Collection Basket

Today, I was given the honor of collecting donations from the faithful. There were two collections, and I never felt so proud to do the Lord’s work.

And by the way, I have not forgotten to say prayers for you all.

God bless


heu… ok


Frank sends this one out to you-

“Heavenly Bank Account”

And if these words you do not heed

Your pocketbook just kinda might recede

When some man comes along and

Claims a godly need

He will clean you out right through your


Thats right, remember there is a big

Difference between kneeling down

And bending over…

Hes got twenty million dollars

In his heavenly bank account…

All from those chumps who was

Born again

Oh yeah, oh yeah

Hes got seven limousines

And a private plane…

All for the use of his

Special friends

Oh yeah, oh yeah

Hes got thousand-dollar suits

And a wembley tie…

Girls love to stroke it

While hes on the phone

Oh yeah, oh yeah

At the house of representatives

Hes a groovy guy…

When he gives thanks

He is not alone…

He is dealin

He is really dealin

IRS cant determine

Where the hook is

It is easy with the bible

To pretend that

Youre in show biz

They wont get him

They will never get him

For the naughty stuff

That he did

It is best in cases like this

To pretend that

You are stupid

Hes got presidential help

All along the way

He says the grace

While the lawyers chew

Oh yeah

They sure do

And the govenors agree to say:

“hes a lovely man!”

He makes it easier for

Them to screw

All of you…

Yes, thats true!

cause he helps put the fear of god

In the common man

Snatchin up money

Everywhere he can

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Hes got twenty million dollars

In his heavenly bank account

You aint got nothin, people

You aint got nothin, people

You aint got nothin, people

Thank the man…oh yeah

Hello F(r)iends,


POR, I say the following without malice: I struggle to accept you as a true Catholic. In fact, I find it harder to accept you as a Christian. I ponder sometimes if you are not pretending to be Catholic to make a point about the sham behind this Christian denomination.

If you are not a fake, I must admit that your blind faith in your god and your church is somewhat inspiring: how do you hold to your beliefs when everyone seems to ridicule you? Or were you not aware that you are ridiculed.

Again, I state/ask without malice.


I wonder the same thing myself thirst.

I too see this as Thirst does and have always wanted to ask it, and am in no way trying to offend just a mere question.

In all your posts I can’t seem to ever tell if you are just a mere imposture of a Christian and at times it is very hard to see that you are just by the mere simplicity of your posts that seem to always be slightly “bragging” in a sense of your faith. The very idea that you would post something like “I recieved the honor to collect the money of the faithful” seems always as retarded as someone coming on here to say “I shat the biggest shit I have ever shatted today” just for the mere grace and glory or boredom to get on and post. Now I dont mean to ridicule you but alot of the times it seems as though you either post “blindly” much like your faith. What I mean by this is you commonly seem to skim read through things and just post whatever comes to mind and not take into consideration as to what the post was even about. (IE: the post of Satanist are fools, not once did you ever take into consideration that Satanists got there name not from the bible but from its originating word of power and primitive and inherent actions that humans naturally have to stroke there own ego). And this makes me believe that you are either a complete and utter liar about your faith and are posting these posts for the mere enjoyment of pissing people off with certain comments, or are just following your faith to its fullest which is often impossible considering the amount of contradictory things that I see most Christians do, and it is those Christians that seem to make Christianity in its whole less believable. Thanks and ocne again this was not meant to be offensive just observation.


let’s pretend he is serious.

a few points:

why 10%?

why don’t they have to be accountable for the money like other non-profit groups?

(for example - quarterlies, full public disclosure of where the money goes, taxation, etc.)

do you really think god mandated the 10% tithing or man’s mix of religion and government, and there was no “governmental” tax so they collected 10% and did public works with that?

now it takes most governments 18 - 45%. and most of that comes from the working stiff. The upper class uses the built in loopholes to evade taxes.

I am a true believer, if you don’t understand me, then you don’t understand the mystery of faith.

because I am a Catholic.

Thanks Pinnacle.