Different roots, from one music, from one God.

My intention was to create new Topic, about music, that will create freedom,
for Dr.Satanical to express his freedom, which will proove that,
Moderators of ILP took collective vacation long time ago :wink:

Music is dessert on Souls dinner table. (In my case, turntable) :wink:
God created sound, instruments, and Us, to use instruments to create sounds
of God.
Music and spirituality and religion is same ball game. Spirituality is nothing that have to do with $$$$. Hence, money don’t have nothing to do with truth and love ( that are spirit )
Music is audio signal that contains volume and frequency. Our DNA is preprogrammed for certain frequencies to like. We should respect eachothers
taste in music.
In the world where my music lives, God is a DJ. :sunglasses:
Using other peoples lifes (expressed trough their music) and creating seamless transition, to produce a timeless journey.
There DJ is way more important and known than musicians that created

God created us, but we created the instruments by ourselves.

That is inexact, you’re making a combination with music, spirituality and religion only based on the fact, that ‘nothing that have to do with $$$$’. This makes it possible to combine music with clouds, 'cause you can’t buy cloud (except association music- cloud movement).

You mean, that we’re programmed what music should we listen to? Is there any chance to listen rap (for example) for 4 years, then metal for 6 years, so you loose 4 or 6 years, based on your DNA which is programmed to only one style of music? That’s what I couldn’t get at all.

gene and paul once said “god gave rock and roll to you…”


I love people who take classic rock like a religion… people like Jack Black who treat Led Zeppelin like a prophet praising the “god of rock and roll.”

led zepplin? god of rock and roll? hardly…

it was the godz…

the godz of rock and roll machine…


Thats not true actually. I bought a piece of cloud in in spain recently. Timeshare people have started selling cloud the way they used to sell homes.

Argh, wrong example, hope that you got my idea.

One day if you manage to figure out who, why, where and when you are ?,
that will be the day you’ll find out what Everything means, and who created it.

Let me present here what you believe. God created everything, up to the moment when Man was created, God commited suicide, and after that moment Man have credit for Everything we see, including instruments that
produce Sound.
If you believe that our life (including how and when are we going to die) is our creation, how important is God then ?
God that I know and feel is Everything. It takes special gift to feel that way.
Because then, when you figure out how, being part of Everything, you
infact are Everything, therefore, you are God. Or U r “chosen” 2 b 1 :wink:

When it comes to music, to be preprogrammed for certain frequencies,
( or,for your better understanding ) certain types of music genres, is same pattern as to be preprogrammed for certain food to like, things to see etc.
Music, just like many other “areas” of Human activity @ the End of 20th.
Century, has developed into so many different Kinds that gave so many
sub genres. That’s why is logical for person to go trough “Different stages”
of life, by enjoying different music.
Rap came to scene in early '80’s, today is 12 billion $$/year Industry.
My focus was to separate making music for living, from being spiritual.
Or, try to create pictures of spiritual and material as different dimensons,
which can not mix. Like water and Oil.

Got respect for rock and roll. :sunglasses: As music genre, right now, Rock is on
" life support " machine, and it will rest in peace here in Cleveland, Ohio
in “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” Museum :wink:

Without God our existence is absolutely impossible. So God is in fact The Creator.
Also, do you really think, that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is already written and we only live our life, which is already made up? So why the hell should we live?
We choose how to live… there is also a theory, which describes that man exists on the Earth because of a mission, which his nation has to perform. We choose how to live, BUT, don’t forget, that God is watching us and he is correcting what he does not like or what he thinks is right. Through the rest of the time you work hard to success or you just live every second like it’s your last. Everything is like scales - you are best in your profession, but you don’t have much time for your wife; your kid is the best in the class, but don’t have so much time to play (last examples are just hypothetic, so please don’t discuss them). Then what is the answer - man tries to give his best and God just pushes him up. God can everything, but he’s making only small corrections and the rest is man’s care.

If you try to understand that anything can be Yours, only if is yours 100%,
and 100% only. That is how truth works, and there is no other way.
And it is Law that applies equaly, to anything alive.

I can proove it to you that my life is my creation. But let me first prove to you, that your Life will never be yours. :wink:
Your Life was never your choice. Your flesh is flesh of your parents. Your
DNA structure is unique combination, made of already existing elements.
Your emotions are also emotions you inherited by blood, that is not yours.
Children are combination of their parents blood, that goes way back.
And you just have picked up everything down that line.
Same goes if you want to claim that your will is free, and that your choice is yours.
You can not label anything with " Free " label, if there is any kind of limitation. You do not have free will because you are limited with time, and you have Fear. You can eliminate fear, only if you know the Truth, but
you my Bulgarian friend obviously don’t.
There are two great examples of how our lives are, as you correctly put it
" written “. One is the answer to your question " Why the hell should we live, if our lives are created long time ago ? " and it is called “Book of Job”
That offers us a answer, that there is nothing greater than God, who is our Life. 2nd example is life of Jesus from Nazareth, His life was written long, long time ago, and it happend exactly as it was written.
Why don’t you convince me that Jesus have had Choice.
Why didn’t he fold under pressure like Origami, when Bruttaly beaten by Roman soldiers. He could easily make” choice" saying : " Please stop, I am just poor Carpenter, and want to go Home to Mary Magdalene ", they would let him go, and we wouldn’t have Christianity today.
Jesus did not have choice because He knew His Future. And His future was
to make You understand how Truth and Love live in you as your destiny,
and that you need to Love what you got, with all you got.
How can you feel true love, if only love you know is human emotion.

And you did not answer my Question !

If you creating your life, making your choices, how is God related to you ?

The most important part of your life is… your life :slight_smile: And who, except God is making creatures? You’ll born even if you don’t want, also if there are no mother and father, there is no way to be born (cloning?).

There are individuals, whose life is planned. Like prophets and others, who have mission on the Earth. God sends them visions, too. But the rest of the humanity lives their life with the equipment, that people have. You are dependent on your financial statement, what do your parents work… you have short path and you are trying to go straight on or to make it wider or smaller.
You can’t choose WHO are you… what about disabled people? :cry: They have no fault, that they have problems with their physical or psychical conditions, but they live their life with the base, they have when they start. And only God takes decision if he wants to take someone under his wing.

I think this is enough to describe my opinion… In a few words, God tells you what you are going to be, makes your body and mind, you are holding on what you already have and making decissions who are you going to be. Simple example: I’m excellent student in my school, I have plans to study in abroad in elite university. But don’t see problem to start drinking, stop studing, change my company with gangsters and ruin my whole life. Then God may send me signs, that I’m wrong and I have to take back my old life, but… The only things he really would do are to make accident, that can make me realize my real personality, or to take me back, outside my world.
off/ I just woke up so I hope I didn’t let myself been misunderstood.

Yes my life is most important part of my life. Without my life, my daughter wouldn’t have her, which is most important part oh her life.
I am not going to waste my time communicating with someone who
“communicate with God”.
I wish you all the best with your Real life, and your Illusions.

            much love !

I just don’t get why you have to live if everything about your life is written and you don’t have the right to choose, but anyway.
Have a nice evening (or day, if you’re in America).