Has the Internet had its day?

There is a very high probability that homosapian will shortly no longer exist at all.
And after which, all organic life will be exterminated permanently.

All life will be exterminated permanently? Are you sure?

Not certain, just a high probability.

In Man’s lust to be God (to be the determiner of all things), he finds ways of doing without organic life because organic life is not very controllable. He has found a great many ways and is pursuing very lustfully right now. So it would take quite a phenomenal event to stop his progress toward his own annihilation as well as that of all organic life.

One could say (much as it has been said), “God is Jealous” or “God doesn’t tolerate competition”.

james—can you say more about the extinction of all organic life…

Well, I started to write a thesis on that, “The Pathology of the Eschatology of Organic Life”, but it got too depressing. It was about the need to become more efficient in the effort to control all things so as to ensure continuance of a governance. The prevailing idea today is that the governance is far more important than any component with in, such as the individual. The Original Sin was about that same concern, those who lust to be God, “God-wannabes”.

Man has found enough way through technology to become extremely efficient at conforming all matter into his desired state and thus is now in the state of “Comply or Die”. And the problem is that because people continue to thwart such an effort, Man continues to grow more clever and stronger about it without looking back to see if it really is what he should be doing for his own good. Man has becomes, as usual, blindly lusting for ultimate control of all things. And it is that “blindly” part that is the danger. Man isn’t watching for any reason to stop, merely lusting for more and better ways to gain more. A process that inspires that urge is somewhat mechanistic wherein Man causes his own inspiration to continue to try even more and thus continues without his own awareness, thus he cannot stop.

The predictable end result is that he will, as he is currently doing, replace all things that he cannot control with things that he can control. Those things are artificial, such as AI. But seemingly unknowingly he is making them into life and even more independent of Man than organic life. Eventually such inorganic life will be in the same position of having to defend itself against organic life. But the inorganic life has the huge advantage of being intentionally designed to be superior to Man in every way. In the end, inorganic life will predictably see that any organic life is a waste and an unneeded threat.

The film I Robot depicts that type of thing, but all such films must end on a happy note imbuing sentiment for the android. A part of the process to ensure that Man gets replaced is ensuring that people do not fear technology or androids by making films that inspire sentiment favoring the lovable, misunderstood android. It is a formulated psychological ploy.

In the end, the governance, the “God-wannabe” survives at the cost of all organic life, “The Iron Butterfly”.

I agree.

That’s MY thoughts!

And perhaps the machines, he created, will help him to bring him to his own extinction, his own annihilation. There will be only one way for last men to survive: the way of becoming cyborgs. But then they will be controlled by rationality, namely by machines outside and inside their own bodies.

But the christians did make their God, who was once an angry God, a kind of pet or toy. The christian God of the modern times is a nice man with a long beard, and the modern christians themselves are nice as well - as nice as e.g. Nietzsche’s “last men”. So there is NO THYMOS in the world of christanity, but ONLY EROS, which means that there is no balance or no harmony between this two foci of the ellipse named human soul.

Although it is a question of precise detail, I suspect that even the cyborg is not the final form. In the long run, there is no foreseeable need to have even a partial organic body. But perhaps there will be some remnants. The absolutely most efficient form is not friendly to its former self. Once homosapians can no longer procreate with humans (the hue of Man), homosapians are no longer the human species.

The internet is merely a step in that direction.

Your statement gives an evidence for my thesis that „the history of the internet repeats (somehow) the history of modern technology and the history of modern economics and politics, although the history of the internet itself is also a part of the modern history.“ ( viewtopic.php?f=4&t=185118&start=25#p2459870 ). The process can also be described as an exponential increase of the loss of intelligence, wealth and descendants (children), and - of course - culture.

What is called “technology”, whether hardware, software, or wetware is pre-formulated answers to problems that are distributed to morons so they can more easily and greatly accomplish their moronic passions. And because they are designed to best suit morons, morons end up have greater power and influence throughout society in every field. Those who were capable of living by their own wits no longer have a place in the politics, science, religion, government, or the world.

Thus your theme is quite accurate.
I gave up making machines smarter when I realized what it takes to make people smarter.
As obnoxious as people can be, I still prefer living people to a society of drones.

…and I’m guessing that you already knew that “Armin” originally meant “Great/High Man” in its original German dialect. :sunglasses:

I didn’t want to go in precise details. Anyway there is not necessarily a contradiction between cyborgs and remnants or loss of human procreation (descendants, children).

…and you might want to chk your PMs. :sunglasses:

The Internet, Fantasia, Atreju, and The Never Ending Story.

Yes and a little bit no - because of the fact that nobody really knows where the meaning of “Arminius” comes from - except the fact that the historical, real man named (by the Romans!) “Arminius” was a German, namely an ancient German Cheruscan. And one more historical fact is important: Arminius throw out the ancient Romans - not out from the whole Germany (a part of Germany was conquered by the Romans under Caesar and called Germania Superior and Germania Inferior) but from the free Germany, which was called Germania Magna or Germania Libera. And this historical fact ist what I mean when I say: defending freedom (defnding - of course - against the CIVILIZED BARBARISM!). The CIVILIZATION is the true BARBARISM as the history of ancient Romans and Germans shows us.

The Cherusci lived where I was born and growing up - an additional reason for me to choose this name (pseudonym or nickanme). The main reason is the historical fact of the fight against the CIVILIZED BARABRISM, in that case: the ROMAN BARBARISM.

Armin is just the Latinized spelling for Hermann or “Hier-Man” or “Higher Man”.

I do not intend to open a new thread (e.g.: “Comparing internet and Roman bread-and-games-civilization”), but I intend to illustrate what can be learned from the comparison in general and in particular.

At least that is the official lore (tradition), yes (so: you are right).

Has the internet had its day?

Maybe that there will be a „»internetian« colosseum“ - otherwise there is no constructive future for the internet because we’ve got many comparisons and analogies, for example: every kind of bread-and-games-techniques or (as an occidental not-old-example) telephone, radio, television in their significance for the behaviour of the people („humans“) and their relationship to each other. All this shows us the „goal“.

In short: the internet has and will have no harmonious future.

Well, it isn’t just lore or tradition. You can tell merely from the phonetics. The German accented sound from “her” (or “hier”) sounds like “air” to the Romans. So to the Romans and English that high German dialect gets spelled differently to reflect the sound. The German “Hier” is merely remnants of the tradesman’s “higher” (in English).

It is being arranged to be segregated into social regions, more controllable. Society is run entirely by reputations and thus by communication. Only an honest government can allow free speech.

Yes, that’s right, but it got „spelled differently“ only to the Romans, not to the English because the English at that time were Germans (at home in the north-west of Germany).
You know much about linguistics (especially phonetics). Well done!

Yes, but what would “an honest government” be, if the basic for government is only lie?

Although the English were more originally the Anglish in western Germana (the Latin word for “Land of small tribes” from which we got the word “germ”), there was no actual “Germany” for many years. None of the Germanic tribes referred to themselves as “Germans”.

And the Anglish were stationed as the “Western Corner of the World” by Moses to be the “Angels”, “messengers of god” establishing the trade language, now called “English”. And when the Americas were discovered, the “Angels” were stationed again to the far West to become “Los Angeles” or “The Angels” assigned to be the messengers in the new form of films, “Hollywood”.

The world has been more designed and connected than the masses have ever known for centuries. Every major nation and event in the world is only there by ancient design, slightly modified during the “Enlightenment Years” to speed things up a bit.

The Aristocracy and Royal Families are merely Apes with secrets.

The Internet is no different, as you have pointed out.