In the Image of God

I wouldn’t say they entertain me (they are interesting).

No. Life’s easier that way.
It seems that it would be okay then to endorse the killing of humans on the condition that you feel sorry for them.

No. I don’t see much difference between killing vegetables or animals for food.
But what does this aside have to do with the image of God?

Not much?

No, not much. Taking a life is taking a life. What matters is the motive one has for doing so. And motive can be moral or immoral.

Yes. Of course.

Are flys, mosquitos and other insects animals and if so do you kill them?

Is your motive for killing flys and mosquitos a morally good or a morally bad (evil) one?

I don’t have a motive (moral or immoral) for killing insects.

I try not to kill insects if I can help it. A make an exception with Mosquitos. Spiders I’ll let live with me in my apartment. Other bugs I’ll throw outside. Sometimes I’ll have conversations with them before giving them the boot.

At the receiving door in the shop where I worked, a long, black beetle appeared. On spotting it my boss yelled “Kill it!” I picked it up and put it outside. I’m reminded of Sir Toby in “Tristram Shandy” (SIC) who, on observing a fly on his window, opened the window to let it out. He remarked, “Surely in a world as big as this, there is room for me and thee!”
I will swat mosquitos who mistake me for lunch. And I will kill bedbugs.

Is it okay to kill things if they annoy us?

No. Only if they see us as food. I don’t see gnats as necessarily offensive. Some help me drink beer. :smiley:
If we kill what annoys us, ILP would be a slaughterhouse.

So it’s okay for us to kill animals for food and it’s okay for us to kill animals if they see us as food (even if it is the smallest of bites that merely irritate the flesh ever so slightly).

Yep, that’s the way my few left brain cells see it. That does not mean that I cannot be amazed that something the size of a dot is a living creature. I just don’t want to be its food.

So it’s okay to kill any animal that sees you as food?

Most mammals would not see me as food. Insects will. So my answer is yes. My motive is not to be eaten or not to get disease from a bite. So we get into the thorny question of whether or not God wants mosquitos to exist. Maybe God does, but God would respect my life also–that I would have sense enough to destroy carriers of malaria.
Do microbes harmful to humans deserve the right to exist?

I don’t know but I’m not going to worry about it.

Do other humans in various geographic locations around the world have the same rights as you?

At what point (size/cuteness, etc of the animal) would you worry about?