What is Satan's goal? What does he want?

How is his goals against God? What are they fighting over? I have pondered this question for quite some time. If I could find the answer to this question, I could choose then choose a side. Any ideas?

Well, in God’s word to man, most of that kind of thing is a big fat ‘none of your business’. I mean, God’s the one who created everything, He’s the one that’s good, and the one with the power if you respect Power. So if you’re even evaluating the two as equal choices, you’ve already made some pretty huge mistakes.
Though, if it’s really that important to you, its not really a direct fight of any kind. Satan was cast out of heaven, and seems to want to screw up God’s creation for it- to drag down as many people with him as he can. He’s not exactly going to beat up God or ‘win’ in any appreciable way, he’s just going to make sure that he has as much company as possible in hell. The whole idea of a war in heaven, with a contestable winner, and ‘sides’ to choose from is really a little more Hollywood than reality. That’s why you see very few people saying “Hooray for the Devil, I’m on his team!!!” other than maybe rock stars. If you really understand Satan, you understand that he has nothing to offer, and as such, his gameplan has little to do with making people loyal to him.

If he has nothing to offer, then how does he keep his power? I mean without followers, what is one being? or person? Seems to me he is on a course to self destruction, so why would anyone want to follow? I am not going to strive to be like someone on death row. Although, it would be a easy path to follow. hmmmm

Edited off, was disrespectful to the all-mighty, sorry 4 that.

Hey buddy, its not easy to be somebodies freind,
its hard work to help them out, its not easy to survive the problems in your life, but its the right thing to do!
Its good that you picked up on how “it would be a easy path to fallow”,
because you know alot of people hurt themself and act stupid on earth!
Try not to do that because people like me love you and i hope that you love yourself to!

So they both want us to worship them. How do you worship them? How can we tell if we are worshipping God or Satan? Hell everyone wants others to worship them, preachers, parents, friends. What exactly is worship? Is it the same as having other follow you? or believe in you? or obey you? maybe all the above? I am confused here.

When you worship somthing you put it above yourself.
In theory, worshiping God is putting life above greed for pleasure,
and worshiping satan is about putting yourself above others and being like a paracite in soceity.
Praying doesnt mean anything realy, its what you pray for, and that is because of your values system and what you want to do or stand for.

Judas you realy made me see the root of worship itself!
…you said “im confused here” as you clerified and helped me be less confused… how odd.

What power? Do you see throngs of people pledging allegience to Satan? Cause I don’t.

Nobody does, if they understand the real deal. Again, what is it in the world that convinces you that Satan wants ‘followers’?

No, Satan doesn’t want you to worship him, he just wants you to do whatever is against God. I would strongly suggest you read “The Screwtape Letters”, it deals with exactly this very thing. All Satan wants you to do is screw up. You’re exactly right, that nobody wants to screw up, that nobody choosing “The Path of the Screw-up” as a life plan. Nevertheless, people do tons of evil things all the time, people don’t follow the plan that God has given us. How much of that is Satan’s work? I haven’t a clue.

ok, so satan doesn’t want me to follow him, but he is against God, and he wants me to do whatever is against God? It doesn’t make sense, if I do whatever is against God I AM following him. That is not rocket science. So basically if I want to “follow” satan, I need to go to school to be a preacher? Hmmmmm

What? Ok, you totally lost me somewhere. Let me break it down.

Right, I mean, if you were stupid enough to do it, I guess he wouldn’t mind or anything, but it’s not his main drive.


What? who is ‘him’ in this sentence?

 And now you're off the tracks. You're right that it's not rocket science, how the hell did you twist it around backwards? God wants you to do A. Satan wants you to do B-Z. Maybe 'worship Satan' is Q or something, but he's just as happy with anything else, as long as it's not A.

What is his “main drive” then? What is he trying to accomplish here? I would just like to see who in fact I am “following”, “worshipping”, or whatever other word fits the description of the action.

“he” who?

I find it odd, I talked to a Jehovahs Witness today. They say they have the “truth”. Ok. I asked them what they do when they cannot convince someone to turn back from their bad ways and accept the “truth”. They say they walk away and go to the next door. Well I find this appalling.
Should they not try to go search the bible harder to find more evidence to help this misguided and doomed person? Yet they have brought forth nothing new for a hundred years! Are they really searching? Do they really care? Or is it a ruse? In fact, Are they in their hearts praying for the day God comes and kills all these misguided “evil” people? Yet Jesus left a commandment “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” I would say by their actions they are NOT following this commmandment! If it was THEIR butts on the line I bet they would be searching!!! I don’t see them leaving the flock to find the “lost” sheep either by doing this. But, who wants to find the truth when they are content with believing and preaching a lie. J.I.

Judas I. wrote:

His goal isnt against God, he is a part of God. Satan’s goal, if he could have one, is simply to exist.

I dunno man, people arent doomed.
Its hard to try to find evidence for some things,
because alot of bible laws arent based on pure logic,
but your values system and peace vs exitement kinds of things.
It gets to be optional and un-provable sometimes :frowning:

Well if you ever met some JWs that were judgemental and fulla crap,
dont let it knock you over, there are many terds on earth :smiley:
but then there are good people to!
I think people in each religion are good or right to a verious degree,
and you can incounter fake people in each religion who dont care.

Remember what jesus was like though?
Dont over estimate judgement and hate from the creator,
just because you dont know the bible doesnt mean your doomed,
even in the bible there were people who didnt know the bible but were coundted “rightious”… like those egyptian mid wives?? (snaps fingers) darn, you know i never remember exact verses! :frowning:

@Judas I.
its cool that you dont like people being smug about problems in life,
you can make changes though!
Maybe you ask for God to show you about him if he exists,
and maybe you can just try to do what you can and you can feal better that way about it.

thanx for the thread, it got me thinkin :smiley:

Prove it with 1 verse!

Wait, 1 last point!

Look for the direction of your influance…
^those words are far more then enough, who can know them?

When some1 preaches to you, you ask “why”, and you try to see…
Do they say this out of love and concern? Judgement? Conformity? Greed?
^If you know this, then you will be able to control your future!

Dan~ wrote:

Sure… Genesis 3:1: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

Dan, wow, that is a new thought! control your future? Thanks for the tip Dan. I would like to learn to be able to do that very thing, and if I learn how to do it I want to share that with everybody! Funny, people are obsessed with controlling others, I suppose I have low expectations, because I would be content to have control over my myself and my future, very content even. However, if I concentrated solely on myself being right and trying to make others see me as right, I would not have time to check myself, and make myself better. Thanks again Dan! :smiley:

Your welcome, the times when people are obsessed with controling others often happens out of greed or stupidity (in theory) but then there are those who give you good advice to.
You make me feal apreshiated :smiley:

We experiance so many random things in our life,
all of our thoughts and memories can be taken and applied in so many ways, but who we are as a person effects what we think of and make of our lives. If we get damaged or tricked in the future, it is only a matter of time antil we heal or see through the lie, and from then on we are more wise and more capable of preventing evil. I believe in a creator, so then i believe in a re-creation, so then i feal like i actualy have a future when i pray and try each day to learn and do whats right. What i believe has a very postative effect on my life.

its cool that u have a bible handy, heres more to read:
John 8:44
^to me it doesnt sound like the ‘Devil’ is minding his own buissiness.
(i did a bit fo a half assed job here, i only looked up 1 verse for you sorry, if you want me to find more i will.)

I was reading this one book here about bible subjects,
now if God wanted world peace and what was right,
then someone wanted somthing other then what God wanted,
they would be putting there own want above God’s,
but also they will be putting their wants above the needs of the life forms around them. My theory still remains that loving the creation is loving the creator.