The cruelty and in-considerateness of God??

I am worried sometimes that if there is a God,
he dont realy give a shit about anybody,
because of what happens.

Lots of people tell me he is more holy then human,
they tell me like he actualy loves me more then people do.
I cant stand that kind of crap no more!

You ever heard that saying “our only right is our streingth” ??
what is the root of animal and human rights?
what are rights?

Realy, if we werent smart or strong, we would have no rights.

I worry like God is smug cause he is invinsable and cant feal pain so he allows it and just laughs it up as he watches… if hes even there.

If i was him id be real active, if i had all that power id come down here and say to all life:
“Creation, i have returned! No you dont want to die because i gave you a will to live, i got over my retarded vanity, all of that time in empty space realy made me retarded, god damnit i was flipin my wig, it was hella lame! so then i made a bunch of crazey crap and it was realy cool! But then what happened is it was like vanity because it ended and was temporary and silly. Now im gunnu make it so that nothing decays anymore and so that no one dies no-more cause then i can still have new stuff happening but the old stuff wont have to stop.
It was realy exiteing for me to stick my thumb up my butt and watch you fight for your life then someday slowly die despite all of your beautiful dreams and desires and unqiueness, but ive desided maybe to help you out now cause im all mighty.”
Ok, like, i dont mean no dis-repsect, but it was disrespectful as hell,
cause im real sick of bad things being allowed.

I dont think “god loves us” and all evil being allowed mix,
it just doesnt seem logical to me.

Do you think that if you were invinsable you wouldnt be able to have compassion???.. If you knew no pain, you could not synthesize it in your heart as you saw it, because you never realy were able to feal it!

I dont wanna sound apostate either, Jesus was real nice guy from what i gathered, but im just telling you that i feal real bad that people say God loves, but then evil happens and they say that he is all-mighty to.

it’s all about free will. god gave us total, unrestricted, free will. that means we have the ability to choose not to believe in him, to make up lies about him, or to question every little decision he makes. the evil in the world came from us. it’s here because we set it into motion. and god doesn’t simply drop down from the heavens, snap his fingers and say “Stop.” because that would be violating the will he gave us.

I am impatient at God,
i want him to come down here and stop me from ever hurting anyone ever again! Not that i realy do anymore… :smiley: ima your freind.

I think that yes, humanity is REALY messed and hurts itself collectively.
I wouldnt mind though if God ‘violated’ my absolute freedom,
because i dont want to do bad things anyways.

Man, i REALY dont like Godless earth right now,
i think that him not doing anything makes people think that he doesnt care. What is he trying to prove?

What if God violated your absolute freedom in order to keep you from going on the internet ever again? Would you be happy with that? This is no wise an insult or sarcasm; please, answer the question honestly.

If it was for my health then sure,
God can take away internet if its not right,
and if i feal bad about that then ill get over it later,
cause i can get over addictions.

Nono, it’s not for your health. You don’t get to know why. As far as you know, God just doesn’t like the interenet, that’s all.

i think i might understand you now, realy…
Internet is a communications tool,
how we use it is an extention of our will and values system…

Its not that God needs to take away our ability,
but its that we have to love each other enough to not abuse our ability.
…in theory.

I just get real upset by injustice sometimes,
when i made this thread i was venting frustration.
I shouldnt blame though… even though God’s like the perfect target of blame if you think about it… What cant you blame the all-mighty for? :smiley:

There you go. You were never really in support of God taking away our free will in the first place- that was my point.

Sorry it wont let me delete this post.

Dan~ wrote:

This is the thing. We percieve things through our senses. Its the only way things can be observed and known, through human beings ability to percieve. But you have to understand that our percieving is a process. As a human race we are ignorant to many things. Like why God allows us to suffer for instance. The reason why; knowledge. If we never suffered, or knew pain, we wouldnt learn. You cant have pleasure without pain. Humans have the ability to percieve both, and therefore must take a life of percieving both. This is how we learn things, through our senses. Some things will hurt us, others will make us feel good. Most humans then take the life of running from pain, and searching for pleasure. God allows this to happen because he does love us. He has given us the power and ability to know things; touch, taste, smell, hear, and see them. Some things will hurt, some will feel good. This is so important, because without this ability we could never rise above this running and searching, because it wouldnt exist. I mean sure, God could have made it to where perception only allowed for pleasure to be experienced, but with no opposite would it really be pleasure? It would be just what it is. How can we know a good feeling without being able to compare it to a bad one. When one has come to the point where they become tired of running from the pain, and searching for the pleasure; seeing the impermenace in it all, they begin to search for what is eternal. This is the whole point to living. To experience everything that is in front of us, and then to get tired of it all, and to search for what is beyond it. As long as we see ourselves seperate from God, we will have the urge to look for something to make ourselves complete, ie. more happy. We have to experience to know that we dont want the experience, and in not wanting the experience we can rise above it, accepting it as necessary and rejoicing in it all. Instead of looking for something (pleasure or pain whatever your interest) for ourselves as a separate individual, we rather come to accept that we are beings of experience, and instead of going after particular experiences, we can accept all experiences. In doing this, we can achieve true peace. For we no longer have to look for anything, we are satisfied with who we are. Like I said before, this is a process, as is life; it’s always moving, and is in constant growth. As this process occurs, and we become less physically focused, we can then ponder and focus on things beyond this world of experience, being revealed and understanding the truths of the universe. The truth of God.

Pain and suffering also relate to Karma. If we reap what we sow, then we are getting what we deserve. We experience this pain and suffering in order to push us to not want to do those things that cause it. A lot of people dont believe in karma because of the temporal gap that can occur between reaping what one has sown, but one has to remember that time is only measured through our senses. In the eye of infinity, a thousand lifetimes doesnt even measure up to one moment.

I can sum it up like this. This life we experience is evolution. The more we attempt to arive at pleasure through extreme selfish means, the more pain we get. Then we can come to the point to where we attempt to arrive at pleasure through less selfish means, and we get less pain. Then we can come to the point to where we can arrive at pleasure through unselfish means, and we receive only the pain of realizing that our pleasures are still fleeting and not eternal. And finally we come to the point to where we dont attempt to arrive at pleasure anymore, becoming completely unselfish; and at this point, we realize we are eternal.

So life seems to indicate there is no god . Because a god who does,nt give a damn is obviously not a god .

So why dont you just forget about god and move on , enjoy your life ?

because it doesn’t show that there is no god… it shows that our perception of god is fundamentally flawed