Science needs more... Women!

Well no, it actually doesn’t. It trains people to dogmatically follow formulas without question and feel certain and superior because they have such formulas. Most especially medical people do that same thing concerning “procedures” while being conditioned to totally ignore the uneducated naive patient. It teaches religiosity. And that is evidenced every time I propose anything on the Science form that appears the slightest bit contrary to the holy gospel of Scientism. (also known as “drones”)

And so you want to add more to it??? “They always just lie, thus so will I”.
Yeah, Science really needs a lot more of that.

Now you are getting to WHY THEY want more women in Science. Note that such has nothing at all to do with what Science needs.

And note that your reasoning is specifically feminine; “women want to do it thus it needs women”, “rationalization”. That is what is used to create female drones. The same tactic is used to entice children into doing things that they don’t naturally want to do; “convince them that it is their desire to do it against the wishes of the evil overlord”. Also called “passion induction”.

I doubt that,Kris. Have a look at the demographic development.

You wrote: “most educated women do not want a mate or kids”. It follows that mainly uneducated women get children.
What could this possibly mean for a society? Producing more slaves?
I’m only asking questions. I never sighned up to any ‘isms’ or ‘anti-isms’.

But I believe that all this “we need more women here, there and everywhere, no matter if they are especially good for that work or not, but there must be more women” is constructed and serves the purposes of people who have other interests than doing women any good. And I never understood why women don’t take THIS as an insult.

It is and it is not an insult. Women have a similar objective, so while another’s purpose may not be the same objective it does serve a purpose. Educated women, most, will have family later in life after they gain tenure in their career. It is the ones that are at the beginning that have no interest in family but, are still not believed.
Uneducated does not mean people are stupid naturally. Children from these parents have just as much potential as those that can financially afford education. Finances are a large reason for lack of education. Not the only reason of course.

Kris, are you Karla Marx? :-k

:slight_smile: I think we all are part of what we read and learn wether we agree with it or not. The world we learn builds us. No I am not a Marxist or any party. Darn near every belief system has some good. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?

So putting science in the hands of women means: destroy the species. That is the design intent.

Well, I noticed the quoted material in your quote…

If putting women in science is putting science in the hands of serpents liars and Power mongers, then we better put women back in the home where they take care of Children. The traditional role is the right one for the Satanic and we as a species will benefit from this use of their skills.

Not that “Satanism” has anything at all to do with being a house wife, but the point is to stop putting “women” anywhere. Gauge everyone by their skills and the need of them, not what gender they are or race or creed.

Stop being a sexist, racist, amoralist, power mongering serpent.

That works for me.

Lol. Full circle. That’s the whole point of the OP! Stop discriminating against women in science!

No. That statement is the serpent saying, “those terrible sexist men over there are abusing your poor women , you need to put your women to work in Science working for our great new world society of beautiful people and show those evil people who’s boss.”

Anti-sexism is a scam, a sexist scam aimed at gaining more remote control over more people and eventually eliminate people all together.

Note the state of the economy. Science is all about mathematics and reactions - economy. Yet somehow despite the extreme degree of Science applied to economics, the USA is striving desperately to cause itself to go bankrupt in order to establish the new global currency. It doesn’t matter how many people get wiped out, the more the better. Due to the extreme debt, the GNP must be increased at any cost, thus machines must be used in place of people, no choices, no options.

The USA simply has to get rid of people. Thanks to Science they finally can do that. And where will the women be saved? Well, in Science of course. Doing what? Pressing buttons for their foreign masters… and probably wondering where the men are.

Nine pages later and you still don’t have a clue what the study proved.

Nine pages later and you still have an incredibly low standard for “proof”.

All they did was look at identical resumes. That’s it. The evidence is as airtight as any.

A man rarely has a feminine name. A resume carries the name

It was a study. It wasn’t real. So there were men’s names and women’s names. I think the word they use for this kind of evidence is “incontrovertible”.

Yes, but names affect pre-judgment.
Incontrovertible, ,my butt.

If you provide two types of nuts to a bunch of squirrels and they show statistically that they prefer one over the other, do you conclude that they have been taught bad tastes by their wicked parents?

I am not arguing about the statistics. I am arguing that their presumptuous conclusion (so extremely common) is intentionally misleading and chosen to be so. If those same people find a study that doesn’t reflect what they want, they ignore the results and look for another excuse.

Do you hear about all of the studies done that show extreme prejudice favoring women? Of course not.

Do you hear the rationale behind why some businesses hire one gender over the other? Only when it sounds good for your cause. You, and they, presume that the squirrels have no reasoning beyond your own twisted prejudice and conclude that squirrels are “wrongfully biased”, rather than “smart enough to know what doesn’t work for them”.

What do you mean? That’s the whole point! Sexism. Exact same résumés, male names versus female names. I’m on your side here! I think???

Lol, what are you talking about? Yes, there is prejudice in favor of women in some fields. Did you think I wouldn’t know this?