The Universe is Cyclical & Factal

There’s noting new under the sun. Go in one direction sufficiently far in space and/or time, and you will arrive back where you started, relatively, although the cycles and fractals aren’t perfect, because the universe is infinite, and no two pieces of energy are identical. Existence probably isn’t progressing or regressing, it’s just going around and around. The nihilists can’t stand this, and they have proposed various methods to bypass and circumvent the laws of nature. The nihilists are Jews, Christians, Muslims and now secular humanists, which is an outgrowth of the former three. They’ve proposed various utopias to correct nature which is constant struggle between kratocracies and plutocracies.

Everything is at war with another and only the strong get to pass on their genes. This is true of energy too. The dense galaxy consumes the sparse galaxy, the dense star consumes the sparse star, and the dense planet consumes the sparse planet. Eventually and inevitably, if stars don’t get consumed, they consume too much, or they get old and boring. They parish, their offspring forming in their remnants. This is the law of nature, birth, consumption, death, reproduction, everything in existence follows this pattern, there’s always a bigger fish in the celestial sea, and there’s something out there consuming our universe right now, and something consuming it. Everything is at war, dancing, the war goes on and on ceaselessly. Secular humanists want to end the war, and for that, they should be slaughtered, because if we allow them to live, the war might end, and if it ends, there won’t be peace and prosperity, rather, the universe will collapse in on itself. For the good of the cosmos, we must kill secular humanist scum.

If we all win, we all lose.

If we all win, we all lose.

If we all win, we all lose.

I’ll grant you that the universe is but Noise.
But then again, Life is but the effort to harmonize it.

I disagree, I think there’s a method to the madness, a pattern. I see this pattern over and over again, birth, consumption, death… reproduction occurring before death in the case of animate subjects and after death in the case of inanimate objects. In some senses, everything is alive, everything is animated. If that’s the case, then what we have is perpetual warfare, where no becoming can become a being. Why? Why aren’t beings permitted? Why no atoms, Gods or souls?

What you are seeing is the pattern of the noise.
The pattern is one of reluctance to change within the midst of change, the noise trying to become more than just noise.

I don’t equate change with order or chaos

Change can be towards order, or singularity, or towards chaos, or multiplicity.

I don’t think that I do either.

And did you mean “cyclical and fractal” or “factal”?
The degree of cyclical and fractal is limited.

Cyclical and fractal.

I agree, it’s not absolutely cyclical and fractal, but essentially, fundamentally so.

My theory is that in our universe bodies move in a spiral-cyclical way.

The orbits of both moons around their planets and the planets around their stars, and even the stars around their galactic center clearly do not describe circles or ellipses, but spirals. For example, while our Sun spirally orbits the center of our galaxy, the Earth spirally orbits the sun, and our Moon spirally orbits the Earth. For bodies that move around bodies, which also move around bodies, do not move two-, but three-dimensionally. They move spirally and thus also cyclically, more precisely said: in a spiral-cyclical way. If something moves around a body or a point which does not move around another body or point and is not moved in a different way by external forces, then (and only then) can this (and only this) motion be two-dimensional.

Yes. And interestingly, if our Sun were to suddenly stop orbiting the galaxy, the Earth would fall into the Sun. :astonished:

Say what?

The Sun is actually dragging the Earth through space as the Sun orbits the galaxy. The distance between the Earth and Sun is determined, not merely by the orbital requirements, but also the drag requirements. If the Sun were to stop moving, the Earth would catch up to it, putting it too close to maintain an orbital distance. Thus the Earth would come too close and fall toward the Sun (assuming the Sun didn’t stop so fast that the Earth could shoot past it before falling).

If our Sun were to suddenly stop orbiting the center of our galaxy, the Earth would either fall into the Sun or would be thrown out of the solar system.

One of the basic facts of our life is that the future looks different from the past. But under a cosmological point of view this asymmetry of time is perhaps only a local phenomenon.

The universe looks somehow not as it should. That sounds strange when one considers that cosmologists have little to compare with. How do we know how the universe should look like? Nevertheless, we have developed over time a strong sense of what is „natural“, and the surrounding universe does not meet this claim. Mind you, the standard cosmological model describes - more or less successfully - the consistence of the universe and how the universe develops. Approximately 14 billion years ago the universe was hotter and denser than the interior of a star. Since then the space has been expanding, cooling, and losing density. Although this model explains virtually any observation made so far, but a number of unusual properties, especially of the early universe, suggests to us that we do not yet fully understand the development of the universe.

Perhaps there is symmetry of time in our universe.

[size=124]Therefore I have just opened a thread.[/size]