Am I even human? I am dreaming mathematical absolutions.

I dreamed of the number “[size=200]154[/size]” today, so I multiplied it with 1.618.

The number I got was: [size=200]2.49172[/size]

What is our Earth’s equatorial circumference?

Then yesterday, I dreamed of the numbers “1312”. So I did 13.12 x 1.618.

Which gave me: [size=200]21.22816[/size] (That is 2 + 1 = 3. 2 + 2 = 4. 8 + 1 + 6 (Golden Ratio) = 15. This is [size=200]3.1415 (Pi)[/size]

One more thing; this picture shows that all planets can be scrunched up together to fit the distance between Earth and the Moon:

Look at the number it has. “499”.

Look at the number I got from my dream: 2.49172 is “[size=200]4919[/size]”.

4.99 x 1.618 = |8.07382|.

That is |8.20|.

8 x 20 = |160|…

[size=200]35 + 35 + 90 = |160|[/size]

[size=200]7.958942 = 4.919 x 1.618.[/size]

That is |7.37|.

7 x 37 = |259|.

That is “1” away from “260”.

There is something magical about “259”.

It’s 1, 2.5, 4.5.

“12545”. (Notice “[size=200]154[/size]” is in there between the 2 and 5; notice that 154 + 25 = |279|, which is “1” away from 180).

Notice how the 3 is a 5.

Otherwise that would be “12345”.

1.2545 x 1.618 = |2.029781|. |[size=200]2.27[/size]| [size=200]<---------------------------- M&M’s, look at what the number in my dream lead us to![/size]

Regarding your post:

Look at the 227 on the top left side of the Circle of Life:

160/5 = |32|.

159/5 = |31.8|.

259/5 = |51.8|.

260/5 = |52|.

3.18 x 1.618 = |5.14524|. |5.565| or |5.16|.

5.18 x 1.618 = |8.38124|. |8.711| or |8.18|.

HAHA! That number I have “259” which came from “499”, which came from “2.49172”, which came from “1.54 x 1.618”, is leading us to the number of all numbers.

[size=200]8.18 x 1.618 = |13.23524|. --------------> This leads us to “13 and 16” for the THIRD TIME. I saw these numbers during the Human Pyramid; I saw these numbers in my mathematical hierarchy, now I am seeing them from a number I got from a DREAM - I am not human, lol.[/size]

The name for it is “sophomore”.

That’s all I read.


:-" :smiley: :laughing:

Same, my friend.

A = A men

Well, that makes it “more-on”, doesn’t it.

Please do not use big words like “eon” in your posts.

It’s “eon”, not “e-on”.

I know you’re always living on the internet and all, but please don’t use words you can’t handle.

The irony here is that you’re quite the peon.

Yes, I can tell that you can only get what you want by distorting what others inform you of.
That has been rather apparent from the beginning.

And you guys seriously thing that anyone is falling for any of this?
:laughing: :laughing:

Conspiracy theorists make more progress. :laughing:

That’s all I read.

May I suggest that you try lucid dreaming?
It could help you to become more aware of the workings of your mind, as well as improve your ability to discern between what is real and what is not.

Sorry, I don’t take suggestions from the type that do no work, but criticizes other people’s work.

Think about it.
In lucid dreams you could be ANYTHING!

Only a good-for-nothing & do-nothing type that takes reality for granted would give that kind of advice.

Ive noticed this is the root cause of human error, modern stupidity and laziness that manifest as sarcasm, denial, anger, or arrogance: these people take their life and world for granted.

That is why universal, philosophical or poetic vision alone frees men from that slavery of smallness, genius is always based in the natural expansiveness of perception and perspective that is co-extensive with the universe itself. We free ourselves from slavery to smallness when we look beyond ourselves and conprehend the larger, finite, conditional nature of our selves and our world.

Then genius ultimately comes to rest in universal, infinite perception and perspective, if for no other reason than because the errors of fellow earth-dwellers become so unbearable.