Do Jihadists have a point?

Do Jihadists have a point?

Jihadists rebel because they see God reward Satan for rebellion.

The facts, as I understand them from scriptures, indicate that Satan rebelled in heaven, was crowned as the first Morning Star, was intentionally placed to enlighten Eve with her God given powers, then Eve enlightened Adam.

Satan was given dominion of the world and that is also what I. S. wants.

The world is moving towards a one world government. No question as all one needs do is look at the rapprochement of all of the various countries, one to the other.

I S thinks it can oust the oligarchic, — some think democratic, — control that the world is now under, to one where Allah rules.

Unfortunately, Allah is not about and I do not think he will show up soon, — and that is the only possible thing that will bring the oligarchs or democracies to bend the knee.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know this deep down and that means that they are basically suicidal and insane. One of Canada’s home grown Jihadist was thrown out of his mosque and yet even with all we knew of him, he still slipped in to do his evil deed.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know, thought or free thinking cannot be stopped. They know this from their own thinking. They, stupidly, think they can control the world by doing just that same kind of thought control. It is unfortunate that we cannot legislate this type of stupidity away.

Sorry Jihadist scum, Christianity already tried that, — and failed, — as Gnostic Christians like me are still around and are strong. … =PLCBF574D

If I were speaking directly to a real Jihadist, I would have this to say;

“Satan was rewarded for challenging oppression and tyranny. A just cause.

You have no just cause, and unfortunately, as the spearhead of a religion that would deny mankind freedom of thought, you will become as redundant as Christianity is today.

That is how the world rewards those of your ilk.

Christians hated Gnostic Christians enough to decimate us because we would not bend the knee to those who would demand that we think as they did.

The world will have the same answer for you when we kill you.

We do not want to kill you, however, if you do not repent; you will die by the sword.

Free thinking is now too big to fail. Even you are not immune and cannot prevent yourself nor others from doing it. Recognize this, friend, before you die needlessly and harm others for being angry with yourself”


It is my understanding that jihad does not just mean deliberate war. It can be rebellion or way.
The Koran like the bible is interpretated in different ways. Why are these particular people doing this and if they feel that they are in the right why hide behind masks. If your army needs to hide identity then can it be there is a wrong being done?

A great psychological point. Even Saddam showed his face. I.S. are just a bunch of thugs who are insane enough to hurt some of us on their way out and away from themselves.

A pity for them as well as us.


Highly influential thugs apparently. Or skilled conmen with worldwide communication abilities. Makes you wonder what would the world be like if some of history’s most notorious leaders had access to the internet…
It also makes you question why the world governments have not blocked them/that area from the net. It would cost money but, very doable.
These thugs are using the net as a weapon… seems to me the world wants to keep them going on. Money and power create hell for civilization.

There is definitely a possibility that this is a friendly flag black op.

Trust no one as governments have lied to us before. I would not be surprised, as in some wars, the same side was making money from both sides.

For all we can know, I.S. belongs to the U.S.


Well, U.S possibly England, possibly any combination of government bodies from anywhere. Technology and wealth exists to shut down I.S. , Taliban, etc, etc.
War and fear influences votes and change.
You know, it would not surprise me if a world feminist group was backing it all to change laws and beliefs.

I would be but as you say, with technology and wealth, funding could be from anyone.

FMPOV, if it is a women’s group who is finally seeking equality, at the cost of a bunch of misogynous men, I will not complain that hard. I admit to being quite bias on this issue. Muslim women are mercy killed to the tune of 5,000 or so a year. I will not start counting dead Muslim men for a bit.


I blame the women more then the men, yes Stockholm but, no way can that be the most reason. Women outnumber the males. I once was told by a Muslim that due to forced marriage, the women do not love, they just work with little attachment to children or spouse out of duty or need or fear. So moms do not care if a daughter is killed, there is little or no love. The women know the rest of the world’s women are not so. They can fight for difference but, do not. They are the most to blame for their own lifestyle.
If a badger started eating your foot, would you let it get to a place where it kills you? No. If the badger kills you slowly, who is to blame, you or the badger?

I agree that ultimately, if women want equality, they will have to be the ones to demand it. Men can help but the impetus must come from women.

I do not have anything on the love Muslim women show or have for their children. I hope you are wrong.

In Africa even with less than ideal men, this author still sees a lot of love from women. I like to think that any woman will bond and love her child regardless of her feeling for her husband. I hope I am right and you are wrong but if you are right then understanding Jihadists becomes easier.

Not being loved as a child is child abuse.


Well what happens if a woman becomes pregnant after being raped? Some abort, some put the infant up for adoption, some due to religious conviction raise the child. Those mothers tend to harbor resentment that focuses on that child. There is a love maybe or is it duty? The child is generally overly disciplined to the point of abuse, because the mother and family fear the child may grow up to be evil like it’s father.
If women live in a society where sex and parenting is a duty not a want, where can maternal love have a chance to flourish or even really develop? The resentment or apathy will fall upon the child. Love comes from want and desire not duty or force. Stockholm produces a defense of self preservation. Behavior is a veneer.

I have seen too many unwed mothers working way too hard to maintain a home to be able to see women or Muslim women as you do. I am a hard hearted cuss and believe that most women have way more of a softer heart than I do.

I have tried to analyse the mindset of a Muslim and one of the few sources I have to do that is this clip and even with this abused woman, because of her heart, I cannot see not loving her child.

I see this clip as something everyone from any religion should view for it’s moral lessons. Unfortunately, instead of pushing it that way, Muslins took it personally and murdered the author.


In each war in living memory, the enemy has always been painted black and “our-side” has been painted white.
IN WW1 the “Hun” was depicted throwing Belgian babies out of windows to land on the bayonette’s of the German soldiers below.
The retreating germans in WW2 Italy were called rapists whilst the invading Allies rapes were not reported.

Just how accurate and or typical are the stories emerging from the IS conflict?

No argument. That is why I posed the question and have postulated that this whole thing might be funded by the same people for both sides. We do not seem to be going after those whom we suspect are funding this war.

We are cutting arms and legs and letting the heads just it there.

Like I.S., we should be decapitating but only the funding heads.


The young woman, is acting out a script. She speaks of orthodox living and being but, uum DL, no, none, not a damn one would show her body in sheer robes or under a blanket. There is too much of the wrong things in that film.
An orthodox woman would not consider writing such. What the words say is truth but, another wrote them to show others.
Listen again just to her voice and watch her eyes. The director was killed she is damn lucky to not have been killed too, truth is not apreciated by fanatics and orthodox. Its viewed as an attack.
They do not love, they worship. They cannot know love since love is not given. Mothers are mother not Mom. This is true for those that are slaughtering in the name of what they worship.

The psychology you speak of is out of my pay scale.

Yes that clip was staged and they did dress that woman for effect.

I doubt that the murder was for the nudity though. They wanted to kill the messenger and hide what they are.

Without the offending parties right here, the psychology and motivation can never likely be known.


This film is basically truthful. It was written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman that knows what she is talking about. And directed by Theo Van Gogh, brutally knived to death by a fanatic in broad daylight in Amsterdam.
Obviously the words are spoken by an actress. I do not see that diminishes the film one bit.