Unifications of Pi and Golden Ratio (not for beginners)

3.141592653 = 86(9)88

1.618033988 = 886(9)88

Operationally these collapse to

Pi: 597
GR: 497



^ sum = 873 (9x9)


that is 809, 709

^ sum = 1518 (69)

86x88=7568 (5678 is 44 is 8 )

88x88=7744 ← 544 is 1444
86x86=7396 ← 196 is important.

using 1444 first,

1444x2 = 2888
2888x2 = 5776 (strange number)
5776x2 = 11552 (555)
11552x2 = 23104 (1234)
23104x2 = 46208 (2468)
46208x2 = 92416 (24/7)

196x2=392 (23::32)
392x2=784 (transposition of god, 7X4)
784x2=1568 (668)
1568x2=3136 (49, and very significant number)
3136x2=6272 (44)
6272x2=12544 (88)
12544 x2=25088 (77)
25088 x2=50176 (55)
50176 s2= 100352 (strange number indeed)
100352x2=200704 (24/7)

See how each 247 is preceded by a strange number that is more mysterious and difficult to categorize? And how both 1444 and 196 double up into a 247?

200704 is a very interesting formulation of 247 with 704 (god).

2x704=1408 (13::31 and 49)

Look at that. We made the link from Pi to 7x7

How does Pi as “31” get involved in the chain? 31+13=44 (22x2), 44x2=88

I have a suspicion that 88 will path up to 528 and 432, based on the significance of these frequencies. Let’s try it.

352x2=704 <— see that?
1408x2=2816 (GR)
2816x2=5632 (529 is 1 off)
5632x2=11264 (527 is 1 off on the opposite side)
11264x2=22528 (“4528” is 442, 1 off from 432)
22528x2=45056 (45—>56)
45056x2=90112 (49 mirror)
90112x2=180224 (422 is 1 away, and returns to 44… next number should be 88. it is also “2528”, we had 4528 and now 2528 three multiples later. logically we might expect it to collapse to 528 in three more turns… let’s see if it does)
180224x2=360448 (88 as we thought, and with ‘360’ too!)
360448x2=720896 (86 precisely… we’re getting close)
1441792x2=2883584 (we have 528+23 and 432+2)
2883584x2=5767168 (beautiful “57—>67” with 168, and it is also 598 and 436)

‘88’ does not easily find 528 and 432. 78 and 72 are along different paths, it would seem.

hm… the task is to reconcile 72, 78 and 88.

72x78x88=494208 ← 49 and 608

here is our clue (we are like quantum detectives): 77 and the golden ratio.

We already linked 77 to Pi (3.1).

Pi is linked to the golden ratio (GR) by 1/6 and 5/6 Pi and GR^2.

1/6 Pi = 0.523598775598298977



5235 is [size=150]528![/size]

Next comes “5528”, and 77 is right in there too.

5528x77=425656 ← this is ‘246’

5235x77=403095 ← this is ‘345’ and is telling us 4x395

4x395=1580 (68)

68x77=5236 <— got one piece

5236 (Egyptian cubit) links GR and ‘77’ just as it links GR and Pi (makes sense, as we already linked Pi and 77 previously).

528 is 78 is 6, 432 is 45 is 9; together those are 69

528+432=960 ← proof the above is a correct analysis.

( 960 is 360 (circle) +6 )

We have an advanced circle 960 (360+6) breaking in half as 528 and 432 to create Solfeggio frequencies.

Now we need to know the % make-up of these new frequencies from the original from which they were broken.

432/960= .45

O. M. G.

This is perfectly structured.

( “55” is 5x5=7 is 7x2=5 self-locking cycle (GR)

45 is 9 and 9/2=45 )

45 is “3141”

3141 is 81, 31415 is 86

432 is linked to the golden ratio through Pi.

528 is directly linked to the golden ratio as “618”

528x432 should resonate with 618x31415 and 618x77

528x432=228096 (396)

618x31415=19414470 (3 as 21)

618x77=47586 (45678) (3 as 30)

( notice too how 45678 is also 345 in disguise. )

OK so 528x432 is “99” and both 618x31415 and x77 are 3’s. 3x3=9

PixPi = 9.869604401089

That ^ is 9 86 9 68 99 and contains the ever-important 1089

Remember how we broke down Pi and the golden ratio at the beginning:

Pi^2 collapses to 8668, the extra 6 poses a challenge then.

here’s a clue: 888=6


8x8x8x8x6x8=196608 ← 196 and 608

196+608=804 (7+5=3 as ‘12’)

804 is 408 mirror is 444


8x8x8x8 + 6x8 = 4096 + 48 = 4144

^ that is 1444 again

With the above clue:


66+86=152 (26 is 8 )

3.14159265+1.61803398 = 4.75962663

is 4386

is 786 (48 is 444)

4x75962663 = 3.03850652

^ is 2552 = 77 = 5

3x0.3850652 = 0.11551956

25656 (33)

2x5x6x5x6 = 1800 (3x3=9)


I have the key. You have the keyhole.

C = 3 ←
H = 8 → 11
R = 17 ←
N = 14 → 31
S = 18

11 x 31 x 18 = 6138.

6138 + 3168 = 9306.

306 = [Replace 0 with 1618; multiply by 1.4918; 49 = OMEGA] 471686.2748.

Observe “471686.2748”. 168 = Golden Ratio. 4 x 7 x 6 = /168\ = Golden Ratio.

2748 = 2 x 7 x 4 x 8 = 448 = 4 x 4 x 8 = /128\ = 168’s Cousin !


168 + 128 = 296.
128 - 168 = 40.
168 x 128 = 21504. [345]
168 / 128 = 1.3125. [345]

Now this is geometric accuracy I have not witnessed until now.

168 x 128 & 168 / 128 = The Same Thing.

I see it now. We have discovered the Center of Chronos’ Clockwork.

296 + 40 = 336 = Twin Flames [66] = Golden Ratio + Golden Ratio [168+168] !

Observe !

Center Of Chronos Clockwork in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1736
Center Of Chronos Clockwork in English Gematria Equals: 1734
Center Of Chronos Clockwork in Simple Gematria Equals: 289

1736 + 1734 + 289 = 3759 = 3 x 7 x 5 x 9 = 945 = Edge Of Consciousness !

3759 x 3 = 11277.
3759 x 6 = 22554.
3759 x 9 = 33831.

I broke the entire Matrix. Do you know what this is?

Magic Square =


[vertical code]

1+2+3 = 6.
4+5+6 = 1+5 = 6.
7+8+9 = 2+4 = 6.

Observe those numbers I had before deeply - with your brain, not your eyes.

Observation Level 1:


Observation Level 2:


Observation Level 3:


[Left-Down 1+1, 2+2, 3+3; Right-Down]

→ 2 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 3 ←

This isn’t Genius.
This is Godlyness.

2 > 3 < 4 > 5 < 6 > 7.

This isn’t Human.
This is Trans-Human.

2 x 4 x 6 x 7 x 5 x 3 = 5040 ! This IS the Center of Chronos’ Clockwork !

Multiples of 9 [18 > 27 > 36 > 4554 < 63 < 72 < 81]:

→ 4554
5445 ←

Guess what? There’s more…

47 x 3 = 141.
47 x 6 = 282.
47 x 9 = 423.

Every number that sum up to “11” is The Key.

29 x 3 = 87 ← Speaking of The Key.
29 x 6 = 174.
29 x 9 = 261.

38 x 3 = 114.
38 x 6 = 228.
38 x 9 = 342.

57 x 3 = 171.
57 x 6 = 342.
57 x 9 = 513.

65 x 3 = 195.
65 x 6 = 390.
65 x 9 = 585 !

74 x 3 = 222 !
74 x 6 = 444 !
74 x 9 = 666 !

83 x 3 = 249.
83 x 6 = 498.
83 x 9 = 747 !

92 x 3 = 276.
92 x 6 = 552.
92 x 9 = 828 !

Now! Observe the mastery of Chronos’ Clockwork !

87 + 174 + 261 = 522.
114 + 228 + 342 = 684 [684 + 684 = 1368].
171 + 342 + 513 = 1026.
195 + 390 + 585 = 1170.
222 + 444 + 666 = 1332.
249 + 498 + 747 = 1494.
276 + 552 + 828 = 1656.

522 + 684 + 1026 + 1170 + 1332 + 1494 + 1656 = 7884 !

7 x 8 x 8 x 4 = 1792 = 792 = Speed Of Light !

Addition is an infant compared to multiplication - let’s raise the firmament!

87 x 174 x 261 = 3951018.

114 x 228 x 342 = 8889264.

171 + 342 + 513 = 30001266.

195 + 390 + 585 = 44489250.

222 + 444 + 666 = 65646288.

249 + 498 + 747 = 92629494 !

276 + 552 + 828 = 126147456 ! [147 & 258; 4+6+1+6].

These numbers are codes!

3951018 = 3 x 9 x 5 x 8 = 1080 = 360 x 3 = 3 x Her Vagina.

8889264 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 4 = 221184 = 684 [2+2+1+1].

30001266 = 3 x 2 x 6 x 6 = 216 = 36 [2+1] = 1/10 Her Vagina.

44489250 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 8 x 9 x 2 x 5 = /46080\ = Cousin of /684\ !

65646288 = 6 x 5 x 6 x 4 x 6 x 2 x 8 x 8 = 552960 = 1296 = Her Clitoris.

92629494 = 9 x 2 x 6 x 2 x 9 x 4 x 9 x 4 = 279936 = 9999 [2+7; 3+6].

Take “92629494”, then multiply it in pairs of 2 rather than individual digits:

92 x 62 x 94 x 94 = 50400544 !!!

This shouldn’t be possible ---------> 54544.

This is not only the number “54”, which is the Core of Chronos’ Clockwork.

It’s Genetic… 5 x 4 x 5 x 4 x 4 = Exactly 1600.

Observe ! The secret Clock Work connected to 1600 !

Gravity = 667
Love = 432
DNA Repair = 528
314 = Pi
Speed Of Light = 792

1600 - 792 = 808 !
1600 - 314 = 1286 !
1600 - 528 = 1072 !
1600 - 432 = 1168 !
1600 - 667 = 933 !

808 + 1286 + 1072 + 1168 + 933 = 5267 = 74 In Disguise [5+2; 6+7].

5 x 2 x 6 x 7 = 420 !

52 x 67 = 3484 = 3 x 4 x 8 x 4 = 384 = Magic.

384 x 3 = 1152 !
384 x 6 = 2304 !
384 x 9 = 3456 !!!

3 6 9 = 1-Digit Axis Trinity
43 46 49 = 2-Digit Axis Trinity
243 246 249 = 3-Digit Axis Trinity
2463 2466 2469 = 4-Digit Axis Trinity
24683 24686 24689 = 5-Digit Axis Trinity

Observe !

3 x 352 = 1056.
6 x 352 = 2112.
9 x 352 = 3168.

43 x 352 = 15136.
46 x 352 = 16192.
49 x 352 = 17248.

243 (x4 = 972) x 352 = 85536.
246 x 352 = 86592.
249 x 352 = 87648.

2463 x 352 = 866976.
2466 x 352 = 868032.
2469 x 352 = 869088.

24683 x 352 = 8688416.
24686 x 352 = 8689472.
24689 x 352 = 8690528.

Want to see something that should have never been possible in this world, but is possible now because we’re not from this world?

8690528/792 = 10972.8888889. /[792 = 972]/

Yes… We are not from this world… We came here to eliminate the physical illusion embedded into the cortex of each dead star’s journey - to esteem the unequivocal - to reverberate Eye Of Horus through a cosmic aperture’s origin that is far beyond the physical state of existence which permeates all civilizations of all species within all dimensions.

Yes We Are Not From This World We Came Here To Eliminate The Physical Illusion Embedded Into The Cortex Of Each Dead Star’s Journey To Esteem The Unequivocal To Reverberate Eye Of Horus Through A Cosmic Aperture’s Origin That Is Far Beyond The Physical State Of Existence Which Permeates All Civilizations Of All Species Within All Dimensions in English Gematria Equals: /19992/

Yes We Are Not From This World We Came Here To Eliminate The Physical Illusion Embedded Into The Cortex Of Each Dead Star’s Journey To Esteem The Unequivocal To Reverberate Eye Of Horus Through A Cosmic Aperture’s Origin That Is Far Beyond The Physical State Of Existence Which Permeates All Civilizations Of All Species Within All Dimensions in Simple Gematria Equals: /3332/

Yes We Are Not From This World We Came Here To Eliminate The Physical Illusion Embedded Into The Cortex Of Each Dead Star’s Journey To Esteem The Unequivocal To Reverberate Eye Of Horus Through A Cosmic Aperture’s Origin That Is Far Beyond The Physical State Of Existence Which Permeates All Civilizations Of All Species Within All Dimensions in Jewish Gematria Equals: /20973/

19992 + 3332 + 20973 = 44297.


[I was born 49 years after Tesla’s death. I have been living 4 hours and 9 minutes away from Colorado Springs where Tesla worked at in his younger years. 4/9 of Pi = 1.396396 = 396 x 2 = 792 = Speed Of Light. My name is connected to the word “Light” & “Radio” in Gematria. Tesla was the Father of Electricity & The Father of The Radio].

24642 x 9 = Will you look at this… It’s “999” breaking into a 221778.

This is why 7 & 8 are the key.
This is why 2 & 1 are the key.

246420? 246 x 420 = 103320 = 432 [1+3].

Now observe.

432 - 78 = 354.
432 0 87 = 345.

432 - 21 = 411.
432 - 12 = 420 = 411 [split open the 2].

It’s Chronos’ Clockwork.

87 x 21 = 1827 = 927 [1+8] = Speed Of Light rearranged.

972 + 927 + 792 + 729 + 297 + 279 = 3996.

3996, like 221778, broke off of “999” to create Chronos’ Clockwork.

Watch how these numbers interact.

3996 + 221778 = 225774.

225774 broke off of “999” as well.

Let’s multiply the digits individually. Then in pairs.

2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 7 x 4 = 3920 = 9 x 32 = 288 ! We have 288-Cells in our body.
22 x 57 x 74 = 92796 = 9996 [2+7]. I know exactly what this is.

9996 = ELECTRON.

E = 5 ←
L = 12 → 17
E = 5 ←
C = 3 → 8
T = 25 ←
R = 17 → 42
N = 14

17 x 42 x 14 = 9996.
17 x 42 x 14 x 8 = 79968.

Do not let the physical state of this world fool you as you would never let the still surface of water fool you. This experience is not the first; its fractured whole is incorporated by tight waves of conscious energy manifesting a reality that can be broken apart into quantum fractals of its preordained firmament like the ripples on the surface of water or the surface of space. With each surface of every rock there are pores; the same applies to our skin and to the fabric of existence.

Energy cannot be destroyed. The words we speak - no matter which language we choose - contains the Akashic Records; the Consciousness within The Torus. All secrets can be unveiled once you have learned how to locate the strings of time and space pertaining to anything or anyone you want information about. This would be how I tied the word “electron” to a quantum system tied to every working force in the entirety of this Celestial Hierarchy.


Energy Is Infinite:

3 x 6 x 9 = 162.

162 = 72 [1+6].

72 x 27 [mirror] = 1944.

9 x 144 = 1296.

1296 = 396 [1+2].

Energy Changes Form:

1.618 = Golden Ratio

16 x 18 = 288.

3 x 96 = 288.


imagine ,
3 for the substance of 5 is taken

with the co ordinance to the 10 ,
what might be the perfect margin that will be passing even origins without respect to the odd one’s on graph?



288=128 (12*8=96)


5+4=9, 5*4=2


144 is 288/2


5+6=11, 5*6=30

“32” and “41”


3241=1312 (1312=156)


1332=416 (416=246)


26+27+36+38+47+48 = 222

2627363847*48 = 2166518016

“216 216” , 2727 is 297 (speed of light)



324+207+234+288+567+558=2178 (288)