The proof of evolution

“In the beginning only Tepeu and Gucumatz, the Feathered Serpent, existed. The two sat together thinking. Whatever they thought came into being. They thought of the earth, and it appeared. They thought of the mountains, and there they were. They thought of trees, and of sky, and of animals, and each came into existence. None of these entities could praise them though, so they shaped more advanced beings out of clay. These beings fell apart when they got wet, so Tepeu and Gucumatz made more beings out of wood. These proved unsatisfactory as well by causing trouble in the world. The gods had to send a great flood to wipe out these beings. They wanted to start over again. With the help of Parrot, Coyote, Mountain Lion and Crow”

As you can see humans were created from animals.

Yes, this could very well explain the creation of “experts” especially considering the dominance of the parrot influence. But a human being may be something else entirely.


When it comes to causality (the principle of cause and effect), every causal relation in the universe comes down (basically) to F=ma(2), or the existence of a physical force (it is assumed).

The process of evolution and natural selection is believed to ultimately be mediated by the electromagnetic force (and indirectly by gravity) at the macro-level.

However, this is just the conclusion brought about by our senses and instruments, and given a formalism in the form of the four forces of nature.

We cannot know that other forces also might have played a hand. Consider a fifth mental force from a universe-controlling nonembodied mind, interacting with the forces and particles of standard physics.

Doubt it? David Hume has said that causal relationships are not known in a cut and dried way: we only see collisions between objects and assume that certain forces act between them, we cannot know the true and objective nature of what is actually doing the “acting”.

Does this NECESSITATE a slide to a Creator? Not at all, but it cannot rule it out…as to do this is to suppose a power of the mind to know things that certainly is not an empirical process…and only dumb theists do that, don’t they?


Just a note : there are 4 fundamental interactions, but there are ohter sources of force… Such as diffusion : that’s due to a random motion of atoms, called brownian movement, able do displace stuff - see Kirkendall effect. More generally, see satistical physics. I don’t know how you can say that evolution is due to electromagnetism ? It seems at best an oversimplification…


Yes, Parrot, Coyote, Mountain Lion and Crow.

marc, you worry me sometimes. :S The fundamental forces are fundamental, and so, brownian motion and stuff is not ‘another source’ but a source based on those fundamentals (of course, there are theories which go more fundamental but diffusion aint one of them :smiley: )

As such, all activity in the universe is based on the interaction of those forces, but saying evolution is based on electromagnetism is completely correct, but its not particularly helpful. Its like describing art in terms of chemical composition.

phenominal graffiti, of course, there could be more to the universe that what we can perceive. But how do we benefit from speculating about inexperiencable stuff? How can it possibly make sense to propose a theory which is by definition unsupportable?


No, I maintain : see statistical physics : somme properties come from the presence of a great number of particle interacting, and other so-called emergence phenomenon. Of course the four interactions are presents, but they are just unable to explain these phenomenon. Reductionnism is dead ! Long live emergence ! :smiley:


evolution is a jump not a small walk people
like duh you see it humanity came dumb and
still is dumb we need to work on intellect over immortality
that’s all something like mortal kombat style :D.

I like the analogy that we are nothing more than what is on the surface of the sea. Below us all hell could be breaking loose and we are completely unaware of it. All those peculiarities could well be completely explicable if we had complete knowledge of the further dimensions, dark energy, dark matter etc.

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