
I am the official representative of Krisna. I will offer timeless spiritual insights.

I am very displeased with the world.

As remedy,

I offer two wisdoms…Courage, and Love

Too much cowardice in men. Instead of fear, be free. Be assertive. Do not fear ridicule, embarassment, or pain. Stand up for truth and love.

Discard all garbage. Much of the internet and your culture is filled with garbage.

Love. Give love freely and to all. Live for love, but not at the expense of animals. Your world consists of selfish meat eaters and animal abusers. This causes me great pain.

Another problem with your species is lust. The ancient religions were not as silly as you laugh at them. Lust is a toxic thing. Discard lust. I believe nude bodies will decrease the amount of lust. Sexual clothing promotes lust, while natural nude bodies decreases toxic lust. Lust is a wall, and a form of unfulfilled hunger, a source of pain. In order to fix your world you need to give love freely. Love is not taboo. Making friends is not taboo.

That is all for now, until I recieve my next awakening.

An important fact to live by, do not focus on the words themselves, but the meaning behind the words. Feel it inside yourself. For example, when I describe garbage, it is better for you to find the garbage inside of yourself, which you know to be true, rather than I explain it in words which may confuse. You must find the truth inside of yourself, which you know to be true, I cannot make the journey for you.

With love, Krisna

Can I eat creatures that are killed with my bare hands, like this horse?

Why should I show compassion to animals, and not eat them, despite God clearly intending me to be a meat eater, with teeth designed for meat eating, and intestines equipped to do so, and furthermore, the Vedas showing to be a proper Brahmin, one must eat meat… but I have to fight stupid, insane, all consuming wars that border on nuclear genocide, murdering countless divisions and brigades of enemy soldiers all because of some bullshit interpretation of what dharma means? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck Nooooooooooo!

I want to eat mean from a stupid chicken or cow, and NOT murder my next of kin because some blue guy who blows up cities and tortures animals for fun tells me I have to.

I mean, the guy ran around bashing heads open on a battle field with a broken chariot wheel, and refused any side to withdrawal or peacefully negotiate. Why in the hell should anyone heed this guys call for compassion to dumb animals, when he can’t even give it to men?

This is a serious question. You don’t answer, I’m storming your milk flooded heaven that the cows wade in and poop un, and the enlightened slurp up, and I will eat you.

Killed for no fucking reason. They were clearly a advanced and well educated, enlightened people, and just straight up and slaughtered for no good reason. Was Krishna hungry? Can I eat them too? Does it become sinful to eat the carcasses of enlightened people a blue God mass murders out of a whim?

Too many images of Krisna torturing and murdering animals and forcing humans to fight needless wars, will continue the mosaic in others posts in this thread.

How many creatures, how many innocent soldiers, have died in history due your insanity and bloodlust, oh Krishna?

Quit lecturing me in stuff you don’t even follow, and pass the steak sauce.

Oh, and answer me this, why is it, in lands where Krisna isn’t resident, they try the hardest to NOT be cruel to animals they kill to eat the meat of, but in lands where Krisna is worshipped, they do incredibly fucked up sacrifices?

So much for the sacredness of cows.

Have you got a link for that mass slaughter?

No Lev, cause I don’t want you to attend it. Its all I need is for you to suddenly find religion at that yearly festival.

In lands without Krisna, the animals die, but only for consumption or to stop plague, or over population. In Islam, the goal is to kill the animals prior to them feeling pain. We try hard in our mechanical butcher process to reduce the pain and awareness as much as possible.

In India, cows are worked to death, beatened, anger taken out on them, till they grow old, and are sold for their meat. Not even western cows are punished like this, they enjoy their pasture largely treated well till death, and that comes largely painless. We have a cow butcher on this site you can talk to.

In India, they force screaming baby animals down spikes, crying from the intense pain. All for what?

Meat eaters could never take this kind of enjoyment from killing their meat. The Tibetans eat meat all the time, and they are very careful not to be cruel. But India… everything, everyone must die horribly. Please keep away from us Krisna. Wherever you go, cruelty follows. Its the only thing I can see from the evidence I’ve found.

I’m going to eat a big steak tonight. From a cow who died quickly, with little pain, and feeds dozens. A cow who walked the fields unmolested, wasn’t beaten or subjected to cruelity, like in India.

I forgot to mention… India is the largest exporter of beef on the planet.

Its all meat they themselves could of been eating too.

I forgot the second part of your message:

Krisna used to have wood orgies where every woman would race to fuck, even if married married to someone else. Women who couldn’t escape from their husbands to fuck him are said to be punished for deeds in past lives!

Who the fuck are you kidding man? He fucked 16000 women each night. He would torture animals left and right, and start world wars, and stop the leaders from reasoning or peacefully concluding the war.

Damn, Turd. Way to scare off a new member.

Krisna was ejected from our Noble race of Blues for being too much of a troll, and looking too much like Michael Jackson. My apologies. As leader of the Blues, I will make sure they don’t show their head in here again.

Please, you can’t scare them off. ISKCON is militantly Anti-Intellectual, only met one I could ever hold a in depth conversation with. I’ve been to several of their temples, read their anti-defamation league forum, and even took on a forum ISKCON member (he was in it for 30 years) as a student in the philosophy of statecraft (he was also a airforce vet, and a Cynic.)

I know enough about them that they recoil, but aren’t scared off. Its like Mormons when you bring up Swedenborg, they leave for a time bewildered, but its just to call for backup.

Had he approached us differently, knowing this was a philosophy site, and jumped into a analysis of the Soul-SuperSoul relation, or “What is transcendentalism in the Upanishads vs Kant” I wouldn’t of responded. But he had to muck up and force obviously heavily contradictory dogma down everyone’s throats here. Its not easy to advocate Buddhist Ethics in the garb of Vedic Warrior Lore, I can’t imagine two more hostile, mutually annihilistic systems of philosophy contrasting one another. You can’t preach one thing and claim it is the wishes of a guy who lived doing the exact opposite, on a very consistent basis.

Closest Krishna came to being like the Buddha (who ethics are advocated in the OP) was the talk he gave to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Calm, collected, intellectual, spiritual. Missed the whole nonviolence ideal however completely, as the story is told on a war chariot between battle lines, in a effort to goad Arjuna into fighting a massive battle. Arjuna was having conscious pangs about the coming slaughter. Buddha would of taken that conversation in a whole different direction. There would of been no battle, and any prescriptions for ethical nonviolence would of been more believable.

Likewise with the lust. 16000 women a night, plus extramarital wood orgies with all the women who could manage to escape to fuck him. Buddha left his wife and child, to become as ascetic, in a effort to conquer lust, not Krisna. Krisna heavily engaged in it.

In the history of India, after Alexander the Great invaded India, India reorganized under Chanakya and Chandragupta to drive the Greeks out, conquer and unify the Vedic Republics, and create the Maurya Empire. Very soon, they adopted Buddhism as the state religion. It wasn’t until the 7- 9th century AD, right before the Muslim conquests of India, that the Vedantic religion returned to a kind of prominence, and quite frankly, I think its because they took the banner of all of India in resisting the Muslims, not in strength of logical arguments.

They tried fixing it by saying Buddha was a absolutely insane later incarnation of Krsna, accept the non violence, but reject absolutely everything else, as it only applied to that era.

I find the whole operation rather absurd. Plenty of sects in India I have respect for, but why this one group, of all the groups to come, had to flood the west is beyond me. I’d feel better about them if the produced more philosophers. Its not exactly the environment for critical thinking.

Those images all look a bit Disney. And often the adults look like children kinda.

Difference is in Disney the men look like men, not women.

Just realised, while all the women are begging him up in the tree, one chick is motorboating another in the pool. Absolutely no other explanation for why you put your head there.