19.47 Latitude, and why you will put me in a straight jacket

I’ve been known to dip into “fringe science” from time to time. But this just seems bonkers. On top of that, this post not particularly concise. Really quite hammy. It’s only preliminary, not my whole “claim.”

Rather than start off trying to sway you in the manner of evidence, and why I should be “so so right” and everything else, instead I’ll just throw you into my whole bizarre suggestion with their buzz-word phrases, which all spell out to a typical reason to discredit everything. Truly, I agree. I bash hippy-talk all the time. The sceptic is welcome here.


Did I completely throw you off now? Because I am serious. I’m not actually doing this as a joke. Are you eager to lock me up? I hope so because if you believe this intensely right away, I’ll be afraid that shortly after you’ll attempt to direct me toward a cult which you blindly fell into. If no cult of this exact combination of bizarre statements exist, well then . . . I guess I am your new leader, provided you’ll “find the way” and join. No mass-suicide yet as I understand. Friday Bingo is acceptable. (okay, the Bingo was a joke).

Rather than try to draw you in this long and endless discussion that I don’t even really understand yet, I want to start off with what I think is most simple and most central to the claim. Not even a claim, really, just a “lead” on the core of the subject, so far as we can most easily investigate individually on Earth.

19.47 latitude volcanoe. My claim is that you can come to what I speculate (that’s right I didn’t say theorize but speculate) by simply investigating this as best you can. And I mean, so far as literally trying to fly into that latitude, and keeping some physical presence there. But that’s beside the point. I’m saying that if you feel this is too bizarre for you to lose time on, then forget all of it and simply remember that phrase: “19.47 latitude volcanoe”

The main video that inspires me to write this is here, but other things I look into seem to support it.

I remind you that I never assumed any of this, but I also refuse to believe that the position should be thrown out, it really deserves a serious look (as well as a bashing), and that the thread is in its proper forum here. (Mind you, I’m pretty sure any philosophy forum except for ILP would have indeed thrown it out from Natural Science).

I can’t watch the vid so I just googled the latitude and volcano, Interesting. It does deserve some research. I will look into it more over the next few days. Thanks Gaia I do enjoy puzzles.

So what are you saying about ‘19.47 latitude’? I don’t understand where you are going with this - please elaborate?

Oh, dear Magsj. I really don’t know where to start.

I guess I would just say that if I believe what I’m tempted to believe, we’ll all be living on alien spaceships in two leap years. (That and anyone left will burn alive). I honestly don’t think my roommate spiked my coffee, so I have to scratch out the easy answer.

According to what I have read so far, would they really be alien?

I’ll try a basic rundown of what the main far-fetched sounding claims are, and the main arguments for them. (And why I would like someone to try and prove or argue these assertions wrong). I didn’t put references yet. And I certainly welcome more assertions as to why this is completely absurd / insane.

*That Aliens visited us Pre-ice-age.

There is a large archaeological record of not only egyptian pyramids- but pillars, underwater temples, and so on. The main argument is that no company no matter how much you pay them can reproduce these buildings. There is not only a weight issue (the largest tower cranes cannot lift some of the structures) but also a precision issue (the closest means that would seem to cut stone at such precision would be lazers).

*That Alien remains are an archaeological record.

Some skulls that are clearly not natural homosapien or pre-homosapien are in real museums. The argument explains that egyptians indeed deformed their skulls. But the skulls on record do not simply have a deformation issue. The distortion of a human skull given the means of egyptian shaping could not account for the larger volume inside. You can force a human skull to grow pretty freaky, but you can’t actually make the inside bigger.

*That the biblical Nephilim are a real account of aliens, and quite literal to their description.

They were tall, blonde, blue eyed (No, I don’t believe in Nazi Eugenics), and visited Earth through both its inside, and through the inside of the sun. Because supposedly every inside of a sun or large asteroid has a black hole, which exists as a gateway through the universe. It has been theorized that black holes are indeed gateways.

*That individual concsiousness has a vast effect on the cosmos.

This is not to say that anything you believe will happen. Nor is it to imply a static karma. (“You hurt people, you get hurt”). This is to say that each individual’s psychological makeup and practices are directly linked to the condition of astrophysics. This is due to a feedback loop which connects the incredibly small to the incredibly large. In the same manner that you could move in one direction outward across the universe, and end up right back where you started, it is theorized (or speculated?) to be also the case that as you magnify into smaller and smaller particles, you wind up simply magnifying on your own universe until you come back to the point where you started.

*That Aliens are Concerned with individuals, because of this link from smaller to bigger.

If each individual lifestyle can have an effect on the vast expanse of space, they would be concerned with how those lifestyles are played out. That’s why they aren’t necessarily hostile, but also not necessarily ignoring races either.

On the contrary, I try to argue on a basis of a psychological weakness. That I’m a sucker for stupid ideas. To follow that train of thought, I ask “what is making me a sucker for dumb ideas, if so?”

There are plenty of arguments for and against, certainly enough scientists throwing all manner of proof around for and against. Are you crazy either way? sure according to either side. has evidence been forged for and against , yes. most certainly. Humans are duplicitious in order to get their way and because the means justify the end( yep, i said it backwards because it is true).

The skulls though they are truly a quandry. Yes / no/maybe? I would say that there are aliens for one solid reason. The myths go too far back and keep reoccuring, why would the ancients make a humanoid shape on a wall with what appears to be a space suit on it? And we are talking caveman days that this was done.
I like what you wrote Gaia, it has a soundness to it. Frankly I do not wish to be contacted by any( I have enough issues in my life :laughing: ) but, Yea I lean towards their visiting us from time to time. with the universe so vast, the evidence and all the heated arguments, it gives more substance to yes there are , then no there are not.

When two sides of an arguement have equal passion, the truth doens’t neccessarily, lie halfway between, most of the time, almost all of the time, by definition, someone is wrong. Am I discounting this? Yeah its probably fake and bears classical signs of many many many similiar claims, however, whichever is the truth of the matter, if they exist or if they didn’t, we could evalidate that evidence based on science and come to accurate conclusions.

we wouldn’t have to sit back here and wonder, much like kris, whether we could ever know the reality of these claims. All we needd to do is inspect claims coming from company A and company B, which claims have the most evidence/rationality are likely to be right.

I’ll look into it a lot more before I come right out and say person X claiming this is wrong, but I have no doubt thats what the evidence will show.(I just haven’t lookeed to say)

Oh, yeah, as to the deformed skulls, they’re quite human.

If you take an infant and decide you want its head to look other than a shape of a traditional adult, you’d be surprised at the monstrosities you could create, the amount of manipulation that a human skull can go through from birth-to adulthood.

This includes coneshaped monstrosities and everything else you could imagine? Why assume they’re alien if theres evidence of X weird practice to do X to the skull and the skulls bear the same shape of humans in all other ways? teeth,etc.

what about genetic testing on the skulls, ,revealing alien origin?

theres other explanations, another related organism, mutation, manipulation through constant skull toying.

The strange skulls being found all over the place, apparently these strange skulls first started or largely anyway, started coming around with the expansion of Sarmatian and another group. Perhaps they picked up a custom.

yea, you could increase the volume, One major question I have about the increased volume. Is the bone thinner than normal? has there been any measurements done along that way?

Bone can be softened and stretched. There is a way to do that, i don’t recall how but, I willsearch the net. the big question would be can you do it and have the person survive? It is possible. but, they would have to have been sheer genuises to do it. I take these skulls have no fractures on them? Like a piece removed then put back?

Lets say they found a way to stretch bone to increase skull volume. An infant skull would be softest and the most easiset bone to work with. Infants have that tiny part of the skull that is soft already, what if some sick bastard practiced on infants of slaves till he or she got it right? I can see it happening. I keep thinking vinegar softens bones. I will have to check on that. But lets say a vinegar solution is applied to already soft skull bones of an infant, a true newborn would be best, or a premature infant would be even better. Stretching the soft bone could be done. with a lot of sickening practice.
I am not sure I really want to know the why. It might make me puke.

I am going to introduce this more thoroughly the next chance I have at a challenge. If Mad Man P is still interested, I recommend you give him anything you have which you feel will refute my claims.

I really want to see this fail. But on the same token, I want to pummel away with a huge list of factoids that just leave you gagging to refute.

The whole premise of my methods will be that “aliens WANT us to know, and leave obvious signs to make us. The government, try as they may, can only saturate the populace with distractions, and cannot technologically remove all the signs”

Speculative motives might be something of an afterward. But if it were indeed true that technologically advanced beings wanted heavy evidence in their favour, then my job should be easy.

I would guess that MMP can find things on his own. I was just wondering mostly about the thickness of the skulls if they were normal. Do you have the studies on these skulls? And I did check, vinegar will soften bone, the softer the bone the quicker it makes the bone even softer. This was known in the days of the ancient Egyptions, Even the Nordics knew of this in order to do their bone carvings and etchings. So if you wish to prepare for that argument you may want to find out the answer to my question. It could make or break one of your arguments.

Trust me when I have said that there has not been one o bjetive scientific study where the scientists even hesistantly believed they were alien skulls. I have heard scientists specifically say about them “when we starting putting flesh to the skull we realized how alien this would have looked. It started around when (expansion of groups of people) maybe they were trying to look like somthing they saw”

as in maybe another custom or somthing else they saw.

It’d take people a lot more serious who suggested that humans *seen aliens, and thus attempted to mutilate their babies in an attempt to mimic the gods from the stars, but even that is a whacky claim.

Theres been a few times investigating these skulls. Most are human-created from childhood to birth-

As to ‘increased skull capacity’ yeah, we see that with modern humans who are born with: big heads, deformed heads, and mental illnesses like autism. A disease or an unusual individual + some kind of fucked up binding of the head from childhood onward.

Most of these skulls have the ‘softspot’ that would be created if it was due to human tampering. Some don’t, they’re harder to explain, but not nearly hard enough that we’d need to envoke aliens.

Though granted, they look 100% like alien skulls. The individuals with them probably looked alien too.

If the average for a modern human was 1400.

You can still get *massive differences in that just by variable in the lower/higher extremes (average, is 1400cc, theres also really unaverage high and unaverage low, too. without disease or mutation)

Theres so many common mutations with the skull/variances, that with this unexplored head binding/skull manipulation, on top of that, it probably explains all of it.

O.k i’m late getting in here, but i can be your skeptic.

Pyramids were made by egyptian engineers, the vatican was made by a bunch of rich Christians, Chakras are mind over matter, crop circles are hoaxes. (though there could be something else to them such as a cult, yes i said it, a cult.

BIBLE NEPHILIM and AYAHUASCA AWAKENING i have yet to look into.

I shall return with my skeptiec eyes after said film.

MMP would be a great sceptic. I just want such claims up against super-mega-dyno sceptic . . . as scientiffic as that sounds.

I’ve seen all the documentaries you have mentioned, Gaia, and have been swayed neither way - the pyramid doc. was particularly interesting… The universe is a vast place for us to think that we are alone in our sentience! :wink:

I have always thought about the notion of our current technology being reverse-engineered from technology more advanced than ours - I don’t mean to be bad to our current crop of scientists, but they are not any more intelligent than their on-parr peers: to be able to ‘invent’ in general. :laughing:

To believe that Extra Terrestrials exist at all is one thing almost any sceptic can claim. To believe that they visit us and that there truly was this Roswell crash thing or the like is putting all of our fundamental beliefs on its head.

If an alien civilization has truly visited us, I would think it irresponsable that we go about our daily lives perfectly content that we consider such a notion to be trivial, and figure the government can cover up whatever they like. On the other hand, if the whole thing is an exaggerated set of hoaxes and natural phenomena, then it’s irresponsable to go around insisting that it’s true.

I’m rather frustrated that many will take an agnostic position, but then we’re not always able to put aside time and make assumptions about pre-ice-age or government opportunists. Everywhere I look on the internet, I see half-ass beliefs and somewhat of an entertainment element to the whole concept. Likewise, I see half-ass eye-rolling and fun poking. I would really like to see an official no-nonsense confrontation on the matter in its entirety, to end with a total refutation (even to the point of criminalizing the rights to “claim” such a notion) or otherwise to end with an acceptance of the facts and begin a widespread alert on what we can do to . . . well, make them happy I guess?

The people I am most bothered by are the supposed eyewitnesses and psychics that do not work dilligently to establish proof of their ability or knowledge when they make such claims. In my eyes, you are a god damn fake, screwing with important belief systems, if you can’t prove your claim, regardless whether your “witness” is actually true or not.

The people that I extend credit to in these matters are always the sceptic. “Here’s why it’s bull that the pyramids were man-made” . . . “here’s why it’s bull that the crop circles are just stomping on the ground.” These are the people deserving of attention. Not speculators of any kind.