Aethiests what is your perspective of god?

I was pondering about Aethiests, and i wondered what is your perspective of god Aethiests?

please reply

It is not logical to assume the existence of a God, and until it does, I won’t.

The only reason you can’t disprove the existence of God is because it hasn’t been proven.

Christianity is the perfect tool for religious leaders to control people.

Its not logical to assume the existance of a computer if your a caveman, becuase your not familiar with it does not mean it isnt there.

ive told someone else this and ill tell it to you.

So what made the universe?.. Coincidence…

So what made galaxies?.. Coincidence…

So what made planets?.. Coincidence…

So what made animals?.. Coincidence…

So what made you?.. Coincidence…

So what made amebas?.. Coincidence…

What you call coincidence is what we call god…

Atheists, by definition, have no perspective on ‘god’, because an atheist doesn’t believe ‘god’ exists to begin with.

is this better…
When somebody says god what comes to mind atheists?

and “god” tells you what?

no, your “god” said nothing.

the priest told you that “god” commanded such.

you obey the priest, not “god”


If god could talk directly to you what would be the point in life?

whatever god said… but god doesn’t say anything…


  1. When somebody says god what comes to mind atheists?

Oh, Buuuullllllshit, already!

That tends to be what comes to mind.

…or, Oh fuck, not again…

I must say that as a kid I did not picture the 21st century being so focused on god and other shit from the goddamn dark ages. If I could press a button I would burn the idea of god out of everyone’s brain.


No this is an incorrect definition. Atheism is the denial or rejection of belief/worship in noun gods.

I believe that ‘god’ is Being.

I’m always amazed at the anger. From where does it come, atheists? If it’s directed at the organized religions that you so despise for whatever reasons, I suppose that would be one thing. But it seems to go beyond that.

Why the anger towards those that simply hold a philosophical belief that there is a God?

This confuses me to no end.

It is because many religious people keep talking about their own personal beliefs in such a way as to imply that they have the answer to living.

Also, all Jews, Christians, and Muslims either overtly or covertly imply that their religion is the moral one. These are just bigoted in-groups. Jews and Muslims state that their religion is the chosen religion, while Christians benevolently “put up” with everyone else, thus placing them in a superior position.

These groups attempt to scare people and install anxiety about nothing.

The fear and whatnot are just a means of social control.

All of this gives the groups a “will to power” that is based on a fallacy. I hate that.

I would be ok with religious people if they decided to never talk about any of it again. They must though.

There’s much more, but I have to cut this short.

All generalizations.

Is this sufficient to want to “burn the idea of god out of everyone’s brain”?

Yes, that are taken from facts.

Additionally, in a general discussion one can speak generally.

But I asked a specific question.

Why the anger towards those that simply hold a philosophical belief that there is a God?

You’ve not provided an adequate answer to why you wish to “burn the idea of god out of everyone’s brain.” You’ve instead provided generalizations representing your views on people who hold a belief that God exists.

I have grappled with this question for quite some time, and I realize, now, that it isn’t them that I am angry with, but rather myself.

First, I consider the individual who voluntarily believes in “God” to be a sort of sub-human, a sadistic creature that exhibits an intellectual mechanism used through weakness to reconcile their lack of capacity to endure pain. While a disposition toward “God” should always be a resistence, that is, a refusal to follow “God’s” law at any costs, this individual instead practices adherence. I must also add that I can only imagine a manevolent “God,” which means that there is absolutely no excuse for this existence other than its whim, while human existence is indeed a very serious affair, with very real suffering, despair, and coercion. The religious individual is sick, with an addiction to suffering, and rather than reacting to the possibility of “God’s” existence, and making an attempt to liberate oneself from the tragedy by seeking death or total power, they glorify it and kneel down in the shit.

Basically it is a form of retardation, and much of this condition is generated not only through intellectual incompetence, but also through physical circumstances; they haven’t yet suffered enough to demand either death or liberation, and their submission to this fate is the effect of their weakness.

So we have a magnificent irony here. If God exists, our existence is in worse shape than if God didn’t exist, because then there would be no actual justification for pain and suffering, and without a justification there would be no reason. When we believe in God, while also experiencing this life, we must also necessarily found it upon the whim of this God, which would, for us, be merely a reason with no justification. “God allows X and Y, but we can’t know why.”

It is my own belief that “religious” people are to be used up, exploited and consumed. The anger I experience with myself is my own lack of courage to do this, because if I did I would jeopardize my freedom-- I can’t kill a man and expect not to be pursued and incarcerated. The sheer numbers are overwhelming and there is law enforcement everywhere. Finally it comes down to my own preparedness to die, which I do not yet have. Meanwhile, I am forced to reduce my temperment to that of the religious person; I must grow accustomed to suffering. I must bare the disease of the religious as they infect every aspect of my life.

The belief in God is the worst thing that ever happened to this planet, but it takes an ironist to realize this.

So remember that it isn’t a “hatred” for the religious that I have; I do not blame an organism for its decadence, I blame myself for allowing them to exist.


Sorry about that. I believe that the idea of god, the afterlife, and hell drives people insane. Also, as I said, I believe that religion is a machine for bigotry.
I believe that it is all like a mental virus. It even spreads like one.

I find myself feeling fear and anger when I hear about children learning this stuf. It’s like people are setting out to drive them crazy.

Basically it is a form of retardation…

As nasty as that sounds I tend to agree. I just can’t believe that any adult would fall for it. There has to be something wrong.

Thanks, Detrop! I made an observation about you recently on another thread. It’s gratifying to know my intuitions were correct.


Your placing your belief in the non-existance of god, on a higher pedestal than someone else’s belief in god. On top of that your calling them retarded for believing in god.


now you’ve got one thing left to do. Prove god doesn’t exist. If you can’t do that, you’ve trapped yourself within your own box. You can’t claim knowledge to something you can’t prove. It’s an opinion a belief. A belief as Hassooni, stated that is based on the presumption of randomness and chaos, which is at odds with the deterministic world most of you atheists believe in. How did we evolve by chance? by determination? how can you prove that?

As an agnostic many of you theists have been roasted by my challenges for the burden of proof to be on the theist to prove the existence of god. I’m officially changing my stance, I think that atheists have more burden of proof to prove the non-existance of god.

really if you can’t prove that and you claim to “know” that god doesn’t exist your lying.

The theist only lays claim to “believe” in god’s existence.


“god” is such an ambiguous word that it is pointless to discuss it with others.