God's existence at last proven!!!

the problem of the conditions of validity of analogical reasonings.

Our understanding of the world is built through analogical reasonings, but analogical reasonings prove nothing. Only the empirical adequacy of the analogous relations themselves justifies them, but they are not grounded in these. Always other analogous readings can provide empirical adequacy as well, and often do.


now follow me:

  1. Machines are made of atoms.

  2. Our planet is also made of atoms.

  3. Therefore, according to the rules of analogy, our planet is similar to machines.

  4. But our planet is made by no one.

  5. Therefore, according to the rules of analogy, our planet must be similar to machines in this other respect.

  6. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that no one as an intelligent creator is behind the creation of earth.

And deconstruction prevails! Yay!

Iroel, doesn’t your “4. But our planet is made by no one.” assume that there was no God who created it? Hence you are assuming what you are trying to prove, also known as a circular argument.

Are you even taking me seriously?

I have no reason not to.

How does the existance of Atoms prove Gods existance? Mind going a bit further with this?

“The Universe is made up of Stories, not atoms”
- Muriel Rukeyser

God is a robot? Damn, why didn’t I see it before?

Perhaps god is Atoms considering Atoms are made up of everything?

No, no, you almost had it! Silly Lasko… He meant Atum, not Atom

[size=75]…or did he mean Adam?[/size]

Perhaps what you meant is “everything is made of atoms”. At any rate, it is false: take the light.

Sam, Pisa, Dunamis,

An analogy is said to be made according to a likeness of form. Your comparison is similar in the likeness of matter. Which doesn’t tell you much unless you look at the form of the substanding atoms…and their order.

Argument from analogy can be an important way of understanding things.


(Iroel, good to see you again. Wish it was on a better occasion.
How do like my current location statement??) :smiley:

Dantesque :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I didn’t think someone could miss me…maybe I’ll start posting a bit more from now on :smiley:

For an analogy to be inductivly strong. (Valid is technically the wrong word but whatever.) The two items must be similar in a relevant way, really more than one relevant ways. Composition by atoms here seems to be quite an irrelevant property.

In any case, no analogy can be as good a proof as a deductive syllogism.

hmm, im sorry but personally i think that is quite possibly the most flawed argument anyone could produce. :confused:

  1. The earth is shaped like a meatball.

  2. Meatballs are made by chefs.

  3. Therefore, the earth was made by a chef.

and on the seventh day, he rested in a bed of noodles…

the gospel according to boy-ar-dee


I’m christian, but even I don’t believe in this interesting theory :slight_smile:

Most probably, everything physical is atom-based.

I don’t even want to think what kind of comparisons you can imagine :slight_smile:
But yes, everything physical can be similar to the Earth, by your logic.

Mhm, yes.

Already proven :wink:

Well, that’s just like a jump in the river - nothing common with the topic :slight_smile: That could be similar, but if we follow the string we’ll get to the theory, that people created the earth… damn, where have we lived before that :unamused:

No offence, just don’t think it could be outside Mundane Bable :laughing: :wink:

Well, the error is clearly just in Premise 5. Rules of analogy? I never heard of that. If two things resemble each other in one way, they must resemble each other in any other arbitrary way I choose? That’s an inference, and those have no place in the argument

I don’t know. If you see a simple machine, you can ask who the inventor is. When you see our universe, cuz you don’t know who, you just said that there’s nobody behind it. It’s weird.

“But nobody created the universe.”

So the analogy is machines are created by nobody too. =/

no machine god
big deal something always revolves around small things like atoms
timecube theory is close to truth but it isn’t the truth
you are forced to believe you know the answer by false education
including mathmatics and science there both wrong

geocities.com/cubicprophecie … cubic.html

that entire site has the right education but wrong answers and questions.
nothing is true not existence not death not god not satan
only you exist and was forced into this world by the mistake of sex
which isn’t your fault.