Seeing the invisible world

Human beings have organs allowing them to grasp the realities of the invisible world .

And throughout time there have been people who have developed these organs.

But because of their subtle nature it has never been possible to describe them, to represent them in the same way as the organs of the physical body.

This is why every spiritual tradition has described them differently and called them different names, such as: the pineal gland, the third eye, the chakras, etc. But this is not important. What is important is knowing we all possess these subtle centres and they are as real as the organs of our physical body.

And if these centres are no longer in working order in most people, it is because they have become too focused on the material, they have become too materialistic.

Interest in psychic faculties is growing nowadays. All too often, however, the methods used are not the best and some concentration and visualisation exercises are even dangerous.

We should try each day to triumph over our weaknesses. This is how you will activate all these subtle centres within you and they will put you in contact with the spiritual world.


Meh. It’s equally likely that giving into my weaknesses will put me into contact with the “spiritual world”, if you give me no evidence supporting your position.

I don’t think there is any physical part of the body that can be called in to focus the mythical energies that permiate the universe. The fact that this world is all we know keeps us bound tightly into this mortal coil, unable to experience the next world. Life is the pull to death’s release. All life is is God asking us to be with him and we say “no” in every moment until the time when we are ready to release and die.

Perhaps there is another way to reach this other world. After all it says in Thomas’ Gospel that “The kingdom of heaven is all around us and yet we do not see it”. So perhaps to link ourselves with the energy of spirit we have to accept the departure of the spirit from our mortal flesh. To truely experience a spiritual life one must contemplate death.

Of course , if you allow your weaknesses free reign you will most definately contact the spirit world .

But not a benevolant one .

A malevolant one you will contact .

All the worlds religious/spiritual traditions mention the same mental characteristics , vices , in people that have to be overcome in order to find mental/spiritual eqilibrium.

From a functionalist point of view , the same consequences of negative thoughts and actions recognized by buddha thousands of years ago stand up today as sound psychological advice .

Therefore , wether you believe in a deity or not, you should not give way to excessive pride , lust , greed , envy , bitterness , jealousy and so on .

And instead nurture clarity , compassion , far sightedness , nobility , rectitude , and magnanimity .

Dont you think we can experience the energy of spirit while in flesh ?

I didn’t say that. I just believe that the spiritual world is sometimes contrary to the world of physical flesh. It is the pull of the divine and that pull is akin to the feeling of a soul’s departure. This feeling of spirituality has been likened to the focal point where life and death meet. The orgasm is called the little death, that little spiritual moment when life can be created. The spirit is not the opposite of the flesh, but it is easy to make that misunderstanding, as is the misunderstanding that life is the opposite of death.

Just because some things religions say are true doesn’t mean I should listen to anything else they say. I’ll take their psychological advice and test it with psychology, and leave whatever fails the test. I certainly won’t take their advice because I fear contact with a “malevolent spirit world”, whatever that is.

God is dead. Religion is still useful but it is no longer necessary.

Nobody will force you to listen to one spiritual tradition or the other . You are free.

No , nietzsche is dead. Interest in clairvoyancy , mediumship , and telepathy are increasing .


Which test is that ?

Are you saying " little death " is a good thing ?

How can it not be? I’ve liked it everytime I’ve done it.

Exactly what do the words "little death " explain to you , what sort of process?