healthcare, rent assistance, and public utility assistance, lets talk about that.

With a growing divide between a majority of poor Americans versus a minority of wealthy that run the United States more and more people live on under $20,000.00 a year. $20, 000.00 a year is something a single individual can barely survive off of let alone a family household.

If people can barely devote $50.00 a week on food after expenses for the cost of living then yes there is a real crisis for food access in the United States. Of course there is no public welfare in the United States because genuine public welfare aims to make people independent on themselves but if anything the public welfare allocated in the United States is all about making huge swathes of the population dependent on the government which in turns creates huge profits for the state itself. The United States has essentially become a modern plantation of the poor but unlike past historical plantations where people labored or worked there is no abundance of labor to make a living off of due to automation, corporate job outsourcing, and foreign worker imports. It’s a plantation that offers no work for individuals to become independent but instead a plantation where one’s very existence revolves around the handouts of the state for daily sustenance.

On rent assistance all places of residence in the U.S. charge exorbitant prices concerning rent that workers that fall on or barely above minium wages can barely afford and just to afford it they have to take away from things like food, healthcare, education, and so on. In order to financially meet the costs of rent in the United States the average minimum wage worker would have to work sixty hours plus per week but in an era of jobcuts and high unemployment that would never happen nor would it be desirable on anyone.

On electricity, heating, and general rent assistance it goes without saying that if you can barely afford food or rent you’re going to have trouble paying an electric bill in terms of heating or cooling a place to live. Moreover poor areas where many residences are more old than 75 years in terms of structure the insulation of the place you dwell isn’t going to be all that great or is outdated which in turn means much higher prices of services. Thankfully with conservative and corporate think tanks there is the political austerity momentum to cut all these public programs making those living in American poverty fall even further into poverty eating away at what small levels of disposable income they have if any at all. This is the United States social existential descent into hell and damnation as a nation eats away at itself in almost cannibalistic form. This will almost guarantee that the nation will be thrown into chaos in the not too distant future and while the poor downtrodden are divided amongst each other we can only hope they’ll collectively acknowledge who the real enemy is some day instead of bickering amongst themselves where those enemies of humanity will someday hang by rope on lamp posts in a public square.

Conservative republicans and democratic liberals, the same enemy of Americans only different sides of the same coin. Both are entities and servants of Wallstreet oligarchs or financial banking cartels.

Liberal democrats are always wanting to increase public state welfare and that’s because heralding from a large government workforce their very careers and occupations stems from profitting off the population’s dependency on the state run plantation. Those extravagant government pensions and unions aren’t going to pay themselves you know. That’s what socialism is, where the state forces the population onto the government plantation that controls all facets of their lives. The crony capitalists of course are no better but are more honest in form in how they regard the poor but instead of a corporate plantation model utilized by socialist liberals they utilize a more privatized corporate feudalistic model guided by a mythical nonexistent free market system. It doesn’t matter which political polarization you affiliate yourself with whether it be conservative or liberal as the main goal remains the same namely keeping people poor, dependent, and under control with the jack boot on their foreheads.

It seems to me that many unions are now more on companies side than the workers side (essentially, slowly being bought out by companies), and are making more and more concessions towards companies. Might as well be a part of company itself. Are negotiations that happen between them, are they really about the increasing workers’ benefits? I doubt it, I think the companies pretty much dictate how things should be, and maybe throw a bone or two (on their terms), and the unions pretty much go along with it (and pocket the rest of the money saved). Strikes are not as effective as they used to be, people just take whatever they can get, which is sad.

Showing my support for bashing the disinformation of mainstream media in the U.S.A. today. Solidarity!

His name was Hansassholesolo…

Coerced behind the scenes?


Especially the photo of Ray Goldstein reminds me of this:



There is a very dear price you pay when you lose touch with yourself, or limitations or boundaries which define your self. If I were religious I would even call it a soul. This is debatable topic as to what defines superiority, and whether having an an affect itself is enough, no matter the quality of it. Does being able to persuade the other to degrade himself an example of superiority because of the apparent outcome? In other words, does the end justify the means, at least when relating to goal accomplishment?

I’m talking about overconfidence rooted in the wrong places.