Natural selection is invalid-thus it cant disprove God

Many science types like Dawkins etc believe natural selection disproves God
this work show that Natural selection is invalid as a theory about the generation of new species -thus it cant disprove God … d-or-wrong

4 reasons
1)the Cambrian explosion as darwin saw invalidates his theory
2)NS is invalidated by the fact of speciation as NS only deals with traits already present and cant deal with the generation of new species genetics might be able to account for the generation of new species
3) NS deals with the transmission of favorable traits and the eradication of unfavorable traits so the fact that unfavorable traits ie the gene for breast cancer are and can be transmitted and become common invalidates NS
4) genetics cannot account for the generation of new species-ie the Cambrian explosion as it is claimed the generation of new genes is a random process due to radiation, viruses, chemicals etc and genetic cannot account for these process happening as they are out side the scope of genetics physics chaos theory etc may give some explanation but genetics cant

I don’t think any (or at least very few) professional of biology or evolution says, in a fully formal setting, that ‘natural selection disproves god’. At best they may have used a phrase similar to that in a colloquial sense, speaking to an audience of people who would be able to interpret it into the fully qualified form of the statement.

Natural selection doesn’t disprove god. Evolution – not natural selection on its own – evolution provides an alternate explanation for complex life on the earth. Someone might say, “Humans are too complex to come about randomly; God must have done it;” the response is, “Evolution is an alternate explanation for the complexity of life.”

The novice theist might then rebut, “Evolution doesn’t explain how life began.” To which the correct answer is, “No, it doesn’t.”

Most theories don’t explain everything. Most theories explain some things. Evolution doesn’t explain everything. One thing it doesn’t explain is how life began. That’s no more a relevant criticism than saying “The bible doesn’t explain Bill Cosby’s rapes.” The study of how life might begin from non-life is a separate field from evolution. Just as Bill Cosby’s rapes are a separate issue entirely from the bible.

Interestingly, on the comet that we just recently sent a probe to, I remember reading that they’ve found amino acids - the building blocks of DNA.

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This shows how important it is to have not only a natural science burt also a spiritual or moral science, or philosophy. Natural selection doesn’t disprove God.