My own religion:

My religion now is philisophical as always,
and is very difforent then most.

I think that people should stay nutral about things they have no proof over, so then i dont want to be so opinionated about the thoughts for or against a God or gods.
The theory is that all worship is vanity and “evil” and is a waste of time.
“Worship” now means (for me) loving people and wanting to do what is most healthy for humanity.

Im very sick of all religion actualy,
they are SO opinionated SO often; make HUGE claims about things that have no proof…

Id just like to stay basicly nutral and not join any religion, even though i have alot of bible knowlage because of my religious passed, and i now believe being what i think a “true christian” is means you just love people more then pleasure; this can exist without a religion. simple.
Thats how i think right now about religion.
Any comments? its my first post. non atheist non religious i am~

I think there’s something to admire in doing the right thing without need for some big complicated reason why.
In philosophy, particularly philosophy of religion, though, we like to ask hard questions. Questions that some would say have never been answered, will never be answered. And, once you take that for granted, what you’ve said above amounts to trading “Do what’s right cause God says so” for “Do what’s right…and don’t think about the reason why at all.” And that simply won’t do. While it’s fine to avoid having an opinion on God, heaven, hell, and morality, and while not taking a firm stance on such matters is certainly a good way to avoid fights and disagreements, in order to come to understanding- in order to do philosophy, you will sooner or later need to move from that comfortable position (for a position is what it is) and take risks- believe things and test them.

I already turned away from my strong stand.
I usedto be very religious and opinionated.

My “deeper relationship with God” that i was building, was fantacy afirmation and insanity, it was a sick game that i ended for the sake of the fact and for the sake of the truth!

and the simple reason isnt because of God, it is because the thought and the fealing are not above the creator of the thought and fealing. Your alive so you can thing and feal, dont let your thoughts or fealings be put on a higher value then your own life or someone elses life and well being.
^thats the logic behind it and thats what i constantly say to myself.

I dont care what God sais, or what people say, or who or what exists, i am for and from life, i will use by ability to support health and existance of myself and others.

When you believe in God, it is a mere idea and thought within your brain, remember that there are many of these brains around you, and that the thoughts inside of them are not as valuable as they themselves are.
what makes people loose value is when they start to put other things above life; that causes the greeds and the extreamism and the damage and the un-healthy actions. ive got alot of writings behind this now, and i will never turn back on it! i took so many days writing about my new values system and it was all to build a foundation that would not comprimise!

Many people know have at length told me about their religious ideals and their philosophies about life, and their logic (if ever against my new values system) will not comprimise me.

Then I guess you have it all wrapped up. I will say though, that judging from your other threads, you are not so ‘nutral’ about controversial matters as you might like to claim. You do have a stance, and if refusing to think about it is part of it, then I suppose that’s well and good, but you may run out of things to say here.

I also try to be as neutral as I can to the extent that I don’t bash people in the head with the Bible. You don’t want to hear about it? The subject ends there, other than that I’m going to make my beliefs known. If you’re seeing God as incomplete, you’re not seeing him. You are incomplete, you are choosing, changing. God is complete and if you’re seeing him you will also be complete and have no need for anything more. He is.

Dan~ wrote:

I think what you are doing makes a lot of sense. I personally gave up on organized religion a few years ago. But it was more a matter of me being enlightened to some of the very obvious and apparent contradictions within the Bible. I also thought, how can I say my religion is the right one? I mean if there is a “right” religion, how can I be sure its mine? So then I figured since we are basically born into a religion, nobodys can nessecarily be wrong. After further investigation, I realize this to be true. Any way to God will work. For we are all different in our individual past, we will have different ways of coming closer to God and evolving. The basic idea you have of helping humanity will take you farther than the Christian who just reads the Bible everyday and doesnt act on it. You dont need a religion to live. For life in itself is a religion. Everything you do is bringing you closer to God, whether you can see it or not. I commend you, as I know this is just the beginning of a journey that will take you to peace. Know and realize that you have taken a
“good” position, if there can be such.

SilentSoliloquy wrote:

You seem to have the knowledge of Christian mysticism. I do not mean to judge, as I realize I will inevitably be wrong, but you seem very advanced for a Christian. Do you consider yourself to be more so intuitively connected to God/Christ, as well as using your physical senses to read the Bible to derive at the point you have? Just curious.

dan, i halfway agree with you. i eventually had to split my faith into two factions: loving and worshipping god because he’s god and i love him, and then a completely separate part of helping humanity because it’s the right thing to do. the two are connected, but not consciously.

creation imperfect wrote:

I see your point here, but Id have to say that Dan doesnt necessarily have to consciously love God, or a god. Simply because God is all. If Dan then is helping humanity, out of his love for humanity, then he is already loving and worshiping God. Its this love for humanity, that will bring about Oneness.

that’s why i halfway agree with him.

Hit up the taoist philosophy… you will be very down with it.

Just about appreciating life and simpleness… such good times

What is the difforence between a claim and a fact?
I want actions from God, and not words about him.
I dont get what i want in this area.

you believe?.. i do to.

^i would call this a ‘mind trick’ at first glance…
i wonder why you would say that to me…
Maybe send me a PM and clerify, teach me!

Understanding human need is VERY complex.
do you feal that you know God and are complete?
and need nothing more?
If so then please share that gift with me somehow! I want to learn.

i have high odds of leaving and not being seen much ever again within a short time you know.

Id like to say i know how to draw the line between fact and opinion,
and i didnt come here to change my opinion. My opinion is finaly becomeing stronger and stronger with time! for so many years i was in a state of un-sertianty and searching…

Also if i were to ever iritate you or anyone else, just send me a PM, tell me what id done to bother you, then i will try to fix.

I think the same!
i have hope for atheists and people of all sorts of religios people if they merely try to do whats right instead of doing what gives them personaly the most pleasure.

In your mind, does “God” incompasis what is right?..
i think so, and then for me i realy hope “God” wants me to do what is right to, but i will do what is right even if it is against “God” is how i mannaged to make myself feal with time.

I dont sound like much of a chirstian do i?
I have alot of bible knowlage and still believe in God and Jesus and all of that… but i dont realy preach much anymore, i dunno, i wanna go do some writeing.