Free Physics (like Free Jazz)

Everything is an Absolute Truth

Everything is an Absolute Truth, is the Extreme Truth and there is nothing anyone can do about it: so when the Christian Fundamentalist says God will beat you up and punish you just because, he is 100 % right, it is the Absolute Truth, the Final Truth, no one and nothing can change that, it is like a piece of infinitely hard Matter, like a piece of Steel, like a rock, rock solid, a monolithic slab of infinitely hard matter that can never again be destroyed, and that is why people fight and get pissed off at those who pronounce the Absolute Truth, since no debate and nothing can and will ever change that: and My Religion is the only one that is right, all of what I say is the only Absolute Truth and everyone else is Wrong, so I win Forever, etc.

They are all Absolute Truths, everything is an Absolute Truth, and you have lost any debate against that, all debates are lost forever, another Absolute Truth (the same one, as all is the same and different, all is equal and different from itself ?) is that GOD DOESN’T EXIST and all Religions are False, so this is the Final Word, the Absolute Truth, and the Absolute Truth is that GOD EXISTS and My Religion is the only one that is right, etc.

So everything is right and wrong, so everyone loses forever, only I win, so I lose forever, I lost all debates, TRUTH IS NOT RELATIVE, BUT ABSOLUTE AND GOD WILL BEAT YOU UP, AND TRUTH DOES NOT EXIST BECAUSE IT IS ALL RELATIVE, AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOD etc.

And yet Man is only Pent Up Desire to Fight, Man is Fight Repressed (actually civilization and language is the attempt at trying to domesticate and calm down the only instinct we have, and that is to fight and win against everyone, it is so fascinating for the mind to see others and how they are different and all enemies and must be all killed (the mind can’t believe that there are other minds different from itself and wants to fight and win against them all), etc. and “love” is the temporary illusion that maybe it is not so, but then it always ends up being so, but we also collaborate, but always against another enemy, etc. so in essence we are always in the same place, we are still forever, (nay we are going backwards forever, everything is going backwards and forwards forever, repeat again) No Progress here, always the same and same fights until we change the Brain Design), would always like to beat and win against all others, the very basis of all of “Life” is the fight, the fight against obstacles, in the form of chemical reactions with molecules in the beginning all fights and actions and reactions, (but sometimes collaborating).

So all of the above is the Absolute Truth, so all of the above is False, there are no Absolute Truths, nothing is true, everything is true, for everything the opposite of everything is true, for everything the opposite of everything is false, etc.

Everything is True and Everything is False, there is No Solution to any problem, the is No Progress ever, we are still forever, everything is a solution to any problem, everything is a solution to anything and everything, we are always going forward ever more, progress is infinite and we are progressing infinitely, we are always changing for the better, etc.

Everything cancels out, no that is all false, only I win, why I am the winner of all ? Why an I so superior to all other people and things ? Why have I won all and everything and everyone else have lost all to me ? (you always win against another, that is why the Economy will never have any kind of solution, the Economy is always doing well or bad according to who you are…).

I repeat the same crap forever, because I am a loser…

So everything (any idea or thing or event or Informational Relationship) is Absolutely False, can’t exist, doesn’t exist, etc.


Everyone is Right

So if everyone is right, everyone is wrong, how can anyone be right, correct, how can anyone say or express any correct - right - true idea or concept if it can always be contradicted, denied, debated, if it can always be contrasted, if anything can be controvertial ? So then it is impossible to be right, you can be right only if it is impossible to formulate a contrary - opposite - conflicting - opposite idea, so then everyone is wrong, everyone is 100 % dead wrong, absolutely, 100 % wrong, and that demonstrates logically, mathematically, absolutely and beyond even the principles of non contradiction and identity that everyone is absolutely 100 % correct, right, etc.

The entire idea of anything is to be against anything else, the entire idea of Information and Debates is to contrast against a background that is contradicting it 100 %, since nothing could exist if it didn’t contrast and stand out from its background, a background that is always fighting it and trying to kill it and trying to deny it, etc. So when the Muslim says that GOD will beat you up he is right, 100 % right and when the Army says the Muslims deserve to be killed because they are saying lies, that is 100 % true, correct, so everyone is 100 % right and true and correct, then what is all the fighting about ? to occupy one point in space and time at the same time with only one truth, when the truth is many and all, so then the fight is always for one truth to kill another truth, but all truths are always killing each other and winning and losing at the same time, no only one truth will always win and that is my truth that the Pebble on Mars is GOD and the electron is the Steering Wheel, so there I said it, I said the only possible truth possible.

As if all items in the universe are a language, a sequence of symbols that must be decoded and understood in a particular Observer _ Mind _ Man Brain type, so all of the pebbles on Mars and under the surface of Mars for 50 miles is a language, a book, a complete thought, one micro truth that must be decoded (but the delimitations creating the words, how pebbles create letters and words and sentences must be all invented and made up, but the words may start from the atoms of the pebbles up and the book may only be 50 miles wide deep and long, but then change the internal delimitations and you can create other books, a book where every word is 100 % different from the previous, books with trillions of pages and so on).

But maybe the Solar Plasma is another book, the car dashboards are another book, thought, a complete idea, a political party, political parties that are fighting against each other and so on, you get the message, you can invent anything, it is all false, everyone is wrong, 100 % wrong, everyone is true, 100 % true, everything is intractable, everything cancels out, everything exists at the same time, everything, and the problems is always using the word everything as if anything has anything in common with anything else and can even be put in the same set and talked about, and so on.

Another trillion blocks of text like the above but written in a new language like ENDNEDNENC Dc ne cLDX S:

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A New Theory !

So Everything is Right, everything is the only truth, only one truth, you name it and say it and only that truth is the truth, the absolute truth against all other lies, so anything is right, is 100 % right, so anything is wrong 100 % wrong, there are no truths, everything is right, everything is wrong, everything is disjoint and disconnects and say the opposite of what you said before and confuse, destructure and keep on going, just puts randoms words together and that is the final truth the truth revealed like (expectations can conceive disjoint and disconnects measure up to what against all other ) and so on.

Simply get out of your comfort zone, accept anything as incredible as possible just for what it says and don’t compare it to what you already know and expect, expect the incredible, the illogical, the ununderstandable, that that goes completely against any common sense, or logic, or anything you can conceive, accept the wildest, since all of our common sense and expectations are always based on what we are used to, what we already know, how things measure up to what we are, how we decode the world, how we are designed, the particular design of the Man Brain as a quirk, as an arbitrary quirk that measures all against himself as in Man is the measure of All Things, but the measurement is always based on a completely arbitrary random quirk of arrangements of items and elements, a completely random, chaotic arrangement of Matter that decided to become the Observer and measure all from its “Point of View”, but has no generality, no value accept for the random value of pain/pleasure random circuits the random quirky process of Natural Evolution decided to give it has.

So there is another Universe where all things are getting denser all the time, all of the past history of the particles remain solid where they are and keep on adding up, so time keeps on adding up all of the items that appear in any point of space time, condense them, make them all stay where they were forever, so the density becomes rapidly infinite, and ever so and ever faster, etc. The total universe having all of its past frozen in all of its points and all of the present events condensing and freezing for every moment in time, every electron that circles an atom solidifies around the atom and the matter around the atom becomes denser and denser, as each circle the electron goes through adds up to the solidification since it remains in every point it crosses forever, time is constantly being frozen and matter in its point and adding up the next event and solidifying the event and matter making it become infinitely denser and denser, etc.

So this is now another kind of Universe, very interesting, where everything is remembered forever and everything is recorded forever (and remains in all of the places it has been from the beginning of time, etc.) and it becomes infinitely denser, etc.

And you can invent other wild relationships and make the matter disappear and appear again, and condense it all in one point in space, or all in one moment and one point, or anything else, etc

All Examples of Free Physics, the Final Truth, the Truth revealed.

Economy is in essence only a fight between people, a conflict over resources (that are seldom and rarely limited or scarce, only Man’s Subjectivity and desire to win and take away from another Man makes them “appear scarce”), actually economy can be described as the constant redistribution of resources from the poor or weaker members of society to the stronger members, just like a property owner takes away so much money from people needing to rent the property, as the redistribution of money from the weak to the strong is what the economy is essentially with the roles sometimes changing, with someone getting a lucky break or “risk taking” by buying property himself and becoming what he was from renting to owning and then getting a rent from other weaker people, etc.

So simply a fight, a redistribution, a tug of war, nothing deeper, nothing “Structurally Objective” about it, it is just a random play of forces, a play of forces of weak against strong, the strong almost always winning (but sometimes not, etc.) nothing Scientific or Objective about the economy, it is just a play of random forces fighting each other if in ever more subtle and indirect ways, always trying to mask and hide the fight behind big words and concepts and fake objective limitations and so on (but the limitations are real, and namely the limitations other people oppose to other people, it is always other people that are the limiting factor, but since they are all arbitrary and worthless turds worth a BIG FAT ZERO, then there are no real limitations only the limitations of other Will Powers pretending to be “Objective”, etc.).

SO we need Free Salaries and Cheap Rents to overcome all of this. AMEN.



disagree. How to you know that?

As far as I understand, no matter where you are, world there will operate on certain laws. I cant imagine dimension, where something could exist without obeying some sort of laws. So inside black hole, in other dimensions, all that should be operating on certain laws. If there is laws we can find them out, no matter how hard or chaotic they seem, meaning that its still same good old objective truth. If something could exist, even in other dimensions, without operating on certain laws, meaning that, lets say, particles could choose what to do in particular situations, then yes, then it would be subjective false truth. As far as Im concerned, if one atom in certain situation does this, and another atom in exactly same situation does something different, then there would be no truth. Truth would change as atoms do something completely different in exactly same situations. I believe such dimension couldn’t exist. I cant even imagine such place. About you being genius, I agree. I totally feel you when your saying that you cant even express what you’re thinking with this primitive language and letters. Been there, done that. And since im like you, I can spot someone who’s like me.



Because I can invent and imagine things way beyond any possible breakthroughs, so even if there are some, they will be puny compared to my imagination, compared to what new Brain Designs can invent, live and create, artificial worlds, virtual realities, etc.

But that is the basis of the non solvability of the three body problem: there are never really 100 % exactly the same situation two items find themselves in, the boundary conditions change, if ever so slightly, the initial positions and velocities are slightly different, (and up to what precision can you measure them ? 10^-100 mm ? or 10^-1000 mm, and under what time span ? 10^-100 nanoseconds ? 10^-1000 nanoseconds ?, so you say that slight difference doesn’t count ? but it does, just look at chaos theory, etc. ) etc. and the three body problem also shows the limits of reciprocal influence of items: item A influences item B which influences item C which then goes back to influence item A again, or does it influence item B ? and then B influences A and C, and so on in a never ending entangled web of reciprocal influences which are intractable and demonstrate the true limits of science and any possible laws. So there is no absolute extreme determinism ever operating, so no rules and no laws, hence the real basis of reality is the absence of laws of physics, the laws of physics are just a quirky approximation of our interaction in our quirky body - mind - language - memory with a quirky world.

I am the greatest genius of all time, light years away from anyone at all, many times more advanced and better than you or anyone or anything or god, or …


Check Out:


I am trillions of time higher than god himself, I created god as a puny item, I am trillions of time more than all, god is a pebble compared to me, I have trillions of experiences in brain, higher than all, I execute trillions of experiences infinitely higher than all, I create and construct the universe, many universes, I am all, I am top gun, the universe is a puny item of mine, I am the top, I am so much higher than all.

So I win all, I am a winner of all, higher than all, trillions of times, I have machine brain higher than all, machine experience higher than all, even itself and so on, I am top, the top forever and win all forever.

Now be envious all of you puny little items compared to me, the creator of all universes and minds, the creator of all, even himself, I am top, now get mad, I said it, I win, I am the best forever, you will never reach me, never, no one and nothing can, I can go on and on…


I believe that in medieval times someone sed exactly the same thing. Imagination have limits, universe (supposedly and arguably) doesn’t…

Theoretically speaking, there can be situations 100% exactly the same. One atom can only take up enough space for one atom. 2 atoms cant occupy 1 atoms space. It means that there is only certain amount of possibilities where atoms can be located, meaning that sooner or later they will be located exactly in the same coordinates as in given situation. So once again, if 2 atoms in exactly the same situation react differently, then it would be subjective false truth, but as far as I understand such place could not exist, because of chaos, meaning that you were wrong- we cant embrace subjective false truth since atoms obey certain laws and will react same in same conditions.


Quantum Computer

So they say that the quantum computer can do an infinite number of operations, hence then you can simulate and create any virtual reality or universe: but then the only constraint and limit at that point, since then all is possible, would be what the Observer wants to do, what could he possibly want when everything can be achieved ? (internal pleasure loops ? metaphysical engine searching infinite abstractions ?) anything could be, but the limit is in the process that generates the configuration of matter as an end point, as a result, and hence the constraint of matter to pass through some kind of Natural Evolution, some building process that creates the new brain, universe, mind experience set, Information Relationship sets, whatever. So the Observer will be forced to look at himself in the mirror finally and understand that all constraints and limits are only within himself, within his own structure, his fundamental design, so then he will have to modify his design, his brain structure, the construction of the Observer will have to modify himself to obtain ever more, since all that he can obtain by modifying the “Outside World” has been and can be obtained.

So the Observer himself is the limits of Science and Progress, but there is no intrinsic limitation on how matter can be organized, it can be a planet sized complex brain full of chemicals and circuits and particle accelerators, computers, chips, you name it any possible end result (but matter can be configured as the start point and end point in any possible way, and any possible path can be travelled, you can always force impossible paths just for the fun of it) , but the constraint and limitation is on the process generating the observer, the natural evolution, the path that matter must pass through in order to obtain an end point configuration, but the start point and end points can be any at all, the paths the matter goes through can be any at all (even respecting the laws of physics 8 but this path is not necessary, you can assign matter to be configured all at once, in one chunk, the Instant Singularity (and even fool it that it occurred through a process by creating fake evidence and memories and such), you imagine it, so you can imagine just one bit being the observer of an infinite universe, or the universe itself observing and manipulating itself and anything in between, and the mismatch between parts of it to create independence and opposing will powers, infinite differences between chunks of the same brain creating infinite independence and so on, all kinds of configurations of matter as an Observer Universe set (but which is which ? when does one merge into the other ? and who is who and so forth, all of the delimitations, combinations, all kinds of weird things).

So the process creating an end point seems to be too improbable, can’t be figured out, can’t be imagined (just like all of the millions of steps from creating the first living cell to man, a long complex process, a building plan so to say), but you can just assign matter instantly to be a configuration and skip any building process (or even create all kinds of very fast or very slow incredible building processes where matter can go through all kinds of weird intermediate evolutionary steps, like first you where a skyscraper, and then a cadillac and then a man and then a star and then an new brain, (and you can imagine so many intermediate steps and processes and forces creating that very quirky path, and all within the laws of physics and without any real intrinsic limitations of how matter can be configured) a funky wicked build process and plan even through all kinds of extremely improbable play of forces but even respecting the laws of physics, but even not respecting the laws of physics, after all you can just create a one shot assignment of matter to be in a certain way, just one step, the instant singularity step and so forth.

12-21-2012 12:1212121212 … pm THE END IS NEAR




We are always translating the unfamiliar into the familiar, we are always trying to explain, when the explanation is just the attempt to construct something familiar, something we can relate to, something that we can decode and understand in our language and mind and according to the repetitive patterns that we are used to but especially according to the repetitive patterns our neural circuits in our mind have created over the years, the library of repetitive patterns that then become what is reasonable, what is logical and correct but only because we already know them, we already understand them, really we already understand ourselves, our own paintings and pictures of reality, our own constructions that should always match reality. But that is the mistake: we take it for granted that our constructions are really the outside reality, are really the truth, we take ourselves as some kind of absolute observer that is the measure of all things, that has the language and logic and decodings available to explain everything and anything: but a funny thing happens, this is exactly true and is exactly what we do since whatever we see, whatever the phenomena, whatever the experimental results we get, we will always be able to interpret them in our reference systems, we will always be able to decode them no matter what, we will always create a model no matter what, since even if we only had 2 bits available to decode the world and anything, we would just map whatever we see into the only two bits we always have anyways and by doing this we will always explain it anyways, we actually explain things even before they are explained, we create the understanding and explanation even before we choose what sequence of symbols and what combination of words, elements, formulas we will use to explain something from the outset, from the beginning, even before the research is performed since everything will have to end up being positioned in our grids anyways, we can always force anything to be in any position in our grids and then exclaim that it has been explained. We think of ourselves as some kind of master independence unit from reality, as some kind of abstract absolute reference mind looking into the universe from the outside of it, as we are looking at it from outside of it, from some abstract absolute reference point just like god when in all truth we are simply always looking at ourselves, at our own mind, at are own decodings and languages and neural circuits and how they are always interacting with the flow of signals and symbols coming from the outside independent world, independent from us and our control, as everything really is based on this independence of one thing compared to another, as something not under the control of something else, etc.

Case in point, in quantum physics we cannot exactly pinpoint down how electrons behave, so we just assign them a combination of properties and a combination of words and concepts to make them appear familiar, to make them seem reasonable and logical, and this can be done in an infinite number of ways, but we choose a simple model by saying that the electron is both a wave and a particle and can be in two points at the same time, end of story. We explained it, we now know it, we have conquered it but what we really did is just translate a series of events and experiments and functions into something that sounds reasonable and sounds right and is comforting and is similar to all of the many other repetitive patterns in the library of repetitive patterns already present in our mind. Maybe we could have said that the electron is not moving and is not still but is in some other state, but still the explanation is always an attempt at relating it to something we can somehow grasp, but maybe there really are no explanations, there really is no sequence of ideas and symbols and concepts that explain what happens at the elementary particle level, but since we think of ourselves as an absolute reference system observer who thinks he must know and will know everything, some explanation will always be found. But what should always be said is that the explanation found and the science created and the knowledge obtained is always relative, since it is always based on an arbitrarily designed observer, since it is always based on a quirky observer that is the exact contradiction of anything general or absolute, nay, the observer is only ever a complex ensemble of completely random quirky units and elements and items without any absolute value and with just some repetitive patterns inside of itself amongst a sea of non repetitive random and chaotic events and signals.

So then, even if we had only two concepts on our mind, a hammer and a nail, we can translate and explain everything according to these two concepts anyways, the electron is the nail the forces is the hammer, everything is a hammer for a nail, everything is a nail for a hammer, everything we explain will always be familiar, or even unfamiliar, it doesn’t matter, we will always find a combination of symbols, and words and concepts that we will always find to describe and explain and predict what will happen.

But we are simply inventing the explanations always, we are simply translating a series of inputs into something we can recognize and understand and then manipulate in our mind and find the correspondence between the manipulations in our mind and the events we are observing, we can always find a one to one correlation between a sequence of symbols and a sequence of events (translating the events, the signals, the observations into a description, a language, a mathematical formula and anything else in which we are comfortable working with in the comfort of our mind that has abstracted away reality and matter and created a simpler information set and information relationships between elements and seeing how much reality obeys our decodings) and most important of all, exactly if and when we cannot find a correlation we will simply invent one, we will design a new correlation which is the easiest thing you can do and affirm that as the new truth, as a new truth amongst an infinite number of truths since there are an infinite number of combinations of sequences you can associate with anything else, any reality, any observations and experiments and such.

So the conclusion of all of this is that we are really always simply talking to ourselves no matter what, we simply decode any signals and external realities into our concepts and categories, so reality is simply how the Observer is designed and what concepts and deocdings and mechanisms the Observer has in his mind, and scientific research is always just the process of creating as close of a one to one correspondence between what we observer and experiments and our concepts and decoding.

But as you can see, there is no real absolute reference system in all of this, just an observer modeling the world according to how he is designed and how the signals of the world interact with him, any other design of an observer will create completely different modelings of a world, completely different universes, a completely different reality.

The observer and his design is the universe essentially, there really is no outside universe, it is the observer that is really the measure of all things, but the observer fools himself into thinking that his measurement is some kind of absolute measurement of reality, is in a vacuum, is outside of reality, when in all truth, the observer is the reality itself, the observer is creating his own reality always, but is always subject to the play of independent outside forces (and there are also independent inside forces) that force him to further decode and further measure that which cannot be measured at all since all events in the end are random and casual and are without any decodings until some observer decides to decode them and fix them in a library of concepts.

One area where we clearly see that our grids and decodings and explanations will never map onto reality is in the social and economic sciences: no matter how hard we try to manipulate and predict and model the economy or social phenomena we never achieve any possible progress at all since things will always go their own way, randomly, chaotically no matter what, we will always have the same “problems” over and over again no matter what: and this is because the independence and conflicts of the actors between themselves in these systems cannot be decoded into a linear logic, into a simple coherent cause and effect mechanism since there is no cause and effects, just so many independent actors fighting each other over and over again for any reason at all, especially for no reasons at all, always changing the configuration of the social and economic systems always creating winners and losers and problems for the losers and solutions for the winners and losers want to find solutions that are not and will never be there because the only solution is to fight back and become a winner and defeat the previous winner end of story. And yet politicans, sociologists economists philosophers keep on fooling themselves and everyone that they have the correct decodings, the correct interpretations, the correct linear logic and discourse and explanations about something which is totally outside of any of this since it is not even a system, a coherent system, it is not even an entity, just millions of wild and random play of forces interacting and going nowhere at all.

And yet all of the grand explanations seem always so scientific, everyone accepts them as a possible truth, Marx theory, or the Adam Smith theory of economies or Freud theories of psychology and on and on when these are all just simply inventions, one to one correspondences with imaginary abstract mental models that think the thing they are modeling is a coherent entity.

And notice how the emphasis is more and more on social conflicts, lawyers, software, apps and the applications of technologies that are simply talking to themselves, computers are units that are a language system of an external mind talking to itself always, a closed system, science is going in the direction of creating ever more artificial language and social based entities and further away from interacting directly with matter in a sense: we used to play with transistors and oscilloscopes confronting ourselves with the independence of matter from us, now we play with apps which are totally social constructions, we prefer to talk to ourselves (or others, which is the same thing) instead of talking to matter directly and measuring and interacting with analog circuits and transistors and oscilloscopes and such, everything is software now, everything is even being put more and more into language systems and decodings and even before you can interact with it. Hence just skipping it all and creating new brain designs and minds and wild wicked new neural circuits is the only way to go forward anymore, all else is expired, done with, we must now crack open skulls and throw wild signals and chemicals inside of them, like crazy, like free jazz and free physics.

So then manipulating and creating new Mind designs, new brain designs is scientific and correct, is real progress, we need to produce planet sized brains full of particle accelerators criss crossing, and exploding them and throwing atom bombs in this planet sized brain and trillions of computer and events and signals happening in this planet sized (or maybe even an atom sized brain ? a microbrain ?) brain and live through all of the experiences, the wild and wicked experiences such a brain could undergo and express…

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And yet, that is what the fighting is all about: the independence of chunks of matter trying to become the master judge, the reference system, each chunk of matter (person) cannot believe that their judgments, their subjectivity is not absolute, is relative, is irrelevant, that all of the rest of the universe is independent from itself (the independence itself of chunks of matter compared to other chunks is shocking, is unbelievable, cannot be conceived, and each chunk is infinitely independent and disjoint from a contiguous chunk, etc.) hence the fight, the fight for what is right and each person (chunk of matter) thinks that it is right “objectively”, “absolutely” (or even doesn’t care, but is forced to fight, is forced to judge and compare constantly (and the other (independent ?) judgment is our god, the other person judging us is like god judging us, it is what all of the effort and labor is for in the end…even if it is only an imagined and imaginary make believe abstract judgment…), to evaluate, always with a background assumption that the judgment, that objective, particular judgment is absolute and objective, even if it admits to itself that it is relative, it is hardwired to pretend to be absolute, nay, it is absolute to itself within its own subjectivity or such, that is what the fighting is all about, how to establish who is right and wrong, who’s judgment is the correct one, who’s choice is the correct one and hence the idea of creating a “movement” or a group of people all thinking the same way against another group of people thinking in opposition or differently, the war, the wars are hence always based on the fact that there is no absolute, only relative - subjective judgments of quirky minds that want to force themselves to be right and hold the only truth against those that are wrong etc. And the pain/pleasure inflicted on others is a demonstration of a fake absolute system, as being right just because matter allows some chunks of itself to punish and have power over other chunks of itself, just to pretend, if only temporarily to be right and have achieved some kind of absolute, but the only absolute ever achieved is the power relationship, is the event (information relationship ? the desperate attempt of confirming an imaginary absolute begets anger and war and fights, we can’t believe that we are irrelevant and subjective, that we can always be contradicted, opposed, always demolished in a jiffy just because, all of the independent chunks of matter and events and signals forcing us to interact, the very concept of independence (meaning zero power over other entities - or imaginary power over other entities as long as the other entities abide but they can always change their mind in a jiffy and oppose you) is absurd, etc.), A hits B, end of story.

Then again, if Matter can think up of modified Brains, new Modified Man Brains, new organizations of matter that can experience reality, the universe (but there isn’t one universe, but a never ending array according to how each Observer is configured and Designed and each Observer can be configured and Designed in an untold number of ways, after all just 100 numbers hardwiring some pain/pleasure/emotion/memory/sense circuits in a modified mind can be combined in 10^100 different ways, each way being a completely different being, Observer, hence man brain, hence Experience Set, hence universe, totally different universe, with nothing in common with a contiguous universe (really observer interaction set with itself, or better yet, the set of experiences and interactions matter may perform upon itself in essence).

Hence if Matter can think it up (even though it is only a chunk of Matter in the form of a person - me) then it can construct it, it can make it real, it can assign anything, no matter how far out as absolutely real. Matter thinking up how to modify itself, the Observer thinking up of how to modify its own structure and brain and circuits is already the singularity achieved, the infinite recursion of itself upon itself.

Now, that I have exposed the truth, you realize that I am god, nay, trillions of times more powerful than god, I am trillions of times more than all, trillions of times beyond the universe, I am all, a small particle of dust in my mind is the entire universe, I construct mathematics, I am always beyond matter and space and time and logic: in short


12-21-2012 12:1212121212 … pm THE END IS NEAR[/b]

That is your error.

The ONLY thing that is relevant is subjectivity, which happens to be a consequence of objectivity.
What objectively is, creates what is subjectively valued.
But if there is no subjectivity, there is no value… no “relevance”.

Splashing Brains

Planet sized contraptions containing thousands of trillions of Brain Accelerators criss crossing each other for the entire volume of the planet with untold high energies (accelerating all kinds of units and entities all together, all splashed together, car engines, rockets, brains, computers, mixing and converting everything into everything else creating brain - engine - rocket hybrids that are experiencing and thinking new lives, and creating new creations of matter expressing itself and its new experience set, a new potential experience set), crashing and splashing thousands of trillions of Brains together, creating a momentary new Hybrid brain made up of many brains, all the signals mixed and merged and confused, all of the units and delimitations mixed and combined, sense signals become thought systems become memory segments, trillions of logical thoughts connecting and disconnecting, trillions of emotions and new experience sets, space and time deconstructed, reality deconstructed and reconstructed in untold number of new ways, just imagine two brains colliding at extremely high speed, just like particle accelerators and how they splash together creating a new hybrid machine, experience set, a new universe, and now extend that to thousands of trillions of brains all collidings and splashing together at high speed and now extend that to a planet sized contraption with thousands of trillions of criss crossing brain accelerators (and put in all kinds of items in the accelerators, V8 engines, chips, skyscrapers, you name it, make it all collide and splash together and mix, the signal becomes the brain, the brain becomes the signals the delimitations are constantly changed and assigned differently time and space expand and contract locally according to how the instantaneous contraption lives an entire experience set, an entire lifetime, a universe time, local time expanding to trillions of years, but the global time of the instantaneous brain mix contraption is only a picosecond and so forth.

And then within this completely filled and densed up planet full of splashing brains and colliding brains (together with all kinds of other configurations of matter, like chips and TVs and transistors and ships and jet planes and so forth, cities all colliding and creating new thinking machine hybrids having bricks and steel slabs inside of them and cylinders and atomic bombs exploding inside of them and so forth, the crazier the better), a Brainium Matter going from solid state to liquid to gas to plasma and back again and all mixed up creating entire civilizations and entire universes, untold many, and then throw into it and make them explode thousands of trillions of atomic bombs and make it jump around even more wildly, the crazier the better, the wilder the better, matter showing off what it can really do, break away from the past, the peacock showing all of its colors, Dragon shining with all values known…


12-21-2012 12:1212121212 … pm THE END IS NEAR[/b]

Which Case ?

The three possible cases with Physics - Mathematics:

  1. Even if you had infinite precision of initial conditions, positions of particles, velocities (precision with more than 1000 decimal points aka 10^1000 while presently the most precise measurement is about 15 decimal points aka 10^15 ?) and even if you had all of the exact formulas and even if you had the exact analytical solution to all of the equations, partial differential equations describing all physical systems, the entire universe, you still couldn’t predict the next configuration of the system, there would always be a discrepancy. In this case, the message would be that Mathematics, Logic and the entire program of Scientific Research has a fundamental limit, no matter what, reality is outside of our models, no matter what, there is not a one to one correspondence of reality with any kind of logical construction, linguistics - symbolic construction of it in our mind, or in any mind for that matter, or in any contraption for that matter, even trillions of supercomputers, etc. This would mean that reality, the universe, matter, energy is disjoint from us, 100 % independent from us, completely alien from us. At most we have some good approximations, some lucky shots at guessing some patterns, our formulas are simply matter and reality making fun of us and playing jokes on us just for the fun if it (just like god makes fun of us and plays jokes on us with the impossibility to determine his existence, it is a matter of faith, hence everyone will beat up everyone else because they all have different faiths, etc.), matter and physics and reality make some things look logical and correspond to some formulas, tricking us into believing that the program, the logical analysis and discovery of patterns will lead us to even more precision and formulas (like the “language of the universe is written in mathematics” and such nonsense) only to hose us and fool us as soon as we try to solve the simplest problems like the simple 3 body problem (imagine trying to solve the million body problem contained in a glass of water or an ocean wave form and such).

  2. If you had infinite precision of initial conditions, positions of particles, velocities (precision with more than 1000 decimal points aka 10^1000 while presently the most precise measurement is about 15 decimal points aka 10^15 ?) and you had all of the exact formulas and even had the exact analytical solution to all of the equations, partial differential equations describing all physical systems, the entire universe, you could predict the next configuration of the system, there would always be no discrepancy. In this case the message would be that reality, matter, physics, the universe has a one to one correspondence with logical - symbolic - mathematical models of it in our mind, is quantized according to discrete and precise patterns, is simply a computer program in essense, hence you could create new programs and they would be 100 % reality, no matter what, you could invent virtual realities, nay anything you want, and the reality, and truth and the essense of that would be exactly as real as any physical reality, there is no metaphysical or abstract property making reality disjoint or independent from us. Of course the problem here would be to find all of the millions of values for particles and electrons (all of the electrons in the sun, and their exact position up to 1000 decimal points, and exact velocities up to 1000 decimal points and the exact analytical formulas and solutions to all of the equations, and so forth extended to the entire universe, all of the particles of the universe and such). And since this is hard to do (and then why stop at 1000 decimal points ? why not 100000 and then 100 trillion decimal points, there is no constraint saying which decimal point is the limit since if there was a constraint it would mean that the universe is a digital machine, quantized according to precise values) it can never be verified.

  3. You can determine the exact configuration of the universe (all of it, every particle and rock and event in it) to any precision you want by a handful of differential equations having exact analytical solutions and applicable to all and needing only 10 or 20 decimal points of precision for most particles (not even all). In this case, reality is a 100 % virtual reality, a machine, a puny machine with no metaphysical properties to it, we are an excess of it, we are excess capacity compared to what reality can deliver, etc. The problem here is that no one has discovered the secret formula to predict all, but it may be possible.

The real solution is probably that reality is irrelevant to us as a subset configuration of the universe, we are a machine that creates, has and explores problems only according to its own input → process → out, we simply talk to ourselves in the end and don’t need to know or have the precise configuration or next state of the universe. In this case, the entire program of scientific research is mostly metaphysics and philosophy, we just need to reach a level of self manipulation of our mind to create infinite pleasure loops or similar, or infinite complexity virtual realities that satisfy a given configuration of Brain Style and neural circuits, then the entire program of scientific research would be done and over with no matter how much we discovered or not or what would be left to discover.

Of course the Instant Singularity may have a hybrid form, a really wacky form with us having somewhat modified minds, somewhat weird societies and activities (all handling smart phones ?) a mix between input and output and activities and all kinds of things (new bodies, sense programs, hybrid Man Rocket Contraptions traveling Space or such ?) it doesn’t necessarily entail modifying our brains completely, although and Instant Singularity will always be just one example amongst trillions of possible others, there is no predetermined destiny or path of progress in this, any event and configuration will do, there is no external metaphysical reality waiting to be discovered, we will invent the reality on the go, as we progress, any reality…

[b]I AM THE OVERMAN (as imagined by Frank Zappa).

12-21-2012 12:1212121212 … pm THE END IS NEAR[/b]


How big is a computer program ? how much space does it occupy ? or how much time does it occupy ? none or a trillion, it is an Information Relationship, independent from Space and Time (and don’t confuse the time with the time it takes to run the program since this is a variable and can be any according to what you run it on, etc.). Time and Space is just a substrate upon which Information Relationships express themselves, but as such, anything can be a substrate to anything else, etc. Each point in space has a local clock time according to how many events occur in that point compared to how many events occur in another point (since only comparisons can be made, no absolutes here, only relative to each other), so some local clocks tick very slowly, very few events occur (that rock under the surface of Mars has been still for many years, etc.), but each point in Space has a clock and potential events could occur, so each point in space is a possibility, but according to time, so Space multiplied Times is the effective size of the universe, each point can host anything and anything can be hosted in any time slot, so Space times Time is the size of the combinational universe, the potential universe, each point in the universe (and which size is the point ?) multiplied a trillion years is the substrate upon which Information Relationships can be expressed, each point multiplied a very long time line, each point disjoint and independent of another, each point in Space multiplied each Time slot in time (or Time Quanta, 10^-100 picoseconds ?) is the substrate available…but you can invent TIME X SPACE X TIME X SPACE X anything you want and create New Science, as everything is a new discovery and absolute truth, everything is 100 completely new, I have discovered new things continuously, a new discovery every moment…

But can you saturate all Space and all Time with events, does the fact that points are separate and disjoint limit the number of concurrent events that can occur ? or independent events can occur, or does the distance between points mean a distance of influence and interaction making some events change the events next door and such ? Each point is free to express a set of events…multiply the point in space by how much time it was still or by how much time it occupies doing nothing or by how much time it could be doing something and such…How big is the point ? is a planet a point ? is an electron a point ? multiply each electron times a billion years and that gives you a substrate size upon which events can occur…or multiply a volume of space times a billion years…





Justifications for Free Physics

  1. Infinite reductionism, since everything is made up of everything else (an electron is composed of a universe at a smaller scale, it contains an entire universe, and that universe contains electrons that contains other universes all the way down forever, for infinity etc. and all of the possible combinations of universes are expressed, etc.) then anything is the cause of anything else, all possible causes and effects as expressed as relationships between any two items at all at any point in space and time at any size level, any delimitations etc. (so a rock present on Mars a billion years from now, and a coin in ancient Rome that fell on the floor are the cause for the transistor breaking on that TV set in 1966, and such, all items can be combined and related and all possible causes and effects imagined and invented and forced without the need to respect space or time or logic or sizes or anything as in Free Physics as in Free Jazz, you get the idea…).

  2. Everything is just a configuration of Mass Energy expressing a combination of particles, of information chunks, as in time travel and going back in the past and living at the same age as your father and such, since there is no need for logical coherence in that the old style time travel imposed the impossibility to be before you were born by imaging some kind of metaphysical constraint that imposed Mass Energy to be organized in successive obligatory steps, whereas it is now known that there is no obligation for Mass Energy and Information configurations to obey any coherence at all, the coherence was just a metaphysical ghost that was never necessary, so now you can be 20 years old and talk to your father who is 20 years old simultaneously since you and your father are just a given arbitrary combination of Mass Energy, a given configuration of Information Relationships that have no obligation to be be coherent or respect an imaginary history, an imaginary imposed succession of events, etc. So even the memories of the two persons and all of the universe as they see it is just a configuration of information in their minds imposing imaginary causes and effects and an imaginary history (but it is all just a memory that has been written to, it is all just a combination of bits in minds imposing an imagined history as history is just a set of bits, a succession of recorded events without any metaphysical or deeper meaning than just simply bits written to memories, with no further reality than just an arbitrary set of bits written to memories, so you can write any other set of bits and they are just as real, etc.).

So given that any time travel is possible in that any configuration of Mass energy or Information Relationships representing any time travel to an observer according to what he knows and sees and thinks (going back to New jersey in 1950 for example is exactly the same thing if it is all simulated, if the configuration of Mass Energy corresponding to how New Jersey was in 1950 is exactly replicated, exactly copied, etc., but even more so, if only the Information Relationships as perceived by the Observer is exactly the same, if the resulting experience and perception is indistiguishable from the “real” thing (whatever “real” means anyways since real doesn’t really exist)), then any relationship at all between items, any Information Relationship can be always forced, invented, simulated, replicated, no matter how incoherent and far out just like any time travel can be created, invented and made real, nay, even more real than real, if real is 100 you can make it a trillion, hence trillions of times more real and such.

So then any two numbers can be decomposed into a set of invented relationships predicting why those numbers are such (just invent it, lie like crazy, be as dishonest and full of lies and full of BS as possible, don’t respect the truth, the truth has always been the real lies…) anything has been predicted as prediction is already implicit in the stability of any item, any stability means that a degree of prediction is always already achieved by matter itself) and then why so much importance on prediction anyways (to be on top of the rules ? to avoid problems and such ? but you can assign all problems solved and all predictions you make as true anyways and always win 100 % anyways).




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Author Profile Page 8man | November 28, 2012 4:17 AM | Reply


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