Looking for a God particle

The Catholic Church provides the evidence of religious immorality, they became Scientists and then against their own teachings sought God.

In the holy teachings it advised us that ancient human beings living in an Earth Paradise as Earth/Heaven sought Satan’s advise by speaking to him.

In today’s society we can observe this realization in those human beings who speak/commune with spirits both loving, kind spirits and also evil spirits via the information and reaction they invoke/provoke in us.

Therefore from the religious advice it demonstrated that by “listening to satanic advice and also speaking to satanic advice” it caused the Fall and destruction of the first Earth life causing human beings to be caste out of the Heavenly life on Earth that we once shared with our Father. We then gained a life situation and atmospheric condition that caused us to die and to also suffer illness. We were given the reasons to our personal suffering so that we would be advised that we caused this life situation ourselves.

This allowed us to understand that our life and our living standard depended on adhering to the Laws of God and therefore they were written as a teaching function to enable us to accept personal suffering and to be morally accepting that our life was meant to be lived within the values of acceptance. Natural Law was the Law of our Creation and we were advised to never change it.

Science therefore demonstrates to us that they ignore these teachings and the relevant statements that it implied and gave these teachings a modern day version of excuses regarding the God relationship to humanity and were determined to find what they state is only a particle of information within our cells that cause human beings to believe in a holier and higher state of being.

Science tried to imply that being good and acting with love, care and concern were applications that denoted the God Source…yet why were so many humans living in the same source (same sound and chemical applications) either as hateful, angry and abusive lives and also living in disabled body forms. Where is God in this situation?

Scientists therefore implied a value to the human state that to be loving, kind and caring must mean that human beings DNA and wavelength interaction belonged to angelic signals in the atmosphere and that the alter state must belong to fallen angelic signals in the atmosphere…so they began to research on humanity as if our only purpose was a cell state for their abuse. Yet they look for God, a God discussed as a higher purpose and a state that is described as non human.

They look for God for they believe themselves that God began life and they believe themselves that God is of the same substance that created a Star, or a Sun or a Planet, that also creates our cells…so they use us as if we are of no purpose other than a scientific experiment…so who are they in this purpose and what do they propose they represent as a life cell?

Having done as many experiments as possible, taking the resources from out of our Earth and look to a future without energy because the Earth has already been plundered by them, they began to search for God. So they now research the God cell or particle and every day they use satellite transmissions to attack us as they study our reactive states in our cells. Who was the ancient God they say…oh it was the Cow! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_mutilation

Scientists,converted Uranium, a radiated dust that existed inside of stone. Scientists released the particles of radiation that had once cooled above the Earth to become stone. Human beings live in an atmosphere radiated by particles after uranium was converted and it began to attack us. Scientists want God, they look at the particles they released themselves as they attacked us and said “this is God”, this is the beginning of all life, the life that began in space, the life that created Suns, stars and planets…and yet we are a human, we are a spirit, we are organic…where is the organic sun Scientist…where is the organic star Scientist…where is the organic planet Scientist…there is no God particle.

What is the only stated fact in religious literature…Satan fell…who is Satan is he God Scientist…no, God never fell. Who is this particle that attacks us, that makes us sick, that causes our mental diseases, that lays inside our brain and causes us to forget, that takes away our memory and our meaning and our spirit purpose as it pollutes our minds, pollutes our blood and pollutes our cells…SATAN himself.

Where was Satan placed in the creative act…if not within Stone…where does Uranium come from…if not within Stone…how did Uranium get created? By the Sun, Satan’s Hell. Where is Sun, in space Scientist, where are the Stars, in space Scientists, where is the Earth stone…in space Scientist. Where is the human and nature…in the atmosphere Scientist…so who placed Satan in our atmosphere and said it was God…Scientists did.

How does Satan get released…by Scientists looking for God, for they changed the Angels of God that protected the Stone (atmosphere-Heaven)…they unlocked the Holy Christ who protected the Stone, the sacrificed and Great Holy Spirit sent by our Father to Earth to save us.

Where is God Scientist? God is where God has always been…in the Light therefore God was never a particle!