The use of fire in Religion

In initiatic science, fire is considered the most powerful means of entering into communication with the spiritual world, because it represents the frontier between the physical and etheric planes.

If, before beginning a work of any importance, initiates customarily light a candle, it is because they know that fire will introduce them to the subtle regions where their thoughts and their voices will be heard and where they will find the conditions for achieving their goals.

All true magi have a very powerful bond with fire. Even though religion has gradually lost the meaning of these initiatic practices, the tradition of lighting candles or lamps in churches continues; this proves that human beings unconsciously preserve the ancient knowledge that the presence of fire promises fulfilment


I’m an Ice Mage myself.

You must be real cold then

You know it muthafucka :wink: !

And easily broken!

Tell that to the spirit of The Ice Caps!

Ice breaks easy , fire melts it .

So you believe a spirit lives on ice caps ?

Find some fire in the realm of The Ice Caps why don’t you. The universe is filled with the most bitter cold. Everything moves toward entropy.

Your funny

You said mysticism was a delusional state . So your delusional along with the others then ?

In my case it’s a fact.

That your delusional ?

Your saying that you cant decipher the difference between fantasy and reality anymore ?

How about songs , poetry , and films moving even hardened criminals to tears or thoughts of regret ?

In initiatic science we learn that Ice represents the intellect in man , fire his spirit.

When people have become hardened by life , have seen terrible things , have said terrible things , they can always melt the snow away , that is to say, let their spirit consume them , with love , music , art , whatever .

But what of you ?
Have you worked this way with the spirit recently ?
Or have you become hard like a block of ice?

Its a question of how high a level of entropy there is

Hey disciple…there’s an edit function…USE IT. No need to quintuple-fucking post.

AAwwww , there there

While you’re at it, fix your avatar.
This must be your first time using a message board?

right on dood. Fire means alotta stuff to alotta myths. Including purification, the hearth, and the chaotic power of destruction. Fire was man’s first protection, weapon, and deadly enemy. Its no wonder that its become a powerful symbol in all religions.

Cruel, in the Doctor’s usual fashion, but right and right. When you “quintiple-fucking” post, it makes it five times as annoying, if it had anything wrong with it at all.

To Doctor S:

If you wanna emphasize the amount of extra posts say, double-triple-quadruple-quintuple-fucking posting, that way it looks like it took a decent amount of time for you to actually count the posts, like you were counting them as you said them.