Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits

I was reading that chips, CPUs now have a billion transistors and such: wow what a waste! all of those possible signals and interactions all dedicated to a one point linear logic, to solve a “problem”, and such. What they should do is create thousands of independent signals and circuits criss crossing each other and interacting randomly, the expression of independence and randomness, or each its own goals and programs independently from the other paths and colliding every now and then, interacting and messing up everything, just like any model of an economic system should express independent will powers and goals colliding conflicting, influencing each other and destroying the others plan and goal, the other “program”, but sometimes collaborating, and sometimes creating temporary aggregations of common goals, only to depart and collide or conflict or ignore each other and such. Imagine how many possible circuits and interactions, programs and chunks of goals all talking at the same time, not there to solve any logical problem (NAY, TO CREATE EVER MORE PROBLEMS, TO CREATE EVER MORE IMPOSSIBILITIES!) but there to express parallel interactions, point like interactions happening in parallel, all at the same time, simultaneously and doing all kinds of surprising things and such.

With a billions transistors you can have so many signals and processors, each different and so many microprograms doing all kinds of wild stuff, all kinds of insane stuff that leads to nowhere, since the real goal is to break away from logic and break away from the past, to see really new things, mysterious things, things that cannot be decomposed into any kind of logic, wild and parallel and full of analog signals along with digital signals, imagine how many wild registers and circuits, all kinds of wild and crazy circuits, all kinds of crazy things, with so many millions of transistors there are trillions upon trillions of combinations all crazy and cool, all insane, just like reality, where no possible laws can operate, where logic is finally defeated and a new brain is created and such.

Scientific Research should not discover laws, it should hide them, demolish them, we need to understand and be on top of things like a hole in the head, we need confusion, mystery, we need the end and death of any kind of logic.

Research is always bound by a problem, by an intentionality, by the desire to solve some problem and such (and use it socially, economically, create a new “product” and “company”: so shallow, so stupid, so undemanding, so much more of the same crap that has been going on forever), to predict and such, but this is so stupid and simple, a one bit mind with one bit logic with one bit problems, simple yes/no linear problems that are irrelevant, that are not important: we need crazy, we need insane, we need wild and creative, we need ever more mystery, ever more impossible to understand, we need parallel logic, me need to make as little sense as possible, we need to be completely free from any kinds of problems or boundaries or intentionalities, we need trillions of crazy circuits trillions of crazy and cool and mysterious, and the more you research it, the farther you get away from any logic and understanding, inverse research, the more you analyze the more confusing it gets ever more impossible, the defeat of any kinds of laws and logic and then you are finally free and can have fun.



From 8:36 to 11:45

From 32:36 to 33:40

From 50:05 to 51:26 (Barbie Confused…)

From 1:01:49 to 1:08:20

How does the operating system work on your knew totally chaotic system.

It’s all very well saying integrated circuits are sloppy but why

you can represent graphics by using a grid of 1s an 0s, it’s a glorified form of the abacus but it is fast and it works and is self checking. If you can design a better system do so, but until someone can why do we need to chastise computer science?

There are other operating systems based on quantum computing anyway, the first quantum chip has already run an algorithm that uses 1,0,1-0,0-1 to add a simple column of numbers, in theory such a system is exponentially faster than number crunching than a conventional system with it’s 2^4 options per bit instead of 2^2.

Yeah I would prefer at this early stage that you answer my questions rather than post blogs. I’ll read them but I don’t need to comment on them when they are not your argument I think. :slight_smile:

Incidentally quantum systems already use a form of fuzzy logic which is as different from binary as the calculator is from a modern super computer. All systems need latency anyway, even a quantum computer does not need to use all it’s ion traps at once, they just have to be there when needed.

I haven’t seen nameta9 engaging in discussion, so much, and I don’t expect him to do so.
But I read some of his posts and it can be interesting (at least for me).

Both human mind and computer work by connecting information processing unit.
But these connections create “fixation”, that limits and narrows our view.

When we start to realize that “knowing” is “creating and maintaining fixation/certainty” and thus limiting us, we tend to think that it’s better to loosen up.
But many people are to loose to begin with.

I think we need to divide and narrow things down, first, following the desire of our mind, first.
And then, when we tasted enough certainty about all these bogus notions, as if they are unconditional and unlimited, we can enjoy the loosing up process of seeing the conditions and limits associated with any notion and thus knowing we know nothing deep down to our subconscious level.

“Not knowing/understanding” is a pleasant thing. And it widens the view, for sure.
It doesn’t mean we would loose previous understanding, though.
It just mean we loose the fixation attached to understanding and notions by being aware of the limits and conditions.
And the fixation is created by the binding to (subconscious) hope/illusion of absoluteness that came with understanding/notion.

I think we can program existing computers with conditions and limitation associated with any information.
But doing so at the circuit level might be a bit difficult, at this moment.

The Universe invents Itself …

We are the way the Universe looks at itself. But how much of itself does it need to look at itself ? and what part is the Observer and what part is the Subject ? And how much does the Universe have to use to look at itself ? And how does the view change according to how much of itself it uses (or chooses to use) to look at itself ? So the Observer can be in the form of a group of many similar point like Observers interacting between themselves and the parts of the Universe that are not the Observers (like a civilization on a planet ? ) or the Observer(s) can be diffused under another form, any other imaginable, incredible and crazy form, or it could be a set of photons that acquire consciousness and so forth. And the Observer may be the entire Universe “looking at itself” or more properly “interacting with itself” and so forth. And how does the Universe delimit the Observer from the other parts of itself ? what does it consider inside and outside, what is independent and dependent (what constitutes a surprise, something it can’t “predict” against something it has under control ?), what is the Objective Reference system it decides to assign, the ground state, in order to measure some other parts of itself against itself ? and so forth…

Is it all just a trick of the mind, just logic that self manipulates itself and gives the impression of being deeper and more important, more “Iconiclastic” than what it is ? applying small sequences of symbols to the entire Universe and such ? Or is there something real and deep within these ideas ?

SO the laws of physics are discovered by the Universe itself, it establishes patterns and repetitions, but why did it decide to measure itself according to Space - Time dimensions ? why didn’t it choose anything else ? it has no exterior or fundamental constraint upon itself, so it could have chosen anything at all, it can invent anything at all, and in fact our view and decoding and repetitions and “Laws of Physics” we, the Universe “looking at itself” (or better yet “manipulating itself, talking to itself and so forth”) established is just one of any, one of a million others that the Universe can choose to have, can choose to self invent, just another view from an Abstraction Kit that has no contraints and fundamental Absolutes within itself limiting itself (and outside of itself, within the “Space”, the container containing the Universe) in any way, Objective laws it must abide to, since it invents (and can keep on inventing new laws) its own laws, it can do anything it wants, after all it is the Universe, all, it is the superset of all and decompose itself and decode itself and choose anything it wants in anyway it wants. And in fact the Universe can choose to have an electron as the Observer of itself, or a bit in a computer, or a set of bits, or a planet size modified brains, or the entire Universe as the Observer of itself (one to one size, or an imagined trillion to one contraption, the universe invents a contraption trillions of times its size and complexity to observe itself and so forth and all the combinations in between, you invent it, the more wild and crazy and colorful the better) or a network, or all kinds of modified brains, or all kinds of Manipulated “Matter that interacts with itself” and so forth.

Hence crack open skulls, stick a V8 Cadillac Engine inside of it, you will enter a new Universe, it will be an new instantiation of a new way for the Universe to look at itself, a new view amongst many trillions of arbitrary, invented, simply assigned (like assigning a variable to a memory location in a computer) views, many trillions of new Universes, new Designs, new Brain Styles, with new Laws of Physics since the universe looks at itself through arbitrarily chosen decodings, hence laws of physics, hence Information Relationships, hence Experience Sets.



Connection between information chunks in minds and feelings, emotions, meanings, expectations and such. The programming of a mind to associate all information chunks to possible pain/pleasure or feelings or expectations of pleasure and pain even though only a very small amount of real impulses triggering real pain/pleasure and feelings (ever occurs or happens anyways) is implied by most events and endeavors, almost as if it were a completely abstract world, almost all abstract, indistinguishable from any other set of bits in minds, to any other arrangement of bits or any other succession of bits, to any organized bits according to time or space as it is all equal and the same except for what it could possibly imply in terms of pain/pleasure, a sequence of events imagined but almost never actuated, only seldomly but those seldom times gives reality to all the sequences of expected and imagined and feared or hoped for events, events that never will occur.

So value and importance is always just an association of a set of bits with imagined feelings and occurences and events. It is all just an arbitrary programming of neural networks to associate some bits of information to some emotions or possibilities and hence the creation of importance and value, the totally arbitrary and invented and programmed for no reason at all of things which are good as opposed to bad, which are valuable as opposed to useless, which count and are important as opposed to what is nothing at all: the measurement, the measurements according to values and the creation of NUMBERS to actually fix them on a scale: the amount, greater and less than, bigger or smaller, bigger is always better than smaller, hence the obsession of our Civilization for numbers and statistics, the GDP, the number of items sold, the amount of money, billions of dollars and billions of smartphones and trillions of dollars and so forth but almost always just imagined, just invented, rarely corresponding to any reality and such. And natural evolution and Physics and the laws of physics are also obsessed with quantity and numbers, natural evolution wants an animal to “last as long as possible”, to “last longer” hence be more succcessful nt terms of “species” and such but who said longer is better than shorter ? who said that anything is better than snything else ?

The distinction, the numbers: but Matter and Mass Energy and the Abstraction Kit of Symbols self actuating themselves and becoming alive and looking (at itself) and feeling (itself) and deciding to be something more than just idle, dead, without events, as that is what the universe does when it creates its own observers, it invents its own Observers (and invents its own arbitrary inside (the observer ?..) and outside (external world ?..) (delimitations abound) and fake and imaginary absolute laws of physics: but how can they be absolute and imagined outside of the universe when they are the universe itself, the laws were invented as soon as the universe decided to randomly invent any random observer (observer of itself ? and why does it need to look at a part of itself ? why not invent anything as part of itself ? why does it even have to be real or even a part of itself ? who cares!) programmed according to any random arbitrary input - output reaction set, as all laws are just a set of input and output associations, hence infinitely programmable, anything as incredible and wild as imaginable is just as real as anything else, hence invent your own wild laws of physics, wild new sense organs, wild new universes, wild new emotion feeling contraptions, and sense organ feelings contraptions and so on, the wilder and crazier the better) but really by doing this creates all of itself and its own laws and its laws of physics and the experience set any configuration of given observers the universe chooses from time to time to have.

So how does the universe set the numbers ? how does it establish big from small, how large must the orders of magnitude be (from 10^-200 to 10^200) ? It doesn’t know what numbers it wants to choose, or if even things must be disjoint to be counted individually as numbers at all, or merged into a monolithic block of only one entity, or many or trillions and the decision to what numbers and amounts to establish is random, wild, arbitrary and the next new observer the universe decides to invent and self impose upon itself may have completely different number sets, different orders of magnitude (from 10^-200000 to 10^200000), different processors and so forth, but all numbers are arbitrary and invented, and even the concept of numbers itself and amounts is arbitrary and even all of the further abstractions, an infinite level of ever more complex and incredible abstractions as like: if 0 is a word, 1 is a number what is 2 or 567 or minus 34566, the abstractions are so deep and incredible, so unimaginable it cannot be behold by any observer processor type but we can denote it and make it come alive, ever more complex and incredibly deep and surprising ideas, contructions, abstractions, machines, symbol sets, symbols becoming alive and such.

the APE

The Simplified Mind

I was reading how scientists can map activity in the brain with words and sentences, they can actually see words or concepts through tomography or whatever. So then the brain is a simple engine, just like a car engine, a few moving parts, a few blocks and all of what is inside, and all thoughts and sentences and probably all consciousness and feelings and all and all (“sprituality” ?) can be explained, used, can be manipulated, after all, they discovered that the brain is simpler than the simplest microprocessor, it has just a few chunks that light up when words or thoughts are said, end of story.

Wow", I don’t like that ! That kills off all of my fantasies of the Mind Brain being infinitely complex, and manipulable, that you could get wild new worlds and feelings and thought events and all kinds of wicked new signals in the mind (new “Universes” and “Laws of Physics”, go figure!), since we use our brain with only one fixed circuit (decided by that other party pooper called “Natural Evolution”) compared to how many new circuits can be devised in the ball of meat on top of your head!

So I lost the bet, there is nothing, actually there is even way less than what we thought there was before science ruined the party for us all: what a party pooper! I wanted it to be a never ending mysterious contraption where I could exercise all of my imagination and fantasy and they ruined my toy, my playground.

So, at this point I can only lie about it, I can only say lets pretend that the brain is more than just a handful of moving parts (simpler than a V8 Engine, wow, the engine could be more interesting if you stick brains in it than if you did the opposite like I always imagined!). Lets start dreaming up and drawing new block diagrams of possible imaginary brains, let your imagination run wild, draw ever more complex signals and symbols and block diagrams, invent ever more complex and contorted schematics of brain circuits, use computers to print billions of pages of incredibly complex schematics and symbols and designs and paintings representing all of the subparts of ever more incredible brains, Observer Types, Processors and so forth (the Universe self programming itself, observing itself and deciding how it wants to be on the fly, Matter Energy self configuring itself, inventing itself, the Abstraction and Symbol Set Kit, the Experience Set self instantiating itself in any incredible, possible way, and so forth forever, the self constructing Observer, the self constructing Universe). Make believe reality is more than what it is, we must worship lies and untruth, we must kill the truth and science and logic, that is always ruining the game for us all, always being such a letdown and boring, such a bore, so static, so dead, lets make brains come alive with wild new designs, let little babies and children draw incredibly complex schematics, let their imaginations go wild, ever more, ever more incredible, please make reality more than what it is, make it more than this puny one transistor circuit…

I want to run in the backyard of my suburban house with mommy in the kitchen cooking and I dreaming up incredible new brains, ever more incredible, me in my make believe, so wonderful…


seeing as you have supplied no justification and these kustler links seem to be unrelated advertisement i have begun deleting any post containing them…

Make Believe !

Don’t be a slave to reality or the truth, play like a little baby, just play around and be carefree. Draw all those new circuits for new brains looking into new universes, take a pen or pencil and a piece of paper and start drawing all wicked and wild little boxes, all shapes, curves, all complex symbols, complex designs (like schematics of electronic circuits, but much more complex and wicked, with many more kinds of components, infinitely intricate, very complex symbols, wild symbols and signals, invent the wildest components, the sky is the limit, just like a little baby, play and have fun and imagine the most incredible things those circuits do, all outside of truth, and reality, and being real, nothing is real here, nothing has to be real here anymore, you are over and done with real, reality, people, society, the truth, science and all the other hosts of prisoners stopping your fun and imagination), patterns ever more fun and while you draw it imagine what incredible things all those circuits are doing, all fake, a make believe, pretend that it is real, make believe that it is true and real (only boring people want their stuff to be true and real, only scientists want the truth and real, I want fake and false, I want to pretend, I want to be a little baby playing around in my make believe and pretend world, like in Brainium, everything you see is a brain, all items are a subcircuit for a brain part, an observer part, a subsystem of a Processor, nay, everything you see is a completely new universe ( a new big bang, a new NEW), is an infinite abstraction, is an infinite recursion of an abstraction upon itself, all matter self inventing itself, universes self inventing themselves, making themselves up, pretending that they are true and real, all playing with themselves and so forth, all self invented chunks of pure existence and such).

Up until now I have always tried to force my fantasies to be somehow related, or associated with some reality, now that is all over, now that the scientists have mapped the brain, my game is over, I lost, now I could care less, now I will bluntly and proudly and boldly hose science, logic and reality, and being true and real, finally free, free to lie as much as I want, free to make up anything as incredible as I want, totally free from truth, this prison guard, free from all, invent, play around, have fun and don’t let anyone know, society and people and reality just wants to spoil everything for you, just wants to be a party pooper, get them all out of the way, have fun and invent the wildest of the wildest, finally free…


Sea of Signals (Ocean of Signals)

So up until now the Integrated Circuit like item, or all kinds of processing and machine items have been fixed by a number of static parts interacting through signals, and the number of static parts, the extensions of static parts, the volume of space and mass occupied by the parts greatly exceeded the signals, the movements they made in terms of moving parts producing a function, a result: so you have a million transistors that are still and fixed and you have the signals that are criss crossing the transistors, the transistors are waiting for the signals to switch or do whatever, the ratio of Signals to Elements is very low, a few signals for a lot of elements (although the time dimension changes this somewhat as the signals change at a high frequency and occupy more “space time” and such and all other combinations and ideas, be crazy and wild, invent the craziest things! every possible idea, every possible combination of ideas - concepts, relationships, everything and whatever, inverting everything, making up the craziest things, be free, kick it all in high gear, go on do it man!), most of the space of the circuit is occupied by static parts and such, just like most of the space of a car engine is occupied by the metal, not the gasoline (as the gasoline is the signal so to say (but not even “so to say”! it is the signal, the gasoline is a constant thought processing, thinking trillions of things, having trillions of experiences as it flows and burns! wicked and cool idea! just like a little cry baby can have!)): but put this upside down, create an ocean of signals, create a huge cube of liquid electrons (ultra cooled and super compressed, just make it all up, it doesn’t have to be real, actually the condition of reality hugely limits the conditions of imagination and possibility, we must worship creativity, invention, invent the craziest, make believe, pretend to the utmost and so forth, science fiction, worship fake and fiction, don’t be tied down to something having to “exist”, when in reality everything is just a make believe anyways, Matter itself just makes believe and pretends its alive in this short interval of time when self conscious machines are alive and looking at themselves and such!) where they are all signaling to each other, a cube of pure signals.

An ocean of signals, all kinds of incredible signals, all waveforms imaginable, a cube of signals, density of signals and information almost infinite, all at hugely high frequencies, but very few static parts inside of it, only a few transistors, maybe 10 or 20, so in a sense the transistors become the signals and the signals become the transistors (or wasn’t that McCulan that said that the message is the means and the means the message ?) and now imagine all kinds of combinations, variable transistors, variable, variable devices (changing their configurations and functions, Matter itself changing configuration and functions upon the expected signals and such), variable static ensembles of matter acting as signal gateways, signal transaxles, signal switchboards, signal crossbars, and processing the signals, and imagine this cube of matter and signals undergoing all kinds of phase transitions, some moments the cube becomes an untold number of static transistors with a few signals, and other times almost all signals and only a few static processing elements, static processors or even observers, or brains, or brainiums and all else, and imagine all the combinations, all of the possible combinations between static and moving signals becoming transistors and transistors becoming signals, and all changing constantly, like a linear flow of one into the other all kinds of percentages being expressed, sometimes the cube of matter is made up of 30 % signals (and 70 % transistors or any other kind of contraption, any other kind of component, the more incredible and wilder the better, and draw the component type with a symbol but the symbol must be a galaxy sized symbol (since all other kinds of symbols have already been taken up, imagine how many different symbols were needed, and how many incredible component types have been created!), with trillions of details explaining it, (trillions of little boxes, lines, curves, letters, symbols, wild symbols, incredibly complex designs as symbols, little scribbles, scribbles that need a galaxy to identify the Electronic Component under consideration) be as crazy as possible, invent the wildest, symbols become matter become liquid electrons become transistors become thoughts become existence become self inventing universes, go on be crazier, don’t stop, don’t ever stop, go on forever…)) and sometimes 99 % signals and sometimes the other way around all undergoing wild and wicked phases transitions and such.

And if 0 is reality and 1 is make believe, what is 56 ? what is minus 3244 ? and so on, ever more incredible abstraction projections, abstraction constructions meaning ever more incredible things, a wild make believe and baby world if ever, pretend to the utmost, but 2 means that it is more make believe and fake ( a higher concept ?) than “make believe” itself (?!?), trillions of times more ? and so forth, and all kinds of projections and abstractions, and maybe items mixed up between make believe and pretend and reality and truth, and supertruths, and supertruths and super make believes all mixed up, and other concepts, events, experience sets, and so forth, never stop the mind, go in high gear, going faster and faster, occupying all the combinations, recursive abstractions self constructing themselves, and so forth, don’t understand any of this, make believe you understand it and make up your own meaning for it all and so forth.

Thus spoke the Ape Job. The mistake is that of having to abide to truth or reality, the mistake is that of thoughts having to be constrained by their social use, by their objectivity as defined by the ensemble of other thought machines approving or confirming your thoughts, the dictatorship of other minds, other people and especially their judgment, (the consensus mechanism), their will power, their independence from you, ruining your party, your self induced party where reality can finally be free from truth or other people or society or being useful or being comprehensible and so forth: become a little baby, become impossible to communicate to and understand, become a little particle of pure and total make believe and freedom from necessity, from reality, from consequence, from other minds, their judgments and powers and the dictatorship of nature and the hard coded pain/pleasure circuits that other tyrant of Natural Evolution dealt you. Be a baby, make believe to the utmost, play around, hose the reality principle, hose all, and live in your own pretend and make believe to the utmost and enjoy to the utmost, it is all achieved, it has all been done, you won forever.

8 numbers

The Importance of Importance…

The importance of meaning, the importance of relevance, the importance of consensus, the importance of “Importance”, the importance of being important, of counting and such; being important, being judged well, or good, or better or best, constructing importance, constructing relevance, constructing meaning, the construction of the association of bits of information with acceptance of oneself through the eyes of others, the remote mind, the imagined and imaginary mind of others, the make believe and invented minds of others in as much as you can never really know, you can never know if the other mind is even real, if what you think it thinks of you is A or B, if the other mind hates you or loves you, or judges you as A or B or C and so forth, or if it is even real and so on, the doubts, the make believe and lets pretend other mind exists game, and the conditioning of entire lives over these imaginary other minds all judging and trying to obtain consensus and acceptance and relevacne and meaning through the imaginary other judgements of others and so on, denoted judgements, of what you imagine is in the eyes of other minds judging, the other mind aware state of being, just like the time aware state of being.

And yet this is what is always blocking and creating interdictions to the make believe and pretend game, this is what is stopping you always, already from within yourselves from inventing the wildest, from hosing all and any reality principle as reality is only the set of bits which are consensus based, which can be “verified” through others, with others, through objective truths valid for all etc. But why should you care ? why should any objective truths even matter ? what is so important of being objective and true and right ? because of its social function ? because a society must survive ? but set yourself free from society, kill all objectivity, become the totally subjective, self contained subjective new Man, new mind, invent the craziest, become a little little baby and play make believe, play make believe, lets play make believe, why doesn’t anyone want to play make believe with me ? like a little baby who wants to play make believe and everyone is being a party pooper, is ruining all the fun, lets play pretend, and invent ever more incredible worlds and concepts and anything at all and assign that as real, as it really is real in as much as any wild idea, world, imgined world is just another set of bits, only bits in the mind, only bits of information written to the memory in the minds and as such they are all the same, they are all equally real or false, all relevant or meanigless and such.

To “youxgdgefrgrghrhggg” who writes this craporola:
“Therefore,it makes are safe to understand more about have furniture that performs double task,an”

From kunstler’s blog, the chinese spammer, lets play make believe, if you want to deconstruct meaning with sentences, use ever more abstract terms, take complex scientific papers talking about complex abstract things full of weird technical terms and use those words to create new wicked sentences suggesting new wicked meanings (mix up all the words, all of the combination of words and symbols and logic segments and so forth), don’t use those boring marketing snippets you use, uses abstract algebra papers, and mix up all the words, or put them through the google translators and make them transit a few languages over and over again until the meaning becomes incredible, a new world, a new make believe world comes into existence and such. Or just connect the most abstract words together, string them together to suggest ever more incredible concepts, the more mysterious and impossible to undrestand the better, precision ruins all possiblity, ruins the game for you, vaguenesss and mystery makes the game ever more interesting, suggests ever more remote and far away worlds, ever more interesting and intriguing and such: like “spark time, reconduct volume machine, symbol generator geomterical region angle, coordinate space unit from machine subbox, resource box transit connection, frequency point complex relation, space time deconstrcution engine, cylinder block type machine word” etc…
deconstruction of meaning and sense, the deconstruction of logic ,

ike レッツ古いKが代数的に閉じた
(A1、A2、:::、)(K)は、F(A1、A2、:::)、すべてのF2 =0である。
証明しましょR = K[X1、X2、:::、XN]。そしてRは、K-代数の力です。それ
? R:K-準同型下5.6に存在しています! K
同じものですか?ケル? AIの=? (Xi)としましょう


Let’s old K is algebraically closed
And let [, X2, X1 :::, XN] K proper ideal I of a polynomial ring
Dokripjeokneun of Xn X1, X2, :::, is undefined. Then, at some point, presence
(K) (A1, A2, :::,) is all F2 = 0, F (A1, A2, :::).
R = K [X1, X2, :::, XN] to prove. R is the power of the algebraic K-and. It
? I present to 5.6 under homomorphism K-: R! K
Is it the same thing? Kell? Of AI =? Suppose (Xi)



And then after all, it seems to me that we are just exercising our language and thought skills over and over again, all of this information generation and production, all of these thoughts and talking and words and debates, etc. is just a constant exercise, over and over again to exercise our logic segments, inventing ever new logic segments over and over again, just a constant drone…

But also if the other mind thinks you are A, judges you as A in one moment and then as B the next and then C the next and then A all over again, always changing judgement, or not even judging you at all, or not even being aware of you, or even forgetting how it judged you, or just judging you arbitrarily in any way (and you can never know, only guess, and often guess wrong, but does the other mind even exists ?), or judging you badly, as most people love to judge others badly as a subtle form of power against another, even if you don’t know the judgement, nay, hiding what you really think is neat, actually making someone think you judge them well when you really think they suck or the opposite, or always changing judgements, or anything at all, or forgetting or remembering wrong, all all of the possible combinations and after all it is all a game of writing down and conceiving all of the possible combinations of words, concepts, sentences, ideas, logical segemnts imaginable, all of the combinations expressed and then it has all been said, but it can never all be said as just a new word changes all of the meanings of a block of text and so forth…

But then it is just the scale of things that makes everything irrelevant, intractable, non important, puny, etc. anything goes, anything can be real or false any cause and effect can be operating or any opposite cause and effect, it doesn’t matter, it can’t be verified and such. The Technological Economy with millions of workers (huge number of redundant workers, but at the same time unskilled or skilled and at the same time too many and too few and at the same time companies can’t find the right “skill set” but have too many of all kinds of skill sets, anything goes, everything is true and false, everything is A and the opposite of A, it doesn’t even matter, it doesn’t even make sense and it doesn’t even exist as it is all an imaginary world made up of concepts and words and imaginary causes and effects a society brainwashes itself to believe in and such), large economies of scales, redundancies, excess capacity (and huge scarcities and such) huge productivity next to huge waste and unproductivity, all conflicting and contradicting but in the end all hoovering around a zero result and such, technologies and so forth, networks, etc. everything is a lie, and everything is true, makes everything irrelevant, intractable, eveything the utmost important and at the same time completely invisible and so forth, irrelevant.

It doesn’t matter, everything is OK, everything is perfect, it has all been achieved, you won and such…

Free Matter From Function

Goal constricted Matter, task constrained circuits, the circuits that can be designed are all conditioned by the intentionality of use, buy the function desired, by some kind of solution to problem, to some function needed, to some task achieved, to some model of start point → manipulation → task. But so is all of the combinations and configurations of Matter we create, always with function in mind, with the expression of will power to be behold by matter, but this greatly limits all of the possible combinations Matter can have, it greatly limits all of the possible circuits you can design on the Million Transistor Microprocessor: so then create mysterious new functions, unknown but abstract and vague, and create crazy and wild circuits and signals (and symbols along with them, and wild schematic diagrams with incredible new symbols, complex scribbles and boxes and patterns as new symbols, trillions of new symbols) that are so much fun…and also do this by creating subtle limitations on one hand and freedom on the other as Matter has to fight arbitrary limitations to be configured and operate according to other subtle and arbitrary configurations all in the spirit of limitations express freedom and freedom expresses the limitations and so on and such, extremely complex circuits designs that have completely unknown behaviors, very complex behaviors that are abstract and mysterious, try out every combination of circuits, imagine 10^1000000 are the possible combinations of circuits the million transistor integrated circuit IC can have, and all of them are performing incredibly abstract and advanced tasks and functions, way higher than anything our puny logic, society, language and mind could ever behold and understand.

Matter is constricted to be in only a few functional combinations according to our desires and needs, but since we have only a handful of completely simple and puny and primitive functions and desires and tasks Matter should perform, we must free Matter from our logic and functions and language, and explore all kinds of incredible new configurations of Matter and assign all kinds of mysterious and impossible to understand functions to Matter now configured according to incredible new imaginary functions and tasks that are super abstract, that are higher and higher, and you enjoy designing the most incredible new circuits and transistor combinations and wild signals, and all of what it can mean, and you achieve Niravan and Infinity with all of these ever new circuits and surprises, every picosecond a completely new surprises, you win, no more simple idiotic functions here, no more simple fights here, A against B, no more one bit universe here or puny one transistor circuit, now you are in a more advanced universe with trillions of new and full constructions, the construction of meaning achieved, of insanity achieved, go for it man go for it. The construction of Meaning.

The great mismatch between what our technology can give us and how we use it, like designing stupid video games of entities fighting (and the corporations designing the machines are only looking at the bottom line, the mythical economic gain and profit from selling things, the same old limited view of existence, when exsitence should always overcome itself forever into oblivion…) when the possibilities can be so much more, so much deeper, infinitely deeper and mysterious, the more incredibly impossible to understand the deeper it is, the more advanced it is, and make believe, play make believe, give it to a little baby, they will design new circuits with those thousands of transistors, analog and digital and doing all kinds of crazy things, and you imagine and go ever deeper, and you become infinite with your wild and crazy imagination, do it man, do it,

first gear hang on tight, second gear it’s all right, third gear you’re out of sight…


Nameta your lack of discussion with those who post on you reduces the amount of people that read your posts… just saying…

The Edge of a Word, Words melting on their objects, the absurdity of associating words with such complex large scale items that having nothing to do with them, or the functionalization of the words, the intentionality of use defines the coordinates of discourse, the grammer and such. But such is the error, such is the reason why theories never are right in the first place, the decomposition of the items under observation into a sequence of concepts, large scale concepts that are words, and the edge of the words constrains the concepts to leave out everything that counts, to exclude all those little details that will make every and all theories fail, as what the concepts are trying to do is limit the world to a few possibilities when the world has all and no possibilities: the end of theories, the end of any large scale explanations, as if the explanations are outside of the world waiting to be discovered and then applied, as such all economic theories fail miserably (but even all this is a theory which is all wrong, so ignore all of this, the Standard Economic Theories are all correct and so forth), or maybe not even or simply are not applicable or even more don’t exist, it is just a wild association of a set of bits with another pretending to be related and such, somewhat like Free Physics and such.

And hence no more testing, no theories are ever valid, the end of all, but also the way talking and sequence of symbols expect the next sequence to keep on digging deeper into meaning, to explore what was said before, to confirm and render what was said before ever deeper and constructing meaning as extension of symbols: but wait, make the symbols stop and stand still for a few billion years and let deep evolve by itself, the Information Relationship Freezed and digging into new dimensions, or the Integrated Circuit put in the brain that is self programming itself and as such is self programming ever more incredible Experience Sets and events, not even denotations, symbols melting upon what they represent, and hyper symbols and circuits and Matter becoming functions and ever more wild and weird situations in Brain Machine Devices, the new economy is such that we will manipulate ever more subtle Symbol Machines, ever more Matter self manipulating itself with ever less effort, almost invisible, almost zero energy effort, the economy will not evolve according to skyscrapers or rockets or anything outside anymore, now it will all become inside, a Solid State Civilization, and not even Information will count anymore, every new Brain Circuit Device will become a make believe and pretend world upon itself (a little baby play make believe by himself since no one wants to play with him) ever more disconnected from all other New Universes with new Laws of Physics Self manipulating Brain Machine Devices (nay, Matter self manipulating itself in the most incredible ways but unknown to all other chunks of matter as such, since information is trying to make a local manipulations known to another manipulation, but this will no longer be necessary, and so forth) ever changing ideas, never ending new worlds and ideas.

The end of the dictatorship of Information as the need to be the same (as other chunks of matter), to know what is happening over there, the end of the prison information has held Observers and Processing machines in, we don’t need or care to know what is happening over there anymore, now we are all free from all, free from communication, free to make believe to the utmost, out of society and reason and logic, into pure art, pure incredible and impossible.

Iron Maid

Take any ensemble of items, any random set of things you see, a piece of tree, a car, a house a glass and now assign them and consider them as components of an Electronic Circuit (or any kind of circuit, a circuit that uses a car tire as its “Electricity” or that uses a street as its “fluid” or information exchange means and so on), consider it a special circuit that is performing a function, (and the connections are the grass, a window, a finger, a star, a sun, a mountain and other things connecting the “Logic” of the circuit, any wild design, intricate and complex beyond bold is the schematic diagram) now imagine what incredible thought paths were necessary to create a circuit like that (and what incredible modified New Brains thought them up associates with them, and all other projections as 0 is the circuit, 1 is the thought path 2 is the brain then what is 234 or minus 344 or W or that pebble on the street, and project ever more, mix it up, ever more incredible things, ever more wild connections, ever more abstract, go crazy, make it all go far away and incredible, dream up the most incredible, make the craziest connections, the craziest worlds, the craziest possible ensembles, relationships, interactions, make fun of boring logic), consider what incredible “Laws of the Universe” must be operating for such a circuit to exist and perform a function, or maybe many functions or multiple functions according to parallel minds, and imagine how many new thought paths that will create a new circuit of entities for new functions, wild functions for wild circuits from wild thoughts.

And now imagine how many different functions and how those circuits could work, and imagine a short thought path creating that circuit and a long thought path and multiple thought paths and imagine that the Electricity of the circuit is car tire, and imagine that the circuit is outputting signals that then become themselves circuits that become thoughts and so on, an infinite recursion of possibilities and imagine the pebble and the street and all of its details as a giant Integrated circuit performing some complex mechanism that only another even more incredible and complex thought machine generating trillions of incredible new thought paths could have designed and so forth.

And now imagine the Ocean Wave is another circuit that was designed by another thought path, trillions of thought paths creating trillions of delimitations as functions, an entire forest is a new circuit, created by a steering wheel that is thinking up a thought that is the Star (the entire star is the thought generated by the steering wheel) and so forth, and then put it upside down, the Star is the circuit and the forest the brains and the steering wheel is the thought path, and so forth all of new circuits (infinite precision but also infinite vague, mixed and confused and mathematically precise and so forth), using all kinds of crazy, all crazy and cool and Wop,
Cinderella Candy, APE STAR, Barbie Crazy, …



jeez Nameta you talk to much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Interestingly, everything he says isn’t total nonsense.
But it would be nice if there were a little more input to match his output.

Too Many Functions …

Extension Register. I was reading about EBooks, videos on tablets, all kinds of information on iphones and tablets and so forth, but this creates a world where only functions exists, there is no longer any extension so to say, at least books contain some extensions between the letters of the words, are a container, at least they give the impression of there being something outside of the functions, the words and phrases and information is within an environment that is not part of the functions, the functions are emerged inside an external world made up of non functions, of extensions, of non defined, like all kinds of books and their shapes and sizes and colors give the impression that something more than pure information, than pure functions, than pure logic exists, it is more relaxing on the mind, the mind can still wander a bit so to say and such. And it makes the usage of information more involved, you must do more things, interact with more intermediate things, (so create hugely complex activities to just read a word, like going to blockbuster to rent a movie was more fun than just sitting still and downloading and watching it all on the screen, no more intermediate, time wasting, distracting things in the middle, but that is what we need, ever more intermediate, time wasting and space wasting things, and ever more complex and insane associations with the objective of discourse you were concentrated on: in short we must become infinitely distracted as opposed to infinitely concentrated on those few puny functions on tablets and computer screens).

So we need a letter of a word written on an Ocean Wave, and the next letter of the same word written on a Mountain 4,000 miles away, and the next letter of the word written on a car tire another 300 miles away, and the next letter written on a TV screen and so forth, as to create a huge chunk of undefined, unknown and mysterious extensions between the symbols giving meaning (symbols being parsed creating functions and logical bits in a mind), so as to create a much larger ratio of Extension To Functions, Extensions To Symbols Ratio, so as to create alot of undefined or maybe alot of substrate upon which the functions must operate upon, so as to make the world deeper than just logic and such.

But smartphones and IT is eliminating all of the material substrates of the world to create pure Information, pure Functions, a world without any Extension, a world without any undefined or anything escaping or being outside of logic and such and the limit of this is a world of only Functions, only bits, all Information being and becoming equal and the very substrate upon which the functions are operating upon, the things about which the blocks of text and images and such are talking about become only other functions, other bits, a world closed in upon itself with no outside, no dead space dead time and such, and the operators of such Information Machines, the Observers become simple action and reaction circuits made up of only Functions themselves, becoming functions and logic and sequence of symbols and events themselves, becoming a chunk of a large video game, a huge density and concentration of functions, the limit of the density of functions tending towards infinite while the density of extension tends towards zero. But we must put this upside down, ever more extension, dead space and dead time, ever fewer functions and more extensions, create means for messages that are ever more clunky, large, complex, unweildy and such (such as in order to read one word you must use large complex machines with a letter on a car, another on a beach, another on the moon and you need complex mechanical contraptions to put the letters together to create only one word and such), do the opposite of concentrating everything in a small screen where nothing else but logic and functions is left and such.

And imagine instead a mind that is always reading in parallel trillions of books and watching trillions of movies all at the same time over and over again in a loop, or all mixed up or whatever, and imagine that the real books are the holes of information, the information that is missing, the relaxation from information, the freedom from the tyranny of thought and logic and information and functions: put it all upside down, a machine that has infinite information and obtains the real information when no information is being dealt to it and such, such a machine would appreciate ever more dead time and dead space, undefined, and mysterious, would love to waste time and space, would love to not think and such…

On a side note, I was reading about how the “Green” economy will create future jobs and such: what a stupid idea, if anything, everything green and environmental protecting kills jobs by the boatloads by being against consumerism and manufacturing and such: jobs can only be created by ever more consumerism and huge projects and manipulation of the environment and such. And anyways green economy creates very little work, once you installed solar panels and wind farms and such the job is done and over with, that stuff can create only a few thousand jobs at most, but as usual you all know what we need: free salaries, cheap rents and huge projects like skyscrapers and rockets to mars and so forth.



I produce my own input and answer with my own output, a closed system, I invent my inputs and outputs, like a loop, like an infinite loop and such. And the Observer can also exist completely disjoint and alone from anything and any universe or any laws and any constraints, the Observer can be his own Universe as any Observer - Universe set is just an action reaction set, and as such can be a closed loop with no “External Reality”, an Observer only Universe so to say and so forth and such. And as there are an infinite number of possible designs for an Observer, of possible Action - Reaction Sets, Experience Sets and so forth, then there are an infinite number of completely different and new and disjoint Universes and as such there is no Universe at all, only point like events, only random, there is nothing but everything, and as a corollary we know nothing, any Observer and any Information Set, Experience Set, no matter how complete and elaborate knows nothing at all since there is always an infinite amount of new possibile Experience Sets that the given Observer cannot ever see and view and experience and such. We know nothing at all forever, we will never know anything at all forever, the entire project of Scientific Research is doomed from the outset no matter what, Science is vain, there is too much to possibly know, and even if you knew it all, you wouldn’t know Ignorance and Non Knowledge which is just another form of knowledge and experience, the laws of conservation of knowledge: knowlegde does not increase it only changes design and style.

The Observer is the Universe in the sense that the Reaction Set the Observer can interact through is how the Universe compliments the Observers design (nay, the Observer defines the Universe through his own design, assigns the universe according to how he can interact with it, his sense organs, logic, arms and so forth), how the Universe reflects the Observer and how the Observer reflects the Universe according to how he is configured and designed, according to the Reaction Set he is set up to interact through, according to the Information Relationship Set and Experience Set he is programmed with: and yet the idea is so simple and so overlooked, we are just one design that reflects a particular view of the Universe according to our sense organs and Mind Design and Interaction Set and so forth: change the design of the Observer in any possible way and you have a reciprocal complimentary Universe with which that newly designed Observer can and will interact with, etc.

But we believe in the validity and Absolute thruth of the laws of the Universe according to our quirk and completely invented, random design: there is no external truth, no Laws of Physics, no Absolutes, only relative truths and absolutes according to how we are configured and designed. And we cannot get out of this wanting to assign all of what we see and think as globally and universally valid, nothing further from the truth, it is all just a quirk and an invention, a little game Nothing plays on Nothing as there is no global and universal category for anything, not even logic, not even the word “Universe” is valid and so forth.

And a civilization is just a like a computer network with nodes (Minds) interacting through connections (sense organs and common world appearing as a continual construction when there is no “Extension” between the Information chunks exchanged between Minds and Machines and Thoughts and such, only point like Information Relationships constructed through a sequence of events and symbols and logical constructions in logically connected neural networks of this particular design of a Man Brain and such).

So make up a new Integrated Circuit where there are a sea of loops always running and the information navigates through the loops: ( an Ocean of loops with Information swimming through it, on the surface, in the deep and all through it etc.) make the loops the invariants and the information the variants, trillions of loops waiting for information to be processed according to algorithms which are only complex loops and loops inside loops and such. And it is interesting to see how the entire idea of Repetitive Patterns (aka the entire program of Scientific Research) are really just loops, cycling reoccurrences of the same patterns with some changes evolving towards an arbitrarily defined end point, the end point being something functionally useful for an arbitrarily defined Observer and such. And then project higher abstractions, ever more vague and impossible, such as a loop of algorithms of invariants and so forth, ever harder to understand, such as if 0 is the information and 1 is the loop then what is 4566 ? and minus 433 and then what is Xddfe ? and so forth invent ever more indirect, remote, impossible, be vague, make it totally not understandable, kill all possible communication, create mysterious and deep, and be a creep, infinitely mysterious and deep, and recursions, and fascinating, and incredible and fun and so forth, wild and crazy ideas, ever more crazy, a higher degree of crazy, never end the levels, infinite value, impossibilities achieved, Barbie Crazy Cinderella Candy…

Now go and stick it in the Rant House, shove a V8 engine in your brain and explore a new universe…