From believer to "hoper"

Why are we bound to speak of “believer”? Believing without reason is not advisable, but perhaps hope is allowed as long as one is in live: “dum vivo spero”. The believers make claims which rest upon insufficient evidence, and presumably it is bad, but the “hoper” is happy just with “hoping” that God exists, hoping that there is an afterlife, and he does not venture to make claims which are beyond evidence.

If you truly seek him, you shall find him - Once you do, there is no need for hoping because you know he exists and are thus, a believer because, well, you cannot prove it.

…Believers vs Hopers.
I’ll say this: If not for believers, how far would we as humans ever progressed?

“What goes up must come down!.. Gee, I hope I’m right, but I dont believe I am so I wont tell anyone.”


I don’t think hopers would have that much hope if they didn’t a foundation of actual believers to stand on.