Would a cure for mortality fatally wound religion?

The only religion i truelly can say that i know is christianity
This would crush it.
The bible says after the flood of noah, that god said, in no uncertain terms will any one man ever live past the age of 120. If we found immortality, many men would reach 120 and surpass it, this would show god didnt know what he was talking about, or more likly that he doesnt exsist, since in order for god to be the god he says he is, he must be onipotent, if he’s not onipotent, hes not god, no god no christianity.

There’ve been several men that have lived longer than that in the last century…

Why do you think Xtians demonize vampires? Eternal corporeal life, they say, must be the work of the Devil. Thus demonizing eternal life in the physical realm forces people to focus more on how to achieve eternal life in the spiritual realm…Xtianity of course.

I suppose that’s true, Sage. I still think mortality is the main reason we keep carrying religion on our backs, but my fellow ILP’ers have pointed out some other reasons, too.

My first guess would be because vampires are mythical creatures with ‘demonic antagonist’ as part of their definition. You may as well ask why people demonize Darth Vader.

Sucking blood, sleeping in graves, and bursting into flames when touched by anything holy is probably the work of the Devil, too.

Hate to tell you, but eternal corporeal life is one of those not-so-often- publicized-for-fear-of-being-called-whacky Catholic dogmas:

In fact, the commonly held belief by most Christians that the resurrection is just for souls is considered heresy (due to the “heretical contention of Hymeneus and Philitus that the Scriptures denote by resurrection not the return to life of the body, but the rising of the soul from the death of sin to the life of grace”).

Sure sure, its a bit different, as Catholicism holds you don’t reach this eternal corporeal life until after dying first, but the concept is still Catholic dogma. I don’t know where exactly other Christian faiths stand on this, so I will not comment on them.


Who did?

Genesis 6:3

I don’t see how the fact that a couple of people have lived over 120 years is a Bible-defeating contradiction any more than the billions of people who haven’t lived anywhere near 120 years.

The oldest woman who ever lived was French woman Jeanne-Louise Calment who died at the age of 122 years and 164 days in 1997. This is according to the guinness book of world records and they generally need a fair amount of proof before they award a title to anyone


Well then, my church school teacher was wrong when he said that no one would live past 120.

And a argument against

is the fact that the person here is a woman so… you can say it has to be a man…

Hi everyone

no i don’t think immortality would mean anything as far as religion goes…

First of all… religion is primarily an “origin” for all existence… it’s main purpose is to account for the world around us… then it accounts for our existence… and out “natural” limitations… Whatever we develope (a cure for mortality) does not disprove anything religion has to say… when god decides we need to die… we will die… so if we become immortal it is only becaus god has willed it so… and thus nothing has been disproved…

Secondly… no religios writing, or scripture, is to be considered litiral… otherwise, when we discovered that the world was round and everything didn’t revolve around it, we would have killed off a bunch of religions right then and there…

so all this talk about someone living 122 years is useless… nothing in scripture is litiral…

The only way to kill religion is to prove (without a doubt) the origin of all existence, the ultimate force, and identify it as something other than god, or spiritual…

That’s what i think… however… if there was no such thing… or if it were impossible to prove… then religion will live for as long as we have need of it… and die once we don’t require an explination for the way of things…

that’s what I think anyway…

P.S. I’m new to this forum… so again… Hi everyone… :smiley:

You caught me with that stickler- I thought you meant “man” in the sense of mankind/humanity. The oldest ever woman was indeed Jeanne Louise Calment at age 122. There’s also a 116 yr old woman currently alive and at least one documented 113 year old.

But strictly speaking you may be correct- I can’t find documented proof of a male who is proven to have lived past 120, although I’ve heard of several who claimed to have but lived in areas where birth certificates don’t exist.

I think that’s apparent, yes.

Ironically most religions would die a horrible death.

Simple chain-logic answers this one.

What is mosty religion about?
Heaven and hell/preparing for the afterlife.

Religion is a set of beliefs that force you to live your life in a particular way so that you get into heaven.
If there is no death, you won’t go to heaven or hell.
Therefore there is no need to live your life by the teachings of religion.
Therefore there is no need to go to sermons etc
There is no need to go to a place of worship
There is no need to pay them money
There is no money to pay preachers.
Religion dissapears forever.

That answer your question?

Hi matmilne,

My Religion is about life and the tremendous spectacle that I am witnessing in this life. I only think about heaven and hell when other people mention it and I believe that to prepare for an afterlife, I have first to understand how to live this life.

Therefore your “chainlogic” breaks at the first link :wink:


From what I know, eastern religions are more concerned with some sort of equilibrium that you must achieve in life and less with what happens after we die.

As always, religions will find a way. If we find the cure tomorrow, the indeed, religions would be in serioud trouble. It’s like reviving someone from cerebral death in ancient world and ask them to explain it. If we discover that cure after we have prolongued our lifespan to a 3 digit number or if imortality means that we find a way to put our brain in an artificial body, then religion would find a way more easily.

Some think that a flagrant contradiction of religions main themes could destroy it. That would be true if the act of faith would be entirely logical and rational.

the cure for morality is reality. It doesn’t affect religion since the whole point of religion is to ignore reality by replacing it with a series of fantasies. And then to intertwine those with your emotions which effectively conditions you as a follower. Poor little sheep.

Weak, Mat, very weak…


of course

the truth is harder to believe than a dream